Michelle and Jackie Similar?

Perhaps, but she was in politics her whole life and was exposed to all the nasty goings on that happens. There is the draw of the office, of power and privilege many people put up with a cheating spouse in order to maintain their status quo.

There was that element there as well. She did want the lifestyle. She made a comment after he died that Camelot was no more, as if it were a loss to her. Also, I did read a biography many years ago that outlined her relationship with her Dad that you addressed earlier.

She did have a fabulous life, there is no doubt about it. She was beautiful, accomplished and had a vision when she revamped the WH. It was a different time back then though.

Yes it was, nevertheless, she brought a vitality and elegance which has survived through today.

In my opinion, it was a total fantasy that she was bringing to life. Do you think that Jackie was an intelligent woman? I mean in the brainy sense.
There was that element there as well. She did want the lifestyle. She made a comment after he died that Camelot was no more, as if it were a loss to her. Also, I did read a biography many years ago that outlined her relationship with her Dad that you addressed earlier.

She did have a fabulous life, there is no doubt about it. She was beautiful, accomplished and had a vision when she revamped the WH. It was a different time back then though.

Yes it was, nevertheless, she brought a vitality and elegance which has survived through today.

In my opinion, it was a total fantasy that she was bringing to life. Do you think that Jackie was an intelligent woman? I mean in the brainy sense.

I believe she was intelligent in many ways. I look at the plastering of photos in this thread and think to myself that Jackie was much more than a fashion icon, she was more than that.

To illustrate, "a cultural icon often remembered for her glamour and beauty, Kennedy "was often underestimated," says Smith, author of Grace and Power: The Private World of the Kennedy White House. "She was a far more intelligent, original, creative person than many people gave her credit for."

Kennedy's devotion to her husband comes through starkly in the recordings, Smith says. At the height of the Cuban missile crisis, when many administration officials were sending their wives and children away from Washington out of fear of a potential nuclear attack, Kennedy insisted that she would stay at the White House with the president.

Please don't send me away to Camp David ... Please don't send me anywhere. If anything happens, we're all going to stay right here with you ... even if there's not room in the bomb shelter in the White House ... I just want to be with you and I want to die with you.

"Jackie performed a very valuable function that week," Smith says. "She kept an air of normalcy, believe it or not, at least upstairs in the White House." Kennedy's word choice and emphatic tone, Smith says, "showed the level of her devotion ... She really, really loved him."

Jackie Kennedy Tapes Offer View On An Era, And Icon : NPR
Perhaps, but she was in politics her whole life and was exposed to all the nasty goings on that happens. There is the draw of the office, of power and privilege many people put up with a cheating spouse in order to maintain their status quo.

There was that element there as well. She did want the lifestyle. She made a comment after he died that Camelot was no more, as if it were a loss to her. Also, I did read a biography many years ago that outlined her relationship with her Dad that you addressed earlier.

She did have a fabulous life, there is no doubt about it. She was beautiful, accomplished and had a vision when she revamped the WH. It was a different time back then though.

Yes it was, nevertheless, she brought a vitality and elegance which has survived through today.

I saw a show about Jackie the other day. I would not call what she did a fantasy. She just chose to present the presidency and America to the country and the rest of the world in the best possible light. I think she succeeded famously. She also stated that in her tour of the White House, but I was young when that occurred, and I didn't recall it. It's too bad that people don't get what Jackie was about. And it's a crying shame that this current successor does not have that same sense of history and has not found it expedient to do the same.

Jackie was a step above most, even those women who were college educated. One day Jack wanted to use the last lines of Ulysses in a speech he was writing on Air Force One. (Fancy that. A president who could write his own speeches.) So he asked her for those lines. She gave them to him from memory. That is quite impressive. My university, much to the chagrin of many students, changed their requirements to include a hefty load of literature and philosophy. I so admired Jackie in my high school days, it didn't phase me. The more education, the better. With all the science I was required to take, it left me only 1 elective for the entire BSN program. But that's OK, I likely would have chosen those courses anyway. And while I don't recall Ulysses, I do have fair recollection of lines from many classical works. Jackie was an inspiration to people who wanted to be something. She wasn't JUST a housewife. She didn't JUST take care of the children and the house. She did many things and her promotion of the arts continues to this day. Did you know that the first family gets to choose paintings for the White House from the National Gallery of Art? I am pretty sure that was a Jackie thing. She wanted the best art and the best of everything in the White House, so she forged alliances to make that possible. And in her later years, even though she well could have kicked back, she worked as an editor for a book company. She also had a live in companion, Maurice Templesman. But in typical Jackie fashion, this was never publicized. It was Templesman, a financier, who took the money she got from Kennedy and Onasis and parlayed it into a mega fortune. I have no doubt she asked the press not to made a deal of her companion just like she asked them never to show her drinking or smoking, although she did both.

