Mexico & Other Nations Declare They Won't Accept Their Criminal Citizens If We Want To Return Them

Here's just a number: 537 88 6767. Go see what you can do with that alone? Right, nothing but report earnings.
Whose # is it Betty, yours or one you're 'borrowing'? :p
I have no idea whose number it is and neither do you, that's the point. With only that it's just a number.
Actually it is a valid SS# issued in Washington State in 1981. That's just for starters.
So, tell us everything you can find out about that person? Name? Address? Mother's maiden name? Telephone number? Birth date? Etc.
Mexico, for example, KNOWS that some of their worst criminal citizens have illegally crossed into the US and have preyed upon Americans.

Mexico, for example, also said that if the US arrests them Mexico will refuse to take them back if we seek to deport them, that their criminals they dumped on the US is then the responsibility of the American people / government to deal with, care for, and pay for.

So what do you suggest be done with these foreign criminals?
They should be sent home, anyway. Since when does a country get to say it won't take their citizens back? There's more to it than that--must be.
Since pretty much forever. They can also refuse to send someone here you really want. Mexico does so all the time, if the death penalty is an option. Damn Catholics don't you know.
Catholics don't believe in the death penalty? I did not know that.
I have an idea. If countries can refuse to take back citizens, let's drug some of our biggest problem types, drop them off south of the border under cover of darkness and then refuse to take them back.
Cheaper than prison. Yes?
If you don't know that then you should probably not even bother posting.
Trump won't be able to change the law.

Won't? Lol, that's funny
If you think he can then you're lying to yourself. Even though you want a dictator that's not allowed here.

Nice deflection

knew you would need to. It's how you roll
Trump has zero ability to change the immigration laws here. Zero. Learn what you are speaking of.

Quit deflecting.

Trump would sign those changes into law. Hillary would not.

Trump would nominate Judges that would uphold those changes. Clinton would not.

Geez you are dense
The "changes" aren't going to be coming from Trump. He has the power to change essentially nothing.
Bye the way . The immigrants aren't always illegal .

Legal immigrants can be deported for commiting a bad enough crime.

Sometimes the results are not what you think. A real example : 20 year old Kid legally comes to usa from Portugal when he was 2 . He's as American as anyone , except for whatever slacker reason he parents n him never get him citizenship .

He kills someone in a dui accident . He does a couple years and is now deported to Portugal . A place he knows no one , and he doesn't even speak the language . Portugal has no use for him as the guys going to be a welfare case !

Hence the problem with hard n fast rules on immigration.
For legal immigrants, citizenship can be revoked, it's called denaturalization. It's rare, Nazi war crimes rare, but it can be done as long as they will take you back. If they won't we don't bother. Here you stay.

That is rare . But I'm talking legal residents who have not become citizens .

Not all crimes get you deported . I forget the term ins uses. Crimes of "moral somthing "??

You'd think the crime of coming here illegally would get you deported
One might think except it isn't actually true.

Anyone caught here after having already being deported should serve a prison term before being deported again

That costs lots and lots of money.

If the guy isn't being some criminal no good Nic, it makes more sense to summons him.

Why doesn't anyone call for an increase in immigration courts , lawyers , and ins agents ??! That's the big bottleneck !
For legal immigrants, citizenship can be revoked, it's called denaturalization. It's rare, Nazi war crimes rare, but it can be done as long as they will take you back. If they won't we don't bother. Here you stay.

That is rare . But I'm talking legal residents who have not become citizens .

Not all crimes get you deported . I forget the term ins uses. Crimes of "moral somthing "??

You'd think the crime of coming here illegally would get you deported
One might think except it isn't actually true.

Anyone caught here after having already being deported should serve a prison term before being deported again
They usually do but if we can't send them home after their term then we can't hold them either. It's unconstitutional.

