Merged Kavanaugh/Ford OpinionComment threads for Oct 1

Oh, you Trumplicans for heaven's sake stop being whiny little bitches. Merrick Garland was screwed by Mcconnell's shenanigans and obstruction. Yeah, boo hoo hoo on Kavanaugh's puny delay The sad and pathetic drunk will be confirmed.

^^^ more proof the left are petty and butthurt.
Hey, it is your side that are whining and crying. Read this OP. It is so friggin pathetic.

LMAO okay we booted the entire Dem party into the minority party cheap seats, stripped them of a SC pick, then when they mouthed off about blocking Trumps nominees we nuclear optioned their ass :auiqs.jpg: that's some funny shit right there :auiqs.jpg:

So then why are you and others whing over a little delay? Sad really.
Because they are doing is delaying, for no reason. There is no proof of anything and you filthy scum know this.

Can you write one post without beng a friggin troll.
Oh, you Trumplicans for heaven's sake stop being whiny little bitches. Merrick Garland was screwed by Mcconnell's shenanigans and obstruction. Yeah, boo hoo hoo on Kavanaugh's puny delay The sad and pathetic drunk will be confirmed.

^^^ more proof the left are petty and butthurt.
Hey, it is your side that are whining and crying. Read this OP. It is so friggin pathetic.

LMAO okay we booted the entire Dem party into the minority party cheap seats, stripped them of a SC pick, then when they mouthed off about blocking Trumps nominees we nuclear optioned their ass :auiqs.jpg: that's some funny shit right there :auiqs.jpg:

So then why are you and others whing over a little delay? Sad really.
Because they are doing is delaying, for no reason. There is no proof of anything and you filthy scum know this.

What's funny is, all their scheming will fail then I'll get to mock them and rub salt in their wounds.
This fiasco is just one of the many reasons why Republicans will be gaining seats in November.
Here are a few other reasons....
more jobs
higher wages
less taxes
boarder security
economic growth
stronger military

Democrats have been fighting against everything that matters to most Americans.
But but but, Trump is a poopy head!
You guys gotta admit though......................all this talk about what he did or didn't do in high school and college has far overshadowed the real lies he has already told to Congress and been caught in. Happened while he was serving in Jr.'s admin.

Why are we more concerned about Kavanaugh groping a girl in high school, than the PROVEN times he's been caught lying to Congress?

Five times Brett Kavanaugh appears to have lied to Congress while under oath
If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?
Being the Boards accomplished retired therapist, I for one, would like to see the therapists notes.
The fact that they are being hidden, is alarming in itself.

A therapist cannot release notes from their sessions except in very specific conditions. You wanting to see them because you don't believe her doesn't qualify as one of them.

Confidentiality in Clinical Psychology


Psychological practice uses the word privilege to describe the legal right of keeping your clinical records confidential. (In California, this right is established in CA Evidence Code § 1014.) Because this right, in the strict legal sense, is thought of as a “thing,” psychological practice talks about “holding” the privilege. So who holds it?

Well, as I said earlier, you, the client, do. You hold the privilege of knowing and telling about your life, and you hold the privilege of determining what happens to your clinical records.

But your psychotherapist also knows about your life. Quite a bit in fact. Not just what’s in your chart, but everything you say and everything in between, including the simple fact of your being a client. Therefore, according to the principle of confidentiality, your psychotherapist is required to hold the privilege for you—even after therapy has terminated. This means that nothing he or she knows about you can be told to anyone else without your permission. Period. Not even the fact that you’re a client. That’s why you have to sign a Release of Information (ROI) form to have your psychotherapist give any information about your case to any other person, such as a physician.

In my practice, if I receive an ROI requesting information to be sent to a third party, I require my client’s original signature on the form—not a fax and not a copy—and even then I will check with my client to make sure the client really wants the information to be released.

Criminal Activity. “What if I have committed a crime?” some individuals ask. Well, even criminal activity is protected by psychotherapeutic confidentiality. So you can relax, if that happens to be your particular concern—unless, of course, you are still engaged in criminal activity which jeopardizes the life or safety of others, and you reveal the details of this activity in psychotherapy. Such a case could fall under one of the exceptions to confidentiality (see below).

