Milo Yiannopoulos will return to Berkeley to give his speech

Well if they let the KKK give speeches then they need to allow other white supremacist to do the same.

YOu are calling him a white supremacist in an attempt to justify the violence.

YOu are a piece of shit.

I'm not justifying anything. Milo is free to say what he wants. I don't agree with what those rioters were doing. They shouldn't be destroying property.

But Milo is a white supremacist.

With a black boyfriend?

Slave owners had relationships with their slaves.

So what blacks owned slaves too did you miss that part of history.
Well if they let the KKK give speeches then they need to allow other white supremacist to do the same.
Now this is a special kind of stupid. Milo is gonna go down as the first and only ever gay Jewish man that loves black men white supremacist!

Where do you get that he's "Jewish"?

Edit: Ok, I looked into it. his GRANDMOTHER was an "evil Jew." Therefore he must be an "evil Jew," even though he doesn't consider himself "Jewish."

He's got no say in the matter. To the concentration camps he must go!
Well if they let the KKK give speeches then they need to allow other white supremacist to do the same.
Now this is a special kind of stupid. Milo is gonna go down as the first and only ever gay Jewish man that loves black men white supremacist!

Where do you get that he's "Jewish"?

Edit: Ok, I looked into it. his GRANDMOTHER was an "evil Jew." Therefore he must be an "evil Jew," even though he doesn't consider himself "Jewish."

He's got no say in the matter. To the concentration camps he must go!

HIs mother is Jewish. Now, can you connect the dots?
He is anything but a white supremacist.
From Glamour -


From Milo-
If you’re wondering why I bother spending time and money extracting confessions and corrections from the liars and incompetents of the mainstream press, it’s to make examples of the most irresponsible and sloppy journalists in the hope that word spreads.

It’s not okay to lie about people, and particularly not okay to hurl the worst imaginable names at people just because you think you might not like their politics.

In this case, the editor rolled over so quickly I can’t help but wonder if she knew “white supremacist” was a lie when she published it, which sounds malicious to say the least.

“White supremacist” and “white nationalist” aren’t like “meanypants” — you can’t just attach them to people you don’t like without any thought to the consequences. The progressive left has done it to ordinary Americans for decades. The result? President Trump.

Trump of course has given up on ever expecting the media to cover him fairly. Instead, he trolls the fuck out of them and holds a mirror up to their obfuscations, distortions and mendacity. But I don’t quite have his social media firepower.

Hopefully these frothing progressive idiots will learn their lesson soon. In the meantime, I reserve the right to bring legal action against Glamour – and any other journalists and news organisations who repeat this odious libel.

From me-

You left wing nuts trying to smear him do it to keep him from being heard because he is a threat to your voting bloc. By the way, his mother is Jewish.
Well if they let the KKK give speeches then they need to allow other white supremacist to do the same.
Nothing. And he would be considered 1/4 Jewish by blood. I have never heard of a white supremacist Jew. They are against Jews. Lilah doesn't even know what she is talking about. That is the problem here. People hear it, repeat it, never even knowing what the hell it is they are repeating. Slander at its very worse.
HIs mother is Jewish. Now, can you connect the dots?
His mother's NOT Jewish except through her mother. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH BEING JEWISH?
The left loves the right to free speech as long as its THEIR free speech. Try to suppress them and it's all the first amendment. Try to express views contrary to their socialist agenda and they'll burn your car with you still in it to shut you up.

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