michigan police officers arrest 12 year old taking out the trash

Go live somewhere without police.....you won't live long.
There are no perfect solutions. Police are not perfect but they are needed.
That's funny.

The fucking police do not protect you.

The Supreme Court has ruled that no police officer has to come to the aid of the public so wtf are the police for?

Revenue generation that's what.
Better yet fire the pigs
Fire the police in your own town
This is the failed argument that we either have to allow the police violate people or have no police at all.

You are not intelligent at all
That is certainly not the argument. There are no perfect solutions in anything.
All life is subject to entropy. No entropy ... No life ...that simple. Bad cops should of course be punished. However you cannot remove imperfection...if you do you have removed everything. So man up Skippy and stop bitching...your imperfect body has grown a few minutes closer to death while wasting your time on this very stupid subject. Just think of all the packing you could have done on your way to a place with no police. Get moving!
That's funny.

The fucking police do not protect you.

The Supreme Court has ruled that no police officer has to come to the aid of the public so wtf are the police for?

Revenue generation that's what.
Full of shit....

There is a police force where you live....if there wasn't you would not be living there.
Are they perfect? No....are there some bad cops?....sure;
Fades into insignificance in comparison with no cops.
Fire the police in your own town

You are not intelligent at all
That is certainly not the argument. There are no perfect solutions in anything.
All life is subject to entropy. No entropy ... No life that simple. Bad cops should of course be punished. However you cannot remove imperfection...if you do you have removed everything. So many up and stop bitching...you're imperfect body has grown a few minutes closer to death while wasting your time on this very stupid subject. Just think of all the packing you could have done on your way to a place with no police. Get moving!

Actually my town doesn't have a police dept.

I think there might be 1 or 2 State Gestapo assigned to the town hall but no one ever even sees them patrolling

and guess what the crime rate in my town with no police dept is virtually ZERO
Full of shit....

There is a police force where you live....if there wasn't you would not be living there.
Are they perfect? No....are there some bad cops....sure
Fades into insignificance in comparison with no cops.

There is no police dept in my town and that's why I live here
What a strange period in history. We expect perfection of our public servants. Perfection or BUST. When it's not perfection, and the bust is an absolute disaster (see: the crime wave after Defund the Police) we all look around like "what happened"?

Moral Panics (and even moral absolutes in many cases) are stupid and destructive.

No, we expect decency, competence, courtesy, and professionalism. These cops failed all 4.
Fire the police in your own town

You are not intelligent at all
That is certainly not the argument. There are no perfect solutions in anything.
All life is subject to entropy. No entropy ... No life ...that simple. Bad cops should of course be punished. However you cannot remove imperfection...if you do you have removed everything. So man up Skippy and stop bitching...your imperfect body has grown a few minutes closer to death while wasting your time on this very stupid subject. Just think of all the packing you could have done on your way to a place with no police. Get moving!

Cops are trained to act this way. It has to stop.
Your jurisdiction is covered by law enforcement or you would have no insurance policy.

Yeah there is a State Gestapo force but like I said my town has no police dept.

I think there might be a county sheriff but no one ever sees them out here.

and the crime rate is still near ZERO.

The fucking cops do not protect you from anything and they have no legal obligation to come to your aid.
Yeah there is a State Gestapo force but like I said my town has no police dept.

I think there might be a county sheriff but no one ever sees them out here.

and the crime rate is still near ZERO.

The fucking cops do not protect you from anything and they have no legal obligation to come to your aid.
Well...good luck to you...
Hopefully you have some personal protection and hopefully the looney left won't persecute you for using it when you need it. The SCOTUS ruling is probably an outgrowth of the many law suits filed against law enforcement. I mean how can you force somebody to do something they might be prosecuted for? BTW rottweilers are amazing pets but they cost a lot to feed. I had two blue nosed pits for a long time... All the neighbors knew enough to stay away.
Don't recommend having them around kids though.
Well it's obvious you have no idea about being a police officer and have no idea of how the real world works. Very little goes according to plan all the time and police aren't perfect everytime.

Mistakes happen and when the cops think they have a wanted man they can't dilly dally and himhaw about what to do. They grab them and sort it out because there is no time to waste. And guilty or not they all say the same things I didn't do anything, it was someone else and so on so they have to actually verify that.

Shit happens in life and most of it is a big hassle and a pain in the ass. To think otherwise is incredibly stupid. And for this kid, this is one of those moments. These moments happen to everyone whether it involve the cops or not.

In this day and age it's nice to see police out there doing their job at least unlike a lot of places where their hands are tied while criminals run around free. A few people being inconvenienced here and there is a insignificant price to pay for police doing their job.

The kid deserves a explanation , a handshake, a apology and a steak dinner on the police department for him and his parents.

You are wrong. I have many friends in law enforcement. And have had going back decades, so I have watched the slow decay of standards that has led us to a place where many cops shouldn't be cops. They don't have the temperment, they don't have the moral compass, and they certainly don't have the courage.

We see this everywhere. Most of my friends have retired now, and most because the departments reward idiots, but ignore those who actually do a good job.
No cop is legally obligated to come to your aid. So why would you depend on any cop?

I don't. I live in the boondocks. However I know a good number of cops who are solid people. They value the Constitution, they are professional, and they don't make mistakes like this because they are good at their jobs.
First, no, I already said they made a mistake.

Secondly, no, they made a mistake. No one should be happy. However, all things considered, no one was injured. So what do you want. What is the outcome of this?

Ideally the result should be increasing the standards for who should be a cop. TRAINING them properly so that they don’t make stupid decisions like this, and ending qualified immunity.
I don't. I live in the boondocks. However I know a good number of cops who are solid people. They value the Constitution, they are professional, and they don't make mistakes like this because they are good at their jobs.
But....they are also imperfect humans.
Go live somewhere without police.....you won't live long.
There are no perfect solutions. Police are not perfect but they are needed.

I do live in a place without cops. But I travel to places where cops are. And, like I have said, I have many friends who are cops.

There are some things that a cop should never do.

Arresting this kid is one of them. They didn't bother to do even a basic investigation. If they had none of this would have happened.

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