Merged Kavanaugh/Ford OpinionComment threads for Oct 1

If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?
Timmy = the poster boy for sheer ignorance
Timmy=the new shootspeedos....
I am not sure whether Kavanaugh is a poster child for White privilege as much as a poster child for patrician elitism. Kavanaugh's attitude at the hearing showed that he is nothing more than an entitled little twerp. His entitlement to the Supreme Court being endangered by those he considered his social inferiors sent him into a pathetic rage.
How about his entitlement to presumption of innocence and to be free of malicious character assassination?

It’s not character assassination if it’s true .

Kav has been shady through the whole process . Painting himself as some beer sipping book nerd choir boy .
Out last civil cost us around 620,000 American lives and that was with a fairly clear physical dividing line and fought mostly with rifles. I have to believe one fought today would create so much bloodshed that the only winners would be the arms manufacturers.

True but all liberals fail to consider the upside - THEIR own upside.

Fewer Americans means:

1. Fewer consumers, reducing your perceived threat of "Global-What-The-Fuck).

2. A weaker America - fewer to oppose implementation of the dictatorship your (once) New Messiah so hungered for.

Consider your own agenda and you'll see the logic in the need for a civil war. But if you realize you can't win a war of the shooting variety....yeah, that could explain why you won't want it.

Hey Henry,
Appreciate your sediment but, I don’t think I the guy you’re looking for. One of the reasons I have the perspective I do, is because liberal or conservative seem to be incomplete. I care about rights of all because anytime the government denies anybody their rights we are all in jeopardy. So the idea that somehow I would wish dominance of any point of view is kind of antithetical to my actual beliefs.
Winston Churchill has been attributed with the quote, “If you’re not liberal by the time you are thirty, you don’t have a heart. If you’re not conservative by the time you’re fifty you don’t have a brain.” I think what he was getting at was the idea that as a young adult you should realize that the world is not fair, and by the time you mature you should realize that any substantive change is slow and should be.
Thanks for the thoughts though.
It’s not character assassination if it’s true .

Kav has been shady through the whole process . Painting himself as some beer sipping book nerd choir boy .
If you have no evidence, then you cannot say your character assassination is true.....You have no evidence.
I am not sure whether Kavanaugh is a poster child for White privilege as much as a poster child for patrician elitism. Kavanaugh's attitude at the hearing showed that he is nothing more than an entitled little twerp. His entitlement to the Supreme Court being endangered by those he considered his social inferiors sent him into a pathetic rage.

Lib please name one Dem member of the committee who is more intelligent that Kavanaugh, yeah none of them.
Lol...They all are. Given Kavanaugh's pathetic performance at the hearing, all he showed was that he is not ready for prime time.
If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?
He was a Legacy.

His Grampa went to Yale. Like most cons , Kav is an expert on misinformation. I’m sure if asked he would say “I was talking about Yale LAW school. Not Yale undergrad !!!! This is a witch hunt ! “

Kavanaugh said he had "no connections" to Yale. He was, in fact, a legacy student

Yale has already state his grandfather had nothing to do with him getting accepted, try to keep up. :itsok:

Lol. What else are they going to say? They won’t admit to the legacy rule .

Here's you Timmy :lalala:
If any one in Kavanaugh's court acted like he did, he would have been thrown in jail for contempt. There is more than enough circumstantial evidence that Kavanaugh is a belligerent and pathetic drunk.
Mmmm....So we're not in court and don't have to clear the hurdles of evidence to assassinate his character, but then we need to adhere to courtroom rules and decorum as he gets smeared and defamed by slimy shitball partisan hacks.

I get it now.
We should delay the same amount of time that Garland waited.

You are a moron. Garland was disqualified by the Biden rule, gosh you libtards are stupid.

There is no Biden rule . Fake ass conservative propaganda .

What judge was blocked by Biden ??

Don’t know, don’t care but it happened. That’s why Trumps guy Gorsich sits there and not token half-negro’s. Deal with it.

Right . So how about a decent guy instead of the Perv Judge Kav?

What makes an offender like you any more credible?

Dr Ford testified under oath in front of the whole nation . She seemed pretty credible and answered the questions .

Kav avoided a number of questions .
As for the real outcome of a civil war, I truly hope you are making statements about war as a veteran of a war. War is the ugliest thing ever, which means when it happens it should be the very last option. A civil war goes one step further as it unleashes this carnage on a civilian population. I can’t speak for you, but I don’t want my 80 year old parents or my teenage daughters to have a war unleashed on them in their own homes.
...could be wrong, though.
You guys gotta admit though......................all this talk about what he did or didn't do in high school and college has far overshadowed the real lies he has already told to Congress and been caught in. Happened while he was serving in Jr.'s admin.

