META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

You don't have a rational argument.
All you have are angry and impotent demands.
See above.
Scotus doesn't have to do shit and neither does Facebook.
SCOTUS will rule when the proper case cannot be dodged.
What do you mean it's a private entity accommodating public speech?
What I said.
Your speech on Facebook isn't public.
It varies, but mostly is.
I'm not on Facebook, I can't see what you post there.
You theoretically could if you searched out my user name.
I have to sign up for Facebook and agree to their terms of service before I can post on Facebook
or read what others post on Facebook.
Incorrect in many instances.
When did you ever have to do that when you were in a public space?
SCOTUS will ultimately settle this.
Facebook is like a private club
No, but SCOTUS will ultimately say.
not the park you walk your dog in,
SCOTUS will say.
not the town square and the commons.
SCOTUS will say.

And I must say that nothing defines the Bizarro uber-fascism of modern liberals quite like their hatred of the Constitution in general, and the Bill of Rights in particular.

Liberals/Democrats = Deranged Nazis

See above.

SCOTUS will rule when the proper case cannot be dodged.

What I said.

It varies, but mostly is.

You theoretically could if you searched out my user name.


Incorrect in many instances.

SCOTUS will ultimately settle this.

No, but SCOTUS will ultimately say.

SCOTUS will say.

SCOTUS will say.

And I must say that nothing defines the Bizarro uber-fascism of modern liberals quite like their hatred of the Constitution in general, and the Bill of Rights in particular.

Liberals/Democrats = Deranged Nazis

Sure. More cosplayer shit as usual from you clowns. Scotus will this and that. One day. Just you watch. 😄
If one objects to having one's voice being unreasonably targeted & silenced in the town square, simply go speak to the trees?

No matter how many times you repeat this lie, FB will never be the town square. The town square is owned by the pubic, FB is a private company. To keep with your analogy, FB is the concert arena that has every right to choose who plays there.
No matter how many times you repeat this lie,
Fallacious AAH.
FB will never be the town square.
The town square is owned by the pubic,
Some are somewhat, others not.
FB is a private company.
Maintaining a public space.
To keep with your analogy, FB is the concert arena that has every right to choose who plays there.
This thread is a stark reminder that far too many modern liberals only resemble previous generations of liberals in the manner that zombies resemble human beings.

I don't know enough about your backyard to comment.

And you don't know enough about these issues to be commenting.

But I know that's never stopped you before.


I know that FB is a private company that has the right to deny service to whom they see fit as long as it does not violate anti-discriminations laws.

Nothing you post on here can ever change that fact.
Not solely Facebook at its own discretion, no.


Evasion noted.

I'm not evading anything.

I've not been censored by Facebook, so I have no idea what they do or why.

If you were smarter you'd realize that...

Fallacious non-reply.

Because no reply was warranted. The answer was obvious to intelligent people. The forum we're discussing is Facebook/META.

Don't blame me because you're too stupid to grasp the concept of a "forum"...

Yes, and you've utterly failed to grasp any of the issues.

I fully understand the topic.

You're the one with your head up your ass...


"Congratulations" for what? Completely owning you in this debate while you make yourself look like a total tool?

Meh... okay, I suppose...
I know that FB is a private company
that has the right to deny service to whom they see fit as long as it does not violate anti-discriminations laws.
Essentially correct, but I surmise you blind-squirreled to arrive at this.
Nothing you post on here can ever change that fact.
As you seem to temporarily somewhat grasp the core issue, I have no disagreement with you at this time. :)
Fallacious AAH.


Some are somewhat, others not.

Maintaining a public space.


You're quick with retarded retorts, yet you're woefully inept at providing an actual counter argument.

Facebook does not "maintain" a public space. They maintain a space which they make available to users who agree to abide by Facebook's rules and terms of use. You have a right to access a public space (like a park, a sidewalk or county building). You do not have a right to use Facebook.

This is really a pretty simple concept. It's actually somewhat sad that you're too ignorant to grasp it...

I'm not evading anything.

I've not been censored by Facebook, so I have no idea what they do or why.

If you were smarter you'd realize that...

Because no reply was warranted. The answer was obvious to intelligent people. The forum we're discussing is Facebook/META.

Don't blame me because you're too stupid to grasp the concept of a "forum"...

I fully understand the topic.

You're the one with your head up your ass...

"Congratulations" for what? Completely owning you in this debate while you make yourself look like a total tool?

Meh... okay, I suppose...
I can't ascertain whether you're incompetent or trolling, but it seems more the former than latter.

Good luck in grasping the issues at play here at some point in the future.


Essentially correct, but I surmise you blind-squirreled to arrive at this.

As you seem to temporarily somewhat grasp the core issue, I have no disagreement with you at this time. :)

I accept your surrender.
I can't ascertain whether you're incompetent or trolling, but it seems more the former than latter.

Good luck in grasping the issues at play here at some point in the future.


Once again you prove to be completely inept at discussing the topic.

Facebook is a private company.

You do not have a right to use Facebook.

Facebook's terms and conditions give Facebook the right to remove whatever content they wish if deemed to violate their terms of service.

You cannot intelligently refute any of those points; not even a little bit...
You're quick with retarded retorts,
^ Fallacious retort.
yet you're woefully inept at providing an actual counter argument.
Read the thread - would you like me to link you to it?
Facebook does not "maintain" a public space.
They maintain a space which they make available to users
Correct - the public.
who agree to abide by Facebook's rules and terms of use.
The public, yes.
You have a right to access a public space (like a park, a sidewalk or county building).
Under certain circumstances, yes.
You do not have a right to use Facebook.
I don't?

News to me.
This is really a pretty simple concept.
Actually, it will require SCOTUS to sort it out.
It's actually somewhat sad that you're too ignorant to grasp it...
Pure projection.
And I graciously accept the unfettered use of your backyard in the same spirit. :)

Nope, I am just like FB, I get to choose who comes onto and uses my backyard. I have a strict no politics allowed rule in it. You would not like it at all.
Once again you prove to be completely inept at discussing the topic.
Facebook is a private company.
This has been repeatedly established as a fact, yes.
You do not have a right to use Facebook.
News to me.
Facebook's terms and conditions give Facebook the right to remove whatever content they wish if deemed to violate their terms of service.
SCOTUS will weigh in at some point, and Facebook will be required to make significant changes I'm guessing. :)
You cannot intelligently refute any of those points; not even a little bit...
More projection?

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