Suicide. “What if I talk about suicide? Not that I plan to kill myself, but sometimes I think about suicide. If I tell you about these thoughts, will you put me in hospital?” is a common concern. Actually, the issue here is whether there is a reasonable suspicion that you are likely to kill yourself. So just thinking about suicide doesn’t necessarily warrant any extreme action on the part of the psychotherapist. A good psychotherapist should know how to spot the difference between fantasy and real danger and should know how to work clinically with all your fantasies, however dark and fearful.

I know that.
But, the FBI can subpoena them while insuring HIPPA confidentiality stays intact.
I have had client case files where that happened.
I practiced in Las Vegas and continue to live here and dealt with the FBI before doing background checks on those who worked at the test site.
If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?
He was a Legacy.
Who didn't expect this?

They are now demanding changes to the conditions set down and were in agreement to allowing a supplemental investigation in to the unsubstantiated, vague, last minute and IMO totally false allegations.

As if you didn't expect them to pull this stunt once you gave them an inch.




Now they want MORE TIME!

And they DEMAND an ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION for PERJURY, NOT on Whackadoodle Ford, but on Kavanaugh.

Quit letting The Left hold Democracy Hostage, and quit paying their Ransom!

I mean don't dare Investigate Feinstein, Katz, or Ford to see if ANY....ANY AT ALL of their statements were true of false. NOPE....The DEMS only want to turn over every rock, log and see if Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh ONLY made any misstatement.

Same playbook with The Mueller Investigation Investigating Russian Collusion but making The Actual Collusion and Money Laundering through COIE Lawfirm through Fusion GPS to Russia for The Fake Dossier used to file False Affidavits to Illegally Spy on a Rival Presidential Campaign and his family and his advisors, IMMUNE from said "so called" Investigation.

And of course, they Declared just like when Trump was elected, to try to IMPEACH Kavanaugh the second he is confirmed.

The DEMONAZI Storm Troopers are on their incessant march to Tyranny, with every inch given, they take a mile.


Dems accused of moving goalposts on Kavanaugh after FBI probe ordered

Delay? After what the cons did with Merrick Garland you can NEVER thrown that delay stone again you hypocrites!

All that was done is just leave him there, he was never accused or trashed. I notice that no leftist claims Garland was illegally left alone, the Senate broke no rules or laws in the process. Some nominees have been left standing in the past too without a vote or hearing.

Stop being irrational here since you have NOTHING but whine to serve, which gets boring fast!

What rules were broken with Kavanaugh?
Who didn't expect this?

They are now demanding changes to the conditions set down and were in agreement to allowing a supplemental investigation in to the unsubstantiated, vague, last minute and IMO totally false allegations.

As if you didn't expect them to pull this stunt once you gave them an inch.




Now they want MORE TIME!

And they DEMAND an ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION for PERJURY, NOT on Whackadoodle Ford, but on Kavanaugh.

Quit letting The Left hold Democracy Hostage, and quit paying their Ransom!

I mean don't dare Investigate Feinstein, Katz, or Ford to see if ANY....ANY AT ALL of their statements were true of false. NOPE....The DEMS only want to turn over every rock, log and see if Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh ONLY made any misstatement.

Same playbook with The Mueller Investigation Investigating Russian Collusion but making The Actual Collusion and Money Laundering through COIE Lawfirm through Fusion GPS to Russia for The Fake Dossier used to file False Affidavits to Illegally Spy on a Rival Presidential Campaign and his family and his advisors, IMMUNE from said "so called" Investigation.

And of course, they Declared just like when Trump was elected, to try to IMPEACH Kavanaugh the second he is confirmed.

The DEMONAZI Storm Troopers are on their incessant march to Tyranny, with every inch given, they take a mile.


Dems accused of moving goalposts on Kavanaugh after FBI probe ordered
We should delay the same amount of time that Garland waited.
Who didn't expect this?

They are now demanding changes to the conditions set down and were in agreement to allowing a supplemental investigation in to the unsubstantiated, vague, last minute and IMO totally false allegations.

As if you didn't expect them to pull this stunt once you gave them an inch.




Now they want MORE TIME!

And they DEMAND an ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION for PERJURY, NOT on Whackadoodle Ford, but on Kavanaugh.

Quit letting The Left hold Democracy Hostage, and quit paying their Ransom!

I mean don't dare Investigate Feinstein, Katz, or Ford to see if ANY....ANY AT ALL of their statements were true of false. NOPE....The DEMS only want to turn over every rock, log and see if Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh ONLY made any misstatement.

