McConnell hints Blacks are not Americans

The only massive voter fraud that has been uncovered is a bunch of old people in a repub retirement village in Florida who voted numerous times for the Liar in Chief.
That isn't "massive voter fraud" turd. That's four people
The only massive voter fraud that has been uncovered is a bunch of old people in a repub retirement village in Florida who voted numerous times for the Liar in Chief.
Trump's cult of personality just pulled a stunt that will ensure blacks keep voting Democrat.

It's a kind of snake-swallowing-its-own-tail effect. The Republicans want to lower voter turnout in the belief it will benefit Republican candidates. They are afraid of high black voter turnout. Then they act to make that happen, ensuring blacks will vote against them, so then they try to figure out more ways to suppress voter turnout.

For the past week or so, I have been having fun with the outright racist posts on this forum by Trumpsters, and I have made mocking replies pointing out how it is such a mystery as to why blacks won't vote Republican.
Why do you hate America, and why do you constantly lie and sell Divisiveness? might want to bite your tongue before you speak in the future...
You know what's really funny?
Blacks have lobbied successfully to become a favored minority who must be identified on every employment form.
Now LibBots are calling out what Mitch McConnell said to endorse the successful effort of LibBots.
It's in the link. What's wrong? You can't read anything longer than a tweet?
You are correct...Blacks and LibBots got what they wanted...Black Africans are now a superior category to everyone else in terms of employment...even in Hollywood.
You may not have caught the news…
Jim is an idiot…not a joke.

No, I heard. It's still a valid point that Jim rushed in here to demand everyone respect his "outrage" at a vague, biased screed - not even pretending to be a real article - that he "knew" had to be true simply because it said what he wanted to believe.

Believe me, I'm aware that Jim makes idiots look like Mensa members. might want to bite your tongue before you speak in the future...
nice your article to highlight that’s not what he met…but i couldn’t find in the article what he actually said either.

what did he say?
Why did I take you off Ignore after over a year? Back on....

THERE WAS NO LARGE SCALE FRAUD EXCEPT IN FLORIDA! The old people there voted multiple times for your King.
Four people is not "large scale fraud," and you just admitted that Dim scumbags will not admit fraud occurred without a conviction. That demand is obviously just a Dim con so they can weasel around the evidence.
Reminds me of the time Joe Biden said black people who don't vote for him "ain't black".

Really? It reminds me of the time that Biden said that "poor kids are just as smart as white kids".

Oh, no, wait. It reminds me of the time that Biden said that black people were unable to find accountants and lawyers.

Hmm. Maybe it reminds me of the time that Biden said blacks didn't have a diverse community with different ideas, the way Hispanics do.

Damn, I'm not sure which time it reminds me of, since there are so many to choose from . . . all notable for the way Jim didn't give a fuck about them.
During his conference, McConnell was asked about the concerns people of color would have now that voting reform is no longer possible. In response, he said, "The concern is misplaced. Because if you look at the statistics, African-American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans."

That sounds like African American voters are not really "Americans."
Aw bullshit…your dementia riddled idiot in the WH would never withstand the dishonest scrutiny you apply…hack…
"The concern is misplaced. Because if you look at the statistics, African-American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans."

I don't know if the claim that blacks are voting at the same percentage as everyone else is true or not, but the Republicans are definitely attempting to make sure that they no longer do. That's the whole point behind the voting rights bill. The point is to preserve turnout.
How so exactly?

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