Michelle Obama compares her husband to Jesus


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
These people are so full of themselves


Michelle Obama made a remarkable claim when talking up her husband, President Barack Obama, at a campaign event earlier today in Nashville, Tennessee.

"I am so in," Michelle Obama said toward the end of her remarks. "I am going to be working so hard. We have an amazing story to tell. This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."

The crowd of nearly 450 folks applauded as the first lady likened her husband to a Jesus-like figure.

In the book of Matthew, we read, "the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up." (Matthew 4:16) The phrase is used to describe the words Jesus preached.

Michelle Obama: 'This President Has Brought Us Out of the Dark and Into the Light' | The Weekly Standard
Wow, that's quite a stretch. Even for the right wing.

I want them to talk about "outrage" over Republicans calling for his assassination. They were outraged over Hilary Rosen and she never talked about killing Mitt.
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I guess liberalism is kinda like a religion..."Deliver us Obama"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUazd8DqcNk]Lefty's Pray To Obama - YouTube[/ame]
This must be the latest wingnut talking points, because another wingnut already started a sad little thread on the same subject. My only question is, how did you come across this non-story -- chain email, WND or Breitbart?
Wow, that's quite a stretch. Even for the right wing.

I want them to talk about "outrage" over Republicans calling for his assassination. They were outraged over Hilary Rosen and she never talked about killing Mitt.

And no one on the right has talked about killing anyone either.
These people are so full of themselves


Michelle Obama made a remarkable claim when talking up her husband, President Barack Obama, at a campaign event earlier today in Nashville, Tennessee.

"I am so in," Michelle Obama said toward the end of her remarks. "I am going to be working so hard. We have an amazing story to tell. This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."

The crowd of nearly 450 folks applauded as the first lady likened her husband to a Jesus-like figure.

In the book of Matthew, we read, "the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up." (Matthew 4:16) The phrase is used to describe the words Jesus preached.

Michelle Obama: 'This President Has Brought Us Out of the Dark and Into the Light' | The Weekly Standard

Amount of times Barrack and Michelle Obama have been to church while in office: ZERO.

Amount of times Michelle Obama has compared him to Jesus: At least once.

These are the wolves in sheep's clothing that Jesus warned about.
Well as long as the Obamas are bringing Jesus's teachings into the political narrative; I believe it was Jesus that said you shall know them by their fruits. So let's name just some of Obama's fruits:

  • Gluttony (GSA)
  • Whore mongering (Secret Service)
  • Laziness (Democratic Senate won't pass a budget)
  • Fraud (forged selective service card and birth certificate)
  • Wasteful (Solyndra)
  • Spite (He flipped off McCain during his acceptance speech; he also flipped off Hillary Clinton)
  • Racism (Reverend Wright, Denounced police officer based on his whiteness)
  • Dishonesty (countless broken campaign promises)
  • Dictatorial (has disregarded the law and Constitution)
  • Bullying (presumed to threaten SCOTUS, Allowed armed black panthers at polling stations)
  • Superficiality (offered hope and change but then he was ruthless)
  • Cunning (Does deals behind the American peoples backs - See unions, Russia)
  • Prideful (Constantly railing against anybody that disagrees with him)
  • Greedy (Money is a huge pursuit for him and how has he spent that money? Certainly not by making huge donations to his college like Romney)
  • Unlawful (The man who sold him his house under market was convicted)
  • Pretentious (Which is why someone like Bill Ayers paid for his political career)
  • Narcissist (Constantly throwing out ploys for his benefit)
  • Lying Gentile (Pretended to be Christian; supported policies and doctrines that would lead to Israel's (Jews) destruction)

I'm kind of glad that MB has brought up the Christian narrative. All too often we as Americans forget that we are founded on Judeo Christian principles. It's interesting to see just how un-Christ like Obama really is despite their typical phony "share" and "sunshine" narrative.
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Jesus and Obama were community organizers.

Pilate and Romney were governors.

I'll take Obama over someone who's washing his hands of the middle class.
Jesus and Obama were community organizers.

Pilate and Romney were governors.

I'll take Obama over someone who's washing his hands of the middle class.

Do I need to explain how idiotic this logic is? How about you do a rethink and then apologize for making everyone that much stupider for having listened to you. :clap2:
Jesus and Obama were community organizers.

Pilate and Romney were governors.

I'll take Obama over someone who's washing his hands of the middle class.

Do I need to explain how idiotic this logic is? How about you do a rethink and then apologize for making everyone that much stupider for having listened to you. :clap2:

LAMER!!! :lol::lol::lol:
Jesus and Obama were community organizers.

Pilate and Romney were governors.

I'll take Obama over someone who's washing his hands of the middle class.

Quite apart from the fact that Christ was not a "community organizer", this is as much of a ludicrous stretch as the OP.

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