Mentally Sick Pathological Liar Trump Embarrasses and Disparages America

The Electoral College system allows those states with smaller populations and smaller cities to also have a voice in the election. If it was reduced to a popularity vote only, only the huge cities would be choosing the candidates and it would end with only one party, that party which had the large cities in their control. The smaller towns and rural areas would basically, not have a say.
It is not fair to penalize those who live in the Larger cities. Whoever wins the popular vote should win. How is it fair to penalize the majority? This sounds like a Bleeding Heart Liberal idea.
Why should big lib cities penalize the rest of America? We don't all live in big cities because we don't all want big city life. Duh.
It is not penalizing, it is majority wins.
Wrong. The EC determines the election outcome. Overthrowing the Constitution would be a huge penalty. AND there's very little chance of that now that Hillary can't stack the high court with left wing activists.
Trump did not win the election with a majority of votes. He won it with a minority of votes. The individual independent voters rejected him.
The electoral college is what determines the winner. You can bleat about that until the sun implodes, but it won't change the outcome.

Bottom line: We won. You lost. Now get in the back and shut the fuck up.
It puts Trump's legitimacy as President in question, the way you guys did to Obama with the birther movement, but the failure of Trump to obtain a majority of votes is not a scam the way the birther movement was. Obama being born in Kenya was always a shady unprovable conspiracy gimmick. Trump losing the popular vote is a provable viably uncontested fact.
Trump did not win the election with a majority of votes. He won it with a minority of votes. The individual independent voters rejected him.
The electoral college is what determines the winner. You can bleat about that until the sun implodes, but it won't change the outcome.

Bottom line: We won. You lost. Now get in the back and shut the fuck up.
It puts Trump's legitimacy as President in question, the way you guys did to Obama with the birther movement, but the failure of Trump to obtain a majority of votes is not a scam the way the birther movement was. Obama being born in Kenya was always a shady unprovable conspiracy gimmick. Trump losing the popular vote is a provable viably uncontested fact.
Liar. The EC is how presidents get elected in this country. Just because some liberals foam over about not getting their way it doesn't mean legitimacy is called into question, just their maturity.
Trump did not win the election with a majority of votes. He won it with a minority of votes. The individual independent voters rejected him.
The electoral college is what determines the winner. You can bleat about that until the sun implodes, but it won't change the outcome.

Bottom line: We won. You lost. Now get in the back and shut the fuck up.
It puts Trump's legitimacy as President in question, the way you guys did to Obama with the birther movement, but the failure of Trump to obtain a majority of votes is not a scam the way the birther movement was. Obama being born in Kenya was always a shady unprovable conspiracy gimmick. Trump losing the popular vote is a provable viably uncontested fact.
Liar. The EC is how presidents get elected in this country. Just because some liberals foam over about not getting their way it doesn't mean legitimacy is called into question, just their maturity.
It is not about turning over the election, it is about destroying the notion that Trump was elected with a mandate and full support from the American population. You guys are so busy lecturing about the EC patting yourselves on the back for knowing high school civics you miss the real purpose of the recount.
Trump did not win the election with a majority of votes. He won it with a minority of votes. The individual independent voters rejected him.
The electoral college is what determines the winner. You can bleat about that until the sun implodes, but it won't change the outcome.

Bottom line: We won. You lost. Now get in the back and shut the fuck up.
It puts Trump's legitimacy as President in question, the way you guys did to Obama with the birther movement, but the failure of Trump to obtain a majority of votes is not a scam the way the birther movement was. Obama being born in Kenya was always a shady unprovable conspiracy gimmick. Trump losing the popular vote is a provable viably uncontested fact.
Liar. The EC is how presidents get elected in this country. Just because some liberals foam over about not getting their way it doesn't mean legitimacy is called into question, just their maturity.
It is not about turning over the election, it is about destroying the notion that Trump was elected with a mandate and full support from the American population. You guys are so busy lecturing about the EC patting yourselves on the back for knowing high school civics you miss the real purpose of the recount.
No president has EVER had the full support of the population. You have a childmind and need strawmen to attack.
I was seriously hoping that Trump would change his tune

After a shocking victory, it looked like he was changing his tactics and becoming more "Presidential"

But he just can't stop making up lies to support his case. No Donald, there is no evidence of millions of illegal votes in California. won
Why do you want to call the election a fraud?
Trump did not win the election with a majority of votes. He won it with a minority of votes. The individual independent voters rejected him.

He won by the more counties. Thats how it's done in this country.
He got over 3,000.
She got only a little over 100.
Trump kicked her butt. :)
The Electoral College system allows those states with smaller populations and smaller cities to also have a voice in the election. If it was reduced to a popularity vote only, only the huge cities would be choosing the candidates and it would end with only one party, that party which had the large cities in their control. The smaller towns and rural areas would basically, not have a say.

That's funny. One person one vote gives everyone the same say, no matter where you live.
The Electoral College system allows those states with smaller populations and smaller cities to also have a voice in the election. If it was reduced to a popularity vote only, only the huge cities would be choosing the candidates and it would end with only one party, that party which had the large cities in their control. The smaller towns and rural areas would basically, not have a say.

That's funny. One person one vote gives everyone the same say, no matter where you live.