So, how much is it to ask the current one to at least dress nicely, stand up straight, and not do the insolent eye rolling in public. That's not fucking much to expect.
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Hillary Clinton, MO, types likes these first ladies, are just along for the ride and prestige. They don't give a chit about the sacntomony of marriage, only being in the spotlight. They are takers just like the 51% that put MO's dumbass in office


Well, unlike Moo, Hillary is a politician in her own right. She has run for, been elected to, and held office. I think she has plenty of negative expressions from responding to other elected officials, and they have negative expressions as well. But Hillary had to good sense to at least dress nicely and carry herself well. Until just the last 50 years or so, the things you mentioned certainly were justification for a woman to ditch the old man, but most could not and did not. I don't know what the Clintons have behind the scenes, but they are partners and that partnership was forged for life.

Not so with Moo and Barry. She once had divorce papers prepared on him when he didn't mind:

Michelle Obama 'prepared divorce papers to separate from Barack, leaving him suicidal' | Mail Online

IMO, her role in this presidency is more than a little bit concerning. Is he the president? Or is she? She certainly wasn't elected to that office.

And one thing about it, Barry certainly outclasses her in his presentation of himself to the world.
Poor Mr. President. Apparently all of his senses are dead, because he appears to have NO IDEA she's as nasty as y'all think.

Michelle Obama: U.S. Ready for Female President - Washington Wire - WSJ

He adores her.

Well she's only into him for the power:

Michelle Obama prepared divorce papers to separate from Barack Obama in 2000 following his disastrous attempt to win a House seat in Chicago, according to a new book.

When he lost miserably the future First Lady was supposedly disgusted that her husband had ignored her warnings not to take on the four term incumbent Bobby Rush

Read more: Michelle Obama 'prepared divorce papers to separate from Barack, leaving him suicidal' | Mail Online
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Michelle Obama 'prepared divorce papers to separate from Barack, leaving him suicidal' | Mail Online
so much fun...I love them both...nothing compares :(

Compares to what?

The presidency is not about a man but about a couple. I love Jackie for many, quite frankly she is my favorite, but was she the best person to have the privilege of being First Lady. For what she brought at the time perhaps the US needed that. How effective was she in assisting the president, did she enable him or support him. I admire and respect both JFK and Jackie but those are some questions I have.

You are right. That first couple are EXACTLY what the country needed. And I'm not even talking about any policies. The baby boomers, the largest generation ever in this country, were just beginning to come into their own. The youth, vigor, vitality, and all things young including the babies of a young couple were so invigorating after the frumpy old Eisenhowers, and Eisenhower was great in his own right.

The current FLOTUS has brought nothing positive to bear, IMO, and is the perfect example of power greed. She is greedy for power she will never have in her own right. The Obamas are young as well. They could also reinvigorate the nation. But they don't. Michelle brings an insolence to the status of FLOTUS that I have never before witnessed.
I think that's where it comes down to "That's not your marriage." People cheat, couples get past it and stay together. They were only married ten years. Maybe a time would have come when she said "You know what? The joy doesn't outweigh the pain. I'm done."

Perhaps, but she was in politics her whole life and was exposed to all the nasty goings on that happens. There is the draw of the office, of power and privilege many people put up with a cheating spouse in order to maintain their status quo.

There was that element there as well. She did want the lifestyle. She made a comment after he died that Camelot was no more, as if it were a loss to her. Also, I did read a biography many years ago that outlined her relationship with her Dad that you addressed earlier.

