META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

Nonsense – this is as ignorant as it is wrong.

The ‘town square’ metaphor is completely devoid of merit.

The ‘town square’ is just that: government property, the public sector subject to free speech and freedom of assembly jurisprudence.

Facebook is private property, not public.

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and private entities – such as private social media.
Private social media that's the de facto only public square?

Yeah, there will be something done about that.

Also, Zuckerberg singlehandedly funded the election workers and counting of votes in virtually all the swing states where discrepancies are alleged.

Why was that even allowed?
I’ve tried Parler and SM sites like it, and they’re just not as user friendly as Facebook or Twitter. Maybe the reason they don’t get off the ground is because they need better developers?
I do believe that is correct.
Right now, Fascistbook is simply silencing people they disagree with while pushing the fascist narrative.
Also wrong.

Facebook – and all social media – is not government, it has neither the power nor authority to ‘silence’ anyone; social media cannot enact laws, it cannot subject citizens to punitive measures, it has no authority to restrict or preempt speech; only government has such authority.

And the notion that Facebook is ‘fascist’ is a lie – the internet is infinite, with ample other means of communication.

Indeed, there are millions of individuals who have no Facebook account and have unlimited access to information online and who are at complete liberty to communicate online.

No one is being ‘silenced’ by Facebook.
They are selling my data for me to be there. I have rights under those terms. Rights they do not want to allow.
At least you’re consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

This has nothing to do with ‘rights’ – save that of the right of social media to control its content and determine who does or does not participate safeguarded from government interference or attack.
What's wrong with calling out an organization for bias that effects their users?

That’s how it’s supposed to work – private citizens in the context of private society expressing their views and opinions absent interference from government or the courts.

What’s wrong is advocating that government get involved – that social media be subject to government regulation or oversight in violation of the First Amendment.

And don’t bother with the lie that conservatives can’t express their opinions because Facebook prohibits rightwing hate speech, misinformation, and lies – there are countless other online venues where conservatives can spread their lies and hate, such as this very forum.
It looks like Mark Zuckerberg has ordered his troops to remove any conservative who is making their opinion heard and are getting the word out well.

A group of some 18 Wyoming conservatives, who were exposing the Cheney lies and were being successful at getting the word out about her denial of due process and support of red flag laws which deny due process have been banned from face book. Facebook took actions based on their "community standards" but then failed to state why they banned these people. Funny how they still allow Death to America from many here.

In my case, we had just begun to go after the 87,000 IRS agents that are most certainly Bidens Secret Police. The Posse Comitatus Act stops the government from using military troops against the people. As IRS agents they are free to go after the people. They have bought millions of dollars in ammunition and weapons and there recent job posting mentioned using deadly force against We the People..

I posted this on Facebook:
View attachment 684563
META has now banned 18 conservatives in our group for comments like this. We were successful in helping stop Liz Cheney's re-election and now we set our sights on Democrats as a whole. Because they do not like the linkage to a fascist organization and how they were set up in the 1930's by another dictator, they are banning people who see these fascists for what they are. Face Book is now protecting fascism in the US.

We live in perilous times and we as Good Men and Women must stand up or we will lose our freedoms forever. Facebook is giving democrats donations in kind for active censorship of opposing views.

Feel free to post your experiences with Facebook or as I call them FASCISTBOOK. They are hard and fast removing any content damaging to democrat politicians.
They were removing everything about the stolen election two years ago.
No, I would agree with those who say social media --- the biggest --- are now basically a public utility. After all, telephones weren't a public utility until suddenly they were, and that's about communication too. Same deal as telephones. I would like to see no political censoring; I don't like porn or openly inciting violence to individuals or sales talks --- so I guess I'm not for TOTALLY free speech, but political, even over-the-top stuff, yeah.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Social media are nothing like utilities.

Again, millions of people have no Facebook account or Twitter account and have comprehensive access to news, information, and communication online – that’s not the case with a public utility.

This is typical of the neo-fascist authoritarian right – more government, bigger government at the expense of individua liberty; use the power of the state to silence social media for no other reason than Facebook being ‘mean’ to conservatives.
Well, based on all of the whining coming from the right, it's Facebook...
Not solely Facebook at its own discretion, no.
That question is probably better posed to the idiots whining about it...
Evasion noted.
Are you retarded?
Fallacious non-reply.
The topic is about Facebook/META...
Yes, and you've utterly failed to grasp any of the issues.

Like I said, there needs to be am updated section to deal with the world today. What we have now allows too many loopholes.
And as you also said, Facebook wants it all ways.

