Miscegenation Law

Mike Dwight

VIP Member
Jul 23, 2017
I got a question, how can I be a positive reward-giver of miscegenation enforcement as a worthy cause my entire life and possibly be insulted by anybody coming along telling me their inferiorities and racial fears? That was the law of the land anywhere I've ever lived, and for whom ever I was talking to, and I have to apparently spend my whole life with worse and worse, less and less respectable clowns, who are bullies. Nothing I could have ever said or done anywhere in my life suggested slightly sexual relation between me and another race in a 1960's Free Love understanding, and everything I've done promotes sexual segregation of races, and some stranger will regard his insult to my heritage as less than his insult he made up in the first place. I don't have a way to prove I'm not sexually attacking every single member of any black family, they should just hang anyone that lives currently under the Alabama constitution. Its a Union army recruitment poster. They should find a single better way to just hang every Single person of this area by other racial groups as some sort of just lynching on the spot, minding My business Entirely, in My section of the county let alone country. I won't have a misstep to my name but hailing the wrong flag , with the wrong outlook, with the wrong characters my whole life, making the Wrong assumptions.

They came in here with zero proof and zero harm done, with self-driven interests to root out every man in every native corner of this land and making his private parts available for question, and they're doing it after Obama too, I'd like to figure that out. I spent 10 years of my life in some made up problem miscegenation's brain game for somebody who wants to dictate what I think and do around here which shouldn't happen slightly. Do I hit on every conservative married black 70 year old ass , that has my grades in hand, look at me seriously, and throw me on some sort of $*%& software. Here's what they'll do, act not culpably, totally retarded, incapable, and overbearingly in charge, and liable for every useless minute ive had of the last 10 years , maybe I thought of martin luther king jrs ass some millisecond of that 10 years, enlighten. Every $*%^ thing I've done was mean pretend officers of the being Served, so I got a Law Enforcement Alone problem by the account of Anyone, on the Issue , of whether to respect my rights of anti-miscegenation. Will police on the State Capitol steps of Montgomery take one race regarding another two races not miscegenating positively, as Racist, Corrupt, and hillbilly %&*$, answer is yes, and for 10 years, and hopefully I get a little biker gang out of it.
No idiots ever received a SINGLE input from me about my feelings ,me sharing, me bothering anybody, I tried to close the deal on the verifiable end of campus coordination. There were no other places to go but homes that weren't going to mix at all times. They are fooling themselves about revealing anything that's going to reveal anything to anybody , wit ha relationship with my parents they should never have Touched Slightly. They advertised their Gates Business the SAME DAY they pretend I can be blamed about family bothering, that they told me to go see, that I bothered anybody in charge of the interaction and the conversation, that any direction by me was ever specified to be a hassle, that emotional threats exist. That they ruined the sure thing that was my life without any of this. They all shouted this racist conspiracy and lynching over the top of a single thing I did to cause it, they're going to parade around their little phrasebook texts they caused by their own violent hands like ill give a tiny %*&$.
I caused Dokdo and Tibetan independence and African colonialism is going to be less racist than everybody throwing my life away on police emergencies for never having thought about putting a single thing above college and the parents and money that sent me there and the interests of that college effort, and some sort of life that was supposed to happen after, because we're going to make up one smirk I ever had at women my whole life, i'm not part of causing casual relationships with women, once. insulting all bounds of social interaction with newly married hanbok wearing women talking up that's her business mostly, or more like Any Other younger available women ,or any women at all, or that its every slightly my character issue ever. I don't have an "Imposition" past whatever someone whom I agreed was helping college effort says was an agreeable better equitable situation or says that's not necessary. there are no listings of my wishes from a world outside going home. there was no formation of a plotline and schematic of changing my activities discussed with anyone.

well I don't have a 4 second interval of regret to string together in 10 whole years resting solely on violent action against me , forming behaviors based on violent martial actions and one-way assertions, which will fade away also in total illogic without recant. Totally repeatable, totally unbothered, totally without implication. some $*(# stains digging the hole deeper said their sexual plotline 3 times, wryly smiled with their new opened avenue that doesn't end until they get it, and its the only three times confirmed punishment, in my understanding, to be physically visible, around, or near, the most unpleasant damn situations known to man. he just can't get someone with a brain to do his dirty work, has to go back to fighting, needs to name some address and the weapons. they couldn't teach zen to samurai and they try to do it, don't know anything they've ever done with anybody, totally useless. they chose sexual meaning to mundane actions leading directly to a 10 year plot about their mundane actions having sexual meaning, all sexual meaning is their problem as 999 of 1000 people who met me don't have any Possible confusion their monsters on everything they do. They got Comfort Women rape-kill them for the Japanese and rape-kill them for the American soldiers, sounds useful, rape-kill them anyway if they weren't, its social awareness against anybody who doesn't know exactly everything. Right now though precedent is Man Looks at Woman, Not Guilty, says jurisprudence.

