Michelle and Jackie Similar?





The issue here is why would she dress like that? To a kids award show. Freakin amazing and a complete lack of class not to mention inappropriate. Never saw Laura Bush dressed like that for kids.


LOL Laura Bush is a middle age frump!!! There is no comparison between her and someone like Mrs. Obama who dresses like a modern, stylish woman, and has the figure to do it. Laura Bush does not have the figure or personality to dress like a stylish woman. That is why Mrs. Bush was never portrayed in any magazines, nationally or internationally, as a style icon; whereas, Mrs. Obama is. World wide, Mrs. Obama is considered a stylish, modern, vibrant, attractive woman. That some Americans revile her as being ugly and poorly dressed: that is an indication not of her being either, but of personal hatred of her and nothing less.


Laura Bush dresses more like Queen Elizabeth than someone on the cover of a fashion magazine, and the Queen has about the worst fashion sense anyone can have, plus a very matronly figure.


Seriously, you folks are criticizing Mrs. Obama's taste is ball gowns? LMAO

lol... I am going to be nice and not say what MO looks like.

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Was Laura Bush invited to a kids award show so we can compare clothes worn?

She used to be a school teacher. Look it up, compare outfits lol


She was a librarian.

It is most apparent the left neither reads nor is educated. If you were, you would understand the importance of the librarian. Sure, the dean of the law school had the status, but it was the librarian who taught me how to use WestLaw and so the research needed for my JD. Same with the other schools, the librarian is the most important person you will have any dealings with. You can't get your education without her/him.

Your ignorance is appalling.
The issue here is why would she dress like that? To a kids award show. Freakin amazing and a complete lack of class not to mention inappropriate. Never saw Laura Bush dressed like that for kids.


LOL Laura Bush is a middle age frump!!! There is no comparison between her and someone like Mrs. Obama who dresses like a modern, stylish woman, and has the figure to do it. Laura Bush does not have the figure or personality to dress like a stylish woman. That is why Mrs. Bush was never portrayed in any magazines, nationally or internationally, as a style icon; whereas, Mrs. Obama is. World wide, Mrs. Obama is considered a stylish, modern, vibrant, attractive woman. That some Americans revile her as being ugly and poorly dressed: that is an indication not of her being either, but of personal hatred of her and nothing less.


Laura Bush dresses more like Queen Elizabeth than someone on the cover of a fashion magazine, and the Queen has about the worst fashion sense anyone can have, plus a very matronly figure.


Seriously, you folks are criticizing Mrs. Obama's taste is ball gowns? LMAO

lol... I am going to be nice and not say what MO looks like.


Moo would do well to dress a bit more like the queen she envisions herself to be.
The issue here is why would she dress like that? To a kids award show. Freakin amazing and a complete lack of class not to mention inappropriate. Never saw Laura Bush dressed like that for kids.


<LOL Laura Bush is a middle age frump!!! There is no comparison between her and someone like Mrs. Obama who dresses like a modern, stylish woman, and has the figure to do it. Laura Bush does not have the figure or personality to dress like a stylish woman. That is why Mrs. Bush was never portrayed in any magazines, nationally or internationally, as a style icon; whereas, Mrs. Obama is. World wide, Mrs. Obama is considered a stylish, modern, vibrant, attractive woman. That some Americans revile her as being ugly and poorly dressed: that is an indication not of her being either, but of personal hatred of her and nothing less.
Laura Bush dresses more like Queen Elizabeth than someone on the cover of a fashion magazine, and the Queen has about the worst fashion sense anyone can have, plus a very matronly figure.
Seriously, you folks are criticizing Mrs. Obama's taste is ball gowns? LMAO >

Tolerance and diversity?


It is really not 'either or'.

You have to wear clothes that suit your lifestyle and shape.

'Tis a gift to be simple'--that was a popular song during the Clinton years. Methodism--based on simplicity--generally considered a 'conservative' religion. The Bushes are Methodist--and Michelle Obama is said to have grown up in the Methodist church.

Modesty and concern for others--service. I'd say Laura Bush stuck with that. Maybe---who knows.
<'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.

When true simplicity is gain'd,
To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
To turn, turn 'twill be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right.

'Tis the gift to be loved and that love to return,
'Tis the gift to be taught and a richer gift to learn,
And when we expect of others what we try to live each day,
Then we'll all live together and we'll all learn to say,

When true simplicity is gain'd,
To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
To turn, turn 'twill be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right.>

who can really understand today's Democratic party--what goes on under the big tent?

'The Self'--absolute love of the self above anything else. A lot has been said about that.

and talk, talk, talk about concern for others but live an affluent lifestyle. it bothers me. a lot.


I am 'probably wrong'--but I can't help but speculate that the LA supporters, for lack of a better term, felt the fashion icon aspect of the first lady's role should be explored. Maybe it is too much to include 'ability to be appear on the cover of fashion magazines' in the first lady's job description?

I don't really know and am tired of thinking about it.

Those that don't have food, shelter and healthcare probably aren't that concerned about fashion--and that includes many, many people in the US.

I guess I will be thankful today that I have some warm clothes and will be eating some turkey and pumpkin pie.
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She used to be a school teacher. Look it up, compare outfits lol


She was a librarian.

It is most apparent the left neither reads nor is educated. If you were, you would understand the importance of the librarian. Sure, the dean of the law school had the status, but it was the librarian who taught me how to use WestLaw and so the research needed for my JD. Same with the other schools, the librarian is the most important person you will have any dealings with. You can't get your education without her/him.

Your ignorance is appalling.

Regardless, the OP was wrong like the left usually are when they think they are so right. Laura WAS a teacher as I said. Saying she wasn't is just plain stupid

She was a librarian.

