Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Trump continues to call the Mueller investigation a "WITCH HUNT," even as more and more "witches" get indicted.
This coming from the same retard who doesn't comprehend that illegals invading the US has actually TRIPLED since this time last year and yet you claim they are at an all time low.....typical demtard voter.
Facts are not your friend, moron.

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

He actually believes a proven pathological liar instead.
That's from December you fucking twit. FOUR MONTHS AGO!

'Illegal' crossing attempts at US Southwest border triple in March from year ago

Jeez. I am sure you like CNBC no? There ya go from FOUR DAYS AGO!
You have to cherry pick one area of the border to try to save face while you intentionally miss the big picture.
You lose
How Donald Trump turned tide of illegal immigration in first year: Border crossing hits 45-year low

From a far right source too.
DEPLORABLES are the dumbest people on earth.
AGAIN from FOUR months ago! We are speaking of NOW!
At 7:07am eastern time, Trump tweeted “Attorney–client privilege is dead!” Of course that’s not what happened here at all.
A federal judge signed off on the search warrant under the belief that:

A) it would result in evidence that Trump and Cohen conspired to commit a crime together,
B) Cohen was likely to destroy the evidence if he had simply been subpoenaed.

Someone forgot to tell Trump that attorney-client privilege doesn’t apply when you and your lawyer are criminal co-conspirators.

Another Trump lie.
Omg let hillary go!
Whining about Hellary and Bozo is all they've got, besides ad hominem attacks.
I wonder if there'll be a spike in suicides when Mueller finally moves on the Orange Turd.
They've got plenty of guns, watch for terrorism committed in the name of patriotism.

Most Republicans have too much to lose to do anything stupid. They will all hope a couple of crazy right wing nuts snap and represent them but honestly, most of them talk tough but would give up their guns if Nancy Pelosi knocked on their doors. They'd cry about it but they'd give them up. Why? Too much to lose.

Even I have too much to lose to snap if Republicans ban abortion, steal elections (2000) or they do away with the EPA. I certainly won't be taking up arms and neither will most of these snowflakes. LOL.

Seriously though. Fuck these bitches. If we didnt't revolt when Bush stole Florida, they won't revolt when we impeach Trump for being the criminal we all knew he was before he got elected.
I've emailed my senators this a.m., begging them to try to get the Protect the Special Investigator bill passed this morning. Even the Republicans can't want to see the President impeached. Protect Trump from himself. He's going to fire Mueller. Soon.
Most Republicans have too much to lose to do anything stupid. They will all hope a couple of crazy right wing nuts snap and represent them but honestly, most of them talk tough but would give up their guns if Nancy Pelosi knocked on their doors. They'd cry about it but they'd give them up. Why? Too much to lose.

Even I have too much to lose to snap if Republicans ban abortion, steal elections (2000) or they do away with the EPA. I certainly won't be taking up arms and neither will most of these snowflakes. LOL.

Seriously though. Fuck these bitches. If we didnt't revolt when Bush stole Florida, they won't revolt when we impeach Trump for being the criminal we all knew he was before he got elected.
Conquest is when the enemies have given up. The establishment has conquered the people. It's over.
Again, WHAT CRIMES was Mueller Charged with Investigating when he was illegitimately appointed?


They cannot have even formed a Grand Jury without an alleged crime having been committed. Mueller is an Investigation in Search of a Crime.

His being appointed was not even LEGAL, nor did it follow procedures put in place for the appointment of a Special Counsel which were supposed to provide protections from Political Witch Hunts, and The Second Jeff Sessions stepped out of the way, Rosenstein Appointed Mueller, based on nothing but accusations of The Clinton Campaign, who paid for The Russian Dossier used to file False Affidavits in FISA Court one of which Rosenstein himself signed for as did Yates, Comey and McCabe.

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I honestly believe the reason The Deep State is going after Trump is because he does not want to go to War with Russia over Syria, and he also is not down with Corporate America abusing our Immigration Laws and NAFTA to benefit themselves at the expense of The American People.

