Minimum Wage Increases Passed in All Five States Where It Was on the Ballot

I'm curious - for supporters of minimum wage laws - if you think minimum wage laws have a net positive effect, why not make them count? This question is almost always dodged, or ignored, but what do you all think would happen if we set a national minimum wage at say $20.00/hr? And lets skip past implementation issues, we can phase it in over several years, whatever you think makes sense. But how do you think it would pan out? Would low-wage workers really be better off?

Bueller? Bueller?

The minimum wage and elasticity of labor demand Jonathan Malesic Ph.D.

We always have to consider supply and demand when thinking about the minimum wage. This would destroy the ability of the consumer to buy the product as it would cost too much money...Would cause some bad shit to happen to the economy!

$10 per hour = ok
$100 per hour = bad

As you'd get 50 dollar burgers with the 100! That would devalue the money supply!!!

Hmmm.... so how do you decide how much burgers are "really" worth?

How much the supplier needs and wishes for the product + the worth of the workers doing the work.

You also have to consider that the consumer has a choice as they can choose not to buy at all or buy less. This also effects the suppliers and forces them to lay off workers....

9-10 dollars per hour seems to be the right balance right now with our economy. I just feel that the producer at the supplier side of things should get a little more. ;) Not with a minimum wage, but with a highest paid employee to lowest worker law!

We always have to consider supply and demand when thinking about the minimum wage. This would destroy the ability of the consumer to buy the product as it would cost too much money...Would cause some bad shit to happen to the economy!

$10 per hour = ok
$100 per hour = bad

As you'd get 50 dollar burgers with the 100! That would devalue the money supply!!!

Hmmm.... so how do you decide how much burgers are "really" worth?

How much the supplier needs and wishes for the product + the worth of the workers doing the work.

You also have to consider that the consumer has a choice as they can choose not to buy at all or buy less. This also effects the suppliers and forces them to lay off workers....

9-10 dollars per hour seems to be the right balance right now with our economy. I just feel that the producer at the supplier side of things should get a little more. ;) Not with a minimum wage, but with a highest paid employee to lowest worker law!

And after this is mandated by government, what if consumers don't agree?

Let me put this way. If fast food went up in price 50% across the board, would it change your spending habits? Or would you do your democratic duty and support the higher wages it affords?

We always have to consider supply and demand when thinking about the minimum wage. This would destroy the ability of the consumer to buy the product as it would cost too much money...Would cause some bad shit to happen to the economy!

$10 per hour = ok
$100 per hour = bad

As you'd get 50 dollar burgers with the 100! That would devalue the money supply!!!

Hmmm.... so how do you decide how much burgers are "really" worth?

How much the supplier needs and wishes for the product + the worth of the workers doing the work.

You also have to consider that the consumer has a choice as they can choose not to buy at all or buy less. This also effects the suppliers and forces them to lay off workers....

9-10 dollars per hour seems to be the right balance right now with our economy. I just feel that the producer at the supplier side of things should get a little more. ;) Not with a minimum wage, but with a highest paid employee to lowest worker law!

And after this is mandated by government, what if consumers don't agree?

Let me put this way. If fast food went up in price 50% across the board, would it change your spending habits? Or would you do your democratic duty and support the higher wages it affords?

The minimum wage was raised in the past, it did not raise fast food prices 50%.
This is hilarious. A few minor issues like minimum wage and pot smoking passed in a few blue states, and you shills are here saying this means the whole country is really progressive at heart.

The progressive ***** just can't accept the fact that they got their asses handed to them over the vast majority of the country. Even several deep blue states went red.
Do us all a a favor and move to Washington, you all deserve each other.

The minimum wage measures passed in four Republican states plus Illinois. In Illinois, they elected a Republican Governor who opposed a hike in the minimum wage but supported the minimum wage increase by a margin of 63% to 37%. The results of this election are interesting to say the least, but I do not think Dems need to be worried. People believed all the lies about Obama and he did not defend himself. Also, Dems chose to distance themselves form him rather than embrace the fact that he has led the way to a steady economic recovery. It will be interesting to see where the Republicans go from here, because there is a very good possibility that they assume they now have a mandate that will carry over to 2016. Dems are hoping that is the case, because the fact is that 2016 will bring a very different electorate to the table.

Steady economic recovery ????



We always have to consider supply and demand when thinking about the minimum wage. This would destroy the ability of the consumer to buy the product as it would cost too much money...Would cause some bad shit to happen to the economy!