so some Total Losers had me type exactly every day 2010 May, KPCA church parking lot, to 2014, that's over 1500 days, in the Exact location with 0 friends I was designated, to scratch with their dirty little claws out of my dead clod dead hands as they did, some texts that don't even Exist, because they couldn't Get it the other two times, from their frantic , Stupid, hysterical little racist lies they had to repeat everywhere without even common sense.
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fred rogers' "many ways to say I love you" is a pro-segregation message and nobody's got a word from me about any switch I needed in anything at all, who has All the problem on their side how something They put together is running into the ground . I communicated how much more contributive I was than I was given credit for. They are busy defending all these cellphones while they're working , they're smart phones.
Your rambling diatribe is not exactly clear. Not sure what you want.

I get that you are against people of different races having sex. So don't have sex with anyone outside your race.
Its not just that. I need to make the African Ghetto modeled after the Jewish Ghetto. Gated Community! Jewish racial theory will be the basis of African racial theory. The real victim in having to do all this is the Master race. There's a lot of proof of secret Nazi and Confederate alliance. Alabama held Nazi POWs. I remember that time we lost 5 million blacks , turned them into Jews, then they got burned, and it was a tragedy.

Free Love groups, you probably can't have a legal arrangement of any sort any more. You got to do LSD and find out who you end up with today, man,woman, trash can. You can't illegally promote society not having interracial sex. Big White Breeder, Hot.
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No, you don't get to do that. If you don't like races mixing, then YOU don't fool around with another race.

But you don't get to tell others who they can't marry or even who they can't have sex with.

As for the "master race", I have known too many idiots to buy into that bullshit.
No, what I did is go along with Other people advertising the positivity of homogeneous marriage, which no one can get away with advertising that anymore is the problem, and what exactly do you think is my Personal problem with never having put one pass by anybody? How about Presbyterians got a Confession that spells out marriage within their own Racially bound Church as a promoted positive before this Free Love problem. Instead, thanks to the last generation, or no thanks, we'll all spend billions of dollars a year in this country to find out where everyone's leaving their racist peckers, it was Racist to call love what we did in Vietnam, can't love your neighbor without filling the Vietnamese pregnancy?
No, what I did is go along with Other people advertising the positivity of homogeneous marriage, which no one can get away with advertising that anymore is the problem, and what exactly do you think is my Personal problem with never having put one pass by anybody? How about Presbyterians got a Confession that spells out marriage within their own Racially bound Church as a promoted positive before this Free Love problem. Instead, thanks to the last generation, or no thanks, we'll all spend billions of dollars a year in this country to find out where everyone's leaving their racist peckers, it was Racist to call love what we did in Vietnam, can't love your neighbor without filling the Vietnamese pregnancy?

No idea what the Vietnam war has to do with anything, but ok.

The main positive from a racially homogeneous marriage is that the couple and their children are not called names and demeaned by ignorant people.

Want to know what is far more important in a marriage? That the couple loves and respects each other. If that is there, they will raise their children by example on what to expect from a loving relationship.

And your comment "I need to make the African Ghetto modeled after the Jewish Ghetto" shows you want to do far more than just advertise the "positivity of homogeneous marriage".

The Jewish Ghetto was a gated community like San Quentin is a gated community. It was where Jews were allowed to live. And now you want to do the same thing again? No. Unacceptable.
well said...?! ya..how do KKK just integrate with the neo-nazis today , anyway? We hate and like to kill people, us too. National Socialist is like conquer the world uber Germans, don't try to get a white girl because you're a Union Captain?

That's the whole joke there , though. Whoever made our racial conversation today just stole all World War 2 words and almost exclusively make apologetics for US Civil War slavery! The word racism is Theodore Roosevelt arguing with Woodrow Wilson. Racism developed with Nazis. The word ghetto is from the walled off, slated for extermination Jewish Communities.

See all these servicemen chose to get a bunch of War Wives, or Mary Antoinettes or contraband or something is really why they slated all these laws, good job there and Vietnam rock out, lost that war too, smoke less dope.