Clinton not only vowed to start World War III stating to her Wall Street Investors in her famous speech detractors call-

Dead $oldiers For Dollar$

Where she said, "War in The Middle East with Russian and Syria should not be looked as a problem, but rather it should be looked as an Investment Opportunity"

She also proposed dissolving our Borders with Mexico and Canada, and getting rid of The Dollar in favor of The Amero.

North American monetary union - Wikipedia

The Deep State

View attachment 187176
That's nasty, Hutch.
Omg let hillary go!
Whining about Hellary and Bozo is all they've got, besides ad hominem attacks.
I wonder if there'll be a spike in suicides when Mueller finally moves on the Orange Turd.
They've got plenty of guns, watch for terrorism committed in the name of patriotism.

Most Republicans have too much to lose to do anything stupid. They will all hope a couple of crazy right wing nuts snap and represent them but honestly, most of them talk tough but would give up their guns if Nancy Pelosi knocked on their doors. They'd cry about it but they'd give them up. Why? Too much to lose.

Even I have too much to lose to snap if Republicans ban abortion, steal elections (2000) or they do away with the EPA. I certainly won't be taking up arms and neither will most of these snowflakes. LOL.

Seriously though. Fuck these bitches. If we didnt't revolt when Bush stole Florida, they won't revolt when we impeach Trump for being the criminal we all knew he was before he got elected.
I've emailed my senators this a.m., begging them to try to get the Protect the Special Investigator bill passed this morning. Even the Republicans can't want to see the President impeached. Protect Trump from himself. He's going to fire Mueller. Soon.

Mueller should be charged with Prosecutorial misconduct
I've emailed my senators this a.m., begging them to try to get the Protect the Special Investigator bill passed this morning. Even the Republicans can't want to see the President impeached. Protect Trump from himself. He's going to fire Mueller. Soon.
If he fires Mueller, the House will impeach him.

You should be begging him to do it.
Most Republicans have too much to lose to do anything stupid. They will all hope a couple of crazy right wing nuts snap and represent them but honestly, most of them talk tough but would give up their guns if Nancy Pelosi knocked on their doors. They'd cry about it but they'd give them up. Why? Too much to lose.

Even I have too much to lose to snap if Republicans ban abortion, steal elections (2000) or they do away with the EPA. I certainly won't be taking up arms and neither will most of these snowflakes. LOL.

Seriously though. Fuck these bitches. If we didnt't revolt when Bush stole Florida, they won't revolt when we impeach Trump for being the criminal we all knew he was before he got elected.
Conquest is when the enemies have given up. The establishment has conquered the people. It's over.

Or maybe Trump is really just dirty after all.

I don't understand the right's penchant for believing conspiracies.
Mueller should be charged with Prosecutorial misconduct
I agree. The role of a prosecutor is to see that justice is done. We're well past that phase. If he had something on Trump, he would have used it.

Maybe this raid will produce something. Anything.

For the love of sheep anus, let this raid produce SOMETHING so the Fed Gov can quit ass fucking civil liberties to remove Trump.

You understand that the US attorney prosecuting this case is a Trump appointee, right?
What case is being prosecuted?

Couldn't tell you. We'll just have to wait and see.
You just claimed the prosecuting attorney is a Trump appointee. Now you claim there is no case being prosecuted.

You lefties lie so fast you can't keep anything straight.


I think you should re-read my post, fuckwit.

You don't seem to have mastered the whole reading comprehension thing.
Thread is right there, shitforbrains.

Try to learn to write in English what you wish to communicate next time.

Ok, I guess it's time for a reading lesson.

When I said that I "couldn't tell you" what the charges are, that means I don't know what the charges will be. Prosecutors tend to keep that a secret until arrests are made.

