Minimum wage is already “livable”

He still has $400 left over for things beyond basics.
Pot's about $400 an ounce now right? At least for the good US grown shit. I reckon you can still get shitweed from mexico for $100.

I've been out ofthe market for a couple decades though.
If you can teach any moron off the street how to bag French fries in 10 minutes then the labor isn't worth much
Yes you can
But that bag of fries costs you 25 cents to make and you charge $2.50
A profit you wouldn’t make without someone to fry them, bag them and ask……Do you want fries with that?
Yes you can
But that bag of fries costs you 25 cents to make and you charge $2.50
A profit you wouldn’t make without someone to fry them, bag them and ask……Do you want fries with that?
I don't know how much it costs to make fries.

I don't eat that fast food shit.

Bagging fries isn't a skill that will ever pay more than a pittance because anyone can do it.

If that's all you aspire to then accept your lot in life because it's your own fault
If you can teach any moron off the street how to bag French fries in 10 minutes then the labor isn't worth much
You're talking to an assclown that can't bag fries consistently enough that his "labor" is worth $1 an hour. He might be worth "minimum wage" dancing in front of a business with a big sign, but he likely absorbs $.25per post on this forum parroting inane agitprop from Soros.
Don't ask stupid questions.
I agree it's a stupid question, but I only ask it because you're not getting it.

It's because you can't find someone willing to do that job for $7.25 (assuming your local minimum wage isn't higher).

It's got very little to do with what they contribute to the bottom line and more to do with what is the least amount the owner can get away with paying them.
I agree it's a stupid question, but I only ask it because you're not getting it.

It's because you can't find someone willing to do that job for $7.25 (assuming your local minimum wage isn't higher).

It's got very little to do with what they contribute to the bottom line and more to do with what is the least amount the owner can get away with paying them.
I get it.

You don't seem to.

The market is supporting the higher wage because businesses need people.

It ain't rocket science.
If that's all you aspire to then accept your lot in life because it's your own fault
Nobody plans on working minimum wage for life. That doesn’t mean they should be exploited while they are.

Lets say that minimum wage worker is In HS and trying to save money for college. Used to be that minimum wage would pay for college.
Now that worker has to take out a loan to subsidize that low wage.
We are asking these low wage workers to go into debt because we refuse to raise minimum wage

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