Memo to Blacks, Women, Gays etc.

None of those people are equal to straight white guys.

No, we are all different. Very true. And that's OK, no?

The problem isn't being different, the problem as you allude to is trying to use some of your differences to gain an unfair advantage in a debate, or politics, or via government.

Here comes the race card.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's all the "race card" is really, a form of leverage that has no real gravitas.
Asians don't play the race card. Please explain this to me.

Historically, they probably should have

For generations, they were relegated to "Chinatowns" where they kept to themselves and "knew their place"
Most exposure to Asians was through Chinese restaurants or laundries. There were no Asians in your local hospital or as school teachers

Since WWII they have taken a more open role in our society and excel as engineers, scientists, doctors and other professional services. Asians graduate at the top of their class at major universities

Conservatives use this fact as evidence that racism does not exist if you apply yourself

What is not discussed is that even though Asians graduate at the top of their class, they do not rise to the executive ranks. There are few Asian CEOs, vice presidents, CFOs ....those positions are still reserved for white males
Asians don't play the race card. Please explain this to me.

Historically, they probably should have

For generations, they were relegated to "Chinatowns" where they kept to themselves and "knew their place"
Most exposure to Asians was through Chinese restaurants or laundries. There were no Asians in your local hospital or as school teachers

Since WWII they have taken a more open role in our society and excel as engineers, scientists, doctors and other professional services. Asians graduate at the top of their class at major universities

Conservatives use this fact as evidence that racism does not exist if you apply yourself

What is not discussed is that even though Asians graduate at the top of their class, they do not rise to the executive ranks. There are few Asian CEOs, vice presidents, CFOs ....those positions are still reserved for white males

But is it the Government's job to change this? Or will the cream rise to the top naturally?
Asians don't play the race card. Please explain this to me.

Historically, they probably should have

For generations, they were relegated to "Chinatowns" where they kept to themselves and "knew their place"
Most exposure to Asians was through Chinese restaurants or laundries. There were no Asians in your local hospital or as school teachers

Since WWII they have taken a more open role in our society and excel as engineers, scientists, doctors and other professional services. Asians graduate at the top of their class at major universities

Conservatives use this fact as evidence that racism does not exist if you apply yourself

What is not discussed is that even though Asians graduate at the top of their class, they do not rise to the executive ranks. There are few Asian CEOs, vice presidents, CFOs ....those positions are still reserved for white males

But is it the Government's job to change this? Or will the cream rise to the top naturally?

Like you said

It is up to Asians to play the "race card"

There is no question that they are extremely qualified for executive positions. Yet, they tend to be passed over in favor of white males who did not have the same academic credentials
Asians don't play the race card. Please explain this to me.

Historically, they probably should have

For generations, they were relegated to "Chinatowns" where they kept to themselves and "knew their place"
Most exposure to Asians was through Chinese restaurants or laundries. There were no Asians in your local hospital or as school teachers

Since WWII they have taken a more open role in our society and excel as engineers, scientists, doctors and other professional services. Asians graduate at the top of their class at major universities

Conservatives use this fact as evidence that racism does not exist if you apply yourself

What is not discussed is that even though Asians graduate at the top of their class, they do not rise to the executive ranks. There are few Asian CEOs, vice presidents, CFOs ....those positions are still reserved for white males

But is it the Government's job to change this? Or will the cream rise to the top naturally?

Like you said

It is up to Asians to play the "race card"

There is no question that they are extremely qualified for executive positions. Yet, they tend to be passed over in favor of white males who did not have the same academic credentials

In what fields? What about Indians? What about the medical field? Engineering?
For those who lack information.


FLASHBACK: Morgan Freeman on Ending Racism: ‘Stop Talking About It’
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Forgive my ignorance, but how is it racist to wonder why Americans became African Americans, etc? Everybody goes to work, does their dishes and laundry and pays the bills. Why focus on color and sex? Sorry for being naive, but I don't get it.

Look at U.S. history. Laws and documents that refer to "negros," a whole history of organizations and institutions that refused to admit black people and/or women. Look at the history of people jailed, or worse, killed for the right to vote in their own country, including women and black folks. Why was Rosa Parks being forced to give up her seat on a public bus? Why was tax money being given to a golf club that refused to admit women? Why did a woman have to fight up through the courts for her right to practice the legal profession in this country? This things, and much more, were all based on separating out our citizens into groups, based only on racial, ethnic, and gender identity. The teaching of history in this country stinks. It always has. We have been a hyphenated America from the very beginning.

I think the big question is why did Women, Gays, and Blacks etc. back then not stand up for themselves?
Now they do, when they already have more rights.
Maybe because they've been weaponized by the Jewish globalists to divide, and conquer America?
Jews don't even have their own State.
Forgive my ignorance, but how is it racist to wonder why Americans became African Americans, etc? Everybody goes to work, does their dishes and laundry and pays the bills. Why focus on color and sex? Sorry for being naive, but I don't get it.

