Minimum Wage Increases Passed in All Five States Where It Was on the Ballot

More support for my argument that on the issues directly before them, the voters were rational and voted Democrat. In the big picture, the GOP victory was just an emotional mob mentality stampede.

It may have been an "emotional mob mentality" victory, but that says a lot about the President and his Progressive minions in Congress and how much they managed to piss off the country pushing their Agenda.

The president's 'agenda' was stopped when the GOP won the House.
He still has his pen.

His agenda goes deeper than just legislation. It has changed the Pentagon, changed the courts, changed the NFL, taken an NBA team from an owner, changed our school lunches, allows millions of illegals to invade our country, caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in Africa and the Middle-East due to rampant ethnic-cleansing.

Oh for chrissakes just stop. Please.

It's all of that hopey changey stuff you voted for.

All of this can be proved, and i'm certain you'll never acknowledge it.

That's ALL that right-wingers do is re-write history and assert complete disinformation.
More support for my argument that on the issues directly before them, the voters were rational and voted Democrat. In the big picture, the GOP victory was just an emotional mob mentality stampede.

It may have been an "emotional mob mentality" victory, but that says a lot about the President and his Progressive minions in Congress and how much they managed to piss off the country pushing their Agenda.

The president's 'agenda' was stopped when the GOP won the House.
He still has his pen.

His agenda goes deeper than just legislation. It has changed the Pentagon, changed the courts, changed the NFL, taken an NBA team from an owner, changed our school lunches, allows millions of illegals to invade our country, caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in Africa and the Middle-East due to rampant ethnic-cleansing.

Oh for chrissakes just stop. Please.

It's all of that hopey changey stuff you voted for.

All of this can be proved, and i'm certain you'll never acknowledge it.

Prove it then. You should prove it for the sake of your credibility, without worrying about whether I acknowledge it.

I don't give a fuck about whether my facts are acknowledged by you.
The minimum wage and pot are both moderate issues that make sense.

Minimum wage is not a moderate issue. It's an asinine issue that makes no sense.

The true issue should be the effects of ballooning income disparity on the health of the economy. Raising the minimum wage is a [bad] proposal to address that issue.

Exactly... it's an issue that affects what, 2% of the population.. mostly 16 - 25 year olds?

Who cares...
Mostly 16-25 year olds living at home in households earning over $55,000 is what I last read.

That is really gonna help raise a lot of people out of poverty.

Going to $10.10 will raise almost 16,000,000 up according to the CBO
The minimum wage and pot are both moderate issues that make sense.

Minimum wage is not a moderate issue. It's an asinine issue that makes no sense.

The true issue should be the effects of ballooning income disparity on the health of the economy. Raising the minimum wage is a [bad] proposal to address that issue.

Exactly... it's an issue that affects what, 2% of the population.. mostly 16 - 25 year olds?

Who cares...

IF it doesn't matter, why the fuss on stopping it??? lol
The minimum wage and pot are both moderate issues that make sense.

Minimum wage is not a moderate issue. It's an asinine issue that makes no sense.

The true issue should be the effects of ballooning income disparity on the health of the economy. Raising the minimum wage is a [bad] proposal to address that issue.

So ONLY one thing can be done? Not multiple things on multiple sides to help?
I curious - for supporters of minimum wage laws - if you think minimum wage laws have a net positive effect, why not make them count? This question is almost always dodged, or ignored, but what do you all think would happen if we set a national minimum wage at say $20.00/hr? And lets skip past implementation issues, we can phase it in over several years, whatever you think makes sense. But how do you think it would pan out? Would low-wage workers really be better off?

Look at what happens when it is done in European Countries for the fast food workers.
The price goes up and the people get less serving portions.
It stifles growth of the companies and leads to less profit for the owners.
That means taxes has to raised on everyone rather than more growth in businesses.
The more that governments take from the people in taxes, the less people have in disposable income and leads to stagnant growth in the countries economy
The more any country has growth the more revenue the countries get in taxes.
The 5 most expensive countries on the Big Mac Index Nomad Capitalist

Capitalism works that is why China & Russia moved toward it as well as Ireland and South American Countries.

A new article in the New York Times highlights the fact that Denmark's fast food workers make $20/hour, and the country's economy has shockingly failed to collapse into a post-apocalyptic morass of universal poverty and entitlement. Imagine that.