She did have a fabulous life, there is no doubt about it. She was beautiful, accomplished and had a vision when she revamped the WH. It was a different time back then though.

"I'd get out of bed at night and play it for him, when it was so cold getting out of bed...
on a Victrola ten years old — and the song he loved most came at the very end of this record, the last side of Camelot, sad Camelot...
'Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot.'...
There'll never be another Camelot again..."
~Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

In a way ... She didn't say it was lost just for her ... She said it was lost for us all ... And there would never be another again.
But hey ... If the Obama's need to try and build a reputation on the ashes of Camelot ... I don't think President Kennedy or Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis will say much to debate that idea now.

Since the advent of this thread, I have been doing much more reading about Jackie. I noticed that I view her completely different than the fairy tale princess I perceived her as when I was a child.

She just about literally went through hell with all the losses. Stillborn child, loss of infant, Loss of husband, loss of brother-in-law, Jack's infidelities, etc. She was incredibly strong and resilient in the face of all that.

It is good that she preceded her son in death. That loss would have been devastating.

and talking about her son... her genes ...oh...yes ...I think so don't you?

beauty reigns ...it has in the past it will in the future.......in this miserable, silly world.

Definitely hers. He didn't take after those ugly Kennedys. LOL. He was creative and had trouble with the expected law thing.

The Kennedys used to make fun of Jackie because when she went to the bathroom she turned the water on so you couldn't hear other 'noises.'
5.) Franklin Pierce

There's not much to say about this obscure president, except that he's gorgeous. He's like Johnny Depp, but without as much to show for himself.

4.) Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was tall, gentlemanly, and he wrote the Declaration of Independence. But he was also a firebrand, heading to France and stoking the fires of revolution there (and in our pants).

3.) Barack Obama

Smart, funny, and have you seen him with his shirt off? Barack Obama is a damn sexy man, with a damn sexy wife, and two adorable daughters. He's also a certifiable genius. Don't think he knows how to let loose? During the campaign, he'd often take control of event music, playing Michael Jackson off his iPod.

2.) John F. Kennedy

For a long time, the Kennedys topped the unspoken list of Celebrities America Would Like to Bang. But only Jack had Marilyn. In terms of simple sex appeal, JFK can really only be compared to himself.

1.) Theodore Roosevelt

At first glance, Roosevelt may be a strange choice for number one, but the guy had everything. He wasn't the best-looking president, but he was damn handsome. He was in ridiculously good shape and a rugged outdoorsman. He cared passionately about the environment, bravely lead the way into battle, and fought against corruption in every office he held. Theodore Roosevelt was so sexy that if he slept with your girlfriend, you'd be flattered. He's part Chuck Norris (meme Chuck Norris, not actual Chuck Norris), part Evel Knievel, part John Wayne, and part Daniel Craig. He was the most popular man in America for a reason, and our sexiest president ever.

This was a cute list. Pics at the site.

The Top 43 Sexiest U.S. Presidents | Nerve.com
5. Helen “Nellie” Herron Taft (1909 - 1913)

Nellie’s favorite activities included smoking, drinking, gambling, and watching “sex plays.” If that doesn’t get you hot and bothered, check out her waist.

4. Nancy Reagan (1981 - 1989)

Nancy was a Hollywood star in her younger days, like her husband, and had the looks to cut it. In fact, she was once linked to Clark Gable.

3. Rosalynn Carter (1977 - 1981)

For reasons that remain unknown, Rosalynn was a big mental-health advocate. Maybe it was because her sex appeal drove so many suitors crazy?

2. Michelle Obama (2009 - present)

No question about it, Barry is one lucky man. I didn’t even know arms could be a way to get laid before Michelle moved into the White House. When she puts a cardigan on, the sun refuses to shine.

1. Jackie Kennedy (1961 - 1963)

Jackie Kennedy would top almost any list, so to put her at number one on ours was a no-brainer. Her style, grace, and beauty are all iconic. No one compares.

The Top 45 Sexiest First Ladies in U.S. History | Nerve.com
that list ( if one takes time to actually read and look through it is one of the most biased ever. Pierce to be #5? one has to be insane.