$10 per hour = ok
$100 per hour = bad

As you'd get 50 dollar burgers with the 100! That would devalue the money supply!!!

Hmmm.... so how do you decide how much burgers are "really" worth?

How much the supplier needs and wishes for the product + the worth of the workers doing the work.

You also have to consider that the consumer has a choice as they can choose not to buy at all or buy less. This also effects the suppliers and forces them to lay off workers....

9-10 dollars per hour seems to be the right balance right now with our economy. I just feel that the producer at the supplier side of things should get a little more. ;) Not with a minimum wage, but with a highest paid employee to lowest worker law!

And after this is mandated by government, what if consumers don't agree?

Let me put this way. If fast food went up in price 50% across the board, would it change your spending habits? Or would you do your democratic duty and support the higher wages it affords?

The minimum wage was raised in the past, it did not raise fast food prices 50%.
Try to follow along. Try to answer the question. The issue is whether changing how much something costs, by government decree, really changes how much it's worth.
We always have to consider supply and demand when thinking about the minimum wage. This would destroy the ability of the consumer to buy the product as it would cost too much money...Would cause some bad shit to happen to the economy!

$10 per hour = ok
$100 per hour = bad

As you'd get 50 dollar burgers with the 100! That would devalue the money supply!!!

Hmmm.... so how do you decide how much burgers are "really" worth?

How much the supplier needs and wishes for the product + the worth of the workers doing the work.

You also have to consider that the consumer has a choice as they can choose not to buy at all or buy less. This also effects the suppliers and forces them to lay off workers....

9-10 dollars per hour seems to be the right balance right now with our economy. I just feel that the producer at the supplier side of things should get a little more. ;) Not with a minimum wage, but with a highest paid employee to lowest worker law!

And after this is mandated by government, what if consumers don't agree?

Let me put this way. If fast food went up in price 50% across the board, would it change your spending habits? Or would you do your democratic duty and support the higher wages it affords?

The minimum wage was raised in the past, it did not raise fast food prices 50%.
Try to follow along. Try to answer the question. The issue is whether changing how much something costs, by government decree, really changes how much it's worth.

Do you seek out uninspected meat so you can save money?
The minimum wage was raised in the past, it did not raise fast food prices 50%

Try to follow along. Try to answer the question. The issue is whether changing how much something costs, by government decree, really changes how much it's worth.

Your premise is that fast food could increase by 50%. It was pointed out to you that in prior MW increases the cost of fast food did not rise 50%.

I would say that nyvin was following along just fine. And I think you are just making up bullshit. Why don't you show all how consumer prices for food has EVER increased 50% after a MW increase.

The we will have something to discuss.
We always have to consider supply and demand when thinking about the minimum wage. This would destroy the ability of the consumer to buy the product as it would cost too much money...Would cause some bad shit to happen to the economy!

$10 per hour = ok
$100 per hour = bad

As you'd get 50 dollar burgers with the 100! That would devalue the money supply!!!

Hmmm.... so how do you decide how much burgers are "really" worth?

How much the supplier needs and wishes for the product + the worth of the workers doing the work.

You also have to consider that the consumer has a choice as they can choose not to buy at all or buy less. This also effects the suppliers and forces them to lay off workers....

9-10 dollars per hour seems to be the right balance right now with our economy. I just feel that the producer at the supplier side of things should get a little more. ;) Not with a minimum wage, but with a highest paid employee to lowest worker law!

And after this is mandated by government, what if consumers don't agree?

Let me put this way. If fast food went up in price 50% across the board, would it change your spending habits? Or would you do your democratic duty and support the higher wages it affords?

The minimum wage was raised in the past, it did not raise fast food prices 50%.
Try to follow along. Try to answer the question. The issue is whether changing how much something costs, by government decree, really changes how much it's worth.

Well then I guess your solution would be to have the government decree, by legislation or constitutional amendment,

that states are prohibited from setting a minimum wage.

We have created an underclass of Americans who are simply less equipped, via lowered standards and political correctness - Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable . We're going to have to take care of them, one way or the other.

Let each state decide. Each state can then create and monitor its own MW based on its own costs of living and conditions.

Then we can all get on with our lives.

It tells you that the Democrats are on the right side of the issues, but just got caught on the wrong emotional side of the nation at this moment in time.
Which is why we haven't heard anything from the right about ebola or ISIS. For conservatives ebola must no longer be a threat, and ISIS defeated.
This is the BS the Democrats feed the people and especially (their BASE of voters) in this country. first they should'nt HAVE to work hard or long hours because if you vote for their party they will MAKE A BUSINESS give you more pay

That party is causing the DESTRUCTION of this country and creating the UNDERCLASS who is now DEMANDING they get paid a certain wage no matter WHAT THEIR JOB IS
I look at minimum wage through my trade of troubleshooting electrical circuits...............

