Memo to President Trump: Prosecute Hillary Clinton or Perish

Try Scopes
Nope, nothing about it there —> www.

The Obama administration placed immigrant children with human traffickers.

Ahh, “snopes.” I thought you meant scopes.

Snopes is a joke.

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Proves the accuracy of Snopes. But you already knew that, didn't you? :D
They involved people who worked with trump — just as the people you cited worked with the Clintons.

Your desperation was duly noted. The crimes being prosecuted against the prior employees of President Donald J. Trump occurred years, even decades before their employment with Trump.

I'm sure you noted that all the crimes involving the Clinton's had to do with their association and working with the Clinton's. Down to and including the prosecution against Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly classified documents from the National Archive and destroying them.
And not all of the emails on that private server were government property.

She was the Secretary of State, every single document she touched was government property. It doesn't matter if it was about Chelsea's wedding or whatever.

No it wasn’t. Clinton is allowed to have a life, friends and activities that have nothing to do with government.

Every document she sent as Secretary of State, but her daughter’s wedding wasn’t a matter of State nor were her yoga classes.

As you know, it was not her decision to make on which might have been personal.

Come on, can you really see Hillary Clinton taking Yoga? Whew, now that's a vision that's hard to get out of my mind. :D
Here’s the difference asshat, the Obama administration inadvertently placed the children with child traffickers because their background checks on people claiming to be caregivers and relatives was inadequate. They didn’t set out to do this as an administration policy.

Contrary to what right wingers here have posted, this was reported at the time it happened and charges were laid. There was also a Senate Investigation and a Report issued. It wasn’t covered up or denied.

The Trump Administration deliberately set out to take away the children of asylum seekers in order to deter people from seeking asylum.

Incompetence is a far cry from deliberate cruelty and dickishness.

Your post is supposed to be a joke, right?

Your first paragraph excuses the failed administration of former President Barack Hussein Obama for having handed over children to child traffickers because the background checks were inadequate.

Next paragraph blames the highly successful administration of President Donald Trump for separating adults from children because the background checks were inadequate.

Talk about a joke!

You're a hoot!
Nope, nothing about it there —> www.

The Obama administration placed immigrant children with human traffickers.

Ahh, “snopes.” I thought you meant scopes.

Snopes is a joke.

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RealClearPolitics - Fact Check Review

Proves the accuracy of Snopes. But you already knew that, didn't you? :D
Fucking moron, I agree Snopes is very accurate.

When I said, “Snopes is a joke,” I was quoting CrusaderFrank, who cited Snopes that’s confirm his claim even though he used to reject Snopes in the past when he didn’t like their conclusions...

I was actually highlighting his hypocrisy. And like I said, you have no fucking clue I was doing that.
And not all of the emails on that private server were government property.

She was the Secretary of State, every single document she touched was government property. It doesn't matter if it was about Chelsea's wedding or whatever.

& mueller is archiving every tweet from president dotard. every time he obstructs justice, an angel gets its wings.............
Here’s the difference asshat, the Obama administration inadvertently placed the children with child traffickers because their background checks on people claiming to be caregivers and relatives was inadequate. They didn’t set out to do this as an administration policy.

Contrary to what right wingers here have posted, this was reported at the time it happened and charges were laid. There was also a Senate Investigation and a Report issued. It wasn’t covered up or denied.

The Trump Administration deliberately set out to take away the children of asylum seekers in order to deter people from seeking asylum.

Incompetence is a far cry from deliberate cruelty and dickishness.

Your post is supposed to be a joke, right?

Your first paragraph excuses the failed administration of former President Barack Hussein Obama for having handed over children to child traffickers because the background checks were inadequate.

Next paragraph blames the highly successful administration of President Donald Trump for separating adults from children because the background checks were inadequate.

Talk about a joke!

You're a hoot!

The joke is that Trump wasn’t separating children from their parents because the background checks were inadequate, he was doing it because this was Trump Administration policy - zero tolerance. Jail all violators. If they have children take the children.