And while I agree that Barack Obama is a good looking guy and presents well, putting his ugly and disgraceful wife at # 2 is laughable. She is not even better than Eleanor Roosvelt, which was not pretty at all but at least knew how to present herself

Plus only an idiot would put a beauty like Angelica van Buren at # 35 :cuckoo:
Or the most beautiful of all - Rachel Jackson as #21
Or putting Laura Bush at 16 behind Jonshons' wife or Hillary :lol:

the ones who put together the list are the idiots or do not know what is a beautiful lady
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Hillary Clinton, MO, types likes these first ladies, are just along for the ride and prestige. They don't give a chit about the sacntomony of marriage, only being in the spotlight. They are takers just like the 51% that put MO's dumbass in office


Well, unlike Moo, Hillary is a politician in her own right. She has run for, been elected to, and held office. I think she has plenty of negative expressions from responding to other elected officials, and they have negative expressions as well. But Hillary had to good sense to at least dress nicely and carry herself well. Until just the last 50 years or so, the things you mentioned certainly were justification for a woman to ditch the old man, but most could not and did not. I don't know what the Clintons have behind the scenes, but they are partners and that partnership was forged for life.

Not so with Moo and Barry. She once had divorce papers prepared on him when he didn't mind:

Michelle Obama 'prepared divorce papers to separate from Barack, leaving him suicidal' | Mail Online

IMO, her role in this presidency is more than a little bit concerning. Is he the president? Or is she? She certainly wasn't elected to that office.

And one thing about it, Barry certainly outclasses her in his presentation of himself to the world.

Hmmm, at this point I just have to assume that you call Michelle Obama "Moo" out of some nutso jealousy of her figure. It says some very unflattering things about you as a human being, not to mention as a woman.
that list ( if one takes time to actually read and look through it is one of the most biased ever. Pierce to be #5? one has to be insane.

And while I agree that Barack Obama is a good looking guy and presents well, putting his ugly and disgraceful wife at # 2 is laughable. She is not even better than Eleanor Roosvelt, which was not pretty at all but at least knew how to present herself

Plus only an idiot would put a beauty like Angelica van Buren at # 35 :cuckoo:
Or the most beautiful of all - Rachel Jackson as #21
Or putting Laura Bush at 16 behind Jonshons' wife or Hillary :lol:

the ones who put together the list are the idiots or do not know what is a beautiful lady

You just need to accept it. Republican women are just not very good looking, sorry about your luck. The Obamas can't live up to the myth but they're still quite beautiful.
that list ( if one takes time to actually read and look through it is one of the most biased ever. Pierce to be #5? one has to be insane.

And while I agree that Barack Obama is a good looking guy and presents well, putting his ugly and disgraceful wife at # 2 is laughable. She is not even better than Eleanor Roosvelt, which was not pretty at all but at least knew how to present herself

Plus only an idiot would put a beauty like Angelica van Buren at # 35 :cuckoo:
Or the most beautiful of all - Rachel Jackson as #21
Or putting Laura Bush at 16 behind Jonshons' wife or Hillary :lol:

the ones who put together the list are the idiots or do not know what is a beautiful lady

You just need to accept it. Republican women are just not very good looking, sorry about your luck. The Obamas can't live up to the myth but they're still quite beautiful.

This reminds me of something. The other day "The Stepford Wives" was on TV. It made me think of all those 'newswomen' (so to speak) on Fox News and I realized those women are just like the Stepford Wives. Too, too funny! LMAO. :lmao:
that list ( if one takes time to actually read and look through it is one of the most biased ever. Pierce to be #5? one has to be insane.

And while I agree that Barack Obama is a good looking guy and presents well, putting his ugly and disgraceful wife at # 2 is laughable. She is not even better than Eleanor Roosvelt, which was not pretty at all but at least knew how to present herself

Plus only an idiot would put a beauty like Angelica van Buren at # 35 :cuckoo:
Or the most beautiful of all - Rachel Jackson as #21
Or putting Laura Bush at 16 behind Jonshons' wife or Hillary :lol:

the ones who put together the list are the idiots or do not know what is a beautiful lady

I trust you know what they are doing?
There was that element there as well. She did want the lifestyle. She made a comment after he died that Camelot was no more, as if it were a loss to her. Also, I did read a biography many years ago that outlined her relationship with her Dad that you addressed earlier.

