Media concerned Trump is mentally unstable.

not just the media. 37 mental health professionals signed something saying the man should not have access to the nuclear codes
You mean 37 leftwing hacks who happen to work in mental health.
hack or not, it doesnt take a professional to see he is unstable. just watch his speeches where he is slurring his words, has random muscle spasms and suddenly spouts gibberish. hes clearly losing what little mind he has left
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.
classic definition of Gaslighting
not just the media. 37 mental health professionals signed something saying the man should not have access to the nuclear codes
You mean 37 leftwing hacks who happen to work in mental health.
hack or not, it doesnt take a professional to see he is unstable. just watch his speeches where he is slurring his words, has random muscle spasms and suddenly spouts gibberish. hes clearly losing what little mind he has left
You're a delusional leftwing hack. Trump is more sane than all of the Dim scumbags in Congress by far.
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.
classic definition of Gaslighting
Gaslighting is a sure sign of mental illness.
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.
classic definition of Gaslighting
Gaslighting is a sure sign of mental illness.
the movie Gaslight was on TCM last week
That's where the term came from
not just the media. 37 mental health professionals signed something saying the man should not have access to the nuclear codes
You mean 37 leftwing hacks who happen to work in mental health.
hack or not, it doesnt take a professional to see he is unstable. just watch his speeches where he is slurring his words, has random muscle spasms and suddenly spouts gibberish. hes clearly losing what little mind he has left
You're a delusional leftwing hack. Trump is more sane than all of the Dim scumbags in Congress by far.
He literally said that lightbulbs make him look orange. no one else though. just him. also in the same day said that people flush their toilets 10-15 times. yep sounds sane to me.
not just the media. 37 mental health professionals signed something saying the man should not have access to the nuclear codes

Who'd they vote for in 2016?


Who'd you vote for?
im guessing if they dont believe he is mentally stable, they didnt vote for him obviously

So.....what was your purpose in posting something that we agree was propaganda sans any scientific validity?
not just the media. 37 mental health professionals signed something saying the man should not have access to the nuclear codes

Who'd they vote for in 2016?


Who'd you vote for?
im guessing if they dont believe he is mentally stable, they didnt vote for him obviously

So.....what was your purpose in posting something that we agree was propaganda sans any scientific validity?
not sure what you are claiming I saod was progaganda. most educated people dont vote for nimrods who cant tell up from down.
not just the media. 37 mental health professionals signed something saying the man should not have access to the nuclear codes

Who'd they vote for in 2016?


Who'd you vote for?
im guessing if they dont believe he is mentally stable, they didnt vote for him obviously

So.....what was your purpose in posting something that we agree was propaganda sans any scientific validity?
not sure what you are claiming I saod was progaganda. most educated people dont vote for nimrods who cant tell up from down.

So you're a government school grad, huh?

The spelling and the post both give it away.....
not just the media. 37 mental health professionals signed something saying the man should not have access to the nuclear codes
You mean 37 leftwing hacks who happen to work in mental health.
hack or not, it doesnt take a professional to see he is unstable. just watch his speeches where he is slurring his words, has random muscle spasms and suddenly spouts gibberish. hes clearly losing what little mind he has left
You're a delusional leftwing hack. Trump is more sane than all of the Dim scumbags in Congress by far.
He literally said that lightbulbs make him look orange. no one else though. just him. also in the same day said that people flush their toilets 10-15 times. yep sounds sane to me.
Nazi Piglosi said he wasn't acquitted. How delusional is that?
Warning - Markets are overvalued at present.

The Dow is up 4100 points since this ridiculous post.

Now what else should we not listen to you about?

"...what else should we not listen to you about?"

The demand for a quarter in that Styrofoam cup he carries on the subway?

Golly you’re so CLEVER! But thanks for keeping it for first time ever to two sentences! :)

I understand your battles with A.D.D.

There are medications that may be some help.....speak to your doctor to see if they're right for you.
Warning - Markets are overvalued at present.

The Dow is up 4100 points since this ridiculous post.

Now what else should we not listen to you about?

Nothing DOTaRd - not a thing. Market took a 3,000 point dump when Donnie started his stupid trade war. I sold everything, bought back in low and made butt-tons o jing.

My tax free muni bonds are still outperforming my stocks. But be a clown - pay no attention! :D
Warning - Markets are overvalued at present.

The Dow is up 4100 points since this ridiculous post.

Now what else should we not listen to you about?

Nothing DOTaRd - not a thing. Market took a 3,000 point dump when Donnie started his stupid trade war. I sold everything, bought back in low and made butt-tons o jing.

My tax free muni bonds are still outperforming my stocks. But be a clown - pay no attention! :D

No you didnt. You are lying now as you were then. You dont own a single stock. And you didnt care who you hurt in your hatred of Trump. But its a good illustration of your judgment. You were as successful in stock market valuations as you were in picking political winners. That is..a loser all around. In other words...people who ignored your stock predictions were as much better off as America overall is for ignoring your political predictions.
Warning - Markets are overvalued at present.

The Dow is up 4100 points since this ridiculous post.

Now what else should we not listen to you about?

Nothing DOTaRd - not a thing. Market took a 3,000 point dump when Donnie started his stupid trade war. I sold everything, bought back in low and made butt-tons o jing.

My tax free muni bonds are still outperforming my stocks. But be a clown - pay no attention! :D

No you didnt. You are lying now as you were then. You dont own a single stock. And you didnt care who you hurt in your hatred of Trump. But its a good illustration of your judgment. You were as successful in stock market valuations as you were in picking political winners. That is..a loser all around. In other words...people who ignored your stock predictions were as much better off as America overall is for ignoring your political predictions.

If you keep this up, he won't share that nice warm subway grate where he lives!
Warning - Markets are overvalued at present.

The Dow is up 4100 points since this ridiculous post.

Now what else should we not listen to you about?

Nothing DOTaRd - not a thing. Market took a 3,000 point dump when Donnie started his stupid trade war. I sold everything, bought back in low and made butt-tons o jing.

My tax free muni bonds are still outperforming my stocks. But be a clown - pay no attention! :D

No you didnt. You are lying now as you were then. You dont own a single stock. And you didnt care who you hurt in your hatred of Trump. But its a good illustration of your judgment. You were as successful in stock market valuations as you were in picking political winners. That is..a loser all around. In other words...people who ignored your stock predictions were as much better off as America overall is for ignoring your political predictions.

You sure seem to know an awful lot about me. Stop being a stalking, know it all butthole please.
Warning - Markets are overvalued at present.

The Dow is up 4100 points since this ridiculous post.

Now what else should we not listen to you about?

Nothing DOTaRd - not a thing. Market took a 3,000 point dump when Donnie started his stupid trade war. I sold everything, bought back in low and made butt-tons o jing.

My tax free muni bonds are still outperforming my stocks. But be a clown - pay no attention! :D

No you didnt. You are lying now as you were then. You dont own a single stock. And you didnt care who you hurt in your hatred of Trump. But its a good illustration of your judgment. You were as successful in stock market valuations as you were in picking political winners. That is..a loser all around. In other words...people who ignored your stock predictions were as much better off as America overall is for ignoring your political predictions.

You sure seem to know an awful lot about me. Stop being a stalking, know it all butthole please.

You posted it right there in public! Embarrassing I know but it didnt take stalking. It just took reading your public posts...and for success..doing the opposite :)
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.

And Trump is as equally concerned about the media's mental stability. Afterall typically self destructive behavior is a primary indicator of mental illness.
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.

These huge wealthy multinational media corporations are where the opposition to Trump really lies. Their day is coming.

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