Fast food workers in Denmark don't get rich — the cost of living is higher there, as American plutocrat apologists love to point out. But at the same time, as the NYT article points out, they certainly make enough to get by:

Danish Fast Food Workers Make $20/Hour, Universe Fails To Implode
It may have been an "emotional mob mentality" victory, but that says a lot about the President and his Progressive minions in Congress and how much they managed to piss off the country pushing their Agenda.

The president's 'agenda' was stopped when the GOP won the House.
He still has his pen.

His agenda goes deeper than just legislation. It has changed the Pentagon, changed the courts, changed the NFL, taken an NBA team from an owner, changed our school lunches, allows millions of illegals to invade our country, caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in Africa and the Middle-East due to rampant ethnic-cleansing.

Oh for chrissakes just stop. Please.

It's all of that hopey changey stuff you voted for.

All of this can be proved, and i'm certain you'll never acknowledge it.

That's ALL that right-wingers do is re-write history and assert complete disinformation.

I guess this isn't the kindof change you can believe in. This is the transformation Obola was talking about. You just didn't know it.
Automation in these states has suddenly become VERY attractive.
So, the bottom 1% gets a raise.

I am waiting to see how this raises household income.

This only means more inflation. Coupled with income stagnation it means a higher average poverty level.
High minimum wage has meant that millions of young people with limited skills never got their first job.

People making such a fuss over this Minimum wage thing like it will destroy the very fabric of our society. It ain't that big a deal. What, 70 cents a year for three years? Write it off.

Good Business people deal with it. They deal with cost increases all the time. They adjust.

Costs of doing business go up all the time. Gas goes up. Raw Materials go up. Transportation goes up. Insurance goes up. Nothing ever goes down. The cost of business always goes up. And, guess what, the businesses survive. Good business people adjust.

"Get Over It"
The president's 'agenda' was stopped when the GOP won the House.
He still has his pen.

His agenda goes deeper than just legislation. It has changed the Pentagon, changed the courts, changed the NFL, taken an NBA team from an owner, changed our school lunches, allows millions of illegals to invade our country, caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in Africa and the Middle-East due to rampant ethnic-cleansing.

Oh for chrissakes just stop. Please.

It's all of that hopey changey stuff you voted for.

All of this can be proved, and i'm certain you'll never acknowledge it.

That's ALL that right-wingers do is re-write history and assert complete disinformation.

I guess this isn't the kindof change you can believe in. This is the transformation Obola was talking about. You just didn't know it.

Weird how about 20% of US can be so willfully ignorant, racist and downright dumb. We generally call them conservatives
Republicans are low-information voters, and much more likely, as seen in this very comments section, to hang on to failed policy, like trickle-down theory, and blatant racism than the average citizen. Even the so-called 'moderate Republicans' stay quiet and let the least-informed among them do all the talking, and posting.
I curious - for supporters of minimum wage laws - if you think minimum wage laws have a net positive effect, why not make them count? This question is almost always dodged, or ignored, but what do you all think would happen if we set a national minimum wage at say $20.00/hr? And lets skip past implementation issues, we can phase it in over several years, whatever you think makes sense. But how do you think it would pan out? Would low-wage workers really be better off?

Look at what happens when it is done in European Countries for the fast food workers.
The price goes up and the people get less serving portions.
It stifles growth of the companies and leads to less profit for the owners.
That means taxes has to raised on everyone rather than more growth in businesses.
The more that governments take from the people in taxes, the less people have in disposable income and leads to stagnant growth in the countries economy
The more any country has growth the more revenue the countries get in taxes.
The 5 most expensive countries on the Big Mac Index Nomad Capitalist

Capitalism works that is why China & Russia moved toward it as well as Ireland and South American Countries.

A new article in the New York Times highlights the fact that Denmark's fast food workers make $20/hour, and the country's economy has shockingly failed to collapse into a post-apocalyptic morass of universal poverty and entitlement. Imagine that.

Fast food workers in Denmark don't get rich — the cost of living is higher there, as American plutocrat apologists love to point out. But at the same time, as the NYT article points out, they certainly make enough to get by:

Danish Fast Food Workers Make $20/Hour, Universe Fails To Implode
Denmark is a very small country with very very strict immigration laws. What works in Denmark may not necessarily work here.

Denmark recently decided to treat Danish citizens who joined and fought with ISIS as returning heroes. That doesn't mean that would work here either.
It may have been an "emotional mob mentality" victory, but that says a lot about the President and his Progressive minions in Congress and how much they managed to piss off the country pushing their Agenda.