She did have a fabulous life, there is no doubt about it. She was beautiful, accomplished and had a vision when she revamped the WH. It was a different time back then though.

Yes it was, nevertheless, she brought a vitality and elegance which has survived through today.

In my opinion, it was a total fantasy that she was bringing to life. Do you think that Jackie was an intelligent woman? I mean in the brainy sense.

She did quite well as Editor of Doubleday Books.

Around the office, too, Onassis is known for her exquisite manners and down-to-earth attitude. She works with her door open, stands in line at the copying machine and gets her own coffee. To keep out the crazies who won't forgive her for marrying a Greek with a 325-foot yacht, all of her incoming calls are screened by a secretary. Onassis makes outgoing calls herself, and many astounded writers have answered their phones to hear her breathy, little girl soprano: "Hello, this is Jacqueline Onassis."

The word used to describe Jackie O, she preferred to be called Jacqueline Onassis rather than Kennedy. Was exquisite. An appellation that could never, under any circumstances, be used to describe the cow now lumbering around the white house.
that list ( if one takes time to actually read and look through it is one of the most biased ever. Pierce to be #5? one has to be insane.

And while I agree that Barack Obama is a good looking guy and presents well, putting his ugly and disgraceful wife at # 2 is laughable. She is not even better than Eleanor Roosvelt, which was not pretty at all but at least knew how to present herself

Plus only an idiot would put a beauty like Angelica van Buren at # 35 :cuckoo:
Or the most beautiful of all - Rachel Jackson as #21
Or putting Laura Bush at 16 behind Jonshons' wife or Hillary :lol:

the ones who put together the list are the idiots or do not know what is a beautiful lady

You just need to accept it. Republican women are just not very good looking, sorry about your luck. The Obamas can't live up to the myth but they're still quite beautiful.

no, I do not. You are an idiot if you think I would really consider some obsure site's list as an alpha and omega.:cuckoo:

Leftards are really unable to think for themselves and need somebody to compose the "list" so they can be brainwashed in the needed direction :lol:

and the obama-president is a good looking guy, but Michelle is just a tad less ugly than Eleanor Roosevelt.
However, she has uglier soul - and that is showing :D
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that list ( if one takes time to actually read and look through it is one of the most biased ever. Pierce to be #5? one has to be insane.

And while I agree that Barack Obama is a good looking guy and presents well, putting his ugly and disgraceful wife at # 2 is laughable. She is not even better than Eleanor Roosvelt, which was not pretty at all but at least knew how to present herself

Plus only an idiot would put a beauty like Angelica van Buren at # 35 :cuckoo:
Or the most beautiful of all - Rachel Jackson as #21
Or putting Laura Bush at 16 behind Jonshons' wife or Hillary :lol:

the ones who put together the list are the idiots or do not know what is a beautiful lady

You just need to accept it. Republican women are just not very good looking, sorry about your luck. The Obamas can't live up to the myth but they're still quite beautiful.

no, I do not. You are an idiot if you think I would really consider some obsure site's list as an alpha and omega.:cuckoo:

Leftards are really unable to think for themselves and need somebody to compose the "list" so they can be brainwashed in the needed direction :lol:

and the obama-president is a good looking guy, but Michelle is just a tad less ugly than Eleanor Roosevelt.
However, she has uglier soul - and that is showing :D

Don't hate her because she's beautiful and smart. I don't hate Republican First Ladies, they just don't measure up. I let it go at that.
I am still waiting for those running down the First Lady for her looks and her clothing to put their own glamor pics up for comparison. As far as personality class, well...they've already shown their own "class". :eusa_whistle:
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I am still waiting for those running down the First Lady for her looks and her clothing to put their own glamor pics up for comparison. As far as personality clase, well...they've already shown their own "class". :eusa_whistle:

They don't have to put up their own glamor pictures because no one has described them as glamorous. No one takes their picture and airbrushes it on the cover of Vogue to browbeat the public into imagining glamor where none exist. The first cow DOES. Once you demand your face be slapped in front of the public that's when you can be rightly exposed for having a face like an orc and justification for being called "scoop jaw".

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