Meet Joe Biden’s Homosexual National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator

I wonder if this guys dog has monkeypox.

By the way, for those who claim MONKEYPOX is racist because the word monkey makes some guilty whites think of black people….YOU ARE THE RACIST.

When I hear the word MONKEY, I THINK OF MONKEYS.
Like the bed wetters attempt to project, "monkey" is a dog whistle for leftist lunatics. As Darwin attempted to refine "scientific" racism and modern bed wetters pretend his work doesn't reflect their core values along with the endeavors of Margret Sanger they will use everything possible to label every enemy of collectivist globalism as a "racist". In the mean time their ultimate goal is to eradicate the people of african decent and pretty much everyone who has skin darker than George Soros.

Leftist philosophy is based on hate and envy. It's path is deliberate ignorance.

That's up there with the freshly appointed UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

Where is the chicken lobby to change the name of chicken pox?

You cult fucks and your obsession with language is very telling.

You assholes think that changing the sounds we make with our vocal cords changes the thing.

I swear some of you dumb shit believe if we rename SHIT INTO ROSES, THEN SHIT WILL STOP SMELLING BAD.

It it anythin…its still shit.
Very well said!
Fuckwad Biden had put freaks all through the government.
I have recalled "news" stories while listening to the radio at work or whilst driving as far back as the 1990's and one story I recall hearing about was the presence of convicted sex offenders working in the Dept Of Defense and the Pentagon. Pieces of shit appointed by the hitlary administration (Let's face it, Bill was just there for the pussy, that hag ran the place) that were getting caught using gov't computers to indulge in their deviancy. It was enough to alarm what few real journalists and decent human beings existed in DC 25 years ago. In recent times I have not been able to find links to the sources. It's as if they were sent down some Orwellian memory hole along with Epstein's Guest list....
So, reading the article at the link, I forced to wonder...

What the fuck is this??


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