Same playbook with The Mueller Investigation Investigating Russian Collusion but making The Actual Collusion and Money Laundering through COIE Lawfirm through Fusion GPS to Russia for The Fake Dossier used to file False Affidavits to Illegally Spy on a Rival Presidential Campaign and his family and his advisors, IMMUNE from said "so called" Investigation.

And of course, they Declared just like when Trump was elected, to try to IMPEACH Kavanaugh the second he is confirmed.

The DEMONAZI Storm Troopers are on their incessant march to Tyranny, with every inch given, they take a mile.


Dems accused of moving goalposts on Kavanaugh after FBI probe ordered

Stop sending the same fucking republican cowards to Washington.
Who didn't expect this?

They are now demanding changes to the conditions set down and were in agreement to allowing a supplemental investigation in to the unsubstantiated, vague, last minute and IMO totally false allegations.

As if you didn't expect them to pull this stunt once you gave them an inch.




Now they want MORE TIME!

And they DEMAND an ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION for PERJURY, NOT on Whackadoodle Ford, but on Kavanaugh.

Quit letting The Left hold Democracy Hostage, and quit paying their Ransom!

I mean don't dare Investigate Feinstein, Katz, or Ford to see if ANY....ANY AT ALL of their statements were true of false. NOPE....The DEMS only want to turn over every rock, log and see if Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh ONLY made any misstatement.

Same playbook with The Mueller Investigation Investigating Russian Collusion but making The Actual Collusion and Money Laundering through COIE Lawfirm through Fusion GPS to Russia for The Fake Dossier used to file False Affidavits to Illegally Spy on a Rival Presidential Campaign and his family and his advisors, IMMUNE from said "so called" Investigation.

And of course, they Declared just like when Trump was elected, to try to IMPEACH Kavanaugh the second he is confirmed.

The DEMONAZI Storm Troopers are on their incessant march to Tyranny, with every inch given, they take a mile.


Dems accused of moving goalposts on Kavanaugh after FBI probe ordered

Delay? After what the cons did with Merrick Garland you can NEVER thrown that delay stone again you hypocrites!

All that was done is just leave him there, he was never accused or trashed. I notice that no leftist claims Garland was illegally left alone, the Senate broke no rules or laws in the process. Some nominees have been left standing in the past too without a vote or hearing.

Stop being irrational here since you have NOTHING but whine to serve, which gets boring fast!

What rules were broken with Kavanaugh?
The same as with Garland.
Who didn't expect this?

They are now demanding changes to the conditions set down and were in agreement to allowing a supplemental investigation in to the unsubstantiated, vague, last minute and IMO totally false allegations.

As if you didn't expect them to pull this stunt once you gave them an inch.




Now they want MORE TIME!

And they DEMAND an ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION for PERJURY, NOT on Whackadoodle Ford, but on Kavanaugh.

Quit letting The Left hold Democracy Hostage, and quit paying their Ransom!

I mean don't dare Investigate Feinstein, Katz, or Ford to see if ANY....ANY AT ALL of their statements were true of false. NOPE....The DEMS only want to turn over every rock, log and see if Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh ONLY made any misstatement.

Same playbook with The Mueller Investigation Investigating Russian Collusion but making The Actual Collusion and Money Laundering through COIE Lawfirm through Fusion GPS to Russia for The Fake Dossier used to file False Affidavits to Illegally Spy on a Rival Presidential Campaign and his family and his advisors, IMMUNE from said "so called" Investigation.

And of course, they Declared just like when Trump was elected, to try to IMPEACH Kavanaugh the second he is confirmed.

The DEMONAZI Storm Troopers are on their incessant march to Tyranny, with every inch given, they take a mile.


Dems accused of moving goalposts on Kavanaugh after FBI probe ordered
We should delay the same amount of time that Garland waited.

You are a moron. Garland was disqualified by the Biden rule, gosh you libtards are stupid.
This fiasco is just one of the many reasons why Republicans will be gaining seats in November.
Here are a few other reasons....
more jobs
higher wages
less taxes
boarder security
economic growth
stronger military

Democrats have been fighting against everything that matters to most Americans.
But but but, Trump is a poopy head!

I'm hiding under my blanket because Trump

Who didn't expect this?

They are now demanding changes to the conditions set down and were in agreement to allowing a supplemental investigation in to the unsubstantiated, vague, last minute and IMO totally false allegations.

As if you didn't expect them to pull this stunt once you gave them an inch.




Now they want MORE TIME!