Sooner or later, SCOTUS will weigh in, and Facebook will have to adjust accordingly.
Consistent with the First Amendment right to freedom of association and freedom of the press.
So wrong in so many ways...
Facebook is at liberty to edit its content as it sees fit – including removing rightwing racism, bigotry and hate along with rightwing misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies.
Highly unlikely, but key legal questions have yet to be settled.
Don’t like it – then don’t participate.
The standard liberal mantra.

Modern liberals can't imagine life as anything other than functioning as lickspittles for permastate Democrats, so they lick the spit, and proudly display it as some sort of demented prize; it's positively pornographic. :)
The bottom line here is that power-hungry statists want control of social media - and they're honestly about equally represented in both parties. When Ds and Rs agree - bend over.

Freedom of association is the right to exclude whomever an organization so desires – see BSA v. Dale (2000).

Facebook cannot be compelled by government to accommodate rightwing racism, bigotry, and hate speech.
It's not a freedom of association issue, and private entities such as Facebook are on very thin ice when discrimating against left and right wing speech.
Nonsense – this is as ignorant as it is wrong.
SCOTUS must ultimately settle it.
The ‘town square’ metaphor is completely devoid of merit.
See above.
The ‘town square’ is just that: government property, the public sector subject to free speech and freedom of assembly jurisprudence.
Not necessarily.
Facebook is private property, not public.
Private accommodation of public speech.
The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed,
Not necessarily in privately owned public gathering places.
not between or among private persons and private entities – such as private social media.
See above.
None; your question is fallacious.
In what way? Facebook is private property. Just because it's a popular hang out spot doesn't mean you get to decide it belongs to the commons, whatever that means in this context.

Let's suppose Facebook was someone's house and it was the most popular house in your neighborhood. Every night they're hosting dinners and game nights. Sunday brunches. And most of the neighborhood shows up. It's the hot spot. If the owners decide, for whatever reason that they don't like you and don't want you over for their get togethers you don't get to decide their house is now the "commons". In what world? You clowns really are a bunch of cosplayers because that shit is fantasy. Grow up. It's legal for people to not like you and not want you to play with their toys.
Are your positions so weak that you cannot defend them?

Screen Shot 2022-08-21 at 2.09.40 AM.png

Besides, dictators don't debate policy, they merely slap you into a gas chamber if you disagree.
In what way?
In every way.
Facebook is private property.
It's a private entity accommodating public speech.
Just because it's a popular hang out spot doesn't mean you get to decide it belongs to the commons, whatever that means in this context.
SCOTUS must ultimately determine the issue if Facebook doesn't make changes.
Let's suppose Facebook was someone's house
It isn't.
and it was the most popular house in your neighborhood.
See above.
Every night they're hosting dinners and game nights.
See above.
Sunday brunches. And most of the neighborhood shows up. It's the hot spot. If the owners decide, for whatever reason that they don't like you and don't want you over for their get togethers you don't get to decide their house is now the "commons".
Idiotic comparison.
In what world?
You're an idiot in all of them I'd imagine.
You clowns really are a bunch of cosplayers because that shit is fantasy.
Your shit & straw man argument is fantasy (and idiocy), yes.
It's legal for people to not like you and not want you to play with their toys.
Your ignorance is matched only by your hatred of freedom, fairness and the law. :)
In every way.

It's a private entity accommodating public speech.

SCOTUS must ultimately determine the issue if Facebook doesn't make changes.

It isn't.

See above.

See above.

Idiotic comparison.

You're an idiot in all of them I'd imagine.

Your shit & straw man argument is fantasy (and idiocy), yes.


Your ignorance is matched only by your hatred of freedom, fairness and the law. :)
You don't have a rational argument. All you have are angry and impotent demands. Scotus doesn't have to do shit and neither does Facebook. What do you mean it's a private entity accommodating public speech? Your speech on Facebook isn't public. I'm not on Facebook, I can't see what you post there. I have to sign up for Facebook and agree to their terms of service before I can post on Facebook or read what others post on Facebook. When did you ever have to do that when you were in a public space? Facebook is like a private club not the park you walk your dog in, not the town square and the commons.
Also wrong.

Facebook – and all social media – is not government, it has neither the power nor authority to ‘silence’ anyone; social media cannot enact laws, it cannot subject citizens to punitive measures, it has no authority to restrict or preempt speech; only government has such authority.

And the notion that Facebook is ‘fascist’ is a lie – the internet is infinite, with ample other means of communication.

Indeed, there are millions of individuals who have no Facebook account and have unlimited access to information online and who are at complete liberty to communicate online.

No one is being ‘silenced’ by Facebook.

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