The president's 'agenda' was stopped when the GOP won the House.
He still has his pen.

His agenda goes deeper than just legislation. It has changed the Pentagon, changed the courts, changed the NFL, taken an NBA team from an owner, changed our school lunches, allows millions of illegals to invade our country, caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in Africa and the Middle-East due to rampant ethnic-cleansing.

Oh for chrissakes just stop. Please.

It's all of that hopey changey stuff you voted for.

All of this can be proved, and i'm certain you'll never acknowledge it.

Prove it then. You should prove it for the sake of your credibility, without worrying about whether I acknowledge it.

I don't give a fuck about whether my facts are acknowledged by you.

Liberals have to be the most ignorant assholes on the planet.

Begin by reading this article if you dare:

The NFL Has Become A Circus Of Political Correctness US Opinion and Editorial Editorial - Right Side News
Now if you believe the RWnut propaganda around here, those 5 minimum wage increases in those states should cause economic disasters, especially massive layoffs among low income workers.

We'll see...

No, what it causes is a combination of inflation and loss of the very low level workers one is trying to give a boost to.

Let me explain.

When one raises the minimum wage, you now create a group of people who are now new minimum wage workers, who were not previously. They think to themselves, :hey, i'm not a minimum wage worker, I deserve more!" So they complain, and if unionized they strike, get what they want, and then up to the next level, guys making what the lower skilled trade are now making do the SAME thing. In cases where there is no union pressure, the worker may decide to try for a better paying job, if so, and if the newly minimum wage level people do not have the skill set needed, he has to raise his wages to attract the right people. This raises costs, causes inflation, and we are back where we started.

The 2nd effect is if now a boss has to pay $10 an hour, he may decide to hire people actually worth that, instead of the people he paid $8 an hour. doing that he may get more productivity, and the former $8 an hour worker is sent packing.

Reality is such a hard thing to grasp for republicans....especially the tea party crowd.

We have decades experience with increasing in wage , and your BS has NEVER panned out, ALL that's EVER happened is those at the bottom got lifted up a little. Weird

And how is that working for them? Oh wait, I already know.

Consumer Prices in Denmark are 37.37% higher than in United States
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Denmark are 24.45% higher than in United States
Rent Prices in Denmark are 3.97% lower than in United States
Restaurant Prices in Denmark are 85.35% higher than in United States
Groceries Prices in Denmark are 12.17% higher than in United States

Local Purchasing Power in Denmark is 24.18% lower than in United States

Cost Of Living Comparison Between United States And Denmark
Last edited:
Mr. Obama’s order, known as a Presidential Study Directive, identified likely flashpoints, most notably Egypt, and solicited proposals for how the administration could push for political change in countries with autocratic rulers who are also valuable allies of the United States, [emphasis added] these officials said.

“The 18-page classified report, they said, grapples with a problem that has bedeviled the White House’s approach toward Egypt and other countries in recent days: how to balance American strategic interests and the desire to avert broader instability against the democratic demands of the protesters.”

As I noted, the article was quite explicitly complimentary (and that’s an understatement) about how Obama knew what was likely to happen and was well prepared for it.

But that’s precisely the problem. It wasn't trying to deal with change but was pushing for it; it wasn't asserting U.S. interests but balancing them off against other factors. In the process, U.S. interests were forgotten.

If Landler was right, then Obama did have a sense of what was going to happen and prepared for it. It cannot be said that he was caught unawares. This view would suggest, then, that he thought American strategic interests could be protected and broader instability avoided by overthrowing U.S. allies as fast as possible and by showing the oppositions that he was on their side.
The minimum wage and pot are both moderate issues that make sense.

Minimum wage is not a moderate issue. It's an asinine issue that makes no sense.

The true issue should be the effects of ballooning income disparity on the health of the economy. Raising the minimum wage is a [bad] proposal to address that issue.

Exactly... it's an issue that affects what, 2% of the population.. mostly 16 - 25 year olds?

Who cares...
Mostly 16-25 year olds living at home in households earning over $55,000 is what I last read.

That is really gonna help raise a lot of people out of poverty.

Going to $10.10 will raise almost 16,000,000 up according to the CBO

Do you think going to $20.20 will rails almost 32,000,000 up? Why not raise everyone up that way?

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