Michelle O's School lunch nightmare, Obama kids school NOT INCLUDED

I wonder if the NHL did itself any favor when the professional ice hockey league agreed to run Mooshell public service TV spots for a couple of years, where she implores kids to get up off their duffs, to eat healthy, and to exercise an hour a day? Needless to say, her gigantic butt was always off-camera.
AGAIN, the blatant hypocrisy of Queenie Michelle and the Obama Princesses:
However, the changes the First Lady is pushing on public schools don’t apply to her daughters Malia and Sasha, who attend a swanky private school that is exempt. In fact, the Obama girls reportedly are served foods not allowed on public school lunch menus; this includes foods like meatball subs, ice cream novelties, deviled egg salad, barbequed chicken wings, barbequed sliders, all natural beef nachos, baked three-cheese lasagna, pepperoni flatbread pizzas, cheese quesadillas, and chicken curry.

Michelle Obama s School Lunch Program Under Fire Again BEEF Daily
Yet here you are moron.. That doesn't answer the question of Schools becoming the Food Gestapo , now does it? Nor does it answer why Herr Michelle didn't make certain HER OWN children's school was included.. Let's starve kids but my kids will eat like kings and queens and all the good little ass licking lefties jump and cheer in unison as usual.. You Zombies are pathetic.

Michelle Obama (or the government, which is really what we're talking about) has little standing to tell private schools what to serve for lunch.....

Do you want them to? Do you want public schools to be subject to standards (because taxpayers pay for it) as well as private schools?
You're not very fucking bright are you? SHE HAS NO FUCKING BUSINESS FORCING ANY SCHOOL WHAT TO SERVE CHILDREN.......... NONE, you assclown..No one elected her to anything.. SHE HOLDS NO ELECTED OFFICE.. secondly, if she's going to FORCE serf children to eat slop, she better do the same with her spoiled ass kids.
See what I mean, ricechickie. It's a meltdown over a very small thing. It's the cry of desperation of the pathetic conservatives.
ONLY SERF CHILDREN ARE TO BE STARVED using the "healthy" tag.. Queenie Michelle's kids do not have to comply.
We hear for decades that Republicans don't care about children and want to starve them.. now we have PROOF, solid proof that its liberals who actually support starving kids..

1M kids stop school lunch due to Michelle Obama s standards - Washington Times

Why do liberals hate public school serf children?

So where is your PROOF that Obama wanted to starve children and that's why they pushed these standards?

You sound as whacky as that RDean character. Tell me, do only 6% of school children eat their lunch? LOL
SERF KIDS must obey:


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While Serf kids are being starved, the Princesses Sasha and Malia eat like Kings and Queens.. this is how liberalism works..
I wonder if the NHL did itself any favor when the professional ice hockey league agreed to run Mooshell public service TV spots for a couple of years, where she implores kids to get up off their duffs, to eat healthy, and to exercise an hour a day? Needless to say, her gigantic butt was always off-camera.
She's not that fat....but then again, she's not one of those waddling kids I see around these days because parents can't be bothered to feed their OWN children in healthy ways. Whatever...let them drop dead at 30.
PUBLIK SKOOL GESTAPO under Queenie Michelle inspecting kids lunches.. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PAPERS!
Michelle Obama's Brownshirts and the Case of the Confiscated Lunch -

Gary Bauer also featured it in his daily email, declaring "welcome to Obama's brave new world. If the government can force us to buy specific products, force religious institutions to violate their values and send lunchbox inspectors to sort through our kids' food, Chinese-style 'commissars' are in our future." - See more at: Michelle Obama s Brownshirts and the Case of the Confiscated Lunch Right Wing Watch

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