Why would I increase the wire size and fuse rating to repair a fault, when the core problem is the design is broken that causes more current flow..........

The bottom line is that minimum wage increases do not fix the main problem that causes me to install larger capacity fuses..............It is the economic policies of this nation that have deflated the dollar's real value and purchasing power since the 70''s the endless cycle of fiat currency to pay for a Gov't that lives beyond it's means............It is an increase of the Cost's of having a decent standard of living, and wages that far outpace the rest of the world..............

Raising the minimum wage doesn't fix the underlying problem.............It is a band aide on an open flesh wound..................While it might make you feel better for a while in a few years you will need another band aide because We as a Nation refuse to look at the underlying problems with our economy and Standard of Living.

Living proof of this is Detroit.............They cried MORE MORE MORE............and what was the final outcome...........A city deserted by more than half the population because they priced the companies out of the area................

We need industry, and manufacturing in this country..............We need incentives to bring back capital to this country and create better paying jobs............We need to stop the decline of the value of the dollar and live within our means in regards to Gov't debt................We need more competition to lower prices and force competition in the markets...........Oil now being a prime the world competes for the market as production rises..............Putting more money back into the pockets of the citizens that they can spend elsewhere due to the cheaper prices..............

Minimum wage increases are a two edged sword...........You can not swing that blade one way without getting cut in the other direction. Continued increases DON'T FIX THE UNDERLYING problem of the circuit that continues to blow fuses because of design problems.
LIKE I SAID, 30% HIGHER COST OF LIVING. Think the workers in the US making min wage or around that would accept $20 an hour WITH that added 30% cost? lol


You want to skip the breakfast mimosas and try making some sense?

Whatever it is you think you're saying, the point that you're apparently not understanding is that purchasing power in Denmark is significantly lower than that of the United States. Danish workers take home less purchasing power in each paycheck than American workers.
It tells you that the Democrats are on the right side of the issues, but just got caught on the wrong emotional side of the nation at this moment in time.

Incorrect. It means people vote themselves other peoples money. Now put on the ballot that food should cost more for everyone by 10% "just because" and watch it fail... They won't vote to pay more money.
This is hilarious. A few minor issues like minimum wage and pot smoking passed in a few blue states, and you shills are here saying this means the whole country is really progressive at heart.

The progressive ***** just can't accept the fact that they got their asses handed to them over the vast majority of the country. Even several deep blue states went red.
Do us all a a favor and move to Washington, you all deserve each other.

The minimum wage measures passed in four Republican states plus Illinois. In Illinois, they elected a Republican Governor who opposed a hike in the minimum wage but supported the minimum wage increase by a margin of 63% to 37%. The results of this election are interesting to say the least, but I do not think Dems need to be worried. People believed all the lies about Obama and he did not defend himself. Also, Dems chose to distance themselves form him rather than embrace the fact that he has led the way to a steady economic recovery. It will be interesting to see where the Republicans go from here, because there is a very good possibility that they assume they now have a mandate that will carry over to 2016. Dems are hoping that is the case, because the fact is that 2016 will bring a very different electorate to the table.

Steady economic recovery ????



Yes, seeing 200,000 new jobs created each and every month for I don't know how long would be considered a steady recovery, especially when we compare it to the 750,000 job losses per month that Obama inherited from the previous administration. BTW, how many people do you know that are unemployed? The only person I knew who was unemployed just started a new job a couple of weeks ago. Teenage kids can't find work? My 17 year old son has two part-time jobs and is working close to 40 hours per week. The funniest thing is you dipshits hoping to go back to the 750,000 lost jobs per month. :asshole:
I don't get it. If the people want the minimum wage to go up so badly, why don't they make it happen without relying on government?

The rich openly unionize but there is a real and open attack on the Unionization of the middle class. You will hear, "remember that one time a union got out of control, why stand together and unite, let the business control you.

Unions are just like Government and everything else. Sometimes a flaw gets into the system. Don't profile the system by the flaw. Not everyone on disability is black. Not everyone that dodges taxes are Tea Party. Not everyone that believes in a fair days wage for a fair days work believes in union funds for political parties.

"A flaw in the system once happened?! It will never work!" is today's flavor. Not all political parties are bad, they just have flaws. It's only bad to justify those flaws when you submit to the party base.

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