Media concerned Trump is mentally unstable.

While the Democrats announced six years ago that they hated white folks...

Did you dig up THAT "conclusion" from your fat ass???.................LOL

Just listen to what they are saying.

If you want to judge all democrats from THAT.......Should we judge you morons from what folks like Duke and Moore say about YOUR party?...............yes or No???

Imagine if we judged all Democrats by you.....

...we'd have to leave salt-licks in all the metropolitan areas.
How mentally stable were the last few Dem Prez candidates?

Hillary - LOL!!! - start with THROWING A LAMP AT BILL and then ask why Hillary was rifling through Vince Foster's office the night of his completely bullshit "suicide."

Obama - we saw the real O swimming and touching Richard Branson with Michelle nowhere to be found, most likely hanging out with her best hetro male "friend," that being W. Assuming Trump sacks Sessions soon and we get a real AG actually interested in busting at least one of the Swamp Monsters... we'll find out a lot of truth about the mental stability of the Prince of Preferences himself...

Kerry - John Kerry looked into the TV camera during the debate and told the American people he would not raise taxes.... even after voting for tax hikes in 88 out of 88 chances as a Senator. NOBODY was fooled.

Gore - Well, if you think it requires a warming planet to produce scores of record cold temperatures, you might think the biggest liar in human history is sound upstairs. He ain't. He will go totally batshit if and when the DOJ prosecutes the 2010 FBI fraud case against the "warmers" that Obama covered up, and to date so is Swampy Jeff Sessions

Bill Clinton - a Sex Predator, a coke head, a philandering raping monster, a crook, a murderer, and a kleptocratic traitor. Yeah, so sorry you got AIDS now, Billy Boy....

Mike Dukakis - had a Hillary style meltdown on election night, blaming everyone including the bed bugs. Many of his staffers came out after the election and admitted Mike was seriously deranged...
Trump owns a number of golf courses around the world, so it makes sense that he’d be a pretty good golfer.

OK Dr love what say you now re: our discussion on when to get out? I remember you were going to wait three months. I was going to wait six and begin moving towards 70% cash in order to catch the big correction. But looks like its here. Too early to tell but this looks like it could be a very nice correction. I'll buy but dammit I could have used a few more months to build cash.
I will be buying Exxon and maybe Apple in one account, a small HSA, but hoping for a few more declines before i commit to them. They have been on my wish list for a while.
I believe you predicted a 4000 pt correction within 2-3 months. you've got like 2150 now. So maybe inertia will drop it for a few more sessions.But still the market is up 23% since Trump was elected so this still isnt a huge bargain. But a 10% off sale isnt bad either.
Also bonds are collapsing. So I think I am going to park money there until I see a clear way in my main account. The next rate rise blow just got softer. :)

Let me know what you think.
If there are serious charges against Trump and all indications show there will be... even if he’s not impeached he’ll have no chance in 2020.
A criminal president will be strongly primaried too.

Trump has clearly showed signs of mental decline after one year. Imagine how the basket case will be in 2,3 and 4 years.
Mama Mia!

The only president that showed serious signs of mental illness was Barack Obama. His many gaffes prove he had lost touch with reality. He said the U.S. Constitution was 20 centuries old proving he has no concept of time; he claimed that Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina, were in the Gulf of Mexico thus displaying a diminished mental state that goes well beyond mere ignorance of geography; he claimed Europe was a country; he claimed our ancestors built the intercontinental railroad proving did not know the difference between intercontinental and transcontinental something that almost all adults know; he also claimed that some people wanted to go back to the status quo regarding health care whereas every educated adult knows you cannot return to the status quo (meaning present condition) but to the status quo ante (meaning previous state).

