Minimum Wage Increases Passed in All Five States Where It Was on the Ballot

good for them. nothing like voting yourself OUT OF A JOB

Fools and suckers
If raising the minimum wage actually lifted people out of poverty, they would have been lifted out of poverty all the other times the minimum wage was raised. All it did was feed inflation.

There is only one way out of poverty. Education and hard work.
I'm curious - for supporters of minimum wage laws - if you think minimum wage laws have a net positive effect, why not make them count? This question is almost always dodged, or ignored, but what do you all think would happen if we set a national minimum wage at say $20.00/hr? And lets skip past implementation issues, we can phase it in over several years, whatever you think makes sense. But how do you think it would pan out? Would low-wage workers really be better off?

Bueller? Bueller?
I don't get it. If the people want the minimum wage to go up so badly, why don't they make it happen without relying on government?

I was thinking more along the lines of don't settle for a low wage at work. There is also the time honored tradition of taking your business elsewhere if you feel that people are getting paid inadequately.

Oh yeah, individual actions will get their attention. All change happens that way....pfft
I curious - for supporters of minimum wage laws - if you think minimum wage laws have a net positive effect, why not make them count? This question is almost always dodged, or ignored, but what do you all think would happen if we set a national minimum wage at say $20.00/hr? And lets skip past implementation issues, we can phase it in over several years, whatever you think makes sense. But how do you think it would pan out? Would low-wage workers really be better off?

Look at what happens when it is done in European Countries for the fast food workers.
The price goes up and the people get less serving portions.
It stifles growth of the companies and leads to less profit for the owners.
That means taxes has to raised on everyone rather than more growth in businesses.
The more that governments take from the people in taxes, the less people have in disposable income and leads to stagnant growth in the countries economy
The more any country has growth the more revenue the countries get in taxes.
The 5 most expensive countries on the Big Mac Index Nomad Capitalist

Capitalism works that is why China & Russia moved toward it as well as Ireland and South American Countries.

A new article in the New York Times highlights the fact that Denmark's fast food workers make $20/hour, and the country's economy has shockingly failed to collapse into a post-apocalyptic morass of universal poverty and entitlement. Imagine that.

Fast food workers in Denmark don't get rich — the cost of living is higher there, as American plutocrat apologists love to point out. But at the same time, as the NYT article points out, they certainly make enough to get by:

Danish Fast Food Workers Make $20/Hour, Universe Fails To Implode

It does not collapse but it stifles growth and more tax revenue for the country.
None of us every said that it did collapse.
What part of high taxes, less companies and smaller food portions for more money are you not getting?
Why would you want to pay more for a really small amount of fries and a smaller size burger and smaller drink?
I curious - for supporters of minimum wage laws - if you think minimum wage laws have a net positive effect, why not make them count? This question is almost always dodged, or ignored, but what do you all think would happen if we set a national minimum wage at say $20.00/hr? And lets skip past implementation issues, we can phase it in over several years, whatever you think makes sense. But how do you think it would pan out? Would low-wage workers really be better off?

Look at what happens when it is done in European Countries for the fast food workers.
The price goes up and the people get less serving portions.
It stifles growth of the companies and leads to less profit for the owners.
That means taxes has to raised on everyone rather than more growth in businesses.
The more that governments take from the people in taxes, the less people have in disposable income and leads to stagnant growth in the countries economy
The more any country has growth the more revenue the countries get in taxes.
The 5 most expensive countries on the Big Mac Index Nomad Capitalist

Capitalism works that is why China & Russia moved toward it as well as Ireland and South American Countries.

A new article in the New York Times highlights the fact that Denmark's fast food workers make $20/hour, and the country's economy has shockingly failed to collapse into a post-apocalyptic morass of universal poverty and entitlement. Imagine that.

Fast food workers in Denmark don't get rich — the cost of living is higher there, as American plutocrat apologists love to point out. But at the same time, as the NYT article points out, they certainly make enough to get by:

Danish Fast Food Workers Make $20/Hour, Universe Fails To Implode

It does not collapse but it stifles growth and more tax revenue for the country.
None of us every said that it did collapse.
What part of high taxes, less companies and smaller food portions for more money are you not getting?
Why would you want to pay more for a really small amount of fries and a smaller size burger and smaller drink?

Minimum wage is based on the fantasy that we can use democratic government to dictate the value of goods and services. But consumers, ultimately, make that call with their spending habits. Mandating certain prices just creates temporary anomalies that consumers must work around - either by purchasing less of whatever now costs more, or by inflating prices around it to match. Probably some combination of the two. In end, consumers will have their way. The bottom line is, burger flippers don't make much money because we don't value what they do all that much. That won't change by passing delusional legislation.
He still has his pen.

His agenda goes deeper than just legislation. It has changed the Pentagon, changed the courts, changed the NFL, taken an NBA team from an owner, changed our school lunches, allows millions of illegals to invade our country, caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in Africa and the Middle-East due to rampant ethnic-cleansing.

