Million MAGA March next Weekend

I disagree 100%. All the mail in ballots, suddenly bulk voting in one direction. Optics look shady. Media doesn’t help.

Not if they're coming from heavily Dem areas...which in the case of Pennsylvania, they were. And let's not also forget, the although Biden overtook Trump, Trump was still getting a lot of votes, too. How do stack that count?

When I started watching the election, Biden has leads in Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Kansas, Missouri. Over the course of the day, Trump overtook him in those states. You don't see Dems whining about that.
So only Heavily Dem areas vote by mail? Trump overtook him due to heavy Election Day in person voting.
I disagree 100%. All the mail in ballots, suddenly bulk voting in one direction. Optics look shady. Media doesn’t help.

Not if they're coming from heavily Dem areas...which in the case of Pennsylvania, they were. And let's not also forget, the although Biden overtook Trump, Trump was still getting a lot of votes, too. How do stack that count?

When I started watching the election, Biden has leads in Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Kansas, Missouri. Over the course of the day, Trump overtook him in those states. You don't see Dems whining about that.
So only Heavily Dem areas vote by mail? Trump overtook him due to heavy Election Day in person voting.

That's right. But why do you think ALL the television stations were not calling Pennsylvania even when Trump was leading by 500,000 votes? There are only two reasons:
1) They knew that a lot of mail in votes were coming from heavily Dem areas; or
2) They knew there were 800,000-900,000 fraudulent ballots out there.

Now, which do you think is more likely? Massive collusion between ALL the different media outlets knowing there were fraudulent ballots (good luck keeping that a secret), or these professional pundits who live, breath and work in politics, know the lie of the land with regard to constituents?

I welcome a recount. As long as it is done by county/state officials and NEITHER political party. Biden will still win. Trump might get Arizona, maybe Georgia. It won't matter.
They will have great news to march to:

Wow. IF they ever get any REAL evidence of fraud. Lol

In the memo Barr says that such inquiries "may be conducted if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State."

In Barr's letter to US attorneys, however, he says that the investigation should not be taken as the DOJ believing there to be widespread fraud - which both President Trump and the GOP have claimed without providing evidence.

Instead, he says in the memo that he is giving US attorneys authority in the event that any credible evidence of fraud is discovered.
I disagree 100%. All the mail in ballots, suddenly bulk voting in one direction. Optics look shady. Media doesn’t help.

Not if they're coming from heavily Dem areas...which in the case of Pennsylvania, they were. And let's not also forget, the although Biden overtook Trump, Trump was still getting a lot of votes, too. How do stack that count?

When I started watching the election, Biden has leads in Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Kansas, Missouri. Over the course of the day, Trump overtook him in those states. You don't see Dems whining about that.
So only Heavily Dem areas vote by mail? Trump overtook him due to heavy Election Day in person voting.

That's right. But why do you think ALL the television stations were not calling Pennsylvania even when Trump was leading by 500,000 votes? There are only two reasons:
1) They knew that a lot of mail in votes were coming from heavily Dem areas; or
2) They knew there were 800,000-900,000 fraudulent ballots out there.

Now, which do you think is more likely? Massive collusion between ALL the different media outlets knowing there were fraudulent ballots (good luck keeping that a secret), or these professional pundits who live, breath and work in politics, know the lie of the land with regard to constituents?

I welcome a recount. As long as it is done by county/state officials and NEITHER political party. Biden will still win. Trump might get Arizona, maybe Georgia. It won't matter.
Process matters. Honesty matters. Gauge our mistakes now so we don’t make em in future elections.
Process matters. Honesty matters. Gauge our mistakes now so we don’t make em in future elections.

But you could do that with every election. I think I read on this board that Biden is winning in Penn by the same amount Trump won it in 2016. I didn't see Hillary packing a sad. And you know, most pundits etc gauged the number of ballots that were being mailed in each state, and they were right.

Maybe the likes of Flopper and JimBowie and even Toro will know, but I'm reasonably confident that the state will know how many postal ballots it sent out or were downloaded or however they are collected. I'm sure if there were 800,000 sent out or whatever, and they received 1.1 million, alarm bells would be going off. They're not.
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Process matters. Honesty matters. Gauge our mistakes now so we don’t make em in future elections.

But you could do that with every election. I think I read on this board that Biden is winning in Penn by the same amount Trump won it in 2016. I didn't see Hillary packing a sad. And you know, most pundits etc gauged the number of ballots that were being mailed in each state, and they were right.

Maybe the likes of Flopper and JimBowie and even Toro will know, but I'm reasonably confident that the state will know how many postal ballots it sent out or were downloaded or however they are collected. I'm sure if there were 800,000 sent out or whatever, and they received 1.1 million, I'm alarm bells would be going off. They're not.
Apples and oranges we didn’t have such a huge percentage of mail in ballots in 2016 and he didn’t even need PA. It’s not how many went out per se it’s were they legit 99% for Biden?
Process matters. Honesty matters. Gauge our mistakes now so we don’t make em in future elections.

But you could do that with every election. I think I read on this board that Biden is winning in Penn by the same amount Trump won it in 2016. I didn't see Hillary packing a sad. And you know, most pundits etc gauged the number of ballots that were being mailed in each state, and they were right.

Maybe the likes of Flopper and JimBowie and even Toro will know, but I'm reasonably confident that the state will know how many postal ballots it sent out or were downloaded or however they are collected. I'm sure if there were 800,000 sent out or whatever, and they received 1.1 million, I'm alarm bells would be going off. They're not.
Apples and oranges we didn’t have such a huge percentage of mail in ballots in 2016 and he didn’t even need PA. It’s not how many went out per se it’s were they legit 99% for Biden?