It doesnt mean "there are no charges".
Look at all the little TrumpBots squirm... tee-hee...
Trump just Underwent a Cohen-Noscopy ...Ouch LoL
Use of search warrant sends message on Michael Cohen probe

View attachment 187159▶ 4:57

Barbara McQuade, former U.S. attorney, talks with Rachel Maddow about the legal particulars of the FBI raid ..

Republicans already have an excuse for Trump. It's one they've used before when Trump gets caught breaking a law.

Speaker Ryan on Trump's interactions with Comey: 'The president’s new at this'

Most Republicans have too much to lose to do anything stupid. They will all hope a couple of crazy right wing nuts snap and represent them but honestly, most of them talk tough but would give up their guns if Nancy Pelosi knocked on their doors. They'd cry about it but they'd give them up. Why? Too much to lose.

Even I have too much to lose to snap if Republicans ban abortion, steal elections (2000) or they do away with the EPA. I certainly won't be taking up arms and neither will most of these snowflakes. LOL.

Seriously though. Fuck these bitches. If we didnt't revolt when Bush stole Florida, they won't revolt when we impeach Trump for being the criminal we all knew he was before he got elected.
Conquest is when the enemies have given up. The establishment has conquered the people. It's over.

Who's side are you on? No one has given up. We thought the GOP would be forced to change their ways when they got whooped in 2006 and 2008 but they held firm until they started coming back in 2010.

I suspect no matter what happens in the midterms or 2020 the American people have short memories and will forgive the GOP in 2022. Actually they won't forgive but they'll forget and they'll get lazy and not show up to the midterms. But you know who always show up every 2 years? Republicans. Midterms are the GOP's secret weapon. They rarely win general elections.

But 2016 reminded me of 2000. The economy was doing fine and we should have elected Gore. We didn't so instead we got Iraq, 9-11 and the greatest recession since the Great Depression.
I've emailed my senators this a.m., begging them to try to get the Protect the Special Investigator bill passed this morning. Even the Republicans can't want to see the President impeached. Protect Trump from himself. He's going to fire Mueller. Soon.
If he fires Mueller, the House will impeach him.

You should be begging him to do it.
I don't want to see Mueller's investigation derailed. That is more important to me than seeing Trump impeached.
I've emailed my senators this a.m., begging them to try to get the Protect the Special Investigator bill passed this morning. Even the Republicans can't want to see the President impeached. Protect Trump from himself. He's going to fire Mueller. Soon.
If he fires Mueller, the House will impeach him.

You should be begging him to do it.

Much better to leave him hanging around the GOP's neck, like a rotting carp.
Most Republicans have too much to lose to do anything stupid. They will all hope a couple of crazy right wing nuts snap and represent them but honestly, most of them talk tough but would give up their guns if Nancy Pelosi knocked on their doors. They'd cry about it but they'd give them up. Why? Too much to lose.

Even I have too much to lose to snap if Republicans ban abortion, steal elections (2000) or they do away with the EPA. I certainly won't be taking up arms and neither will most of these snowflakes. LOL.

Seriously though. Fuck these bitches. If we didnt't revolt when Bush stole Florida, they won't revolt when we impeach Trump for being the criminal we all knew he was before he got elected.
Conquest is when the enemies have given up. The establishment has conquered the people. It's over.

Or maybe Trump is really just dirty after all.

I don't understand the right's penchant for believing conspiracies.
We all know Trump colluded with Russia. Republicans are already starting to ask the question, "is collusion even illegal?"
Mueller should be charged with Prosecutorial misconduct
I agree. The role of a prosecutor is to see that justice is done. We're well past that phase. If he had something on Trump, he would have used it.

Maybe this raid will produce something. Anything.

For the love of sheep anus, let this raid produce SOMETHING so the Fed Gov can quit ass fucking civil liberties to remove Trump.
you need to re-read Mueller's authorization. He's not charged with prosecuting Trump. He was charged with uncovering any "links or coordination" between Trump and the Ruskies.


After that, he is empowered to prosecute ... or not.

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