Minimum wage is already “livable”

$7 goes further in a poor rural area. The government shouldn't be putting constraints on what people can pay for labor. Are you sure Milton was the socialist?
Yes. Why don’t you start a thread in whether he was a socialist (or leaning heavily toward that)? When o get back from my class, I will participate.
That’s not the point. The point Is that the better one’s skills are, the more the marker will pay.

Now try to debate without a personal attack.
If you really wished to debate, you'd avoid injecting personal, unverifiable anecdotes.
If you really wished to debate, you'd avoid injecting personal, unverifiable anecdotes.
That’s better than calling people names, the way you just did.

Besides, normal people know the fascists are on the left.
Yeah, because the government is giving people so much money that they don’t have to work. That’s the entire plan: give unskilled workers enough money so they can quit their low-level jobs, rather than be incentivized to better themselves and earn more.
What money are these low skilled people being given?
If you have no respect for those willing to do the jobs that you consider beneath you, is it any wonder that some of those people have gotten your message & now believe that the job is beneath them. What ever is going on please explain how this most prosperous nation has so many homeless people?
Some of these libs are so insistent on defending unskilled work that one of them once tried to tell me that “carrying a tray with a hamburger and drink on it” takes skill.
See... Now here I would disagree....

I worked a Denny's once as a kid, 30 years ago as a dish dog at first. Minimum wage of course but I put an effort into it. Ended up with me fucking the hottest waitress and woman you'd ever laid eyes on.

I digress...

These are not "unskilled" jobs, and you ought to know english. I ended up being "promoted" on to the floor and I was good as a host. I could greet people, sit them down, get them started with a drink order and move to the next customers at the door.

After that I was a fuckin disaster. Too much pot smoking I reckon because when they made me a waiter I couldn't remember who ordered what and the waitress I was fucking at the time was creating more drama than I could deal with.

I went into construction work, for the minimum wage at the time. It was hard to find any work as a kid back then. I had to haul bundles of roofing shingles up 20 foot of fucking ladders and keep enough stock up there for 4-5 roofing installers.

Holy shit...

That kicked my ass for weeks. I hated it, but hunger and my desire for shelter, hot showers, electricity, pot, and tagging split tails sort of made me suck it all up.

In Buffalo NY 30 years ago there were no illegal beaners taking low paying jobs. In fact few people would hire the fuckin Puerto Ricans because they were worthless, and the blacks for the most part simply didn't want to exert themselves. There were some exceptions though, and when I got into concrete work for double the minimum wage and I worked with some bros who were proud of the shit we accomplished I fully rejected leftist dogma.
Minimum wage workers tend to be young. Although workers under age 25 represented only about one-fifth of hourly paid workers, they made up about half of those paid the federal minimum wage or less.
So "about half" must have been 25 or over, huh. Twice as many women as men, btw.
How about gas?
The cost of a movie?
A burger at McDonalds

Lets just admit that minimum wage has not even come close to the rate of inflation
That happens when you freeze it for 12 years
I've already gone over why gas is more expensive now.
The cost of movies has gone up coincidentally with the increase in salaries paid to stars and producers. When a liberal movie star demands millions just to walk on the set, it's not surprising that his fans have to pay a lot more for a ticket to see him. We see the same dynamic in professional sports.
McDonalds burgers are still very cheap.

No, the FEDERAL MW has not kept up with inflation, and why should it when states, cities and counties can set their own wherever they want to? See, what's really going on here is not true concern over the MW, but rather concern that various areas are free to decide for themselves what the proper MW is. Liberals can't stand that. They want instead for the federal government to get out the sledgehammer and force everyone into a one size doesn't fit all model.
I've already gone over why gas is more expensive now.
The cost of movies has gone up coincidentally with the increase in salaries paid to stars and producers. When a liberal movie star demands millions just to walk on the set, it's not surprising that his fans have to pay a lot more for a ticket to see him. We see the same dynamic in professional sports.
McDonalds burgers are still very cheap.

No, the FEDERAL MW has not kept up with inflation, and why should it when states, cities and counties can set their own wherever they want to? See, what's really going on here is not true concern over the MW, but rather concern that various areas are free to decide for themselves what the proper MW is. Liberals can't stand that. They want instead for the federal government to get out the sledgehammer and force everyone into a one size doesn't fit all model.
EVERYTHING has gone up
Except minimum wage
You STILL did not answer the question. If they pay $15 an hour already, why do we need a minimum wage at all?
That is the important question, and I believe it reveals the true mindset of the MW advocates. If we don't really need a MW, then government interference in the job market is also unneeded, and I believe there are far too many who cannot bear the idea of government becoming irrelevant in ANY part of life.
We have fat fucking HOMELESS PEOPLE who can afford to do drugs and shit.

When I was a kid my pot budget was a significant percentage of my income. I couldn't afford beer, I hoarded tattered clean rags rather than buy toilet paper and ate fuckin ramen noodles. A luxury meal for me in my early 20's involved buying a whole chicken, some celery, carrots, onion with 4 packs of Ramen and making a massive pot of soup that lasted a week.

During real prosperous times I got Mac and cheese and could use actual milk and butter. Dumped in some chopped up Sahlen's Hot Dogs and it was like fuckin Thanksgiving.
That is an idiotic post even for you...

You are trying to claim that because of your bad choices every can live on unliveable wage...
Listen, poor folk in Africa make ZERO dollars and it is "livable"

Sure, their stomachs are bloated and they eat their own feces, but hey, they are still "living"

At least one out of 10 survive to adulthood that is.

And when we build our grass huts to live in as it gets harder and harder to afford things, government will point to it and say that they are proud of the increased home ownership rate of those grass huts.

I saw a homeless guy wearing shoes. He must be rich, because a lot of people in India don't have any.
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So what do you think the minimum wage should be?

Adjusted for real inflation it should be around $19 an hour at the base Federal level; in Cali's SF and LA, and NYC, probably more like $30 an hour.

For those of us on the gold standard it should be around $30 an hour, which is about where it would be in Milton Freidman's estimate were he still alive today; he preferred the gold measure.

Take the Govt.'s fake CPI and double it at the least to get a sense of real inflation since 1972, and don't forget to compound it year by year same as you would interest.

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