I'm confused. Their term for illegal entry would be say two years, I would return them home after the two years. How is that "unconstitutional?" It makes no sense. I also don't know where you get that illegal aliens get Constitutional rights, that isn't in the Constitution
For legal immigrants, citizenship can be revoked, it's called denaturalization. It's rare, Nazi war crimes rare, but it can be done as long as they will take you back. If they won't we don't bother. Here you stay.

That is rare . But I'm talking legal residents who have not become citizens .

Not all crimes get you deported . I forget the term ins uses. Crimes of "moral somthing "??

You'd think the crime of coming here illegally would get you deported
One might think except it isn't actually true.

Anyone caught here after having already being deported should serve a prison term before being deported again

That costs lots and lots of money.

If the guy isn't being some criminal no good Nic, it makes more sense to summons him.

Why doesn't anyone call for an increase in immigration courts , lawyers , and ins agents ??! That's the big bottleneck !

It's funny how for socialism money isn't an object and when it's for anything else, it isn't available.

And every one of them is over here being a criminal
No, when it becomes a problem is when Jose applies for easy to get credit cards at Walmart or Home Depot with your SS# and then having established a credit history, applies for a credit card for Capital One and then doesn't pay his bills. Capital One reports this to the credit agencies using your SS# and now you can't get a credit card or buy a car or a house because your credit is shot. All it takes to get credit card at Walmart is a job, a SS# and no negative marks on your credit history.
That identity theft, not using the SSN of another so you can work. Separate issues.
When you use some one else's SS#, that's identity theft and that's a crime. Beyond that they can establish credit using your SS# and wreck your credit rating.

Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. The job they got by using your SS# would have gone to a poor American if they were not here and your credit rating is in their hands.
Some will and some will not; some of those who do will pay their bills and some will not. The point is once they have your SS# and a job, if they want to establish credit they can and your credit rating depends on what they do.
You have no idea what the hell you are talking about. All they are doing is working under the SSN of another. That's an issue for the Social Security Administration, not you.
You have no idea what they are using your SS# for. You sound like a child who has no experience in the world and so know the value of nothing. You put this weepy bs here to try to prove you have a good heart, but all you are proving is that you have a weak brain and no strength of character.
Dumbass, they are using the number to work here. The earnings are reported to the IRS and SS Admin. which grants up to four credits in their system per year. You need 40 credits to access benefits. They aren't using it for identity theft. That is an entirely different issue in which the SSN is just one part of the deal. If Jose uses my number and makes even an okay income, I get my credits per year in half the time.

He didn't "steal" my identity, ruin my credit, etc. It's only an issue when we have to work out what did I make versus what did he make, when I retire. That is mostly a headache for the SS Admin., not me.
Perhaps you are just too stupid to understand or perhaps you don't care what the facts are. In either case, for you to continue ignoring the fact that he used your SS# to take a job away from a poor American and that he now has control of your credit rating shows a weak mind and a failure of character.

or maybe betty has such lousy credit it doesnt matter any how

Or she is twelve years old...
That is rare . But I'm talking legal residents who have not become citizens .

Not all crimes get you deported . I forget the term ins uses. Crimes of "moral somthing "??

You'd think the crime of coming here illegally would get you deported
One might think except it isn't actually true.

Anyone caught here after having already being deported should serve a prison term before being deported again
They usually do but if we can't send them home after their term then we can't hold them either. It's unconstitutional.

I'm confused. Their term for illegal entry would be say two years, I would return them home after the two years. How is that "unconstitutional?" It makes no sense. I also don't know where you get that illegal aliens get Constitutional rights, that isn't in the Constitution
After their term, if you can't return them then you also can't just keep them in prison. You may not understand how that can be unconstitutional or how they have rights but under our laws, they do.

Thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of homicide, sex assault released into community
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You'd think the crime of coming here illegally would get you deported
One might think except it isn't actually true.

Anyone caught here after having already being deported should serve a prison term before being deported again
They usually do but if we can't send them home after their term then we can't hold them either. It's unconstitutional.