Look at U.S. history. Laws and documents that refer to "negros," a whole history of organizations and institutions that refused to admit black people and/or women. Look at the history of people jailed, or worse, killed for the right to vote in their own country, including women and black folks. Why was Rosa Parks being forced to give up her seat on a public bus? Why was tax money being given to a golf club that refused to admit women? Why did a woman have to fight up through the courts for her right to practice the legal profession in this country? This things, and much more, were all based on separating out our citizens into groups, based only on racial, ethnic, and gender identity. The teaching of history in this country stinks. It always has. We have been a hyphenated America from the very beginning.
I appreciate your reply. I don't think anyone is saying racism doesn't still exist, but it is clear that everyone has equal rights now. Many minorities probably get passed over for jobs and receive unfair treatment, but I have seen a steady improvement in "color blindness" from white people. I think things will continue to get better over time, but I wonder about the value of minorities continuing to divide themselves by skin color. How is that helpful now? Do you need black graduations, proms,etc? If white people created the division in the past, and the goal is an undivided society, why hang on to all that division. It seems counterproductive.
Asians don't play the race card. Please explain this to me.

Historically, they probably should have

For generations, they were relegated to "Chinatowns" where they kept to themselves and "knew their place"
Most exposure to Asians was through Chinese restaurants or laundries. There were no Asians in your local hospital or as school teachers

Since WWII they have taken a more open role in our society and excel as engineers, scientists, doctors and other professional services. Asians graduate at the top of their class at major universities

Conservatives use this fact as evidence that racism does not exist if you apply yourself

What is not discussed is that even though Asians graduate at the top of their class, they do not rise to the executive ranks. There are few Asian CEOs, vice presidents, CFOs ....those positions are still reserved for white males

But is it the Government's job to change this? Or will the cream rise to the top naturally?

Like you said

It is up to Asians to play the "race card"

There is no question that they are extremely qualified for executive positions. Yet, they tend to be passed over in favor of white males who did not have the same academic credentials

In what fields? What about Indians? What about the medical field? Engineering?

Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Indians make great doctors, engineers, scientists
They graduate at the top of their class but do not make it to the top of the executive classes

There is a glass ceiling for Asians
I think that the OP has raised an important point.

With all due respect, perhaps some groups (as mentioned by the OP) do not understand that they are merely antagonizing voters by constantly complaining all the time about everything.

Maybe if those groups would calm down, they might be able to persuade more voters to listen to their views.

I know that activists always cite the saying "The squeaky wheel gets the oil," but there can also be a downside to all that squeaking.
I guess they should just know their place, right racistt fuck?

You've kicked, and screamed racist so much, the word racist basically has lost all meaning.

You people are kooks.
It is not my fault that most of you assholes are racist,

This thread is obviously very racist.

If you can't see it, it is because your racism is so inbred into your very being.

If you don't want to be called a racist, don't make racist posts.
Asians don't play the race card. Please explain this to me.

Historically, they probably should have

For generations, they were relegated to "Chinatowns" where they kept to themselves and "knew their place"
Most exposure to Asians was through Chinese restaurants or laundries. There were no Asians in your local hospital or as school teachers

Since WWII they have taken a more open role in our society and excel as engineers, scientists, doctors and other professional services. Asians graduate at the top of their class at major universities

Conservatives use this fact as evidence that racism does not exist if you apply yourself

What is not discussed is that even though Asians graduate at the top of their class, they do not rise to the executive ranks. There are few Asian CEOs, vice presidents, CFOs ....those positions are still reserved for white males

But is it the Government's job to change this? Or will the cream rise to the top naturally?

Like you said

It is up to Asians to play the "race card"

There is no question that they are extremely qualified for executive positions. Yet, they tend to be passed over in favor of white males who did not have the same academic credentials

In what fields? What about Indians? What about the medical field? Engineering?

Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Indians make great doctors, engineers, scientists
They graduate at the top of their class but do not make it to the top of the executive classes

There is a glass ceiling for Asians

They are wealthy and successful. And they don't whine. I don't think that everyone wants to be a top executive. I know I would not want to be one.
Historically, they probably should have

For generations, they were relegated to "Chinatowns" where they kept to themselves and "knew their place"
Most exposure to Asians was through Chinese restaurants or laundries. There were no Asians in your local hospital or as school teachers

Since WWII they have taken a more open role in our society and excel as engineers, scientists, doctors and other professional services. Asians graduate at the top of their class at major universities

Conservatives use this fact as evidence that racism does not exist if you apply yourself

What is not discussed is that even though Asians graduate at the top of their class, they do not rise to the executive ranks. There are few Asian CEOs, vice presidents, CFOs ....those positions are still reserved for white males

But is it the Government's job to change this? Or will the cream rise to the top naturally?

Like you said

It is up to Asians to play the "race card"

There is no question that they are extremely qualified for executive positions. Yet, they tend to be passed over in favor of white males who did not have the same academic credentials

In what fields? What about Indians? What about the medical field? Engineering?

Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Indians make great doctors, engineers, scientists
They graduate at the top of their class but do not make it to the top of the executive classes

There is a glass ceiling for Asians

They are wealthy and successful. And they don't whine. I don't think that everyone wants to be a top executive. I know I would not want to be one.

For some odd reason, Asians make fine CEOs in China, Japan and North Korea.

Yet, even though Asians graduate at the top of the class at some of our finest universities, they do not rise to top executive levels

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