Obama has said and done more stupid things than any other president in history. There are many more gaffes, but the one thing that should have put the country on notice that something was seriously wrong with the man was when he signed the wrong date in a guest book. On a tour of Westminster Abbey in London, President Obama signed the guest book and added May 24, 2008, as the date. Unfortunately, the correct date was May 24, 2011! One of his advisers told him the month and day but neglected to tell him the year, probably because the adviser knew every normal person is aware of what year it is. Now I have known people to continue to use the old year for a short time after the start of the new year; however, I have never heard of a mentally healthy person getting the wrong date by 3 years. Obama's defenders on USMB said that he put down 2008 because that is the year he become president. Sadly, in order to prove the man was not delusional they proved he was ignorant. When you attend an event, you do not sign the guest book with the date you were elected president or homecoming queen nor the day you lost your virginity, the day your team won the Superbowl or the day you won the lottery. You input the date that you signed the book. It seems that everyone knows that but the man the media portrayed as one of the most intelligent men on the planet. Obama is a prime candidate for a mental institution.

Obama signs wrong year in the guestbook at Westminster Abbey
If there are serious charges against Trump and all indications show there will be... even if he’s not impeached he’ll have no chance in 2020.
A criminal president will be strongly primaried too.

Trump has clearly showed signs of mental decline after one year. Imagine how the basket case will be in 2,3 and 4 years.
Mama Mia!

The only president that showed serious signs of mental illness was Barack Obama. His many gaffes prove he had lost touch with reality. He said the U.S. Constitution was 20 centuries old proving he has no concept of time; he claimed that Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina, were in the Gulf of Mexico thus displaying a diminished mental state that goes well beyond mere ignorance of geography; he claimed Europe was a country; he claimed our ancestors built the intercontinental railroad proving did not know the difference between intercontinental and transcontinental something that almost all adults know; he also claimed that some people wanted to go back to the status quo regarding health care whereas every educated adult knows you cannot return to the status quo (meaning present condition) but to the status quo ante (meaning previous state).

Obama has said and done more stupid things than any other president in history. There are many more gaffes, but the one thing that should have put the country on notice that something was seriously wrong with the man was when he signed the wrong date in a guest book. On a tour of Westminster Abbey in London, President Obama signed the guest book and added May 24, 2008, as the date. Unfortunately, the correct date was May 24, 2011! One of his advisers told him the month and day but neglected to tell him the year, probably because the adviser knew every normal person is aware of what year it is. Now I have known people to continue to use the old year for a short time after the start of the new year; however, I have never heard of a mentally healthy person getting the wrong date by 3 years. Obama's defenders on USMB said that he put down 2008 because that is the year he become president. Sadly, in order to prove the man was not delusional they proved he was ignorant. When you attend an event, you do not sign the guest book with the date you were elected president or homecoming queen nor the day you lost your virginity, the day your team won the Superbowl or the day you won the lottery. You input the date that you signed the book. It seems that everyone knows that but the man the media portrayed as one of the most intelligent men on the planet. Obama is a prime candidate for a mental institution.

Obama signs wrong year in the guestbook at Westminster Abbey

He also thought we have 57 states.

If there are serious charges against Trump and all indications show there will be... even if he’s not impeached he’ll have no chance in 2020.
A criminal president will be strongly primaried too.

Trump has clearly showed signs of mental decline after one year. Imagine how the basket case will be in 2,3 and 4 years.
Mama Mia!

The only president that showed serious signs of mental illness was Barack Obama. His many gaffes prove he had lost touch with reality. He said the U.S. Constitution was 20 centuries old proving he has no concept of time; he claimed that Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina, were in the Gulf of Mexico thus displaying a diminished mental state that goes well beyond mere ignorance of geography; he claimed Europe was a country; he claimed our ancestors built the intercontinental railroad proving did not know the difference between intercontinental and transcontinental something that almost all adults know; he also claimed that some people wanted to go back to the status quo regarding health care whereas every educated adult knows you cannot return to the status quo (meaning present condition) but to the status quo ante (meaning previous state).