Jeff Sessions even went on National TV and said this was being done to deter other parents from crossing the border with their children. He blocked all Ports of Entry in order that asylum seekers had to cross the border illegally so he could do just that.

The Trump Administration did this with no plan or intention for ever reuniting these children with their parents.

This violates both human rights, and the values you claim your nation was founded on. This is what happens when you elect an ammoral, dictator wanna be as President.

And shame of those who assisted them in commiting these crimes against innocent children and defended them for doing so.
& mueller is archiving every tweet from president dotard. every time he obstructs justice, an angel gets its wings.............

PLEASE describe with us how a Tweet, sent out as an open note to anyone who chooses to read the note, is obstruction of justice.

& mueller is archiving every tweet from president dotard. every time he obstructs justice, an angel gets its wings.............

PLEASE describe with us how a Tweet, sent out as an open note to anyone who chooses to read the note, is obstruction of justice.


Lying about the FBI and those conducting the investigation so as to use the office of the President to discredit the investigation and libel and slander the FBI so that Mueller’s final report can be discarded as lies, is obstruction of justice.

Just as asking Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails is conspiring with a hostile foreign government to mess with the elections.
Here’s the difference asshat, the Obama administration inadvertently placed the children with child traffickers because their background checks on people claiming to be caregivers and relatives was inadequate. They didn’t set out to do this as an administration policy.

Contrary to what right wingers here have posted, this was reported at the time it happened and charges were laid. There was also a Senate Investigation and a Report issued. It wasn’t covered up or denied.

The Trump Administration deliberately set out to take away the children of asylum seekers in order to deter people from seeking asylum.

Incompetence is a far cry from deliberate cruelty and dickishness.

Your post is supposed to be a joke, right?

Your first paragraph excuses the failed administration of former President Barack Hussein Obama for having handed over children to child traffickers because the background checks were inadequate.

Next paragraph blames the highly successful administration of President Donald Trump for separating adults from children because the background checks were inadequate.

Talk about a joke!

You're a hoot!

The joke is that Trump wasn’t separating children from their parents because the background checks were inadequate, he was doing it because this was Trump Administration policy - zero tolerance. Jail all violators. If they have children take the children.

Jeff Sessions even went on National TV and said this was being done to deter other parents from crossing the border with their children. He blocked all Ports of Entry in order that asylum seekers had to cross the border illegally so he could do just that.

The Trump Administration did this with no plan or intention for ever reuniting these children with their parents.

This violates both human rights, and the values you claim your nation was founded on. This is what happens when you elect an ammoral, dictator wanna be as President.

And shame of those who assisted them in commiting these crimes against innocent children and defended them for doing so.

Try again! :D

JUL. 3, 2014
President Obama Draws Fire Over Border Crisis
Critics allege that administration policies are a substantial contributor to the current flood of migrant women and children into the United States.

WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of migrant women and children have crossed illegally into the United States from Central America, overwhelming Border Patrol agents and creating a humanitarian crisis at the nation’s southern border.

But the situation has drawn fire on President Barack Obama’s border policies, which some believe have played a significant role in triggering the recent exodus of migrants .

Since October, already 39,000 adults (mostly women) with children have turned themselves over to Border Patrol. Another 53,000 unaccompanied children have arrived from Central America, and the Obama administration is predicting 90,000 unaccompanied children will have arrived by September 2014.

“Apparently, word has gotten out that once encountered by Border Patrol agents and processed, thanks to this administration’s lax enforcement policies, one will likely never be removed,” said Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., in a June 25 House Judiciary Committee hearing. Goodlatte, the committee’s chairman, referred to a Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector Intelligence Report that showed 95% of migrants turning themselves over to Border Patrol agents said they believed the U.S. had a new law granting permisos or passes to women with children and to unaccompanied children.


President Obama Draws Fire Over Border Crisis
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Lying about the FBI and those conducting the investigation so as to use the office of the President to discredit the investigation and libel and slander the FBI so that Mueller’s final report can be discarded as lies, is obstruction of justice.