God in countless Chapters is in a metaphorical relationship to the chosen city Jerusalem start to finish. When God's extended to the entire world is a lot of questions how God chooses to covenant with the world's people and how he will choose to speak to all of them. Christianity got taken over by people remaking the Roman Empire, otherwise, the Jews who became Christians didn't Lessen a racial identity, "salvation is from the Jews" -Jesus, or their "Promised Land".
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well said...?! ya..how do KKK just integrate with the neo-nazis today , anyway? We hate and like to kill people, us too. National Socialist is like conquer the world uber Germans, don't try to get a white girl because you're a Union Captain?

What? That reads like babble.
All I know is get your Hitler Youth Knife in hand and start at 2:16:20 to end. The film not only made the real serious, nationwide, boyscout version, Ku Klux Klan, all the south chose their flags 1900s too, like a movement, film of the whole thing.
All I know is get your Hitler Youth Knife in hand and start at 2:16:20 to end. The film not only made the real serious, nationwide, boyscout version, Ku Klux Klan, all the south chose their flags 1900s too, like a movement, film of the whole thing.

I am not going to watch an hour of video for a debate or discussion. If you can't summarize your point, you can't make your point.

I don't have a Hitler Youth Knife. That would be more your speed, since you seem to think creating a specific area that is the only place certain people can live, is a good idea.
All I know is get your Hitler Youth Knife in hand and start at 2:16:20 to end. The film not only made the real serious, nationwide, boyscout version, Ku Klux Klan, all the south chose their flags 1900s too, like a movement, film of the whole thing.

Doesn't this movie portray the kkk as heroic? LMAO!!

Ignorant cowards are not heroic.
I got a question, how can I be a positive reward-giver of miscegenation enforcement as a worthy cause my entire life and possibly be insulted by anybody coming along telling me their inferiorities and racial fears? That was the law of the land anywhere I've ever lived, and for whom ever I was talking to, and I have to apparently spend my whole life with worse and worse, less and less respectable clowns, who are bullies. Nothing I could have ever said or done anywhere in my life suggested slightly sexual relation between me and another race in a 1960's Free Love understanding, and everything I've done promotes sexual segregation of races, and some stranger will regard his insult to my heritage as less than his insult he made up in the first place. I don't have a way to prove I'm not sexually attacking every single member of any black family, they should just hang anyone that lives currently under the Alabama constitution. Its a Union army recruitment poster. They should find a single better way to just hang every Single person of this area by other racial groups as some sort of just lynching on the spot, minding My business Entirely, in My section of the county let alone country. I won't have a misstep to my name but hailing the wrong flag , with the wrong outlook, with the wrong characters my whole life, making the Wrong assumptions.

They came in here with zero proof and zero harm done, with self-driven interests to root out every man in every native corner of this land and making his private parts available for question, and they're doing it after Obama too, I'd like to figure that out. I spent 10 years of my life in some made up problem miscegenation's brain game for somebody who wants to dictate what I think and do around here which shouldn't happen slightly. Do I hit on every conservative married black 70 year old ass , that has my grades in hand, look at me seriously, and throw me on some sort of $*%& software. Here's what they'll do, act not culpably, totally retarded, incapable, and overbearingly in charge, and liable for every useless minute ive had of the last 10 years , maybe I thought of martin luther king jrs ass some millisecond of that 10 years, enlighten. Every $*%^ thing I've done was mean pretend officers of the being Served, so I got a Law Enforcement Alone problem by the account of Anyone, on the Issue , of whether to respect my rights of anti-miscegenation. Will police on the State Capitol steps of Montgomery take one race regarding another two races not miscegenating positively, as Racist, Corrupt, and hillbilly %&*$, answer is yes, and for 10 years, and hopefully I get a little biker gang out of it.
No idiots ever received a SINGLE input from me about my feelings ,me sharing, me bothering anybody, I tried to close the deal on the verifiable end of campus coordination. There were no other places to go but homes that weren't going to mix at all times. They are fooling themselves about revealing anything that's going to reveal anything to anybody , wit ha relationship with my parents they should never have Touched Slightly. They advertised their Gates Business the SAME DAY they pretend I can be blamed about family bothering, that they told me to go see, that I bothered anybody in charge of the interaction and the conversation, that any direction by me was ever specified to be a hassle, that emotional threats exist. That they ruined the sure thing that was my life without any of this. They all shouted this racist conspiracy and lynching over the top of a single thing I did to cause it, they're going to parade around their little phrasebook texts they caused by their own violent hands like ill give a tiny %*&$.
I caused Dokdo and Tibetan independence and African colonialism is going to be less racist than everybody throwing my life away on police emergencies for never having thought about putting a single thing above college and the parents and money that sent me there and the interests of that college effort, and some sort of life that was supposed to happen after, because we're going to make up one smirk I ever had at women my whole life, i'm not part of causing casual relationships with women, once. insulting all bounds of social interaction with newly married hanbok wearing women talking up that's her business mostly, or more like Any Other younger available women ,or any women at all, or that its every slightly my character issue ever. I don't have an "Imposition" past whatever someone whom I agreed was helping college effort says was an agreeable better equitable situation or says that's not necessary. there are no listings of my wishes from a world outside going home. there was no formation of a plotline and schematic of changing my activities discussed with anyone.