I'm confused. Their term for illegal entry would be say two years, I would return them home after the two years. How is that "unconstitutional?" It makes no sense. I also don't know where you get that illegal aliens get Constitutional rights, that isn't in the Constitution
After their term, if you can't return them then you also can't just keep them in prison. You may not understand how that can be unconstitutional or how they have rights but under our laws, they do.

Thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of homicide, sex assault released into community

Where did I say I was keeping them in prison after their term? You convict them and give them a two year term for illegally entering the country then return them. It's not that complicated, what is confusing you?

And you moved the goalposts. You said it was "unconstitutional" to keep illegals in prison. Now you changed it to "under our laws." The second I agree with, the first, not. Passing a law doesn't mean the Constitution says that. The Constitution is written for "we the people," citizens of the US. The rights we give aliens legal or not is a choice
Mexico, for example, KNOWS that some of their worst criminal citizens have illegally crossed into the US and have preyed upon Americans.

Mexico, for example, also said that if the US arrests them Mexico will refuse to take them back if we seek to deport them, that their criminals they dumped on the US is then the responsibility of the American people / government to deal with, care for, and pay for.

So what do you suggest be done with these foreign criminals?
They should be sent home, anyway. Since when does a country get to say it won't take their citizens back? There's more to it than that--must be.
Since pretty much forever. They can also refuse to send someone here you really want. Mexico does so all the time, if the death penalty is an option. Damn Catholics don't you know.
Catholics don't believe in the death penalty? I did not know that.
I have an idea. If countries can refuse to take back citizens, let's drug some of our biggest problem types, drop them off south of the border under cover of darkness and then refuse to take them back.
Cheaper than prison. Yes?
If you don't know that then you should probably not even bother posting.
Geez, that's harsh.
Won't? Lol, that's funny
If you think he can then you're lying to yourself. Even though you want a dictator that's not allowed here.

Nice deflection

knew you would need to. It's how you roll
Trump has zero ability to change the immigration laws here. Zero. Learn what you are speaking of.

Quit deflecting.

Trump would sign those changes into law. Hillary would not.

Trump would nominate Judges that would uphold those changes. Clinton would not.

Geez you are dense
The "changes" aren't going to be coming from Trump. He has the power to change essentially nothing.
Then you shouldn't be worrying about him winning.
after all, what he says or wants means nothing. And don't join in on those threads claiming Trump is going to start the next world war, obviously according to you, he cant, he will have no power.
and finally
You are still an idiot.
Perhaps you are just too stupid to understand or perhaps you don't care what the facts are. In either case, for you to continue ignoring the fact that he used your SS# to take a job away from a poor American and that he now has control of your credit rating shows a weak mind and a failure of character.
Dummy, someone working under the SSN of another does not affect their credit. It affects what is reported to the SS Admin.

If I make 50k a year, and Jose makes 25k, I end up with the maximum credits per year, four, which I would have gotten anyway, and they see 75K instead of just my 50K. That's all.
You are obviously a child who has no experience in the world. Your SS# is used by credit reporting agencies to track your credit history - you, still being in school supported by mommy and daddy are perhaps unaware of this. If he wants a charge account or a credit card or a car loan, he will use your SS# and the credit reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion, will list his record of paying his debts or not paying them under your SS#, so your credit rating will be at his mercy.
One last time, they are using the SSN of another for employment not identity theft. The issues are two separate things. Anyone could use the number of another, you just make it up. It's only for reporting purposes in this case.
Once again, you have no idea if they are using your SS# for transactions that will damage your credit - once your grow up and have to worry about such things as your credit rating - so why do you continue to insist on things you know are not true?
Nutty Buddy, I earned my 40 credits before you were born. I had a card, in the old days when you didn't need one until you worked, at age 12.

Identity theft is a problem for you. Someone working under your SSN number is a problem for the SS Administration. The only time it might come up is when they have to figure out what you earned versus what someone else did? Benefits are based on the average of 35 years of earnings. Learn how this works and then you can stop wetting the bed over it.
so, you're senile? is that the problem here?
Mexico, for example, KNOWS that some of their worst criminal citizens have illegally crossed into the US and have preyed upon Americans.

