Mexico continues to infiltrate U.S. democracy by way of “anchor babies”...Is your state next?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Poor Republicans have been convinced it's poor people and immigrants who have fucked over the middle class.

How Trump’s tax bill pits the rich against the poor

California is often the first state in the West to test new solutions to social and environmental problems. These days, the state is at the fore of a much more ambitious challenge, as it finds its progressive ideals — and its increasingly diverse citizenry — in frequent opposition to the policies of President Donald Trump. Every month, in the Letter from California, we chronicle efforts in the state to grapple with its role in the changing, modern West.

“Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks” if you’re unemployed and poor, Herman Cain, a Republican presidential candidate and Tea Party favorite, told the Wall Street Journal back in 2011.

As protests against bank bailouts erupted across the country, Cain showed little empathy for the millions of people losing their jobs and homes. The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, Cain declared, struck him as “anti-capitalism.”

His words came to mind recently when President Donald Trump signed the final version of a Republican tax bill that will not only cut taxes for large corporations and America’s wealthiest, but do so primarily by slashing trillions of dollars over the next decade from programs that serve low-income and middle-class families. The law puts at risk Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, income assistance and nutrition assistance programs, college tuition and job-training aid, and environmental protections. If Occupy Wall Street was considered anti-capitalist, then the new tax law is a love song to social Darwinism in its purest form, shamelessly pitting the 1 percent against the 99 percent.
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Poor Republicans have been convinced it's poor people and immigrants who have fucked over the middle class.

How Trump’s tax bill pits the rich against the poor

California is often the first state in the West to test new solutions to social and environmental problems. These days, the state is at the fore of a much more ambitious challenge, as it finds its progressive ideals — and its increasingly diverse citizenry — in frequent opposition to the policies of President Donald Trump. Every month, in the Letter from California, we chronicle efforts in the state to grapple with its role in the changing, modern West.

“Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks” if you’re unemployed and poor, Herman Cain, a Republican presidential candidate and Tea Party favorite, told the Wall Street Journal back in 2011.

As protests against bank bailouts erupted across the country, Cain showed little empathy for the millions of people losing their jobs and homes. The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, Cain declared, struck him as “anti-capitalism.”

His words came to mind recently when President Donald Trump signed the final version of a Republican tax bill that will not only cut taxes for large corporations and America’s wealthiest, but do so primarily by slashing trillions of dollars over the next decade from programs that serve low-income and middle-class families. The law puts at risk Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, income assistance and nutrition assistance programs, college tuition and job-training aid, and environmental protections. If Occupy Wall Street was considered anti-capitalist, then the new tax law is a love song to social Darwinism in its purest form, shamelessly pitting the 1 percent against the 99 percent.

Your “THEORY” is amusing...BUT, illegal aliens have in fact been fucking good Americans over for decades...this isn’t theory or opinion at know this. Should I link you to many of your own posts where you stated on record how much you hate illegals and how they steal from Americans?
Those posts were right around the same time of your infamous “I’M A REPUBLICAN NOW” thread.
Please advise.
Here’s your “I’m a Republican now” thread to maybe serve as a reminder.
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You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Mexico is part of America you racist ignoramus.
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Mexico is part of America you racist ignoramus.

Haha...that’s funny shit.
Here you go...I aim to enlighten anchor babies and ignorant fools...most of us learned this by third grade..sorry you didn’t.
Try a call to a potential recruit in Las Vegas from a list of high school students. Here is what you usually get. Momma answers the phone, but doesn't speak any English. (Probably illegal). You get enough response by that Papa answers the phone. He doesn't speak any English either. (Probably illegal). They hand the phone to a little girl and she answers in perfect English (anchor baby), and you finally get to ask for their older brother or sister. You will usually be told they are not home because they are at work. You leave a message for the to call you back. A few hours later, they might call back but usually the first time you mention the words "United States", the phone call magically gets cut off. (Probably a Dreamer or anchor baby scared that parents will be deported.) If you get past that, rarely are they interested in serving in the military because they are not US citizens nor hold a green card.

This scenario plays out about 30-40% of the calls I make each evening.
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!
Just lousy policy. Why are we Losing money instead of Making money; do we not allege to subscribe to Capitalism?
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!

when they do something about the Russian anchor babies I will take this seriously.
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!

when they do something about the Russian anchor babies I will take this seriously. wackos are plain delusional....Mexico has 12-40 million invaders here and tens of millions more anchor babies.
How many Russian anchor babies are here? I’m certain you have the number.
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!
Just lousy policy. Why are we Losing money instead of Making money; do we not allege to subscribe to Capitalism?