well I don't have a 4 second interval of regret to string together in 10 whole years resting solely on violent action against me , forming behaviors based on violent martial actions and one-way assertions, which will fade away also in total illogic without recant. Totally repeatable, totally unbothered, totally without implication. some $*(# stains digging the hole deeper said their sexual plotline 3 times, wryly smiled with their new opened avenue that doesn't end until they get it, and its the only three times confirmed punishment, in my understanding, to be physically visible, around, or near, the most unpleasant damn situations known to man. he just can't get someone with a brain to do his dirty work, has to go back to fighting, needs to name some address and the weapons. they couldn't teach zen to samurai and they try to do it, don't know anything they've ever done with anybody, totally useless. they chose sexual meaning to mundane actions leading directly to a 10 year plot about their mundane actions having sexual meaning, all sexual meaning is their problem as 999 of 1000 people who met me don't have any Possible confusion their monsters on everything they do. They got Comfort Women rape-kill them for the Japanese and rape-kill them for the American soldiers, sounds useful, rape-kill them anyway if they weren't, its social awareness against anybody who doesn't know exactly everything. Right now though precedent is Man Looks at Woman, Not Guilty, says jurisprudence.

so some Total Losers had me type exactly every day 2010 May, KPCA church parking lot, to 2014, that's over 1500 days, in the Exact location with 0 friends I was designated, to scratch with their dirty little claws out of my dead clod dead hands as they did, some texts that don't even Exist, because they couldn't Get it the other two times, from their frantic , Stupid, hysterical little racist lies they had to repeat everywhere without even common sense.
Ignorant? How dismissive of 19th century peoples? What didn't they know? "Brethren this flag bears red stain of the life of a southern woman, a priceless sacrifice on the altar of an outraged civilization. Here I raise the ancient symbol of an unconquered race of men, the fiery cross of old Scotland's hills. I quench its flames in the sweetest blood that ever stained the sands of Time!" 2:33:12 These colors don't run, now watch this jump.

Now, I didn't say there was only one place Kentuckians can live. This has court precedence in the Kentucky Orphans.
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Ignorant? How dismissive of 19th century peoples? What didn't they know? "Brethren this flag bears red stain of the life of a southern woman, a priceless sacrifice on the altar of an outraged civilization. Here I raise the ancient symbol of an unconquered race of men, the fiery cross of old Scotland's hills. I quench its flames in the sweetest blood that ever stained the sands of Time!" 2:33:12 These colors don't run, now watch this jump.

Now, I didn't say there was only one place Kentuckians can live. This has court precedence in the Kentucky Orphans.

The list of things the people of the 19th century didn't know would be a long one. Luckily we progressed beyond acceptance of one person owning another. Luckily we progressed towards equality, especially in the eyes of the gov't.

So you want to lock the blacks in their Ghetto to protect white women from being raped by black men? What of the rapes of black women at the hands of white men?
If every slavemaster had a back pocket bible used the Curse of Ham out of the bible, instead of Faulty Racial Evolution theories beginning in the 1900s, then read it, says one brother was Cursed to serve another, and that's God speaking , I didn't choose anything over that mystery brother. hate hate hate. Dixie said they were heathens is the first only problem, Robert E Lee said Christianity should eventually cause freedom, what Christianity today? We had to erase that Church in particular. Its some History lesson.

You're smarter than this, every black man with money from OJ Simpson to Tiger Woods , wants to import some European mailbride and murder it. That shows your freedom we didn't always have those freedoms. What is a single contributing factor to raping black women? They're in constant contact some times? Nobody owned up to children of those abominable matches, released Slaves Were Actually less mixed than African American. They're not told to look for black women so we have a backup of 2 million single black women while the males are social climbing. One time, a wild naked ignorant black , was going to rape me and my children in a shared swimming pool, and Fred Rogers made this song at the last possible second. Many Ways to Say I Love You in TV Memories . Loving V. Virginia supposed to prove Marriage going to help any race whatsoever?
Blacks put a heathen pastor at the top of their social list, I'm not blanket condemning blacks, even being at 99% heretical churches, the liberation churches that they chose to split off for their theology in all cases. We used to have a million or 2 colored Presbyterian church in the 30's what happened to that stuff, I don't see owing the government anything.