Just as asking Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails is conspiring with a hostile foreign government to mess with the elections.


How is President Donald Trump lying about the FBI?

Please cite that specific law. The one that says "Just as asking Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails is conspiring with a hostile foreign government to mess with the elections."

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails

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This is an interesting article. I hope Trump takes the man's advice:

Years ago, I agreed to represent a client who wanted to bring a lawsuit against a particular department of the federal government.

Since the opposing counsel would be the U.S. Department of Justice, and with my being new to that game, I enlisted as co-counsel an accomplished federal litigator with extensive experience in dealing with the DOJ.

At one of our first meetings, I asked him, “What do you think are our odds of beating the DOJ?” I will never forget his response.

With a silent smile, he slowly nodded, looked down and scribbled something on a sheet of paper before handing it to me.

The text of his properly signed and dated memorandum to me contained only two words:

“You’re f--ked.”

Now, nearly 20 years later, that is the exact memo — or warning — I want to send to President Trump.

That is … unless he demonstrates soon a willingness to exercise his constitutionally delegated powers to terminate and remove the partisan factions within his Department of Justice that are either failing to use, or are intentionally misusing, their authority to unlawfully destroy his Presidency.

If he does not, I believe the abbreviated ineloquence of my former colleague’s memo could likely convey an accurate forecast of his fate.

The DOJ is an institution vested with formidable resources, including its authority over the FBI.

It is also often the beneficiary of a thinly veiled, yet presumed, allegiance with most of the federal courts in which its attorneys operate.

As a result, and given enough time, in most cases, the DOJ is empowered — via favorable rulings and otherwise — to access, manipulate and maneuver the federal laws, rules, regulations and procedures — not to mention witness testimony — in whatever ways it may deem necessary to ultimately bring most of those it targets to heel … perhaps, even including a President.

Unconstrained, those with such potentially unlimited power could easily go rogue and morph into a government unto to themselves.

Theoretically, however, that should not be possible. The Constitution empowers the people to elect a President to whom they give their proxy to keep it in check.

Yet, today we are witnessing this chain of authority being turned on its head and a President who seems — on the surface, anyway — to be doing little with the powers of his office to put it right.

In the course of Sessions’ apparent hibernation subsequent to his recusal, a good portion of his responsibility as a member of the President’s Cabinet to run the DOJ appears to have been handed off to his unlawfully conflicted Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, who, in turn, has unlawfully delegated unfettered authority to an unlawfully conflicted Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, to prosecute any crime he sees fit and who, in turn, has unlawfully abused that unfettered authority to unlawfully establish what is an unlawfully conflicted — not to mention unconstitutional — shadow Department of Justice.

Distilled to its essence — it is a creation of the corrupt — controlled by the corrupt — to protect the corrupt — by empowering the corrupt — to achieve but one corrupt purpose:

To stalk all allies, friends, relatives and associates of this nation’s duly elected President in the hope of removing that President from office before his Administration is able to fully discover, expose and prosecute the many felonies the corrupt have committed.

You want Trump to commit a partisan act that will be seen by voters as what it would be. A attempt to obstruct justice. Neither Rosenstein or Mueller have any conflicts. Trump should be impeached for obstruction of justice.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.
Hillary has committed numerous crimes that can put her away for the rest of her life.

The server business is over with. Get over it. That is all you have against Clinton.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.
Hillary has committed numerous crimes that can put her away for the rest of her life.
Qanon conspiracies aren’t crimes, nutty buddy
violating the Espionage Act is a crime, numskull, and she's guilty of multiple counts.

That is over. Get over it.
The server business is over with. Get over it. That is all you have against Clinton.

Please simply read what Mr. Comey had to say about Hillary Clinton. The link is provided for you to easily see the entire transcript. Try to be honest and tell us that is a Republican's name was inserted everywhere the name Clinton appears, your panties wouldn't be in a twist for life in prison for treason.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.
Hillary has committed numerous crimes that can put her away for the rest of her life.
Qanon conspiracies aren’t crimes, nutty buddy
You have to wonder about a guy who is proud to have the word "anal" in his forum name.
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.

