Media coverage of Trump's McCain war-service Neutron Bomb

Calling the vet in the video posted earlier about being spit on and called a baby killer while trying to go back to college a liar are you?

I don't know who that guy is, and if being a vet automatically immunizes you from criticism, then you really need stop contradicting me since i'm a vet. .

The fact is, a lot of people have researched it,and they haven't found any stories about "spitting on returning veterans' that holds up to scrutiny.

It's much like the "Stabbed in the Back" myth that was popular in Germany in the 1920's, the kind of thing that happens when a country loses a war and they look for scapegoats other than 'The war was a really stupid idea'.

So... You are saying that his claims that he was spit on by anti war protesters on a college campus in the 70's doesn't hold up to scrutiny? Says who?
A myth?

I'll take this mans word over yours on that subject.

I find it amusing that they score this film with "Fanfare for the Common Man", written by Aaron Copland, who was blacklisted as a communist in the 1950's...

But never mind.

Spitting on soldiers didn't happen. It's why the newspapers in the 1970's weren't filled with "Hippie in critical condition in local hospital" stories.

The Medal of Honor says you're a liar.

Everybody says JoeB is a liar
Yup, he's calling a Medal of Honor recipient a liar, and taking the word of a man he doesn't know, because he wrote a book claiming it didn't happen.

Odd that ... In a thread bashing Trump for questioning John McCains service.

Libs are nothing if not total hypocrites .
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Spit on and called a baby killer by anti war college students. What a shock.

Libs who try to lie and deny this behavior happened are disgusting.

It's their legacy... why so ashamed?

Because it never happened.

Did we treat the returning Vietnam vets well? Not really.

But the stories of people being spat upon when they returned are bullshit.

Drooling on the Vietnam Vets

Lembcke uncovered a whole lot of spitting from the war years, but the published accounts always put the antiwar protester on the receiving side of a blast from a pro-Vietnam counterprotester. Surely, he contends, the news pages would have given equal treatment to a story about serviceman getting the treatment. Then why no stories in the newspaper morgues, he asks?

Lastly, there are the parts of the spitting story up that don't add up. Why does it always end with the protester spitting and the serviceman walking off in shame? Most servicemen would have given the spitters a mouthful of bloody Chiclets instead of turning the other cheek like Christ. At the very least, wouldn't the altercations have resulted in assault and battery charges and produced a paper trail retrievable across the decades?

The myth persists because: 1) Those who didn't go to Vietnam--that being most of us--don't dare contradict the "experience" of those who did; 2) the story helps maintain the perfect sense of shame many of us feel about the way we ignored our Vietvets; 3) the press keeps the story in play by uncritically repeating it, as theTimes and U.S. News did; and 4) because any fool with 33 cents and the gumption to repeat the myth in his letter to the editor can keep it in circulation. Most recent mentions of the spitting protester in Nexis are of this variety.
RWs are defending what Drumpf said about war heroes, but none of them have said anything about his military service or that of his adult sons ...
Hey, why believe what comes from the man himself.

Some lib researched it, and decided it wasn't true.
Yes, some 20 years later the libs decided to sanitize their past. I don't know about anybody else but hanging out with Viet vets never brings about a conversation of the war or anything related to it regardless of the adult beverages consumed. That's just my experience. Nobody talked to the shithead from the academia IMHO.
Spit on and called a baby killer by anti war college students. What a shock.

Libs who try to lie and deny this behavior happened are disgusting.

It's their legacy... why so ashamed?

Because it never happened.

Did we treat the returning Vietnam vets well? Not really.

But the stories of people being spat upon when they returned are bullshit.

Drooling on the Vietnam Vets

Lembcke uncovered a whole lot of spitting from the war years, but the published accounts always put the antiwar protester on the receiving side of a blast from a pro-Vietnam counterprotester. Surely, he contends, the news pages would have given equal treatment to a story about serviceman getting the treatment. Then why no stories in the newspaper morgues, he asks?

Lastly, there are the parts of the spitting story up that don't add up. Why does it always end with the protester spitting and the serviceman walking off in shame? Most servicemen would have given the spitters a mouthful of bloody Chiclets instead of turning the other cheek like Christ. At the very least, wouldn't the altercations have resulted in assault and battery charges and produced a paper trail retrievable across the decades?

The myth persists because: 1) Those who didn't go to Vietnam--that being most of us--don't dare contradict the "experience" of those who did; 2) the story helps maintain the perfect sense of shame many of us feel about the way we ignored our Vietvets; 3) the press keeps the story in play by uncritically repeating it, as theTimes and U.S. News did; and 4) because any fool with 33 cents and the gumption to repeat the myth in his letter to the editor can keep it in circulation. Most recent mentions of the spitting protester in Nexis are of this variety.

"Because it never happened."

The MoH recipient says it did.

Him, I believe.