Mexico, for example, also said that if the US arrests them Mexico will refuse to take them back if we seek to deport them, that their criminals they dumped on the US is then the responsibility of the American people / government to deal with, care for, and pay for.

So what do you suggest be done with these foreign criminals?
What's Amnesty Don's position today?
A man breaks into your home, you want him out, is it ok to take action to make him leave?
Why would anyone want him to leave? We need to be compassionate and open our homes. He should be offered a room and meals. Quit being so hateful and bigoted.

So, since he successfully broke into my home, I must feed him, provide him a bed, add him to my company health insurance policy and put him in my will?

That is what we are doing, correct?

He's a non documented family member, not a criminal?
An open door is an invitation. As a nation we left the door open for 60 years. It's a little late to be all up in arms now.

We don't have an open door.
In truth that's correct, you don't even have a door. The border looks like a bad public golf course. Just walk right in and no one will stop, most times.
Which is why the border patrol should have simple instructions: shoot on sight.
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Mexico, for example, KNOWS that some of their worst criminal citizens have illegally crossed into the US and have preyed upon Americans.

Mexico, for example, also said that if the US arrests them Mexico will refuse to take them back if we seek to deport them, that their criminals they dumped on the US is then the responsibility of the American people / government to deal with, care for, and pay for.

So what do you suggest be done with these foreign criminals?
They should be sent home, anyway. Since when does a country get to say it won't take their citizens back? There's more to it than that--must be.
Since pretty much forever. They can also refuse to send someone here you really want. Mexico does so all the time, if the death penalty is an option. Damn Catholics don't you know.
Which is another thing that cannot be tolerated and needs to be dealt with.
For legal immigrants, citizenship can be revoked, it's called denaturalization. It's rare, Nazi war crimes rare, but it can be done as long as they will take you back. If they won't we don't bother. Here you stay.

That is rare . But I'm talking legal residents who have not become citizens .

Not all crimes get you deported . I forget the term ins uses. Crimes of "moral somthing "??

You'd think the crime of coming here illegally would get you deported
One might think except it isn't actually true.

Anyone caught here after having already being deported should serve a prison term before being deported again

That costs lots and lots of money.

If the guy isn't being some criminal no good Nic, it makes more sense to summons him.

Why doesn't anyone call for an increase in immigration courts , lawyers , and ins agents ??! That's the big bottleneck !
Cheaper to tattoo ILLEGAL ALIEN on his face, then deport him.
Income reported to the IRS during an audit.

No problem, right?
The IRS doesn't have any real issues figuring out that you didn't work in New York and Phoenix at the very same time.

You've never been through an audit I see? Mine lasted almost two years and I won. they owned me money. They are very nice people actually. They aren't out to screw you.
What a rich fantasy life you have.
The problem with your kind is, you think people like the IRS are dumb? They aren't. And they take their time.
The problem with you is you are talking about things you know nothing about.
That is pure projection my little fellow. Go look up what I said and you'll discover it's all true. How SS works? Why you can't just hold illegals after they've served their time? Why you can't deport people if their home countries won't take them back, and so on. If you live long enough you'll understand these things which you currently do not.
What your posts say consistently is that you couldn't care less what harm these illegals do to America or Americans.
Why would anyone want him to leave? We need to be compassionate and open our homes. He should be offered a room and meals. Quit being so hateful and bigoted.

So, since he successfully broke into my home, I must feed him, provide him a bed, add him to my company health insurance policy and put him in my will?

That is what we are doing, correct?

He's a non documented family member, not a criminal?
An open door is an invitation. As a nation we left the door open for 60 years. It's a little late to be all up in arms now.

We don't have an open door.
In truth that's correct, you don't even have a door. The border looks like a bad public golf course. Just walk right in and no one will stop, most times.
Which is why the border patrol should have simple instructions: shoot on sight.

You'd make a great facist !

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