You mean like illegal possession of confidential government information on an illegal, hidden, personal server, along with discarding 30,000+ emails which were also government property?

Except the server WASN’T ILLEGAL, nor was her possession of the material on it. The law prohibiting government employees from using private servers was passed after Obama’s re-election and Clinton’s departure from the State Department.

This prohibition on private servers for government employees hasn’t stopped the Trump Administration from installing them in the White House, or for using the private server for “private confidential government information”

The Clinton server most certainly wasn’t hidden or secret. The email address, which was not a government addy, told everyone who emailed her it was not a government server. The 2013 law Congress passed most definitely seem to be a response to Clinton’s use of her private server.

And not all of the emails on that private server were government property.

She deleted subpoenaed emails. You know, bc she had nothing to hide.

She deleted personal e-mails that she had a right to do. Here is what Comey said about it.

I should add here that we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. Our assessment is that, like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed. Because she was not using a government account—or even a commercial account like Gmail—there was no archiving at all of her e-mails, so it is not surprising that we discovered e-mails that were not on Secretary Clinton’s system in 2014, when she produced the 30,000 e-mails to the State Department.

It could also be that some of the additional work-related e-mails we recovered were among those deleted as “personal” by Secretary Clinton’s lawyers when they reviewed and sorted her e-mails for production in 2014.

The lawyers doing the sorting for Secretary Clinton in 2014 did not individually read the content of all of her e-mails, as we did for those available to us; instead, they relied on header information and used search terms to try to find all work-related e-mails among the reportedly more than 60,000 total e-mails remaining on Secretary Clinton’s personal system in 2014. It is highly likely their search terms missed some work-related e-mails, and that we later found them, for example, in the mailboxes of other officials or in the slack space of a server."
You can’t lock her up for conspiracies.

You can only lock her up for doing things like violating the Constitution or obstructing justice or well you know things Trump does.

You mean like illegal possession of confidential government information on an illegal, hidden, personal server, along with discarding 30,000+ emails which were also government property?

Except the server WASN’T ILLEGAL, nor was her possession of the material on it. The law prohibiting government employees from using private servers was passed after Obama’s re-election and Clinton’s departure from the State Department.

This prohibition on private servers for government employees hasn’t stopped the Trump Administration from installing them in the White House, or for using the private server for “private confidential government information”

The Clinton server most certainly wasn’t hidden or secret. The email address, which was not a government addy, told everyone who emailed her it was not a government server. The 2013 law Congress passed most definitely seem to be a response to Clinton’s use of her private server.

And not all of the emails on that private server were government property.

She deleted subpoenaed emails. You know, bc she had nothing to hide.

She deleted personal e-mails that she had a right to do. Here is what Comey said about it.

I should add here that we found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e-mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them. Our assessment is that, like many e-mail users, Secretary Clinton periodically deleted e-mails or e-mails were purged from the system when devices were changed. Because she was not using a government account—or even a commercial account like Gmail—there was no archiving at all of her e-mails, so it is not surprising that we discovered e-mails that were not on Secretary Clinton’s system in 2014, when she produced the 30,000 e-mails to the State Department.

It could also be that some of the additional work-related e-mails we recovered were among those deleted as “personal” by Secretary Clinton’s lawyers when they reviewed and sorted her e-mails for production in 2014.

The lawyers doing the sorting for Secretary Clinton in 2014 did not individually read the content of all of her e-mails, as we did for those available to us; instead, they relied on header information and used search terms to try to find all work-related e-mails among the reportedly more than 60,000 total e-mails remaining on Secretary Clinton’s personal system in 2014. It is highly likely their search terms missed some work-related e-mails, and that we later found them, for example, in the mailboxes of other officials or in the slack space of a server."
All her emails were under subpoena, moron. She wasn't allowed to delete them.

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