Merkel threatens Putin with massive damage to Russia, economically and politically.


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
Attagirl Angela! Finally, someone with balls enough to issue threats and dire warnings to Putin and who can actually back them up! You go girl!

“Ladies and gentlemen, if Russia continues on its course of the past weeks, it will not only be a catastrophe for Ukraine,” she said. “We, also as neighbors of Russia, would not only see it as a threat. And it would not only change the European Union’s relationship with Russia. No, this would also cause massive damage to Russia, economically and politically.”
Yeah right. Haven't seen Putin flinch once.

He can turn off the taps to Europe. And crush the Ukraine while doing so.
Yawn, kerry made a big threat today, does anyone take these people seriously? Now we know how germany steamrolled central europe
These idiots are a dollar short and a day late

that cat has already been let out of the bag...
These idiots are a dollar short and a day late

that cat has already been let out of the bag...

Not even! Putin so far has had it his way... just wait until he annexes Crimea. You ain't seen nothing yet.
Yeah right. Haven't seen Putin flinch once.

He can turn off the taps to Europe. And crush the Ukraine while doing so.

Putin is stupid but not that stupid.

The west has poked the Bear in the eye. He's not going to give up his naval base without a fight.

It's bizarre to think of America wanting to go to war with Russia. The EU of course will have no problems with American soldiers dying for their deal with the Ukraine.

Just surprised at how many in America are willing to take a huge punishment even financially for the EU.

Because make no mistake about it, if this situation continues to escalate watch prices skyrocket over here. Not just our gas prices but all our prices of any commodities driven in by rail or transport.
These idiots are a dollar short and a day late

that cat has already been let out of the bag...

Not even! Putin so far has had it his way... just wait until he annexes Crimea. You ain't seen nothing yet.

You buy into all this bullshit. :lol:

Demographically Crimea is Russian. It'll be a referendum against Kiev and western Ukraine for turfing out a democratically elected leader as much as it is about joining Russia.

But hey keep cheering for WWIII sparky.
These idiots are a dollar short and a day late

that cat has already been let out of the bag...

Not even! Putin so far has had it his way... just wait until he annexes Crimea. You ain't seen nothing yet.

You buy into all this bullshit. :lol:

Demographically Crimea is Russian. It'll be a referendum against Kiev and western Ukraine for turfing out a democratically elected leader as much as it is about joining Russia.

But hey keep cheering for WWIII sparky.

And you keep on cheering for the Red Army.
Not even! Putin so far has had it his way... just wait until he annexes Crimea. You ain't seen nothing yet.

You buy into all this bullshit. :lol:

Demographically Crimea is Russian. It'll be a referendum against Kiev and western Ukraine for turfing out a democratically elected leader as much as it is about joining Russia.

But hey keep cheering for WWIII sparky.

And you keep on cheering for the Red Army.
We're NOT cheering for them but trying to show the difference between a seasoned tyrant (PUTIN), and a wannbe little boy tyrant (Obama). Get it straight shitstain.
Yawn, kerry made a big threat today, does anyone take these people seriously? Now we know how germany steamrolled central europe

I couldn't believe his yap yap. What an asshole.

Can't believe Kerry but you buy into Putin's propaganda... I forgot, you're not an American.

I've been just as rough in my opinions on my own Conservative government and of Britain's.

I'm of Ukrainian descent living in the third largest population of Ukrainians outside of the Ukraine and Russia.

I have been following the turmoil in the Ukraine for many months on end now and I dare say I know a hell of a lot more about what is going on than you.

And I have no love for Russia. Not after what Stalin did to my ancestors during his reign but I at least don't buy into any of the bullshit propaganda and am relying on FACTS not spin.
You buy into all this bullshit. :lol:

Demographically Crimea is Russian. It'll be a referendum against Kiev and western Ukraine for turfing out a democratically elected leader as much as it is about joining Russia.

But hey keep cheering for WWIII sparky.

And you keep on cheering for the Red Army.
We're NOT cheering for them but trying to show the difference between a seasoned tyrant (PUTIN), and a wannbe little boy tyrant (Obama). Get it straight shitstain.

And look where we are now? On the edge of a very serious conflict all because the punks in Washington had to play Chicago on the Potomac trying to be tough guys with the wrong freaking player.

This should have been handled diplomatically behind closed doors from the get go.
If anyone thinks all this posturing and all these threats from the West are going to put Moscow in a grovelling position, may I suggest taking stronger drugs?

We are all going to suffer from this global game of chicken. Our leaders are assholes.

Russia to fight back

Russia, meanwhile, said it would retaliate with counter-sanctions if the EU and US impose economic measures.

Economic Development Minister Aleksey Ulyukayev, said Russia will fight back against any sanctions from the West.

Speaking to the Russia-24 TV channel on Thursday, Economic Development Minister Aleksey Ulyukaev said: "We need to bravely go ahead, first with our oil and gas companies.”

European leaders are set to meet next Thursday to discuss action affecting trade with Russia.

However, lessening economic ties with Russia may hit the EU just as bad.

Germany, particularly, gets over one-third of its gas and oil from Russia. Russia is Europe’s biggest customer, and the $13 trillion economy would suffer, should the restrictions be imposed.

Merkel: Russia to face massive damage if no progress made on Ukraine ? RT News
Demographically Crimea is Russian. It'll be a referendum against Kiev and western Ukraine for turfing out a democratically elected leader as much as it is about joining Russia.

But hey keep cheering for WWIII sparky.

Crimea is historically and demographically part of Russia since the Ottomans signed a treaty with Russian Tsars in 1757.

In Soviet times the Crimean Russians were just sold to the Soviet Ukraine (which was not a state) by the Soviet dictaors.

The present borders of the new born Ukraine are an unjust and immoral relict of Soviet times, created by the soviet dictators who did not ask the Russians of the Russian Crimean Peninsula if they wanted to be sold to the Soviet Ukrainian Republic.

In a couple of days the people of the Crimean Peninsula will eventually get the opportunity to decide their own future in a vote.

The injustice, inflicted upon these people by the Soviet dictator Khrushchev in 1954, will eventually end.

The Russian Crimean Peninsula was "de facto" unjustly occupied by Ukraine since the creation of this state in 1991, because the people of the Crimea were never given the opportunity to chose between returning to Russia after the collapse of the SU, or becoming part of the new created Ukraine.

If somebody is against the democratic vote in the Crimea, then he is a Russian-Hater who does not believe in REAL Democracy.

We must stop the crazy warmongers, because there will be no winners in a nuclear Armageddon.

The banksters were the one who always profited from big wars, because they themselves and their families could be sure that they will get away with this, but in a nuclear war they will die, too.

If somebody believes that Russians will prefer humiliation and slavery to death, then he is a fool who does not know the Russian soul.

They will press the red button because they feel that they are unjustly humiliated and fooled.

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