Michael Moore predicts Trump is gonna break the law cos he's a malignant narcissist sociopath

he also said that if President Trump is gonna make a Muslim registry, Michael will be the first to sign up, and he called on folks to claim they're Muslim to protest the registry

Would Trump break the law?

For example, is Trump a big enough sociopath that he would just blindly ignore the illegal immigration laws by not enforcing them and forbidding states to enforce them and actively representing illegals by creating "safe cities" for them?

Would Trump start a war in Libya and defy the War Powers Act by not consulting Congress and defending his decision by glibly saying it was not really a war to begin with?

Or would Trump legislate a new health care law and sign it and then turn around and make exceptions for his law single handedly while others are forced to abide by the rule of law?

Don't know, we shall see. Hopefully Trump will be a change.

Yes he will by starting a world wide nuclear war and creating a civil war in the USA.

Obama will?

Well let's see, Obama refuses to utter the words "Islamic terrorism" but sees no problem implying that the legal system and local law enforcement are racist while police are shot around the country.

And now Obama has cut diplomatic ties with Russia. Can Trump repair the damage?

Probably not.

Trump can't even repair his own damage. Trump wants to commit suicide and take us all with him.

Well he is Hitler, so......

Say, will Trump grow a mustache?

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