Why are we more concerned about Kavanaugh groping a girl in high school, than the PROVEN times he's been caught lying to Congress?

Five times Brett Kavanaugh appears to have lied to Congress while under oath
Liar says he's a proven liar and the liars own link says "appears to have lied".
I am not sure whether Kavanaugh is a poster child for White privilege as much as a poster child for patrician elitism. Kavanaugh's attitude at the hearing showed that he is nothing more than an entitled little twerp. His entitlement to the Supreme Court being endangered by those he considered his social inferiors sent him into a pathetic rage.

Lib please name one Dem member of the committee who is more intelligent that Kavanaugh, yeah none of them.
Lol...They all are. Given Kavanaugh's pathetic performance at the hearing, all he showed was that he is not ready for prime time.

This is where I remind you about the Spartacus moment imbecile. :auiqs.jpg:
OP loves victims.

Kavanaugh paid attention to his business and worked his ass off.

Anyone critical of his life is a spiteful, hateful, jealous piece of garbage.

It’s not about Kavanaugh being white, it’s about the Dimms not liking conservatives.

Did Clarence Thomas have white privilege?

Fuck off Dimms.
It’s not character assassination if it’s true .

Kav has been shady through the whole process . Painting himself as some beer sipping book nerd choir boy .
If you have no evidence, then you cannot say your character assassination is true.....You have no evidence.

Testimony is evidence . Why do you think witnesses are called???
If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?
Timmy = the poster boy for sheer ignorance

I think he's a conservative plant who's mission is to make the left look stupid.
I am not sure whether Kavanaugh is a poster child for White privilege as much as a poster child for patrician elitism. Kavanaugh's attitude at the hearing showed that he is nothing more than an entitled little twerp. His entitlement to the Supreme Court being endangered by those he considered his social inferiors sent him into a pathetic rage.
It showed he was mad at being falsely accused by a lying whore libstain.
If any one in Kavanaugh's court acted like he did, he would have been thrown in jail for contempt. There is more than enough circumstantial evidence that Kavanaugh is a belligerent and pathetic drunk.
Mmmm....So we're not in court and don't have to clear the hurdles of evidence to assassinate his character, but then we need to adhere to courtroom rules and decorum as he gets smeared and defamed by slimy shitball partisan hacks.

I get it now.
No. First of all the fact that when Kavanaugh drinks he turns into a pathetic and belligerent drunk is not in itself disqualifying for the Supreme Court. If he lied at the hearing it would be.

My point about Kavanaugh's comportment has to do with him being a federal judge. He should know how to conduct himself. He acted less like a federal judge and more like a spoiled rotten rich kid.
In the strange liberal universe if you work hard and become successful you should apologize.
If there was one part of the hearings that was laughable (and there were many) it was when Kav angrily stated that he got into #1 Yale Law by “busting my hump “ and that he “didn’t have any connections”.

Lol! I think all the eye rolling in the country at that moment registered on the Richter scale !

Bret is a victim . A victim of Rich white (male ) privilege ! He was born on third and thinks he hit a triple . Affluent suburban DC lawyer parents , uppity private DC prep school educated , country club, undergrad Yale legacy , feat boy managed to beat the odds and get into Yale Law ! Wow, sell those movie rights .

And it doesn’t end there. His behavior before the senate committee was disgraceful. Ranting and raving , challenging the Senators .

“Wouldn’t u be upset if you were wrongly accused “? Yep. But under white privilege , you can express your anger . Black guy is wrongly treated by authorities and y’all say he should just shut his mouth and take it.

Are their people out there who still think White Privilege doesn’t exist ?
He was a Legacy.

And you were not. Too bad for you.
If any one in Kavanaugh's court acted like he did, he would have been thrown in jail for contempt. There is more than enough circumstantial evidence that Kavanaugh is a belligerent and pathetic drunk.
Mmmm....So we're not in court and don't have to clear the hurdles of evidence to assassinate his character, but then we need to adhere to courtroom rules and decorum as he gets smeared and defamed by slimy shitball partisan hacks.

I get it now.
No. First of all the fact that when Kavanaugh drinks he turns into a pathetic and belligerent drunk is not in itself disqualifying for the Supreme Court. If he lied at the hearing it would be.

My point about Kavanaugh's comportment has to do with him being a federal judge. He should know how to conduct himself. He acted less like a federal judge and more like a spoiled rotten rich kid.

Prove Kavanaugh is a "pathetic and belligerent drunk" or admit that you are a lying lowlife liberal worm slime trail.
Why would you put him in and THEN Move to impeach ? That makes no sense .

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