Michelle Obama for President 2016

Now they are all slaves to the food stamp. Obama's Muslim buddies demanding Sharia Law to replace the Constitution. UN directives, No borders, no jobs, no growth, no wealth, no common sense, no guts, no respect for our servicemen. Children going hungry. Thugs rioting in the street, killing our police officers. No health care, no parental supervision. Gov. training 4 year olds how to be gay.
Yeah, things are so much better now.........
I trust that when Michelle becomes president she will follow in her husbands foot steps.

What a blessing that would be. ..... :thup:


Obama: 'Michelle will never run for office'

The Hill

Jordan Fabian 4 hrs ago

People pining for a Michelle Obama presidential run will not get their wish, President Obama said in an interview published Tuesday.

"Michelle will never run for office," Obama told Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner in a conversation the day after Election Day.

"She is as talented a person as I know," the president said of his wife. "You can see the incredible resonance she has with the American people. But I joke that she's too sensible to want to be in politics."


Obama: 'Michelle will never run for office'
No more family dynasties.

No more Clintons.

No more Kennedys.

No more Bushes.

No more Romneys.

No more Trumps, once the first one has done his damage.

Each family who manages to get that far, gets one turn at bat.

One turn.

No more.

That goes for the Obamas, as well.

Our Republic is drifting perilously close to a Ruling Elites class or de facto aristocracy as it is.

We don't need to encourage or accelerate the trend any more than absolutely necessary.

The Democrats have just been fed into the meat grinder by the American Voter, for shoving too Liberal an agenda down America's throat.

It's time they have a Come-to-Jesus Moment, figure-out the REAL reason(s) why they lost White Middle Class America, and fix their agenda and approach.

Putting another Obama at the helm will do nothing to help the Democrats recapture the base they've held since FDR's time, and just lost, this year.

Michelle Obama for President?

Hell, no.

Not unless the Democrats have gone Full-On Retard, fail to learn their lesson from the 2016 election, and are hell-bent on collective political suicide.
No more family dynasties.

No more Clintons.

No more Kennedys.

No more Bushes.

No more Romneys.

No more Trumps, once the first one has done his damage.

Each family who manages to get that far, gets one turn at bat.

One turn.

No more.

That goes for the Obamas, as well.

Our Republic is drifting periolously close to a Ruling Elites class or autocracy as it is.

We don't need to encourage or accelerate the trend any more than absolutely necessary.

The Democrats have just been fed into the meat grinder by the American Voter, for shoving too Liberal an agenda down America's throat.

It's time they have a Come-to-Jesus Moment, figure-out the REAL reason(s) why they lost White Middle Class America, and fix their agenda and approach.

Putting another Obama at the helm will do nothing to help the Democrats recapture the base they've held since FDR's time, and just lost, this year.

Michelle Obama for President?

Hell, no.

Not unless the Democrats have gone Full-On Retard, fail to learn their lesson from the 2016 election, and are hell-bent on collective political suicide.
What damage is Trump going to do? I don't read the fake news, so enlighten us.....

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