Minimum wage is already “livable”

If paying people the current, ridiculously low, minimum wage is all you're willing to do then accept your lot in life.. Because the quality and quantity of work you then get in return is your own fault. And if people were really a dime a dozen, you corporate fascists would still be crying like stuck pigs.
I never worked for MW in my life.
It depends on what that person does with that hour.
An hour of my life was worth about $75 when I was at the top of my game. If I had no job skills, it would be worth $7.25 in rural areas, and around $15 around here.

Market decides.
And no one asked if you had.
I remember when I was in college, and a summer job opened for a typist, paying the MW of $2.90 an hour. I applied, but said I wanted $4 an hour because I could type 100 wpm and would be a fast producer. She said if I could type that, they‘d give it to me. They tested me, hired me on the spot, and paid me the $4.

But that job was booooring, so after a week, I told them I quit. She said, “you can’t do that! You are our fastest producer.” And then she offered me $5 an hour, and I took it.

THAT, libbie, is the free market in action.
Because not every place pays $15. In poor rural areas, it could be the $7.
$7 goes further in a poor rural area. The government shouldn't be putting constraints on what people can pay for labor. Are you sure Milton was the socialist?
I remember when I was in college, and a summer job opened for a typist, paying the MW of $2.90 an hour. I applied, but said I wanted $4 an hour because I could type 100 wpm and would be a fast producer. She said if I could type that, they‘d give it to me. They tested me, hired me on the spot, and paid me the $4.

But that job was booooring, so after a week, I told them I quit. She said, “you can’t do that! You are our fastest producer.” And then she offered me $5 an hour, and I took it.

THAT, libbie, is the free market in action.
Whoop-tee-do for you. That's nothing. My grandmother regularly typed 200 words per minute on a manual typewriter. Suck it, fascist.
So you're just going to dismiss it rather than try to engage it?
Yeah, because a) I am lewving for a clas in ten minutes, and b) it’s a deflection on the topic of the thread, which is that minimum wage IS livable, but you have to share a house or apartment.
Whoop-tee-do for you. That's nothing. My grandmother regularly typed 200 words per minute on a manual typewriter. Suck it, fascist.
That’s not the point. The point Is that the better one’s skills are, the more the marker will pay.

Now try to debate without a personal attack.

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