Miller Lite Boycott Calls Grow Over Beer Commercial: 'Did Nobody Learn'

Nobody is drinking your Kool Aid.
The ad was made in March to coincide with it being Women's History Month.
Like many beer ads, it was meant to be tongue in cheek. But nevertheless, it's intent was to promote women's role in brewing beer to be more than being bikini clad bimbos. Which is fine. Sort of.
But in the era of #metoo and the emasculation of males, it wasn't taken so tongue in cheek. Winthin 24 hours of the ads first run, it received more than 2500 complaints.
Thus the companies decision to not run it again.
FFWD a month later some social media folks saw the ad for the first time, and considering Bud Lights monumental mistake, they posted up the ad and it immediately got attention. This got some folks to look into the ad when they realized that the girl in the commercial has a social media page with literally over 100 photos of her wearing bikinis. Many in sexual poses. Now THAT is funny!
Then they saw that the main ads they touted as not awesome, were made when the advertising executive was a woman. And THAT is also funny. Both realities throws cold water on the ads intent.
Which is why I said the fallout will be nothing like Bud Light. two VERY different circumstances. The fallout is already more about the girl in the commercial.

You people live to be outraged, it seems to be what gives your life purpose.

You have been trolled but you cannot help but be outraged.

So much damn fun to watch.
In a logical world, "lite" beer wouldn't even exist.
But girls in bikinis selling beer should definitely exist.
I'm not really bothered by it, I'm just surprised they would take a chance after what has happened to Bud Light.

I really don't care what their ad campaigns are, as long as they continue some of the ones like in the past. Unfortunately based on some of the comments in this commercial, we may not see those bikini girls any longer, and that truly would be sad.
Clearly you made this post.....

Which is definitely quite the opposite of not caring about something.....
You people live to be outraged, it seems to be what gives your life purpose.

You have been trolled but you cannot help but be outraged.

So much damn fun to watch.
yeah.... I know right?
All those conservative riots in Portland, Minneapolis, NYC, Philadelphia, Chicago... damn conservatives always outraged!! All the looting they always do... and don't have the guts to show their faces by always wearing masks in their riots and protesting

yeah.... I know right?
All those conservative riots in Portland, Minneapolis, NYC, Philadelphia, Chicago... damn conservatives always outraged!! All the looting they always do... and don't have the guts to show their faces by always wearing masks in their riots and protesting


Once more you highlight just how alike the two sides are.

Damn, you are one messed up individual if you think that is what it will take for males to show respect for women for more than their tits.

I pity your daughters.

And yet, certain males can degrade women “as a lifestyle” and that’s perfectly fine?

You, my friend, crack me the hell up!
Trying to 'punish' a company because a transgirl drinks beer.....has such a quivering Karen energy, Hadit.

This is just another reason I could never be a conservative: the trigger warnings they need on their beer.
Your whole post has a quivering Karen energy about it.
Damn you Miller lite. Why did you have to do this? You're the best I usually got when I went out. Now I can't buy you.

And as far as what that chick was saying this short video still applies.

Besides, what is so terrible about advertising with pretty women? They are pretty, they are being paid to do the advertisement, no one is forcing them to be in the advertisement,, men notice the pretty women. People pay attention to things they find nice looking.

Our society is so obsessed with sticking it's nose up its own ass that we are eliminating just enjoying things and having fun.
You people live to be outraged, it seems to be what gives your life purpose.

You have been trolled but you cannot help but be outraged.

So much damn fun to watch.

Yeah yeah, and when Trump was president, your side was "outraged" about everything as well.

Miller Lite Goes Silent Amid Calls to Boycott Beer Brand​

Miller Lite remains silent amid calls for the brand to be boycotted over its two-month-old commercial, which highlights the historical role that women played in beer brewing.

"Women were among the very first to brew beer, ever," comedian Ilana Glazer says in the advert, while walking through a brewery. "From Mesopotamia to the Middle Ages to colonial America, women were the ones doing the brewing."
I take this to mean you don't realize the new ad is to make fun of the old ads. When did conservatives become a bag of whiney pussies?

We'll just have to wait and see which direction they take down the road. If this particular campaign is just a spoof, and they have no intention of dropping girls having fun, then no problem. If they truly have gone 'woke', we will see it in their future advertising.

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