McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
McConnell says he doesn't have the votes.

Three Democrat presidential candidates may be neutered. :10:
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
I have a tough time believing any of this matters to voters at this point. Trump is the most polarizing President in the history of historical histories, and I suspect people's minds are made up.
If Moscow Mitch could block witnesses, did that make Trump supporters think Bolton's claims would just go away? Voters in the next election will know what Bolton says whether it is said as a witness in the senate or not.
Yeah..but the potential consequences..are far different. No-one really cares what the public knows, at this juncture..

WSJ News Exclusive | McConnell Says GOP Doesn’t Have Votes to Block Impeachment Witnesses

" a meeting of all Republican senators late Tuesday, GOP leaders told their conference that they don’t currently have the votes to prevent witnesses from being called, people familiar with the matter said. Republicans had hoped to wrap up the trial with an acquittal of the president by this week, but Democrats have said he should appear under oath to offer a firsthand account of the president’s motivations for freezing aid to Ukraine—a matter at the heart of the impeachment case.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said the vote total wasn’t where it needed to be on blocking witnesses or documents, these people said. He had a card with “yes,” “no,” and “maybes” marked on it, apparently a whip count, but he didn’t show it to senators."
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Democrats don't care about those Senators. They want Bloomie. They secretly love his money and his ability to outlaw big gulps.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Open the floodgates and call ALL the witnesses, especially the ones the democrats want kept hidden. Find out what Schiff did with the WB. Find out if Biden used his influence to get his kids those jobs. Don't let the democrats control the witness list. If they want witnesses, give it to them.
I'm all for witnesses.... I'm wondering about the protocol however.... do we take breaks while Hunted Biden is snorting cocaine, or is that done in mid-testimony? Maybe off camera?

Can we keep Pedo Joe for a month and go through each and every country he has shook down for millions? If Plugs capitulates and admits there was every reason to inquire about his racketeering, is the process over?

So many questions....
In for a penny, in for a pound. Open the floodgates and call ALL the witnesses, especially the ones the democrats want kept hidden. Find out what Schiff did with the WB. Find out if Biden used his influence to get his kids those jobs. Don't let the democrats control the witness list. If they want witnesses, give it to them.
They'll all plead the 5th...This is a total sandbag job.

Beside that, Romney doesn't want his connections to Barisma to come out....Little doubt in my mind he's being blackmailed to go along with the demoslime.
Let’s hope that a few Republicans hold true and vote to hear from John Bolton. They will learn what a shitshow the Trump Administration truly is.
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In for a penny, in for a pound. Open the floodgates and call ALL the witnesses, especially the ones the democrats want kept hidden. Find out what Schiff did with the WB. Find out if Biden used his influence to get his kids those jobs. Don't let the democrats control the witness list. If they want witnesses, give it to them.
We agree...on both sides..without favor...without Executive privilege or loud crocodile concerns about national security.

All of the bandage off..but the end of the day..Biden..or Clinton..or not on trial here...Trump is.
It’s going to be interesting. I want to hear what the Biden’s have to say. Look for a long long trial.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Open the floodgates and call ALL the witnesses, especially the ones the democrats want kept hidden. Find out what Schiff did with the WB. Find out if Biden used his influence to get his kids those jobs. Don't let the democrats control the witness list. If they want witnesses, give it to them.
They'll all plead the 5th...This is a total sandbag job.

Beside that, Romney doesn't want his connections to Barisma to come out....Little doubt in my mind he's being blackmailed to go along with the demoslime.
Plead the fifth or not, it would be entertaining to watch Schiff's eyes bug out more than usual and sweat through some tough questions, pretending he's not lying again.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Open the floodgates and call ALL the witnesses, especially the ones the democrats want kept hidden. Find out what Schiff did with the WB. Find out if Biden used his influence to get his kids those jobs. Don't let the democrats control the witness list. If they want witnesses, give it to them.
They'll all plead the 5th...This is a total sandbag job.

Beside that, Romney doesn't want his connections to Barisma to come out....Little doubt in my mind he's being blackmailed to go along with the demoslime.

Yeah, and notice how romney is trotting around all self righteous while he has his own gravy train spigot from ukraine.
It’s going to be interesting. I want to hear what the Biden’s have to say. Look for a long long trial.
I still say McConnell should just keep the trial open until the democrats fold, desperate to get on the campaign trail.
You know, when this first started, Republicans were a united front in their support of Trump. Now? There have been people peeling off in their support, and Trump might not be sitting as good as he thinks.

I'm guessing that they are voting for witnesses so that the evidence can be presented. If it's damning enough, then Republicans will abandon Trump and he will be removed. Lots of Republicans don't like Trump, but they are scared of what they think he might be able to do to them politically.

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