Measuring success in Afghanistan withdrawal

I agree. If I had my way I would bring all of our troops out of the ME. Let those fuckers kill themselves as they have been doing for centuries. Good fucking riddance.
The Ugly AmeriKKKan speaks! Screw everyone else! Our infrastructure is in trouble because of Reaganomics, not due to foreign entanglements. The GOP refuses to focus on the USA, preferring to focus only on the "needs" of billionaires.

What happened to JFK's dream of the USA a City on the Hill, a shining beacon of freedom and democracy? Instead we're just an insane corporatist empire. If you want the USA govt to work for the USA, stop voting for RepubliQans!
Partisan left wing idiots like you are just as destructive as partisan right wing idiots like Sue.
The only catastrophe here is they should have left 10 minutes after they arrived.
Where's all the soldiers they trained? The government officials left the country not a shot fired to protect the capital.
And you call leaving it a catastrophe? Don't make me vomit again.

Those people have been barbarians since time began with their bloodthirsty Koran. They kill people for no reason.

Get out of the place and let the mongrels kill the lot. What did Afghanistan ever do for the world?
Biden is right. America tried everything to help those ragheads and wasted trillions doing it plus thousands of Americans lives. For what. When is enough enough.
Your bigotry is unacceptable. Before the arrival of bloody Islam, Afghanistan was mostly Buddhist. Hardly barbarians.

The BMAC culture was partly in Afghanistan. What did they ever do for the world? Look it up. Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex.

Afghanistan was a liberal country with many women's rights, until the decline engendered by the Soviet invasion, and Reagan's misguided response to it, which enabled the creation of the Taliban. So much blundering has been committed by the USA there, that it ill behooves you to insult the Afghans.
Link for context? Are you suggesting that Biden personally directed the removal of the troops? Do you think it would have been done in a way under Trump that would have prevented the problems we are seeing? Do you really think under Trump the Taliban would not have come back?

I don't think I'm an amazingly intelligent person, but certainly more so than you. hahaha

You claim this but don't even know the facts on the ground. So okay

Putin could not have done a better job in humiliating America, but Biden owns it lock, stock and barrel.
Trump made the deal. Trump released the Taliban fighters.

The Afghan debacle is largely the work of Dubya. Obama also failed. Trump screwed up mightily, of course, as only he can do...
I agree. We should have taken every piece of hardware we took over there. Every gun, all the ammo and every piece of military hardware.

Blow up the embassy and any airfields our military built and used. Leave nothing for the Taliban to use.

Instead of that we have the Taliban using the hummers, weapons and everything left behind. The airfields can be used as well. Way ta go Joe.
You claim this but don't even know the facts on the ground. So okay

Right, so your entire criticism, which is actually the criticism of somebody you're allowing to think for you, revolves around the suggestion that it was possible to prevent the Taliban from taking over while still committing to a withdrawal. I disagree. Under Trump the Taliban would have still taken over after the removal of the troops. The argument from your right wing source is more wordy, but ultimately it suffers from the same thing your version of the argument did, a lack of details about how it could have been different, other than just saying it was too rushed. I don't think there was actually a pretty way to do this. I think the Taliban were going to be a problem no matter what.
The Ugly AmeriKKKan speaks! Screw everyone else! Our infrastructure is in trouble because of Reaganomics, not due to foreign entanglements. The GOP refuses to focus on the USA, preferring to focus only on the "needs" of billionaires.

What happened to JFK's dream of the USA a City on the Hill, a shining beacon of freedom and democracy? Instead we're just an insane corporatist empire. If you want the USA govt to work for the USA, stop voting for RepubliQans!
JFK did say not what the country could to for you but what you could do for your country. We vote people in that are adherents for what the country could do for you.
Your bigotry is unacceptable. Before the arrival of bloody Islam, Afghanistan was mostly Buddhist. Hardly barbarians.

The BMAC culture was partly in Afghanistan. What did they ever do for the world? Look it up. Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex.

Afghanistan was a liberal country with many women's rights, until the decline engendered by the Soviet invasion, and Reagan's misguided response to it, which enabled the creation of the Taliban. So much blundering has been committed by the USA there, that it ill behooves you to insult the Afghans.
It was Carter's response you ignorant excuse of a poster. Learn your history before you spout shit you don't understand.
The Taliban has our guns, weapons, vehicles. Even IF we get every American and ally out....there's that.

This is an epic catastrophe. If you're not getting it yet, turn over to Morning Joe and witness their long faces. They're not even trying.
Our weapons are state of the art and require training and maintenance support.
They will not be much use to the Taliban other than to sell them
IDC what happens to afghanistan. Im glad we left.
The problem is, WHT THE FUCK did we leave everything behind? That decision is so goddamn stupid, its like they wanted this to happen.
He gave orders to destroy American flags but not weapons and shit?
These problems are why we have been there for 20 fucking years. It's not an easy situation. We needed to pull the band-aid.
Our weapons are state of the art and require training and maintenance support.
They will not be much use to the Taliban other than to sell them
The transportation and more basic weapons are there for good. And will do massive damage.
Your bigotry is unacceptable. Before the arrival of bloody Islam, Afghanistan was mostly Buddhist. Hardly barbarians.

The BMAC culture was partly in Afghanistan. What did they ever do for the world? Look it up. Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex.

Afghanistan was a liberal country with many women's rights, until the decline engendered by the Soviet invasion, and Reagan's misguided response to it, which enabled the creation of the Taliban. So much blundering has been committed by the USA there, that it ill behooves you to insult the Afghans.

I don't care what is unacceptable to you.
Take it or leave it. They are animals and should be treated as such. Put a fence around the place until they die out.

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