Millions who voted for trump don't want him to run again

17% of 80 million is almost 14 million.

It's the Moony Times. Hardly a reliable source.

Right up there with the NYT and WP? Are they that bad?
It's Mercer's propaganda site Media Research Center. I don't think the wash times political orientation is really an issue. In this case, it's "source" is as reliable and QAnon
Stick QAnon, it is just another talking point with no basis in fact. The usual.
It's your god trump fucker
No it is not my God. You do not tell me one fucking thing. Understood?
fuck you. How's that bitch. Don't go posting telling me to "stick it,' internet pussy. Try me cocksuker and I'll come right back "atchya" Punk

17% of 80 million is almost 14 million.
This is some stupid unscientific poll with 1700 people surveyed NOT 80 million.

Unscientific like when Fauci claimed masks do not work?

17% of 80 million is almost 14 million.
Rigged, nonscientific poll. There is a reason, in scientific polling, why pollsters do not provide a bunch of info and then poll the instant reaction. But right wing propaganda machines don't have respect for these kinds of rules.

17% of 80 million is almost 14 million.
This is some stupid unscientific poll with 1700 people surveyed NOT 80 million.

Unscientific like when Fauci claimed masks do not work?
You still haven’t explained why you pulled 80 million out of your ass.

17% of 80 million is almost 14 million.
This is some stupid unscientific poll with 1700 people surveyed NOT 80 million.

Unscientific like when Fauci claimed masks do not work?
You still haven’t explained why you pulled 80 million out of your ass.
Either has Killary.
After all the Trump cultists loser-blubbering here, Biden and his policies are still very popular. Repeat for the next 4 years.

But then, the Trump cult losers don't whine to accomplish anything. They whine because being whiners is what defines them as human beings. Win or lose, they whine. The sun rises, the sun sets, Trump cult traitors whine, and life goes on. If they weren't whiners, they wouldn't be in the Trump cult.
Open borders and job losses are popular? Idiot.
Another lie.
Trump got 10 million more votes than Obama.
Biden got 8 million more votes than Trump.
Biden won by massive fraud. FACT.
This is a lie.
Prove it. Give us the ballots and machines and restore integrity to our elections. That will either prove or disprove fraud. Nothing to hide, right?
You're a liar, like most on the right.
Trump got 10 million more votes than Obama.
Biden got 8 million more votes than Trump.
Biden won by massive fraud. FACT.
This is a lie.
Prove it. Give us the ballots and machines and restore integrity to our elections. That will either prove or disprove fraud. Nothing to hide, right?
You're a liar, like most on the right.
I asked you a question. What are you hiding if not fraud?
So let me understand this, an impeachment trial is about to commence to remove a former president from his former office, really? As I understand it the Constitution empowers the House of Representatives to file articles of impeachment against a current office holder which is then referred to the Senate whereby the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is to serve as Judge. Now what are the Democrats so worried about, and by what authority do these distinguished elected individuals have in conducting a trial without the Chief Justice against a person (private citizen) no longer serving the country? Am I mistaken in that any charges trumped up are the domain of civil courts for trial or submitted to a grand jury for further investigation? Since when did the US Senate have the authority to circumvent the judicial system or conduct a trial against a private citizen? What happened to the “Rule of Law” so often blurted out when cornered and hopeless? What are they so afraid of, now here’s the irony, could it be that evidence of voter fraud would “eventually“ be exposed, reversing the results, and now need to somehow mitigate against the risk that “if” the election results could, by one hell of a stretch of imagination, be overturned and former President returned to office, this dog and pony show, impeachment if that’s what they want to call it, would preclude him from returning to office, really? What the F are these clowns thinking, or rather are they capable of thinking in the first place? And all along I thought their oath was to serve and protect the Constitution of the United States? Someone better read the document they swore to uphold and protect. Now if during the trial they refer to the “former” President as President then they have a bigger problem then these morons are capable of handling. Be honest you have got to laugh, or rather cry.
Another joke thread. The reason why the DNC criminal syndicate wants an illegal 'impeachment' trial and the Mitch McConnells won't do much bur cosmetically oppose one is that the commies' own polls show that Trump still gets over 55% of the GOP voters in a run for a second term, and nobody else comes close in the top four, and Ivanka is one of those top 4 to boot, with 6%. Pence and Cruz couldn't beat Ivanka.

