Minimum wage is already “livable”

Why have a minimum wage at all if everyone makes more than that?
And therein lies a real truth. MW works as long as it's kept low enough and increased slowly enough that it doesn't really matter.

Also, here's a very real truth that federal MW advocates continually ignore. States, cities and counties can set their own MW to whatever level they want to. Think about that for a minute, then tell me why we have to have a federal MW at all.
Nobody plans on working minimum wage for life. That doesn’t mean they should be exploited while they are.

Lets say that minimum wage worker is In HS and trying to save money for college. Used to be that minimum wage would pay for college.
Now that worker has to take out a loan to subsidize that low wage.
We are asking these low wage workers to go into debt because we refuse to raise minimum wage
And because we refuse to do anything about the high cost of college, caused by the lack of incentive to keep costs low.
I get it.

You don't seem to.

The market is supporting the higher wage because businesses need people.

It ain't rocket science.
That's the argument I've been making all along, but supposedly that means I don't understand "economics".
It's got very little to do with what they contribute to the bottom line and more to do with what is the least amount the owner can get away with paying them.
Which is why we need a minimum wage
Low skilled workers have little bargaining power because they are easy to replace.
Makes them easy to exploit
Nobody plans on working minimum wage for life. That doesn’t mean they should be exploited while they are.

Lets say that minimum wage worker is In HS and trying to save money for college. Used to be that minimum wage would pay for college.
Now that worker has to take out a loan to subsidize that low wage.
We are asking these low wage workers to go into debt because we refuse to raise minimum wage
No one is exploited.

A business who hires an unskilled person is paying them to learn the job. paying them to increase their skill set and paying them to learn the business they are working in.

If the person is too lazy or stupid to use a job as a means to get a better one then it's their own fault.
Which is why we need a minimum wage
Low skilled workers have little bargaining power because they are easy to replace.
Makes them easy to exploit
We have a minimum wage and the fact is many states have a MW that is substantially greater then the Federal MW. This is a state issue not a federal one.
And because we refuse to do anything about the high cost of college, caused by the lack of incentive to keep costs low.
Suppose that worker wants to save up and buy a car
When I made $2.10 an hour, I could buy an economy car after six months work.
At $7.25 it takes close to a year and a half

I could buy seven gallons of gas for that $2.10
At $7.25 you can buy two
C’mon. People on this forum have said that ad infinitum. I’m not going to do a search.

So you tell me: what should the “livable” lifestyle of the kid who works the drive-though at McDonalds consist of?
All of the arguments on this forum are so fucking redundant that reading Lefts Syndrome Retard posts has become painful. One would believe NO ONE could be as stupid as goofygayturd, Jilly, pinheadlope, and others. Then you walk into a fuckin grocery store and see bed wetters still wearing their fuckin masks like the sheep they are. Even worse are the cretins who wear them alone in a car. I want everyone of them to die. They're stealing oxygen.
Suppose that worker wants to save up and buy a car
When I made $2.10 an hour, I could buy an economy car after six months work.
At $7.25 it takes close to a year and a half

I could buy seven gallons of gas for that $2.10
At $7.25 you can buy two
We've been over this. You couldn't buy one of today's cars back then, no matter how much money you had. Given all of the advances and technology packed into today's cars, it's no wonder they cost so much. And we've been over why gas costs more today than it did when it was easy to find and access wasn't controlled by unstable, hostile foreign countries.
Look around. It's no longer easily replaced.
Yeah, because the government is giving people so much money that they don’t have to work. That’s the entire plan: give unskilled workers enough money so they can quit their low-level jobs, rather than be incentivized to better themselves and earn more.
Think about that for a minute, then tell me why we have to have a federal MW at all.

Because many states (Lets call them “Red States”)help provide employers with a low wage workforce by refusing to require above the federal minimum wage
The poorest people usually have the best flat screens in town

When I had a lot of overtime I used "rent to own" for $25 a week and had a huge TV and stereo. I used to pack my apt with other kids and we played nintendo games while passing a 4 foot bong around the room. It was a crew served brain vaporizer.

Fuckin good times.

Because many states (Lets call them “Red States”)help provide employers with a low wage workforce by refusing to require above the federal minimum wage
That's their prerogative, correct? Why don't neighboring blue states set very high MW and pull all the workers out of the red states? Subsequently then, the workers in the red states are free to vote for the guy who promises to raise the MW, correct?
We've been over this. You couldn't buy one of today's cars back then, no matter how much money you had. Given all of the advances and technology packed into today's cars, it's no wonder they cost so much. And we've been over why gas costs more today than it did when it was easy to find and access wasn't controlled by unstable, hostile foreign countries.
How about gas?
The cost of a movie?
A burger at McDonalds

Lets just admit that minimum wage has not even come close to the rate of inflation
That happens when you freeze it for 12 years
Thread Interruption.......

About 50% of all state lottery dollars are from people who make less than around 18k per yr

Assumption is those that can least afford it pay the lions share of these wasteful dollars

ever go in a dive beverage store and think you were in fucking
You're talking to an assclown that can't bag fries consistently enough that his "labor" is worth $1 an hour. He might be worth "minimum wage" dancing in front of a business with a big sign, but he likely absorbs $.25per post on this forum parroting inane agitprop from Soros.
This is true. I’d say that about half the time, my order is wrong.
It doesn't matter.

Unskilled labor is easily replaced.
Yup. And that’s what these libs don’t get. Price goes up when the product or service is hard to find. That’s why diamonds cost more than gold, and why gold cost more than silver.
I don't know how much it costs to make fries.

I don't eat that fast food shit.

Bagging fries isn't a skill that will ever pay more than a pittance because anyone can do it.

If that's all you aspire to then accept your lot in life because it's your own fault
Some of these libs are so insistent on defending unskilled work that one of them once tried to tell me that “carrying a tray with a hamburger and drink on it” takes skill.
If paying people the current, ridiculously low, minimum wage is all you're willing to do then accept your lot in life.. Because the quality and quantity of work you then get in return is your own fault. And if people were really a dime a dozen, you corporate fascists would still be crying like stuck pigs.

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