Obama has said and done more stupid things than any other president in history. There are many more gaffes, but the one thing that should have put the country on notice that something was seriously wrong with the man was when he signed the wrong date in a guest book. On a tour of Westminster Abbey in London, President Obama signed the guest book and added May 24, 2008, as the date. Unfortunately, the correct date was May 24, 2011! One of his advisers told him the month and day but neglected to tell him the year, probably because the adviser knew every normal person is aware of what year it is. Now I have known people to continue to use the old year for a short time after the start of the new year; however, I have never heard of a mentally healthy person getting the wrong date by 3 years. Obama's defenders on USMB said that he put down 2008 because that is the year he become president. Sadly, in order to prove the man was not delusional they proved he was ignorant. When you attend an event, you do not sign the guest book with the date you were elected president or homecoming queen nor the day you lost your virginity, the day your team won the Superbowl or the day you won the lottery. You input the date that you signed the book. It seems that everyone knows that but the man the media portrayed as one of the most intelligent men on the planet. Obama is a prime candidate for a mental institution.

Obama signs wrong year in the guestbook at Westminster Abbey
^^ Too much Alex Jones.
The left is soooo fucking desperate to get rid of President Trump. The economy is on the right track and that SCARES the hell out of Dems. They will have nothing to run on in 2018. All they can do at this point is attack President Trump over and over. You’d think that after two years of attacking the man they would learn no one is buying their bullshit anymore.

They really don't want him to appoint the next Supreme Court Justice...that is why they will impeach him if they get the house....
If that happens let the games begin.
If there are serious charges against Trump and all indications show there will be... even if he’s not impeached he’ll have no chance in 2020.
A criminal president will be strongly primaried too.

Trump has clearly showed signs of mental decline after one year. Imagine how the basket case will be in 2,3 and 4 years.
Mama Mia!

The only president that showed serious signs of mental illness was Barack Obama. His many gaffes prove he had lost touch with reality. He said the U.S. Constitution was 20 centuries old proving he has no concept of time; he claimed that Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina, were in the Gulf of Mexico thus displaying a diminished mental state that goes well beyond mere ignorance of geography; he claimed Europe was a country; he claimed our ancestors built the intercontinental railroad proving did not know the difference between intercontinental and transcontinental something that almost all adults know; he also claimed that some people wanted to go back to the status quo regarding health care whereas every educated adult knows you cannot return to the status quo (meaning present condition) but to the status quo ante (meaning previous state).

Obama has said and done more stupid things than any other president in history. There are many more gaffes, but the one thing that should have put the country on notice that something was seriously wrong with the man was when he signed the wrong date in a guest book. On a tour of Westminster Abbey in London, President Obama signed the guest book and added May 24, 2008, as the date. Unfortunately, the correct date was May 24, 2011! One of his advisers told him the month and day but neglected to tell him the year, probably because the adviser knew every normal person is aware of what year it is. Now I have known people to continue to use the old year for a short time after the start of the new year; however, I have never heard of a mentally healthy person getting the wrong date by 3 years. Obama's defenders on USMB said that he put down 2008 because that is the year he become president. Sadly, in order to prove the man was not delusional they proved he was ignorant. When you attend an event, you do not sign the guest book with the date you were elected president or homecoming queen nor the day you lost your virginity, the day your team won the Superbowl or the day you won the lottery. You input the date that you signed the book. It seems that everyone knows that but the man the media portrayed as one of the most intelligent men on the planet. Obama is a prime candidate for a mental institution.

Obama signs wrong year in the guestbook at Westminster Abbey

He also thought we have 57 states.

Obama is the only president to pay tribute to all the dead men who proudly serve in the U.S. Navy. He twice referred to Navy Corpsmen as Navy Corpse men.
Obama is the only president to pay tribute to all the dead men who proudly serve in the U.S. Navy. He twice referred to Navy Corpsmen as Navy Corpse men.

haha I remember that. What a maroon. How about

""The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries." -- Barry Soweto Hussein Obama
not just the media. 37 mental health professionals signed something saying the man should not have access to the nuclear codes
not just the media. 37 mental health professionals signed something saying the man should not have access to the nuclear codes

That's like what .0000000001% of the medical field they work in lol
how many mental health professionals have said hes mentally stable? my money is on <37

A genuine mental health professional doesn't diagnose people he's never spoken with. The ones that do are hucksters.

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