McCain says he worked better with Obama than Trump, basically admitting he's really a Democrat

Senator McCain is just jealous that he lost his presidential campaign while Trump won his. OBVIOUS!

Senators demand info on deadly Niger ambush
Or it could mean that Sen. McCain found working with a man that isn't a crazy, narcissistic, waffling sociopath easier than working with one who is.
Obama isnt a narcissistic sociopath? I beg to differ
You’re out of your mind. Obama was one of our most centered presidents ever.
Trump is a malignant narcissist and a steaming pile of dog shit.
Senator McCain is just jealous that he lost his presidential campaign while Trump won his. OBVIOUS!

Senators demand info on deadly Niger ambush
Sure it does. To a retarded monkey.
No it just means McCain worked better with Obama, dumbass.Obama is reasonable and knowledgeable. Trump just the opposite.

Wonder if McCain is on Obamacare?
Why don’t you write him a letter and ask him?
The Congress and WH have the best healthcare in the country.
Senator McCain is just jealous that he lost his presidential campaign while Trump won his. OBVIOUS!

Senators demand info on deadly Niger ambush
Sure it does. To a retarded monkey.
No it just means McCain worked better with Obama, dumbass.Obama is reasonable and knowledgeable. Trump just the opposite.

Wonder if McCain is on Obamacare?
Why don’t you write him a letter and ask him?
The Congress and WH have the best healthcare in the country.

That means helllllll, no.
You're a special type of heinous deplorable.
You take great pride in being a Jerkoff.


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Senator McCain is just jealous that he lost his presidential campaign while Trump won his. OBVIOUS!

Senators demand info on deadly Niger ambush
Or it could mean that Sen. McCain found working with a man that isn't a crazy, narcissistic, waffling sociopath easier than working with one who is.
Obama isnt a narcissistic sociopath? I beg to differ

Bring on the evidence then.... you'll lose bigly.
One of the main characteristics of a sociopath is lying. He was one of the most dishonest Presidents we have ever had. Not to mention his "grandiose" self image.. No denying that unless you are a liar yourself.
Obama is also a narcissist. He has referred to the SoS and the military as "my SoS" and "my military". He looks at the world and sees HIS reflection. When things didnt go his way, it wasnt because he was wrong. It was because people didnt live up to HIS standards.
If you paid attention to his words at all, you would know this. Or you are a liar like him.
Im not saying Trump isnt. He is very much so. More than obama. But the fact remains...
Most of our presidents have been narcissists, as a matter of fact. So it really makes you look ignorant when you say he wasnt. Especially since he was worse than many.
Probably up there with LBJ and Roosevelt.
Senator McCain is just jealous that he lost his presidential campaign while Trump won his. OBVIOUS!

Senators demand info on deadly Niger ambush
Or it could mean that Sen. McCain found working with a man that isn't a crazy, narcissistic, waffling sociopath easier than working with one who is.
Obama isnt a narcissistic sociopath? I beg to differ

You are thinking of Trump.
No, i was thinking of obama. Trump is too though :)
Gang of eight
Pro illegals shit head

DING What are seven random words unencumbered by punctuation for 800 Alex
Poor goob smooch. Guess I triggered him because he doesn't want to discuss what I said. Just his bullshit "intelectual" game.

You didn't even post a complete sentence. I have no clue what you're going for there.
Must be dem Tennessee schools. See, that's why North Carolina kicked y'all outta the state.
dude, you guys beat us in education by like .2 % points. Just wait until our free college for all kicks in and you mountain men rubes will be below us :badgrin:
I prefer senators who weren't captured, too. This guy got completely captured by the democrats.

On the other hand, it must be the brain damage that squarely makes him fit the group.
Senator McCain is just jealous that he lost his presidential campaign while Trump won his. OBVIOUS!

Senators demand info on deadly Niger ambush
Or it could mean that Sen. McCain found working with a man that isn't a crazy, narcissistic, waffling sociopath easier than working with one who is.
Obama isnt a narcissistic sociopath? I beg to differ

Bring on the evidence then.... you'll lose bigly.
One of the main characteristics of a sociopath is lying. He was one of the most dishonest Presidents we have ever had. Not to mention his "grandiose" self image.. No denying that unless you are a liar yourself.
Obama is also a narcissist. He has referred to the SoS and the military as "my SoS" and "my military". He looks at the world and sees HIS reflection. When things didnt go his way, it wasnt because he was wrong. It was because people didnt live up to HIS standards.
If you paid attention to his words at all, you would know this. Or you are a liar like him.
Im not saying Trump isnt. He is very much so. More than obama. But the fact remains...
Most of our presidents have been narcissists, as a matter of fact. So it really makes you look ignorant when you say he wasnt. Especially since he was worse than many.
Probably up there with LBJ and Roosevelt.

I uh, don't think you understand what narcissism is. It's not automatic just because you seek power. It means you actually think of yourself as superior -- kind of like racism, but applied to the psyche. You walk around desperately seeking attention and admiration and are incapable of admitting to a mistake. It means you expect special treatment and are incapable of empathy and can't handle criticism.

Lush Rimjob is a narcissist. Alex Jones is a narcissist. Not because they have radio shows--- because they're full of themselves. It's personal. It's not so much what you do --- it's the attitude.

Here are some examples:

"I alone can fix it"
"The women all flirted with me, which is to be expected"
"I never went bankrupt"
"My IQ is much higher than yours, don't be sad it's not your fault"
"That sponsor begged to come back, I turned them down".
"Talent on loan from God"

And this may be the most cluelessly and ironically narcissistic statement of all time:

"Oh I'm very humble. I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand". :wtf:

See the pattern? It's always personal. It's always "me me me" and whatever the topic is turns back to "me". "My military" by itself doesn't meet the test. "I know more than the generals" does. The latter describes ME -- "what I know", "how great I art".

Here's the DSM-5 criteria ('DSM-5' means at least five symptoms must be present):
  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence, it's not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more than you value others. (Source: Mayo Clinic)​

Sound like anybody you can think of?
Probably several but can you think of one person in particular who meets not only five of these symptoms but ALL of them?

Here's a hint --- he paints himself orange. It's the vanity thing.

Here's another hint ---- he blew off the White House Correspondents' Dinner. Because he can't take a joke. Fragile ego and all that..

A note about the video --- it was made before Rump announced his run for office. His likeness is in there because he was such an obvious go-to known example.

Here, let's reduce it to this:

Show me one time, any time, anywhere, that Donald Rump ever made fun of himself. Show me one time, any time, anywhere, that he ever admitted to a mistake. Ever. In or out of politics. Anywhere.
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