Oh for chrissakes just stop. Please.

It's all of that hopey changey stuff you voted for.

All of this can be proved, and i'm certain you'll never acknowledge it.

That's ALL that right-wingers do is re-write history and assert complete disinformation.

I guess this isn't the kindof change you can believe in. This is the transformation Obola was talking about. You just didn't know it.

Weird how about 20% of US can be so willfully ignorant, racist and downright dumb. We generally call them conservatives
We call them elitists.

They usually vote for Democrats.
It may have been an "emotional mob mentality" victory, but that says a lot about the President and his Progressive minions in Congress and how much they managed to piss off the country pushing their Agenda.

The president's 'agenda' was stopped when the GOP won the House.
He still has his pen.

His agenda goes deeper than just legislation. It has changed the Pentagon, changed the courts, changed the NFL, taken an NBA team from an owner, changed our school lunches, allows millions of illegals to invade our country, caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in Africa and the Middle-East due to rampant ethnic-cleansing.

Oh for chrissakes just stop. Please.

It's all of that hopey changey stuff you voted for.

All of this can be proved, and i'm certain you'll never acknowledge it.

Prove it then. You should prove it for the sake of your credibility, without worrying about whether I acknowledge it.

I don't give a fuck about whether my facts are acknowledged by you.

I posted several links addressing the issues I raised and you disappeared.

Typical liberal. Run and hide when your bluff is called.
Last edited:

And how is that working for them? Oh wait, I already know.

Consumer Prices in Denmark are 37.37% higher than in United States
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Denmark are 24.45% higher than in United States
Rent Prices in Denmark are 3.97% lower than in United States
Restaurant Prices in Denmark are 85.35% higher than in United States
Groceries Prices in Denmark are 12.17% higher than in United States

Local Purchasing Power in Denmark is 24.18% lower than in United States

Cost Of Living Comparison Between United States And Denmark

LIKE I SAID, 30% HIGHER COST OF LIVING. Think the workers in the US making min wage or around that would accept $20 an hour WITH that added 30% cost? lol
I'm curious - for supporters of minimum wage laws - if you think minimum wage laws have a net positive effect, why not make them count? This question is almost always dodged, or ignored, but what do you all think would happen if we set a national minimum wage at say $20.00/hr? And lets skip past implementation issues, we can phase it in over several years, whatever you think makes sense. But how do you think it would pan out? Would low-wage workers really be better off?


And how is that working for them? Oh wait, I already know.

Consumer Prices in Denmark are 37.37% higher than in United States
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Denmark are 24.45% higher than in United States
Rent Prices in Denmark are 3.97% lower than in United States
Restaurant Prices in Denmark are 85.35% higher than in United States
Groceries Prices in Denmark are 12.17% higher than in United States

Local Purchasing Power in Denmark is 24.18% lower than in United States

Cost Of Living Comparison Between United States And Denmark

LIKE I SAID, 30% HIGHER COST OF LIVING. Think the workers in the US making min wage or around that would accept $20 an hour WITH that added 30% cost? lol
Sure. Of course that would drastically change when you bothered to ask those living just above minimum wage, those on a fixed income, those that saved all their lives and retired with fixed assets and, well, almost everyone else period. The VAST majority of people would be hurt over a 30 percent increase on cost of living.
The minimum wage and pot are both moderate issues that make sense.

Minimum wage is not a moderate issue. It's an asinine issue that makes no sense.

The true issue should be the effects of ballooning income disparity on the health of the economy. Raising the minimum wage is a [bad] proposal to address that issue.

Exactly... it's an issue that affects what, 2% of the population.. mostly 16 - 25 year olds?

Who cares...
Mostly 16-25 year olds living at home in households earning over $55,000 is what I last read.

That is really gonna help raise a lot of people out of poverty.

Going to $10.10 will raise almost 16,000,000 up according to the CBO

Do you think going to $20.20 will rails almost 32,000,000 up? Why not raise everyone up that way?

So you DON'T know how the elasticity of min wage increase work huh? Why not $500 an hour then? SAME fallacy Bubba

The minimum wage and elasticity of labor demand
The minimum wage and elasticity of labor demand Jonathan Malesic Ph.D.

And how is that working for them? Oh wait, I already know.

Consumer Prices in Denmark are 37.37% higher than in United States
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Denmark are 24.45% higher than in United States
Rent Prices in Denmark are 3.97% lower than in United States
Restaurant Prices in Denmark are 85.35% higher than in United States
Groceries Prices in Denmark are 12.17% higher than in United States

Local Purchasing Power in Denmark is 24.18% lower than in United States

Cost Of Living Comparison Between United States And Denmark

LIKE I SAID, 30% HIGHER COST OF LIVING. Think the workers in the US making min wage or around that would accept $20 an hour WITH that added 30% cost? lol
Sure. Of course that would drastically change when you bothered to ask those living just above minimum wage, those on a fixed income, those that saved all their lives and retired with fixed assets and, well, almost everyone else period. The VAST majority of people would be hurt over a 30 percent increase on cost of living.