Even worse news for the GOP is if Trump decides to run on a third party ticket, coming in at 35% of the vote. So, that is why the assorted sexual deviants and sociopaths are terrified of Trump and so desperately flailing around, especially on boards like this, sending around their most stupid and hysterical shills.

The GOPQ has a Big Orange problem. I am not sure how they get out of this mess...But....WHO CARES?

They have been given the golden opportunity to get rid of the Orange Menace....and they are too Cowardly to accept it.

The GOPQ has a Big Orange problem. I am not sure how they get out of this mess...But....WHO CARES?

They have been given the golden opportunity to get rid of the Orange Menace....and they are too Cowardly to accept it.
This is just typical CNN bullshit. After two weeks of this Biden imbecile destroying jobs, abandoning our border and promising totalitarians the world, I'm pretty sure Trump's popularity is heading up.
If the Orange Turd tries to run again, the Pubs are likely to slip further into the minority, and this time on the State level, as well as the national level.

If they have any brain cells left whatsoever after four years of retarded redneck domination, they'll ditch that loser and work on rebuilding their party.

The GOPQ has a Big Orange problem. I am not sure how they get out of this mess...But....WHO CARES?

They have been given the golden opportunity to get rid of the Orange Menace....and they are too Cowardly to accept it.
This according to liars at ABC Bews

how long can libs focus on trump as a way of avoiding the damn fool they elected to replace trump?

Biden is doing fine.. Maybe you were just hooked on Trump's drama.
Trump is gone, and America is better off as a consequence.

Hopefully the hearing tomorrow will wrap it up.
I'll give a sacrificial offering if it's over by Friday next week. Possibly my neighbor's Akita who has "barking issues."

Well, I hope it will be over soon.. Trump's stupidity and lack of ethics is something we should put behind us. His sadism and incompetence may be good for his brand, but it not good for the US Constitution and America.. I never knew a Republican so vile.
Awww poor little braindead libber all confused and all......

Maybe you share Trump's morals. I don't.
Morals......from a libber...hahahahahahahahaha maka me laugh

In your opinion Trump is decent?

Compared to whom? Take a look at the line-up of "leaders" on the left, and tell me where this "decency" is that you mistakenly feel qualified to deny Trump has.

I'm completely over leftist puswads presuming to set themselves up as arbiters and judges of things they don't even remotely demonstrate, either in themselves or in the garbage they proudly vote for.

I never particularly liked Mr. Trump, but I'd take him over you, every single leftist on the board, and your whole slate of Democrat elected officials in a trade, and consider that I got a bargain.
Great idea, as the ranks of the GOPQ is dropping daily....keep up the good work!

Thanks awfully for your "concerned" advice on making the GOP successful. Now save it for someone who A) believes you want anything other than the GOP's complete destruction, and B) believes you have enough brains to walk and chew gum at the same time.
If the Orange Turd tries to run again, the Pubs are likely to slip further into the minority, and this time on the State level, as well as the national level.

If they have any brain cells left whatsoever after four years of retarded redneck domination, they'll ditch that loser and work on rebuilding their party.
Hahahahahaha being lectured on brain cells by a brainless libber lemming hahahahahahaha

The GOPQ has a Big Orange problem. I am not sure how they get out of this mess...But....WHO CARES?

They have been given the golden opportunity to get rid of the Orange Menace....and they are too Cowardly to accept it.
And millions more who didn't vote for Trump agree.

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