We had an end of Christianity almost ruling the world directly in name, at the end of 19th century, until all the nationalism rising, the ideological war, as if progress is a straight line? Winter still doesn't get the Ghetto joke. See the word Ghetto is appropriated directly from when the Jews were in ghettos, and I don't see a single relation at all. Well, go back and say the farmhand villages was a ghetto in slavery, you're talking about grouped black communities?
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If every slavemaster had a back pocket bible used the Curse of Ham out of the bible, instead of Faulty Racial Evolution theories beginning in the 1900s, then read it, says one brother was Cursed to serve another, and that's God speaking , I didn't choose anything over that mystery brother. hate hate hate. Dixie said they were heathens is the first only problem, Robert E Lee said Christianity should eventually cause freedom, what Christianity today? We had to erase that Church in particular. Its some History lesson.

You're smarter than this, every black man with money from OJ Simpson to Tiger Woods , wants to import some European mailbride and murder it. That shows your freedom we didn't always have those freedoms. What is a single contributing factor to raping black women? They're in constant contact some times? Nobody owned up to children of those abominable matches, released Slaves Were Actually less mixed than African American. They're not told to look for black women so we have a backup of 2 million single black women while the males are social climbing. One time, a wild naked ignorant black , was going to rape me and my children in a shared swimming pool, and Fred Rogers made this song at the last possible second. Many Ways to Say I Love You in TV Memories . Loving V. Virginia supposed to prove Marriage going to help any race whatsoever?
Blacks put a heathen pastor at the top of their social list, I'm not blanket condemning blacks, even being at 99% heretical churches, the liberation churches that they chose to split off for their theology in all cases. We used to have a million or 2 colored Presbyterian church in the 30's what happened to that stuff, I don't see owing the government anything.

We had an end of Christianity almost ruling the world directly in name, at the end of 19th century, until all the nationalism rising, the ideological war, as if progress is a straight line? Winter still doesn't get the Ghetto joke. See the word Ghetto is appropriated directly from when the Jews were in ghettos, and I don't see a single relation at all. Well, go back and say the farmhand villages was a ghetto in slavery, you're talking about grouped black communities?

Your attempts at justifying the subjugation of an entire race is laughable.

The simple fact is that all citizens are equal in the eyes of the gov't. Any attempt by you or your ilk to take us back to the days of segregation, the days when the kkk was feared, or to implement your Ghetto plans will be met with disdain and fierce resistance. Your ideals are from the lunatic fringe. A man's worth is not determined by the color of his skin. There are too many well educated blacks who are contributing to our society, and too many white trash idiots, for your theories to be anything more than misguided nonsense.

I engage you in debate here, but none of what you want will actually happen.
duh, where did I make some theory plan of how I needed anything to be at any time? These things just exist, I'm not a radical talking here. Africa is still a heathen continent. it was totally, 100% heathen in 1861. no Christian had ever touched the place. the black minstrelsy called them Ethiopians because Ethiopians are ancient Christians. queen of sheba in the bible , or called Nubian Queen. they were better off in any measure from Africa in all measures anyway said Robert e lee.
So you are attacking all ideas of all attacks on any people of any Religion? Just want to know. The British are who allowed slavery 'nonchristian', the british churches and laws carried on as the legal causes. I say Hirohito didn't have a Boy's right to determine more than 2+3 I'm sure he's "well educated", we're talking about morals instead. African Christ-Voodoo is all we got here with in regards to in the present day, the political Impossibility we've created for Christian relation, where Woodrow Wilson helped as a pastor, decide European peace, or Churchill wanted to pull in Roosevelt. whos Obama related to, the united church of Christ lunch bingo?

OK what I have happen is Presbyterians in Korea have 8 million members established Church, then they are More Equal than the pseudo Jamaicans around 'cant possibly have found Christ except in Baptist liberation theology'. Confucian schools is china , Russian orthodox is Russia, Anglican is the british imperialist, we're too free to play the game, freedom fries, I bet they would have switched like, OK America, its, wait Methodists don't believe in countries, Baptists believe in total government separation.
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