Michelle and Jackie Similar?

the outfit is not all that expensive - it is ugly, but it is not too expensive.

it is the invisible entourage for the "queen" that costs almost a million dollars - and THAT should ruffle your feathers, not the glittery blazer( she is so fond of cheap glitz it is almost proverbial :lol: )

the outfit bothers me--a lot of things bother me and I don't seem to be able to express coherent thoughts.

Yes--Michelle Obama is a 'good looking woman' and yes, she can wear 'fashion' that has been established.

I think it is the 'hype'--promise all things--the hope and change--just more than can be delivered--that's about as 'nice' as I can be. I just feel certain that a great deal of thought went into the image that should be presented. Not that both political parties don't engage in this.

I'm tired of it. Time to tighten the belt in the White House, too.

what bothers you?
that outfit did not cost a million dollars - it is the security, the service, the special flight and all other entourage she throws OUR money on which was almost a million dollars - and THAT should be bothersome, not the ugly outfit.

And yes, I agree the belt at the WH should be tighten up, but clearly enough the mule in the horse harness thinks differently and throws the money right and left as she feels like it.

And THAT is the CLASSIC example of classless person who got the highest possible but never got the grace and dignity and class the position requires.

a "new Russian" mentality.

Like this?


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The issue here is why would she dress like that? To a kids award show. Freakin amazing and a complete lack of class not to mention inappropriate. Never saw Laura Bush dressed like that for kids.


LOL Laura Bush is a middle age frump!!! There is no comparison between her and someone like Mrs. Obama who dresses like a modern, stylish woman, and has the figure to do it. Laura Bush does not have the figure or personality to dress like a stylish woman. That is why Mrs. Bush was never portrayed in any magazines, nationally or internationally, as a style icon; whereas, Mrs. Obama is. World wide, Mrs. Obama is considered a stylish, modern, vibrant, attractive woman. That some Americans revile her as being ugly and poorly dressed: that is an indication not of her being either, but of personal hatred of her and nothing less.


Laura Bush dresses more like Queen Elizabeth than someone on the cover of a fashion magazine, and the Queen has about the worst fashion sense anyone can have, plus a very matronly figure.


Seriously, you folks are criticizing Mrs. Obama's taste is ball gowns? LMAO

Now you're confusing "stylish" with "classy". Apples and oranges, again. Part of being classy is knowing how to dress appropriately for the time, place, and activity.
Are you still trying to make a silk purse out of the Big Moo sow?

You can't. She is what she is.
Did someone mention "frumpy"? This woman should realize the bold, flowered prints are not her friends.


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The issue here is why would she dress like that? To a kids award show. Freakin amazing and a complete lack of class not to mention inappropriate. Never saw Laura Bush dressed like that for kids.


LOL Laura Bush is a middle age frump!!! There is no comparison between her and someone like Mrs. Obama who dresses like a modern, stylish woman, and has the figure to do it. Laura Bush does not have the figure or personality to dress like a stylish woman. That is why Mrs. Bush was never portrayed in any magazines, nationally or internationally, as a style icon; whereas, Mrs. Obama is. World wide, Mrs. Obama is considered a stylish, modern, vibrant, attractive woman. That some Americans revile her as being ugly and poorly dressed: that is an indication not of her being either, but of personal hatred of her and nothing less.


Laura Bush dresses more like Queen Elizabeth than someone on the cover of a fashion magazine, and the Queen has about the worst fashion sense anyone can have, plus a very matronly figure.


