Mcdonalds Black Woman VICIOUSLY BEATS White Woman

Black Woman Savagely Beats White Mom In Front of ToddlerTop Right News

Here is the story a very large and ugly Black Muslim McDonald worker took exception with a white customer at McDonald who was with her TODDLER. While still on duty, she followed the woman and her young child out of the restaurant and viciously beat her with zero caring that her young child was in viewing distance. She even threatened to beat the young child's face in.

She is a monster and should be put in a cage for a long time like animals like her belong.

Black Muslims are constantly taught by their black Muslim leaders that the white man is evil and the cause of their problems. I know they have gotten white supremacist leaders who encourage their flock to attack blacks. Shouldn't we look into the Black Muslim leader who encourage this monster to viciously attack a white women in the same way?

Good thing is the animal was on duty. The McDonald's franchise owner is vicariously liable for the acts of this animal. The women should get a nice payday!

Black McDonalds Employee Savagely Beats White Mother in Front of Her Toddler - YouTube

Here is the aftermath of this animalistic beating!

NOTE: I redid the title and started a new thread, because the Gestapo in charge of the site, had Gestapo type issues with previous title.
Well now liberals will say its not the black savages fault, you know, whitey been keeping him down all these years.
Why not a thread on the white guy that intentionally killed his kid by leaving the child in a car?
Black Woman Savagely Beats White Mom In Front of ToddlerTop Right News

Here is the story a very large and ugly Black Muslim McDonald worker took exception with a white customer at McDonald who was with her TODDLER. While still on duty, she followed the woman and her young child out of the restaurant and viciously beat her with zero caring that her young child was in viewing distance. She even threatened to beat the young child's face in.

She is a monster and should be put in a cage for a long time like animals like her belong.

Black Muslims are constantly taught by their black Muslim leaders that the white man is evil and the cause of their problems. I know they have gotten white supremacist leaders who encourage their flock to attack blacks. Shouldn't we look into the Black Muslim leader who encourage this monster to viciously attack a white women in the same way?

Good thing is the animal was on duty. The McDonald's franchise owner is vicariously liable for the acts of this animal. The women should get a nice payday!

Black McDonalds Employee Savagely Beats White Mother in Front of Her Toddler - YouTube

Here is the aftermath of this animalistic beating!

NOTE: I redid the title and started a new thread, because the Gestapo in charge of the site, had Gestapo type issues with previous title.
Well now liberals will say its not the black savages fault, you know, whitey been keeping him down all these years.


Cracker Barrel Attack: Tasha Hill Beaten In Front Of Daughter, Called Racial Slurs
At that point, West became enraged and began to beat the victim in front of her 7-year-old daughter, according to police. Hill said she told West she was an Army service member and she did not want any trouble.

West threw her to the ground and hit her in the head with his fists and feet, police said. During the exchange, witnesses said West could be heard screaming racial slurs towards the victim.
According to Hill's report, and confirmed by many witnesses, West screamed out racial slurs before punching her in the face. "He said, 'You're an fucking black ****** bitch,' is what he said," said Hill.

Well now Cons/Repubs will say it's not the White Savages fault, you know, she shouldn't have been able to eat at the same restaurant as White people anyway...
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Your implication that race was somehow involved in this issue has no basis in reality.

Hate Crime In Texas? - Videos - CBS News
Kelly Cobiella spoke to Harris County Prosecutor Mike Trent about allegations that two white teenagers brutally beat and sodomized a Hispanic teenager.

Alleged Campus Hate Crime - Videos - CBS News
A Tuft student accused a group of fraternity brothers of attacking him because he's Arab. WBZ's Peg Rusconi reports on demonstrators that want the school administration to take action.

New Howard Beach Hate Crime - Videos - CBS News
Three black men are allegedly the victims of a Howard Beach hate crime, and police say a group of white male residents are responsible.

These are real cases where race is relevant. As you can tell from the descriptions of the vyctym (the womyn in the McDonald's uniform) and the other womyn, race has absolutely nothing to do with this violent episode.

Cellphone footage captures woman being violently beaten as young son tries to intervene in Salem, New Jersey - CBS News
A young mother in southern New Jersey was viciously beaten by another woman as the victim's young son looked on, reports CBS Philly. Video of the assault was later posted on Facebook.

