Mcdonalds Black Woman VICIOUSLY BEATS White Woman

you deserve a broken nose today :

[ame=]McDonalds Television Ad - c. 1970's - YouTube[/ame]
yep, it's the collateral damage that's the worst

That, yes, we agree on. I do believe in the right to own firearms, but with that right comes immense responsibility. It is nothing short of a preventable tragedy when someone is maimed or killed because of poor/nonexistent training.

Daws, if you would, please share your opinion on Al Sharpton being hypocritical. I'd like to compare our views on the matter.
al Sharpton is not so much hypocritical as he's got oldest of showbiz diseases popularity..
yep, it's the collateral damage that's the worst

That, yes, we agree on. I do believe in the right to own firearms, but with that right comes immense responsibility. It is nothing short of a preventable tragedy when someone is maimed or killed because of poor/nonexistent training.

Daws, if you would, please share your opinion on Al Sharpton being hypocritical. I'd like to compare our views on the matter.

I agree if Sharpton doesnt hold a press conference for every fight he shouldnt hold any press conference for anything evar
yep, it's the collateral damage that's the worst

That, yes, we agree on. I do believe in the right to own firearms, but with that right comes immense responsibility. It is nothing short of a preventable tragedy when someone is maimed or killed because of poor/nonexistent training.

Daws, if you would, please share your opinion on Al Sharpton being hypocritical. I'd like to compare our views on the matter.

I agree if Sharpton doesnt hold a press conference for every fight he shouldnt hold any press conference for anything evar

Click the remote, he's gone........easy. :D
That, yes, we agree on. I do believe in the right to own firearms, but with that right comes immense responsibility. It is nothing short of a preventable tragedy when someone is maimed or killed because of poor/nonexistent training.

Daws, if you would, please share your opinion on Al Sharpton being hypocritical. I'd like to compare our views on the matter.

I agree if Sharpton doesnt hold a press conference for every fight he shouldnt hold any press conference for anything evar

Click the remote, he's gone........easy. :D
then you see his face on a bus placard!
I don't think the hypocrisy ends with Sharpton. It's the media. That's what makes politics such ugly business.
Ummm... Not sure where the race baiters are going with this story but the attacked woman is obviously not white. Check this story and watch the video... Hell, Tyiesh's brother is about as dark as the attacker;

Caught on Video: McDonald's Employee Beats Mother, Threatens Toddler | NBC 10 Philadelphia

That shouldn't be the point of this story though, it should be about how nobody stopped it! Have we regressed this much as a society that we would let a woman completely destroy another in front of her young child!?! Regardless of skin tone this is a disturbing story...

The story appeared on the comments section, the reporter responded to the readers stating to his knowledge there was no racial component to the crime.
I went back at the reporter twice imploring him to better research the story to get as I put it, the WHOLE story"....
Nevertheless, the assailant has been charged with several crimes. as of this morning, the suspect had not yet been apprehended.
The woman has a serious anger management problem, and should seek help.

It is one thing to get annoyed at someone, quite another to allow that to translate into physical violence.

Have gone through life without beating someone up, or being beaten up. Don't understand why violence should be considered 'OK' outside of consensual sports and entertainment.
I don't understand why you rabid bigots have to bring your fixation on the imaginary social construct of race into everything.

The audio is sketchy, can anyone make out everything the victim (the womyn in the McDonald's uniform) is saying? It sounds like this is retaliation for the white she-devil coming into the victim's place of business and saying something to get hyr fired.

Oh observant one.....The black woman doing the beating IS the uniformed restaurant employee.
This error on your part comes as no surprise.
I have to ask....How the hell can you misspell "woman" and "her" with the letter "Y", when that letter is at least 4 keys away from the correct letter?
If this is not considered a hate crime then the term does not exist.
The old loudmouth was getting off, kept up his mouthing, the younger guy was as dumb as he was and took the bait(.)

And the younger guy thought he could kick the old man's ass. The younger guy was 'shown the Bronx"...Fuck 'em.
He got his eye dotted and lost a few chicklets. That will teach him to shut the fuck up.
Young guy tries to turn away TWICE, old guy keeps it up. I hope the old guy serves time inside.

You must have been watching a different video.
The old guy qwas near the front door. The younger guy was in the rear, HE walked to the front of the bus and HIT the old guy FIRST....The young guy got his just desserts. Kindly shut the fuck up.
There's clearly a double standard in our media when it comes to matters of race.

Do you hear Al Sharpton? No, you don't. You would if the skin colors were reversed.

Many, many stories, and this has nothing to do with race. Two women involved in a fight over one getting the other woman fired:

The reason for the fight was because a lady ended up being fired from her job at McDonald's for allegedly stealing food. The other lady told on the former fast food worker.
When Latia Harris caught a hold of her victim, she gave her the beatdown of the week. Salem city authorities have issued a warrant for her arrest.

And you are an idiot for absolving the black woman.
Young guy tries to turn away TWICE, old guy keeps it up. I hope the old guy serves time inside.

Serves time for what, defending himself when someone came up into his face in an aggressive manner? The older guy moved to the front of the bus and away from the younger guy, the younger guy followed him and got into his face.

You are posting to a blind raged irrational individual
For fuck sake, shut up about the fight on the bus! Make another thread about that video, which is a year old. How the fuck did you people miss that video when it came out last year anyway? It was probably the biggest video of 2013. There are fucking songs about it now.
Black Woman Savagely Beats White Mom In Front of ToddlerTop Right News

Here is the story a very large and ugly Black Muslim McDonald worker took exception with a white customer at McDonald who was with her TODDLER. While still on duty, she followed the woman and her young child out of the restaurant and viciously beat her with zero caring that her young child was in viewing distance. She even threatened to beat the young child's face in.

She is a monster and should be put in a cage for a long time like animals like her belong.

Black Muslims are constantly taught by their black Muslim leaders that the white man is evil and the cause of their problems. I know they have gotten white supremacist leaders who encourage their flock to attack blacks. Shouldn't we look into the Black Muslim leader who encourage this monster to viciously attack a white women in the same way?

Good thing is the animal was on duty. The McDonald's franchise owner is vicariously liable for the acts of this animal. The women should get a nice payday!

[ame=]Black McDonalds Employee Savagely Beats White Mother in Front of Her Toddler - YouTube[/ame]

Here is the aftermath of this animalistic beating!

NOTE: I redid the title and started a new thread, because the Gestapo in charge of the site, had Gestapo type issues with previous title.
(1) What provoked the incident (if anything)?

(2) How do you know she is a "Black Muslim"?

(3) Was she whupping this woman in her capacity as a McDonald's employee? Was she acting on instructions from a "Black Muslim" official?
(1) What provoked the incident (if anything)?

(2) How do you know she is a "Black Muslim"?

(3) Was she whupping this woman in her capacity as a McDonald's employee? Was she acting on instructions from a "Black Muslim" official?

Why are you attempting to derail the thread through rationality???

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