WHO is arguing for THAT? Oh right conservatives take an argument that the US can't afford an increase on min wage to $10.10 an hour, it would put ALL Biz's out of work, when shown Biz STILL is working ion Denmark at $20.00 an hour, they ASSUME we are pushing for that? lol

Yes, as the right wingers have posited, around 2% of US are effected by a min wage increase to $10.10 an hour. HUGE meltdown on the economy right?
Minimum wage is not a moderate issue. It's an asinine issue that makes no sense.

The true issue should be the effects of ballooning income disparity on the health of the economy. Raising the minimum wage is a [bad] proposal to address that issue.

Exactly... it's an issue that affects what, 2% of the population.. mostly 16 - 25 year olds?

Who cares...
Mostly 16-25 year olds living at home in households earning over $55,000 is what I last read.

That is really gonna help raise a lot of people out of poverty.

Going to $10.10 will raise almost 16,000,000 up according to the CBO

Do you think going to $20.20 will rails almost 32,000,000 up? Why not raise everyone up that way?

So you DON'T know how the elasticity of min wage increase work huh? Why not $500 an hour then? SAME fallacy Bubba

The minimum wage and elasticity of labor demand
The minimum wage and elasticity of labor demand Jonathan Malesic Ph.D.

Junk science rationalizations. He's confusing lag with elasticity. Eventually, the chickens come home to roost. The relative value consumers place on different goods and services doesn't change because the government says so.
I'm curious - for supporters of minimum wage laws - if you think minimum wage laws have a net positive effect, why not make them count? This question is almost always dodged, or ignored, but what do you all think would happen if we set a national minimum wage at say $20.00/hr? And lets skip past implementation issues, we can phase it in over several years, whatever you think makes sense. But how do you think it would pan out? Would low-wage workers really be better off?

Bueller? Bueller?

The minimum wage and elasticity of labor demand Jonathan Malesic Ph.D.
It tells you that the Democrats are on the right side of the issues, but just got caught on the wrong emotional side of the nation at this moment in time.

But of course democrats never do anything wrong they are just poor misunderstood racist misogynist bigots and got their ass handed to them because of it.
The slight increase in food prices is worth it to give the REAL producers a larger chunk of the pie!

The pigs at the top do very little and take most of it....They'd pay pennies without the minimum wage.

What would you rather have.
1. 3.00 milks and hamburgers with 10.00 per hour minimum wage. The pigs still get 2,000 times more!

or 2. .5 cents with 1.50 milk??? While the pigs take even more.
Remember who produces and does the heavy work...It isn't the ceo!!! The ceo gets most of the benefit!

Is it fair? Or good for building a large middle class to get rid of the minimum wage. I don't believe so...Sure, we pay more for food and products, but we also get a far larger chunk of the profit to pay that larger chunk.

I don't believe the minimum wage is the full solution...The idea of the minimum wage + tied to the lowest paid employee would be better.

The ceo and board are thefts!!! Too fucking bad the democratic party cares more about fucking over men and whites to care about this reality!
I'm curious - for supporters of minimum wage laws - if you think minimum wage laws have a net positive effect, why not make them count? This question is almost always dodged, or ignored, but what do you all think would happen if we set a national minimum wage at say $20.00/hr? And lets skip past implementation issues, we can phase it in over several years, whatever you think makes sense. But how do you think it would pan out? Would low-wage workers really be better off?

Bueller? Bueller?

The minimum wage and elasticity of labor demand Jonathan Malesic Ph.D.

We always have to consider supply and demand when thinking about the minimum wage. This would destroy the ability of the consumer to buy the product as it would cost too much money...Would cause some bad shit to happen to the economy!

$10 per hour = ok
$100 per hour = bad

As you'd get 50 dollar burgers with the 100! That would devalue the money supply!!!
I'm curious - for supporters of minimum wage laws - if you think minimum wage laws have a net positive effect, why not make them count? This question is almost always dodged, or ignored, but what do you all think would happen if we set a national minimum wage at say $20.00/hr? And lets skip past implementation issues, we can phase it in over several years, whatever you think makes sense. But how do you think it would pan out? Would low-wage workers really be better off?

Bueller? Bueller?

The minimum wage and elasticity of labor demand Jonathan Malesic Ph.D.

We always have to consider supply and demand when thinking about the minimum wage. This would destroy the ability of the consumer to buy the product as it would cost too much money...Would cause some bad shit to happen to the economy!

$10 per hour = ok
$100 per hour = bad

As you'd get 50 dollar burgers with the 100! That would devalue the money supply!!!

Hmmm.... so how do you decide how much burgers are "really" worth?

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