Go on, just check the above article for any mention at all of race. CTRL+F "African-American"? No results. "Black"? No results. "White"? "Caucasian"? "Hate Crime"? No results. Clearly the social construct of "race" is immaterial here. But by all means, continue to be so hopelessly fixated on something that isn't even real.
Moderation Message:

Merged thread starts at Post #70..
This news item is a daily crime statistic, not a Race Relations

(1) What provoked the incident (if anything)?
The White woman had the nerve to complain about poor service she received.

(2) How do you know she is a "Black Muslim"?
Because they identified the animal in the vicious attack and she is a Black Muslim!

(3) Was she whupping this woman in her capacity as a McDonald's employee? Was she acting on instructions from a "Black Muslim" official?
McDonald's doesn't have a bounce dumbass. Nevertheless she was on duty, still clocked in and she followed the woman outside of the McDonald's!
Why not a thread on the white guy that intentionally killed his kid by leaving the child in a car?

Why not start that thread than? That guy is a monster and I hope he gets raped in prison! What does that have to do with this thread!
Some how posting black on white crimes on this board is being a bigot.

All from a group and the types that called the one doing the beating the victim, and from a group that invented the term "reverse racism."

The patronizing morons the left have no idea that patronizing is actually racism.

To prove they are nothing but patronizing racists sitting on their bandwagon believing they are not racists, I will ask them to tell me the list of reasons they voted for Obama.

What, other than him being a democrat and more importantly black. I asked if not for those two superficial reasons then give me the list of reasons they voted for him. They will ignore this like they ignored that every time I asked them.

They are so clueless about their racism. Look at the pathetic levels it has sunk to. You post a black on white crime here, and white guilt, patronizing, racist liberals calls that bigotry.

We are lost, and I will state it again. Liberals are the scourge on human liberty and human dignity, and they are all pathetic losers.

When words like feral negress and apes are thrown around, is it any wonder blacks vote democrat?
When you get bored you fight

when Fights happen, people lose.

When people lose, they get bruises.

Dont get bruises, get direct TV
I don't understand why you rabid bigots have to bring your fixation on the imaginary social construct of race into everything.

The audio is sketchy, can anyone make out everything the victim (the womyn in the McDonald's uniform) is saying? It sounds like this is retaliation for the white she-devil coming into the victim's place of business and saying something to get hyr fired.
this is the kind of stuff that libbs like you absolutely hate .:eusa_whistle:[ame=]black guy vs 67 year old white guy - YouTube[/ame]

What's wrong with the video, I thought that it was great. The old guy retreated to the front of the bus and the younger guy followed him, got in his face, talked a lot of shit, and got his ass beat. What's so bad about that?
call the ammmbalance sniff sniff
If it were the other way around MSNBC would get on its Travon Martin soap box. Always vote your race. Blacks do, its time Whites and Latino's do as well and put a stop to this.
I don't understand why you rabid bigots have to bring your fixation on the imaginary social construct of race into everything.

The audio is sketchy, can anyone make out everything the victim (the womyn in the McDonald's uniform) is saying? It sounds like this is retaliation for the white she-devil coming into the victim's place of business and saying something to get hyr fired.

I actually do not believe you are what you claim to be.
I think you're probably a non-liberal and you're here to make liberals look bad.

And by the way, you're doing a great job. Keep it up.
There's clearly a double standard in our media when it comes to matters of race.

Do you hear Al Sharpton? No, you don't. You would if the skin colors were reversed.

Why would he...there are charges that will be filed....without prompting, I might add.
Black Muslim's in America need to be classified as terrorist and eradicated with extreme prejudice.
By the way, are we sure this is a white woman ?
Looks like one in the original video, but when she's interviewed, she doesn't look white-European.
Black Muslim's in America need to be classified as terrorist and eradicated with extreme prejudice.
if that's true then all neo Nazi and white Christian hate groups need to be classified in the same category and eradicated with extreme prejudice...
By the way, are we sure this is a white woman ?
Looks like one in the original video, but when she's interviewed, she doesn't look white-European.

She is not. But thats not the point. The attack was carried out by a Black...therefore news media and public officials will do nothing. If a Black were beaten you would a bunch of dumb fucks in Georgia holding hands and singing "We Shall Overcome."
By the way, are we sure this is a white woman ?
Looks like one in the original video, but when she's interviewed, she doesn't look white-European.
she's most likely Puerto Rican or "the horror" mixed race!
what the fuck does it matter.
unless your a racist....

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