And they DEMAND an ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION for PERJURY, NOT on Whackadoodle Ford, but on Kavanaugh.

Quit letting The Left hold Democracy Hostage, and quit paying their Ransom!

I mean don't dare Investigate Feinstein, Katz, or Ford to see if ANY....ANY AT ALL of their statements were true of false. NOPE....The DEMS only want to turn over every rock, log and see if Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh ONLY made any misstatement.

Same playbook with The Mueller Investigation Investigating Russian Collusion but making The Actual Collusion and Money Laundering through COIE Lawfirm through Fusion GPS to Russia for The Fake Dossier used to file False Affidavits to Illegally Spy on a Rival Presidential Campaign and his family and his advisors, IMMUNE from said "so called" Investigation.

And of course, they Declared just like when Trump was elected, to try to IMPEACH Kavanaugh the second he is confirmed.

The DEMONAZI Storm Troopers are on their incessant march to Tyranny, with every inch given, they take a mile.


Dems accused of moving goalposts on Kavanaugh after FBI probe ordered
We should delay the same amount of time that Garland waited.

You know that this makes you a passive-aggressive?
Who didn't expect this?

They are now demanding changes to the conditions set down and were in agreement to allowing a supplemental investigation in to the unsubstantiated, vague, last minute and IMO totally false allegations.

As if you didn't expect them to pull this stunt once you gave them an inch.




Now they want MORE TIME!

And they DEMAND an ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION for PERJURY, NOT on Whackadoodle Ford, but on Kavanaugh.

Quit letting The Left hold Democracy Hostage, and quit paying their Ransom!

I mean don't dare Investigate Feinstein, Katz, or Ford to see if ANY....ANY AT ALL of their statements were true of false. NOPE....The DEMS only want to turn over every rock, log and see if Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh ONLY made any misstatement.

Same playbook with The Mueller Investigation Investigating Russian Collusion but making The Actual Collusion and Money Laundering through COIE Lawfirm through Fusion GPS to Russia for The Fake Dossier used to file False Affidavits to Illegally Spy on a Rival Presidential Campaign and his family and his advisors, IMMUNE from said "so called" Investigation.

And of course, they Declared just like when Trump was elected, to try to IMPEACH Kavanaugh the second he is confirmed.

The DEMONAZI Storm Troopers are on their incessant march to Tyranny, with every inch given, they take a mile.


Dems accused of moving goalposts on Kavanaugh after FBI probe ordered
We should delay the same amount of time that Garland waited.

You are a moron. Garland was disqualified by the Biden rule, gosh you libtards are stupid.

Bears worth repeating!
Who didn't expect this?

They are now demanding changes to the conditions set down and were in agreement to allowing a supplemental investigation in to the unsubstantiated, vague, last minute and IMO totally false allegations.

As if you didn't expect them to pull this stunt once you gave them an inch.




Now they want MORE TIME!

And they DEMAND an ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION for PERJURY, NOT on Whackadoodle Ford, but on Kavanaugh.

Quit letting The Left hold Democracy Hostage, and quit paying their Ransom!

I mean don't dare Investigate Feinstein, Katz, or Ford to see if ANY....ANY AT ALL of their statements were true of false. NOPE....The DEMS only want to turn over every rock, log and see if Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh ONLY made any misstatement.

Same playbook with The Mueller Investigation Investigating Russian Collusion but making The Actual Collusion and Money Laundering through COIE Lawfirm through Fusion GPS to Russia for The Fake Dossier used to file False Affidavits to Illegally Spy on a Rival Presidential Campaign and his family and his advisors, IMMUNE from said "so called" Investigation.

And of course, they Declared just like when Trump was elected, to try to IMPEACH Kavanaugh the second he is confirmed.

The DEMONAZI Storm Troopers are on their incessant march to Tyranny, with every inch given, they take a mile.


Dems accused of moving goalposts on Kavanaugh after FBI probe ordered
We should delay the same amount of time that Garland waited.

You are a moron. Garland was disqualified by the Biden rule, gosh you libtards are stupid.
Show us the Biden rule and how it applies.
If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?
He was a Legacy.

His Grampa went to Yale. Like most cons , Kav is an expert on misinformation. I’m sure if asked he would say “I was talking about Yale LAW school. Not Yale undergrad !!!! This is a witch hunt ! “

Kavanaugh said he had "no connections" to Yale. He was, in fact, a legacy student

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