No it doesn't.
It gives power to N.Y. and California and the costal cities who are more populated, over the rest of the heartland of the country.
It's strange the left loons were not uttering a peep about the EC while the MSM assured them Cankles would win with ease.....just saying
Months away from becoming the new US President, Donald Trump is getting a running start at disparaging America with lies and becoming a general embarrassment to his country. Trump's ego and the inner voice in his head that talks to him have convinced the Donald that the fact that the majority of American citizens that voted in the Presidential election did not actually vote for him is a conspiracy against him personally. Millions more Americans cast their ballots for his opponent, but America uses a voting process that allows a candidate without a majority popular vote to win the election if the process is manipulated.

The world is watching.and much of it is freaking out in disbelief.


Shouldn't we then invalidate the election based on that statement? If there was such massive fraud, there is no way the election was fair. And if he believes there was, again he should not be allowed to become president.
Shouldn't we then invalidate the election based on that statement? If there was such massive fraud, there is no way the election was fair. And if he believes there was, again he should not be allowed to become president.

Where is the evidence of "massive fraud"? There lies the problem....Stein and Clintooon have none.
Trump did not win the election with a majority of votes. He won it with a minority of votes. The individual independent voters rejected him.

OMG, Hillary ran for the popular vote? What a stupid douche she is. Thank God she didn't win then. Unbelievable, thanks for the heads up on that. We haven't had anyone that dumb run for President since Gore. Remember when he ran for the popular vote too? Damn Democrats are dumb. Maybe you should learn our system. Or don't, I don't care. Keep losing because you don't know the rules. It's fine with me
The Electoral College system allows those states with smaller populations and smaller cities to also have a voice in the election. If it was reduced to a popularity vote only, only the huge cities would be choosing the candidates and it would end with only one party, that party which had the large cities in their control. The smaller towns and rural areas would basically, not have a say.

Yeah, if they happen to be tight states. Wyoming might have the best person to vote ratio in the country, getting a vote 3 times more powerful than a vote in big states, but it's a meaningless state because they're all Republican cowboys.

In this election three states made the difference, which was up on other years. So the people in a few states got lucky and made their choice, while the other 47 states get stuck with the choice of the other three.

And the US goes around shouting "democracy" at Venezuela, Iraq, China etc etc. Come off it, Venezuela is more democratic than the US and the US decided to depose their leader for "democratic" reasons in 2002.
Trump did not win the election with a majority of votes. He won it with a minority of votes. The individual independent voters rejected him.

He won by the more counties. Thats how it's done in this country.
He got over 3,000.
She got only a little over 100.
Trump kicked her butt. :)

It's the losers that Democrats are. Trump didn't run for the popular vote, the point is irrelevant. Millions of Republicans in Democrat States don't show up in California, Maryland, New York, Illinois and other States because they have no chance. But if you change the rules after the vote, viola, the Democrats win!

Camp is stupid as shit
The Electoral College system allows those states with smaller populations and smaller cities to also have a voice in the election. If it was reduced to a popularity vote only, only the huge cities would be choosing the candidates and it would end with only one party, that party which had the large cities in their control. The smaller towns and rural areas would basically, not have a say.

Yeah, if they happen to be tight states. Wyoming might have the best person to vote ratio in the country, getting a vote 3 times more powerful than a vote in big states, but it's a meaningless state because they're all Republican cowboys.

In this election three states made the difference, which was up on other years. So the people in a few states got lucky and made their choice, while the other 47 states get stuck with the choice of the other three.

And the US goes around shouting "democracy" at Venezuela, Iraq, China etc etc. Come off it, Venezuela is more democratic than the US and the US decided to depose their leader for "democratic" reasons in 2002.

Hogwash and baloney. You're just another butthurt loon
The Electoral College system allows those states with smaller populations and smaller cities to also have a voice in the election. If it was reduced to a popularity vote only, only the huge cities would be choosing the candidates and it would end with only one party, that party which had the large cities in their control. The smaller towns and rural areas would basically, not have a say.
It seems to have little if any effect on preventing a mentally ill pathological liar from becoming a President.

Sorry, are you referring to Trump or Hillary?
The Electoral College system allows those states with smaller populations and smaller cities to also have a voice in the election. If it was reduced to a popularity vote only, only the huge cities would be choosing the candidates and it would end with only one party, that party which had the large cities in their control. The smaller towns and rural areas would basically, not have a say.

Yeah, if they happen to be tight states. Wyoming might have the best person to vote ratio in the country, getting a vote 3 times more powerful than a vote in big states, but it's a meaningless state because they're all Republican cowboys.

In this election three states made the difference, which was up on other years. So the people in a few states got lucky and made their choice, while the other 47 states get stuck with the choice of the other three.

And the US goes around shouting "democracy" at Venezuela, Iraq, China etc etc. Come off it, Venezuela is more democratic than the US and the US decided to depose their leader for "democratic" reasons in 2002.

Well, you like tyranny of the majority, others don't. It depends on your goals. Our country was set up so that small States couldn't be overrun by big States (Senate) and big States couldn't be overrun by small States (House). You need agreement between them to pass laws. It is supposed to make it harder to pass laws restricting our freedom.

Anyway, despite it all, we're charging full bore towards socialism anyway. Why do you object when you're winning?

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