Danny really have to stop with the “funnel more free shit to illegals” pitch. Haven’t you noticed that nobody here can take you serious?
Capitalism in America is reserved for AMERICANS and invited guests only. What part of that is so hard for you to understand?
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!

when they do something about the Russian anchor babies I will take this seriously. wackos are plain delusional....Mexico has 12-40 million invaders here and tens of millions more anchor babies.
How many Russian anchor babies are here? I’m certain you have the number.
enough to influence the electoral college in low population red States?
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!
Just lousy policy. Why are we Losing money instead of Making money; do we not allege to subscribe to Capitalism?

Danny really have to stop with the “funnel more free shit to illegals” pitch. Haven’t you noticed that nobody here can take you serious?
Capitalism in America is reserved for AMERICANS and invited guests only. What part of that is so hard for you to understand?
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about capitalism, either. Socialism on a national basis is All y'all seem to know.

Why are we Losing money on this public policy instead of Making money; are we not Capitalists?
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!

when they do something about the Russian anchor babies I will take this seriously. wackos are plain delusional....Mexico has 12-40 million invaders here and tens of millions more anchor babies.
How many Russian anchor babies are here? I’m certain you have the number.
enough to influence the electoral college in low population red States?

Certainly enough to influence the popular vote…You know that 3 million votes that Hillary won by…Those were all anchor babies in Mexifornia. Do you see where this is headed? Yep, it’s a Mexican infiltration
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!

when they do something about the Russian anchor babies I will take this seriously. wackos are plain delusional....Mexico has 12-40 million invaders here and tens of millions more anchor babies.
How many Russian anchor babies are here? I’m certain you have the number.
enough to influence the electoral college in low population red States?

Certainly enough to influence the popular vote…You know that 3 million votes that Hillary won by…Those were all anchor babies in Mexifornia. Do you see where this is headed? Yep, it’s a Mexican infiltration
it takes more, to influence the popular vote. it takes less to influence the electoral college in low population red States.
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Poor Republicans have been convinced it's poor people and immigrants who have fucked over the middle class.

How Trump’s tax bill pits the rich against the poor

California is often the first state in the West to test new solutions to social and environmental problems. These days, the state is at the fore of a much more ambitious challenge, as it finds its progressive ideals — and its increasingly diverse citizenry — in frequent opposition to the policies of President Donald Trump. Every month, in the Letter from California, we chronicle efforts in the state to grapple with its role in the changing, modern West.

“Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks” if you’re unemployed and poor, Herman Cain, a Republican presidential candidate and Tea Party favorite, told the Wall Street Journal back in 2011.

As protests against bank bailouts erupted across the country, Cain showed little empathy for the millions of people losing their jobs and homes. The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, Cain declared, struck him as “anti-capitalism.”

His words came to mind recently when President Donald Trump signed the final version of a Republican tax bill that will not only cut taxes for large corporations and America’s wealthiest, but do so primarily by slashing trillions of dollars over the next decade from programs that serve low-income and middle-class families. The law puts at risk Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, income assistance and nutrition assistance programs, college tuition and job-training aid, and environmental protections. If Occupy Wall Street was considered anti-capitalist, then the new tax law is a love song to social Darwinism in its purest form, shamelessly pitting the 1 percent against the 99 percent.

Your “THEORY” is amusing...BUT, illegal aliens have in fact been fucking good Americans over for decades...this isn’t theory or opinion at know this. Should I link you to many of your own posts where you stated on record how much you hate illegals and how they steal from Americans?
Those posts were right around the same time of your infamous “I’M A REPUBLICAN NOW” thread.
Please advise.
Here’s your “I’m a Republican now” thread to maybe serve as a reminder.
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I don't like illegals. Did I give the impression I defended them? Nothing about what I posted suggested that.
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!

YOU by no means represent the Republican Party. Don’t pretend that you do.
You have to admit...the DNC and Mexico have discreetly worked the system quite methodically over many years. They’ve done well for themselves and Mexico while fucking good American people over. They have all but taken over Mexifornia at virtually every political level.
The absolute, hands-down political headliner and priority in Mexifornia is “IMMIGRANTS”
and now the DNC has endorsed anchor baby and aggressive illegal alien activist Kevin De Leon.
Don’t let your state be the next to be taken by Mexico...VOTE to keep America American...VOTE REPUBLICAN!

YOU by no means represent the Republican Party. Don’t pretend that you do.

Neither does Donald Trump…What’s your point?

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