Ah, well that is a different matter altogether. I guess a recount will sort that out. Well, if the Orange Buffoon took COVID seriously, there wouldn't have been so many mail in ballots.
To Trump's cult..allegations are proof..
Credible allegations demand a full investigation, your asinine comment notwithstanding.
I understand Joe's loyal sycophants want Joe to just be declared winner, as MSNBC has done.

But most people on the left don't seem to understand that having Don Lemon, or Wolf Blitzer call Biden
the new president doesn't actually make it so.
And they really can't understand why he isn't just handed over the presidency. It really baffles
and annoys them.

And now the incredibly anomalous things we see, like 450,000 ballots for Biden with zero down ticket
votes at all for anyone else, which is unheard of, will demand an investigation.

And this will all wind up in the Supreme Court, undoubtedly.
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Process matters. Honesty matters. Gauge our mistakes now so we don’t make em in future elections.

But you could do that with every election. I think I read on this board that Biden is winning in Penn by the same amount Trump won it in 2016. I didn't see Hillary packing a sad. And you know, most pundits etc gauged the number of ballots that were being mailed in each state, and they were right.

Maybe the likes of Flopper and JimBowie and even Toro will know, but I'm reasonably confident that the state will know how many postal ballots it sent out or were downloaded or however they are collected. I'm sure if there were 800,000 sent out or whatever, and they received 1.1 million, I'm alarm bells would be going off. They're not.
Apples and oranges we didn’t have such a huge percentage of mail in ballots in 2016 and he didn’t even need PA. It’s not how many went out per se it’s were they legit 99% for Biden?

Ah, well that is a different matter altogether. I guess a recount will sort that out. Well, if the Orange Buffoon took COVID seriously, there wouldn't have been so many mail in ballots.
Why do you have to go there? You’re not a good person. All set with you. Our civility is done.
To Trump's cult..allegations are proof..
Credible allegations demand a full investigation, your asinine comment notwithstanding.
I understand Joe's loyal sycophants want Joe to just be declared winner, as MSNBC has done, but
most people on the left don't seem to understand that having Don Lemon, or Wolf Blitzer call Biden
the new president doesn't actually make it so.
And they really can't understand why he isn't just handed over the presidency. It really baffles
and annoys them.

And now the incredibly anomalous things we see, like 450,000 ballots for Biden with zero down ticket
votes at all for anyone else, which is unheard of, will demand an investigation.

And this will all wind up in the Supreme Court, undoubtedly.

And when those allegations become credible, maybe they will be taken seriously
No, Trump got plenty of votes during that count. Just nowhere near as many as Joe. As pundits predicted.
When I started watching the election, Biden was leading in Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Kansas, Missouri. Over the course of the day, Trump overtook him in those states. You don't see Dems whining about that.
Everything changed when a number of toss up swing states simply stopped counting ballots for a day or two and at that point, with no actual ballot counters or observers around, Trump magically went from a lead of thousands to a deficit of thousands once counting resumed. Imagine that!

It's as clear as a bell what happened. It's up to the courts now to put things right.
Everything changed when a number of toss up swing states simply stopped counting ballots for a day or two and at that point, with no actual ballot counters or observers around, Trump magically went from a lead of thousands to a deficit of thousands once counting resumed. Imagine that!

It's as clear as a bell what happened. It's up to the courts now to put things right.

They stopped counting because it was late.

The rest of your post is just Fake News. Nothing more.
And when those allegations become credible, maybe they will be taken seriously
I'm certain they will.
No, Trump got plenty of votes during that count. Just nowhere near as many as Joe. As pundits predicted.
Oh yes...the pundits! The "blue wave" they all saw coming turned into a red wave, except for the
presidency which we know was the result of voter fraud and the courts will validate this when provided
with evidence. Watch it happen.

After 2016 and now this debacle when will pollsters and pundits be seen as discredited partisan charlatans
and fakes and their rackets shut down?
They stopped counting because it was late.

The rest of your post is just Fake News. Nothing more.
Guess again. Some states took a couple of days off. And once started the counting should never stop.
Bringing more people to count in shifts who can read a ballot isn't a difficult thing to do and seeing who has a check mark by their name isn't exactly rocket science.

Lie harder next time.
View attachment 413779

The MAGA army will not take this cheating by the fascist pigs in the Democrat party.

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats are trying to force upon us. Fight for Trump and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs.

where is the little square mustache?
Oh yes...the pundits! The "blue wave" they all saw coming turned into a red wave, except for the
presidency which we know was the result of voter fraud and the courts will validate this when provided
with evidence. Watch it happen.

After 2016 and now this debacle when will pollsters and pundits be seen as discredited partisan charlatans
and fakes and their rackets shut down?

Pundits mostly got it right.
Guess again. Some states took a couple of days off. And once started the counting should never stop.
Bringing more people to count in shifts who can read a ballot isn't a difficult thing to do and seeing who has a check mark by their name isn't exactly rocket science.

Lie harder next time.

What am I lying about. Trump is history. Nothing will change that. Nothing.
Oh yes...the pundits! The "blue wave" they all saw coming turned into a red wave, except for the
presidency which we know was the result of voter fraud and the courts will validate this when provided
with evidence. Watch it happen.

After 2016 and now this debacle when will pollsters and pundits be seen as discredited partisan charlatans
and fakes and their rackets shut down?

Pundits mostly got it right.
I wonder how many of these are true ?


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