It is most apparent the left neither reads nor is educated. If you were, you would understand the importance of the librarian. Sure, the dean of the law school had the status, but it was the librarian who taught me how to use WestLaw and so the research needed for my JD. Same with the other schools, the librarian is the most important person you will have any dealings with. You can't get your education without her/him.

Your ignorance is appalling.

Regardless, the OP was wrong like the left usually are when they think they are so right. Laura WAS a teacher as I said. Saying she wasn't is just plain stupid


Well, both are considered professionals just like lawyers. Laura Bush dressed appropriately in her role as First Lady. Most of the FLs have. Moo has taken tacky and inappropriate to new heights.
Moochelle is made to look less ugly with photo techniques. Moochelle's main ugliness comes from within.

Laura displayed graciousness, patriotism, inner beauty, and proper role playing all of which Moochelle has not displayed!

Understanding the Androgyny of 21st Century Women | In Their Own Words | Big Think

<So you have these two lines where women must still display attributes of care, attributes of femininity, and yet be assertive and independent. So care and independence, autonomy and a form of submissiveness that is often associated with femininity, went together and very much developed together, which is why many women are confused. They feel both of these conflicting imperatives. >

I guess that is what Michelle is doing?

tired of thinking about this.
I'm just at the point that I don't want to hear another word about 'distributing wealth', or prosperity. Maybe I will never understand.
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Moochelle is made to look less ugly with photo techniques. Moochelle's main ugliness comes from within.

Laura displayed graciousness, patriotism, inner beauty, and proper role playing all of which Moochelle has not displayed!

Man, they missed the boat on this one, unless it has indeed been doctored and this is the best they could do.

Doesn't look like she misses the dinner bell very often :lol:


Michelle is no Jackie Kennedy and Barack is definitely no John Kennedy. "Ask not what your country can do for you" would never fly in Obama's government.
Michelle is no Jackie Kennedy and Barack is definitely no John Kennedy. "Ask not what your country can do for you" would never fly in Obama's government.

I said that earlier. It's insane.

It seems like all the ideals have been put in a blender and swirled around.
Moochelle is made to look less ugly with photo techniques. Moochelle's main ugliness comes from within.

Laura displayed graciousness, patriotism, inner beauty, and proper role playing all of which Moochelle has not displayed!

Understanding the Androgyny of 21st Century Women | In Their Own Words | Big Think

<So you have these two lines where women must still display attributes of care, attributes of femininity, and yet be assertive and independent. So care and independence, autonomy and a form of submissiveness that is often associated with femininity, went together and very much developed together, which is why many women are confused. They feel both of these conflicting imperatives. >

I guess that is what Michelle is doing?

tired of thinking about this.
I'm just at the point that I don't want to hear another word about 'distributing wealth', or prosperity. Maybe I will never understand.

It is true you will never likely understand the role a FLOTUS should take.
Moochelle is made to look less ugly with photo techniques. Moochelle's main ugliness comes from within.

Laura displayed graciousness, patriotism, inner beauty, and proper role playing all of which Moochelle has not displayed!

Understanding the Androgyny of 21st Century Women | In Their Own Words | Big Think

<So you have these two lines where women must still display attributes of care, attributes of femininity, and yet be assertive and independent. So care and independence, autonomy and a form of submissiveness that is often associated with femininity, went together and very much developed together, which is why many women are confused. They feel both of these conflicting imperatives. >

I guess that is what Michelle is doing?

tired of thinking about this.
I'm just at the point that I don't want to hear another word about 'distributing wealth', or prosperity. Maybe I will never understand.

It is true you will never likely understand the role a FLOTUS should take.

I am out of this. I admire Laura Bush--am somewhat like her.

striving for some form of objectivity. bashed anyway.

who knows what is going to happen. I suspect that Hilary will be the next POTUS and the role of First Lady will become extinct.

The Democratic party of the 60's and the Democratic Party of today. Very different.

but, whatever, whatever--
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Understanding the Androgyny of 21st Century Women | In Their Own Words | Big Think

<So you have these two lines where women must still display attributes of care, attributes of femininity, and yet be assertive and independent. So care and independence, autonomy and a form of submissiveness that is often associated with femininity, went together and very much developed together, which is why many women are confused. They feel both of these conflicting imperatives. >

I guess that is what Michelle is doing?

tired of thinking about this.
I'm just at the point that I don't want to hear another word about 'distributing wealth', or prosperity. Maybe I will never understand.

It is true you will never likely understand the role a FLOTUS should take.

I am out of this. I admire Laura Bush--am somewhat like her.

striving for some form of objectivity. bashed anyway.

who knows what is going to happen. I suspect that Hilary will be the next POTUS and the role of First Lady will become extinct.

You are fine, and I apologize for my comment. :smiliehug:
It is true you will never likely understand the role a FLOTUS should take.

I am out of this. I admire Laura Bush--am somewhat like her.

striving for some form of objectivity. bashed anyway.

who knows what is going to happen. I suspect that Hilary will be the next POTUS and the role of First Lady will become extinct.

You are fine, and I apologize for my comment. :smiliehug:

it's ok--we are living in crazy times.
obamaworshipers apparently do not get that lack of class and grace has absolutely nothing to do with weight.

At all.

So calling her Moo and Big Moo and Moochelle and talking about her "fat ass" are all references to her apparent lack of class and grace. Right.

You have to admit, baby got back. Never been anything petite about the junk in her trunk. But, really, weight has nothing to do with her lack of class and the fact that Meeshell isn't fit to lick Jackie's very attractive shoes.

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