Min. wage in Australia is $15, $13 in NZ- ours is lowest in the modern world by $2..

I earned it- thank you for your service. And none of your business, and it's still on its way, tyvm.

But as a Dem, I still care about the little people...
It's called simple math based on the fact that you have over 4000 Au dollars versus around 2800 dollars American.

So, pulling any old number out of your ass is now called math? On what basis do you justify saying that the average Aussie makes $4000 over an amount of time that the average American makes $2800?
The numbers were provided from the left's COL sources.

The rest is simple math. I estimated by rounding the numbers to get an approximate amount. If this is too much for you, you can run the math yourself and see what you find.
Min. wage in Australia is $15, $13 in NZ- ours is lowest in the modern world by $2..
Then get off your ass and get a better job, loser.

But then again, you may have topped out.


What a stupid JACKASS! LOL! I'm a retired teacher who just inherited 200k- Eat shytte and die, idiot tool of the greedy rich...:cuckoo::razz:
So you're rich and don't deserve that money. Gimme.
No one is happy til everyone is happy, like Australia and NZ.
Really? They're all happy? Did you ask them?

Your irrational unicorns-and-rainbows politics aside, what do you do with people who want to be unhappy (like most leftists)? Are you going to to legislate happiness for everyone? Put them in jail? Do you execute the clinically depressed for crimes against the state?
Last caregiver for 6 years for my parents, even my shyster lawyer couldn't fuq it up...my book's on sale.
They're a helluva lot happier than Americans, we're #23, behind every other modern country...and good nite.
No one is happy til everyone is happy, like Australia and NZ.
I see, collective salvation.

So nobody's happy till everyone's happy in America too?

How're you going to resolve this with anti-collectivists being made unhappy by collectivism?

I dunno, but I sense a small but fatal flaw in your logic.
Get some rest. A living wage is not collectivism. Screaming communism at inteligent, fair capitalism is pure Pub duperie...
Get some rest. A living wage is not collectivism. Screaming communism at inteligent, fair capitalism is pure Pub duperie...
A living wage must be earned from a job WORTH a living wage. You just don't get it do you? Jobs must provide a product or service that is WORTH what you pay for it, otherwise you have a losing proposition, will go out of business and nobody will have jobs let alone the owner having a business.

If you pay someone a living wage (and I'm defining this as at least 2k a month take home) for working as low skill untrained labor you'll bankrupt companies. Do you not realize that a company must profit or they cannot survive and do not exist to provide jobs to people, but rather a product or service for the public and profit for the owner? Jobs for others is actually a SIDE EFFECT not primary purpose. Businesses don't go in and say:

"The primary purpose of this company is to provide 10-12 high paying positions with 100 hourly jobs of moderate to low hourly wages. How do we make these jobs come about? Ummmmm.... well we could like SELL something or maybe tell people what to do like consulting?"

That'd be moronic. You claim to have owned a bar in Spain (doubtful but I'll give you the benefit for now). What was your PRIMARY purpose? If it wasn't 'to earn money for myself', you're an idiot. But I can see how you won't translate those needs and desires on your part to the whole of humanity. That's one sentiment your liberal ilk won't project onto others.
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All a corporation does is add it on in the cost of their goods and services to the CONSUMER, THE PEOPLE.
No one is happy til everyone is happy, like Australia and NZ.
Really? They're all happy? Did you ask them?

Your irrational unicorns-and-rainbows politics aside, what do you do with people who want to be unhappy (like most leftists)? Are you going to to legislate happiness for everyone? Put them in jail? Do you execute the clinically depressed for crimes against the state?

FrankieGoesToLaLaLand, you didn't answer my questions.
Nobody in the modern world isas screwed over as the US non rich. Great job, Pubbies! Silly dupes!

Right. That's why millions of the "non-rich" from other countries are trying so hard to get here.

The poor in America are better off than the middle class in Europe.
Get some rest. A living wage is not collectivism. Screaming communism at inteligent, fair capitalism is pure Pub duperie...

It sure as hell is collectivism, you fucking dolt. It's a government mandated wage. Everything the government does is "collectivism," by definition.

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