The man you never met, yet wrote a book you like, seems to be wrong.
Probably won't effect Trump's standing, because most of the Mouth Breathers in the GOP base have never forgiven McCain for 1) Challenging Bush, 2) Proposing Amnesty and 3) Losing to Obama.


The rabid rightwankers hated McCain so they will probably continue to support Donald T Rump. He will probably lose his frontrunner status but I don't see him being eliminated before the 1st debate.

I'm sorry....but if I was a Republican candidate, I would refuse to be on the same stage as Trump regardless of his polling

They need to make it clear Trump has no place in their party
And once again we see the overwhelming power of the 11th Commandment.
Spit on and called a baby killer by anti war college students. What a shock.

Libs who try to lie and deny this behavior happened are disgusting.

It's their legacy... why so ashamed?

Because it never happened.

Did we treat the returning Vietnam vets well? Not really.

But the stories of people being spat upon when they returned are bullshit.

Drooling on the Vietnam Vets

Lembcke uncovered a whole lot of spitting from the war years, but the published accounts always put the antiwar protester on the receiving side of a blast from a pro-Vietnam counterprotester. Surely, he contends, the news pages would have given equal treatment to a story about serviceman getting the treatment. Then why no stories in the newspaper morgues, he asks?

Lastly, there are the parts of the spitting story up that don't add up. Why does it always end with the protester spitting and the serviceman walking off in shame? Most servicemen would have given the spitters a mouthful of bloody Chiclets instead of turning the other cheek like Christ. At the very least, wouldn't the altercations have resulted in assault and battery charges and produced a paper trail retrievable across the decades?

The myth persists because: 1) Those who didn't go to Vietnam--that being most of us--don't dare contradict the "experience" of those who did; 2) the story helps maintain the perfect sense of shame many of us feel about the way we ignored our Vietvets; 3) the press keeps the story in play by uncritically repeating it, as theTimes and U.S. News did; and 4) because any fool with 33 cents and the gumption to repeat the myth in his letter to the editor can keep it in circulation. Most recent mentions of the spitting protester in Nexis are of this variety.

Gary Beikirch (a Medal of Honor recipient). Says you are lying.

Gee .. Who should I believe... a man proven by his actions to have " honor"... Or you?
Trump is turning the Republican primaries into a reality TV show
Who can get the most attention?
Hey, why believe what comes from the man himself.

Some lib researched it, and decided it wasn't true.
Yes, some 20 years later the libs decided to sanitize their past. I don't know about anybody else but hanging out with Viet vets never brings about a conversation of the war or anything related to it regardless of the adult beverages consumed. That's just my experience. Nobody talked to the shithead from the academia IMHO.

They have to sanitize it because they are ashamed.
Yup, he's calling a Medal of Honor recipient a liar, and taking the word of a man he doesn't know, because he wrote a book claiming it didn't happen.

No, i'm callling him a liar because everyone who has researched this claim has not produced ONE CONTEMPORARY ACCOUNT of returning soldiers being spat upon.

Not one.

Now you think this would have made news if it happened. Right next to "Hippies still in critical condition after spitting on battle-hardened Marine Vet".
"Because it never happened."

The MoH recipient says it did.

Him, I believe.

The man you never met, yet wrote a book you like, seems to be wrong.

The guy who wrote the book actually did the research.

The MoH winner just wants us to take his word for it, even though he gives no names of the person who spat on him.
Gary Beikirch (a Medal of Honor recipient). Says you are lying.

Gee .. Who should I believe... a man proven by his actions to have " honor"... Or you?

I would believe the person who could actually produce EVIDENCE.

You know, I'm kind of f unny that way. I want proof. You guys can't produce one bit of film or one bit of contemporary reporting on the supposed spitting incidents.
Probably won't effect Trump's standing, because most of the Mouth Breathers in the GOP base have never forgiven McCain for 1) Challenging Bush, 2) Proposing Amnesty and 3) Losing to Obama.


The rabid rightwankers hated McCain so they will probably continue to support Donald T Rump. He will probably lose his frontrunner status but I don't see him being eliminated before the 1st debate.

I'm sorry....but if I was a Republican candidate, I would refuse to be on the same stage as Trump regardless of his polling

They need to make it clear Trump has no place in their party
And once again we see the overwhelming power of the 11th Commandment.

Juan McCain never heard it, so he can go fuck his New World Order self
Yup, he's calling a Medal of Honor recipient a liar, and taking the word of a man he doesn't know, because he wrote a book claiming it didn't happen.

No, i'm callling him a liar because everyone who has researched this claim has not produced ONE CONTEMPORARY ACCOUNT of returning soldiers being spat upon.

Not one.

Now you think this would have made news if it happened. Right next to "Hippies still in critical condition after spitting on battle-hardened Marine Vet".

No, I think he would have held his temper.

Just like others that it happened to.

and I doubt they would have told your researcher they had been spat on, and didn't retaliate.

You believe the man with the agenda that wrote the book.

I'll believe Gary.

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