Seriously, you folks are criticizing Mrs. Obama's taste is ball gowns? LMAO

lol... I am going to be nice and not say what MO looks like.


you can't expect for the deaf to sing correct tunes.

obama worshipers don't understand that "modern clothes" do not mean elegance and class, neither they do grace and beauty automatically.
It can happen that it coincides, but rarely - the only woman who comes into mind being stylish in a modern way and also classy is Gwyneth Paltrow.
For the vast majority of others it will be either - or and if somebody does not have class and elegance, she will replace it by overblown "modern style".
As were those "skinny jeans" with a glitter blazer :lol: - an outfit which would look good on her daughter, but she looked horrible, especially the jeans :D

Betsey Johnson style is as modern ( and funny) as it gets, so is Alexander McQueen, for example, but NEITHER is an example of class and elegance.
For class and elegance one has to look to Yves Saint Laurent or Louis Vuitton.
the outfit bothers me--a lot of things bother me and I don't seem to be able to express coherent thoughts.

Yes--Michelle Obama is a 'good looking woman' and yes, she can wear 'fashion' that has been established.

I think it is the 'hype'--promise all things--the hope and change--just more than can be delivered--that's about as 'nice' as I can be. I just feel certain that a great deal of thought went into the image that should be presented. Not that both political parties don't engage in this.

I'm tired of it. Time to tighten the belt in the White House, too.

what bothers you?
that outfit did not cost a million dollars - it is the security, the service, the special flight and all other entourage she throws OUR money on which was almost a million dollars - and THAT should be bothersome, not the ugly outfit.

And yes, I agree the belt at the WH should be tighten up, but clearly enough the mule in the horse harness thinks differently and throws the money right and left as she feels like it.

And THAT is the CLASSIC example of classless person who got the highest possible but never got the grace and dignity and class the position requires.

a "new Russian" mentality.

Like this?

yep, you got it :D
It is most apparent the left neither reads nor is educated. If you were, you would understand the importance of the librarian. Sure, the dean of the law school had the status, but it was the librarian who taught me how to use WestLaw and so the research needed for my JD. Same with the other schools, the librarian is the most important person you will have any dealings with. You can't get your education without her/him.

Your ignorance is appalling.

Regardless, the OP was wrong like the left usually are when they think they are so right. Laura WAS a teacher as I said. Saying she wasn't is just plain stupid


Well, both are considered professionals just like lawyers. Laura Bush dressed appropriately in her role as First Lady. Most of the FLs have. Moo has taken tacky and inappropriate to new heights.

and that is a proof of the lack of taste, grace, dignity and class
Moochelle is made to look less ugly with photo techniques. Moochelle's main ugliness comes from within.

Laura displayed graciousness, patriotism, inner beauty, and proper role playing all of which Moochelle has not displayed!

And she is racist to boot


Michelle Obama - RACISTS RANT on term paper discovered!

"My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my `blackness' than ever before... I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong. Regardless of the circumstances underwhich I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be black first and a student second."
Well good for you, Michelle, but while you were busy being "black first" at Princeton, John McCain was busy being tortured for his country in the war. This despite the fact that John McCain is 500 years older than you.
I'm surprised the stupid ass bitch manages to keep the weight off with all the shit IT eats. Only the best the taxpayer can afford, and her own personal taster too.
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And she is racist to boot


Michelle Obama - RACISTS RANT on term paper discovered!

"My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my `blackness' than ever before... I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong. Regardless of the circumstances underwhich I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be black first and a student second."
Well good for you, Michelle, but while you were busy being "black first" at Princeton, John McCain was busy being tortured for his country in the war. This despite the fact that John McCain is 500 years older than you.

Translation: "You will never be able to do enough for me."

She, like a host of them who post here, ARE black first. They will never be anything else because they love being a victim.

The woman went to Princeton and Harvard. FFS, she needs to lose the victim schtick!

I, a little country Kentucky girl, also went to an elitist school. None of their tuition paying customers felt the least bit of need to be open or nice to me or even acknowledge my existence. The profs tolerated us because they had to. But they never made any effort to be 'open minded' toward my Kentuckyness. In fact, quite the contrary, they pretty much put down every aspect of me that was in any way southern or not what they thought a graduate from an elitist school should be.

That woman is a piece of work. The only way she and others like her could be happy is for all white people to be dead. And I think after a time they would miss having someone to blame their own failures on.

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