Merrick Garland held in contempt of Congress

He gave them the transcript but not audio which Biden held as executive privilege...

GOP just wants them so they can release them for political gain... This is not about making laws or oversight...

They didn't ask for Mike Pence's information in the same way...

What information did they not get from the transcripts?
Hiw could the GOP use them for political gain? If the transcripts match the audio there shouldn’t be a problem, right?
I occasionally hold Congress in contempt, too.

That said, there is absolutely no valid claim of executive privilege by Potaro over the tape created by the independent special counsel Hur.

Furthermore, it is disingenuous to claim (as Potato and his Ag nevertheless do) that we already have the transcripts. Why? Because without the tapes we cannot know if the transcripts are accurate.

And finally, with the tapes, we could ascertain things from the stuttering mumbling demented old man’s speech which might place his transcripts words into the proper light and context.

Potato, his handlers and AG Meritless Garland know all of this.

So, why the coverup?
I'm not understanding something here. Garland and the DOJ already released written transcripts of the requested information to the House so why won't he release the audio version to back up what was on paper? Do they not match?

The Propaganda arm of the GOP will selectively edit the video to besmirch the President in election ads for the upcoming election. If they question the accuracy of the transcript the DOJ provided of the voluntary interview, then appoint a special master who can examine both and report on that.
The Propaganda arm of the GOP will selectively edit the video to besmirch the President in election ads for the upcoming election.


If they question the accuracy of the transcript the DOJ provided of the voluntary interview, then appoint a special master who can examine both and report on that.
Why not make the whole thing public?

That way no one can get away with selective editing.
The Propaganda arm of the GOP will selectively edit the video to besmirch the President in election ads for the upcoming election. If they question the accuracy of the transcript the DOJ provided of the voluntary interview, then appoint a special master who can examine both and report on that.
What a load of BS. In other words, you're admitting already that the audio version would be different than the text version they already released. Why is the text version not covered by executive privilege but the audio version is protected by executive privilege?

Why not make the whole thing public?

That way no one can get away with selective editing.
It is a weaponization of the House. They've been doing it since they turned the Whitewater investigation into a fishing investigation. Revived it during the many fruitless Obama investigations and the endless Benghazi investigations. If they are pursuing a legislative issue all they need is the transcript. Didn't Hur already testify?
What a load of BS. In other words, you're admitting already that the audio version would be different than the text version they already released. Why is the text version not covered by executive privilege but the audio version is protected by executive privilege?
Haha. What evidence to they have that the transcript is different that video? Has Hur flagged some errors in the transcript?
Isn't this is what Steve Bannon is in prison for?
Didn't Garland testify and turn over many documents? When did Bannon testify or turn over requested documents?

What are the odds that Biden's DOJ headed by Merrick Garland will do anything whatsoever of a disciplinary nature? I would guess a trillion to one?

But at least it's rightfully on the record. That's about all the Congress can do.

That’s about it. And it’s such a loser for republicans they aren’t even talking about it today.

There will only be accountability for the biggest loser of n America. Trump.

And the accountability is just getting started.
Garland has a tape of Joe and his son sitting to wait to talk to a foreign dignitary after Biden says he was not there. Garland is protecting him and will not show the tape. 2 days later Hunter receives $5 million dollars to his bank account.

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