Meet The ‘Super Voters’ Who Could Be Disenfranchised By Pa. Voter ID Law

He is, but a lot of older voters aren't.

Most of these folks will go to the polls on Election day just like they have for the past few decades...only be told THIS TIME that they don't have the "proper" ID.

read my posts, dumbass. They can vote provisionally. I even gave specifics as to what is allowed as ID, what can be done without ID... for example, the use of an affirmation.

So they can come back in a few days and present the ID. Right. What if they don't have it and have to get it? Then they get to the DMV and now they find out they need their Birth Certificate. This is another drive to another place to PAY for the certificate to get the free ID. Now this is suddenly not so free is it? It is also creating more and more hoops for the poor old person to jump through in order to exercise their right to vote (as they have for the last few decades)

I have asked this and asked this and still have yet to receive a response.

How many voters are you willing to disenfranchise to stop one incident of "voter fraud"?

Like Dickless, you either missed this, or are being willfully stupid...

NO ONE legally entitled to vote will be denied the right to do so. If you do not have a photo ID, or are indigent and unable to obtain one without payment of a fee, you may cast a provisional ballot, and will have six days to provide your photo ID and/or an affirmation to your county elections office to have your ballot count.
If all else fails, they need only affirm they are who they say they are.
Poor little Dickless Fuck and Seabitch. They get smacked around by reality... they run away. typical.


The OP is really touching.

Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they don't have ID Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Too fucking bad! Get ID or don't fucking vote.
I stand by my convictions. Even this Republican has the civil right to vote.

Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Could Disenfranchise ‘Super Voters’ | TPMMuckraker

Nearly one-fourth of the senior citizen voters who have cast a ballot in the past 50 consecutive elections (including November 2011) lack a valid state-issued ID and could be prevented from casting a ballot in November, according to a new PA AFL-CIO analysis of data provided by the state.


Helen Taylor, an 81-year-old from Doylestown who wants to vote for Romney, wasn’t aware the voter ID law would prevent her from voting until she was contacted by TPM. She no longer drives, and her licence expired a few years ago after she got into an accident.
Taylor first voted for Dwight Eisenhower after seeing him speak in Philadelphia as a young woman. She’s heard some people talking about the law but didn’t think it would affect her. Taylor doesn’t think the law is necessary.

“I mean, here I am, I’m 80-years-old, I live in a retirement community,” Taylor said. “I definitely want to vote. My whole family always likes politics. My parents were Democrats, they loved Roosevelt and all that. But everybody — well there are a couple Democrats left I think — but almost everybody is a Republican now.”

Maybe one of you anti-ID geniuses can answer this. Unless you require an ID how don you keep the millions of ILLEGAL and legal aliens from registering to vote and voting? Unless maybe your goal is to let them vote. That wouldn't be it would it? That would be unAmerican wouldn't it?
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What documents are required to get that "free of charge" ID? What do those documents cost, and what documents do you need to get one?
Did you know you're connected to the Internet?
Preparing for Election Day

Typical lazy, easily manipulated, idiot Liberal.

He is, but a lot of older voters aren't.

Most of these folks will go to the polls on Election day just like they have for the past few decades...only be told THIS TIME that they don't have the "proper" ID.

Funny how they can make it to the Polls without any problems, but getting to he DMV to get an ID card... That seems to be out of the realm of their capabilities. :lol:
I stand by my convictions. Even this Republican has the civil right to vote.

Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Could Disenfranchise ‘Super Voters’ | TPMMuckraker

Where does the Voter ID law state that the ID must be a driver's license?

What kind of supporting documents are required to get a photo-id in Pennsylvania? What is the cost of getting them? Do you believe that someone who's voted in the last 50 elections, all of a sudden be required to pay a defacto poll tax to cast a ballot?

BTW, I'm supporting the rights of a Republican in this case.

My father voted in at least 50 elections. Should he vote without a photo ID this year?
Did you know you're connected to the Internet?
Preparing for Election Day

Typical lazy, easily manipulated, idiot Liberal.

He is, but a lot of older voters aren't.

Most of these folks will go to the polls on Election day just like they have for the past few decades...only be told THIS TIME that they don't have the "proper" ID.

Funny how they can make it to the Polls without any problems, but getting to he DMV to get an ID card... That seems to be out of the realm of their capabilities. :lol:

There was an article in another thread about a woman the ACLU trotted out as not being able to get an ID... The woman took matters into her own hands and simply hopped on a bus, went to the DMV and got her free ID card...
He is, but a lot of older voters aren't.

Most of these folks will go to the polls on Election day just like they have for the past few decades...only be told THIS TIME that they don't have the "proper" ID.

Funny how they can make it to the Polls without any problems, but getting to he DMV to get an ID card... That seems to be out of the realm of their capabilities. :lol:

There was an article in another thread about a woman the ACLU trotted out as not being able to get an ID... The woman took matters into her own hands and simply hopped on a bus, went to the DMV and got her free ID card...

But.. but.. .but.. SHE HAD TO PAY BUS FARE... Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

He is, but a lot of older voters aren't.

Most of these folks will go to the polls on Election day just like they have for the past few decades...only be told THIS TIME that they don't have the "proper" ID.

read my posts, dumbass. They can vote provisionally. I even gave specifics as to what is allowed as ID, what can be done without ID... for example, the use of an affirmation.

So they can come back in a few days and present the ID. Right. What if they don't have it and have to get it? Then they get to the DMV and now they find out they need their Birth Certificate. This is another drive to another place to PAY for the certificate to get the free ID. Now this is suddenly not so free is it? It is also creating more and more hoops for the poor old person to jump through in order to exercise their right to vote (as they have for the last few decades)

I have asked this and asked this and still have yet to receive a response.

How many voters are you willing to disenfranchise to stop one incident of "voter fraud"?

Far fewer hoops than a citizen must jump through to exercise his Constitutional right to bear arms. I had to submit a birth certificate, a photo ID, finger prints and submit to an FBI records search. Once my permit was issued, I am required to carry it any time I am armed.
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He is, but a lot of older voters aren't.

Most of these folks will go to the polls on Election day just like they have for the past few decades...only be told THIS TIME that they don't have the "proper" ID.

Funny how they can make it to the Polls without any problems, but getting to he DMV to get an ID card... That seems to be out of the realm of their capabilities. :lol:

There was an article in another thread about a woman the ACLU trotted out as not being able to get an ID... The woman took matters into her own hands and simply hopped on a bus, went to the DMV and got her free ID card...

The nerve of that old bitch... keeping herself from being disenfranchised by the evil, baby eating GOP! Some people.
He is, but a lot of older voters aren't.

Most of these folks will go to the polls on Election day just like they have for the past few decades...only be told THIS TIME that they don't have the "proper" ID.

Funny how they can make it to the Polls without any problems, but getting to he DMV to get an ID card... That seems to be out of the realm of their capabilities. :lol:

There was an article in another thread about a woman the ACLU trotted out as not being able to get an ID... The woman took matters into her own hands and simply hopped on a bus, went to the DMV and got her free ID card...

I'd suspect the only people that can make the journey to the polls, yet lack the skills to make a journey to the DMV for an ID might well belong on a very short bus.
Poor little Dickless Fuck and Seabitch. They get smacked around by reality... they run away. typical.'re getting more mean and shrill as the election progresses. That says a lot. Sorry I had to leave for work. Prick (turnaround is fair play)

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