Miss. Passes anti gay discrimination law.

Mississippi already lost 400 jobs over their bigotry.

if you are referring to paypal, wasn't that North Carolina?

And considering paypal has offices in several countries that actually try to imprison or kill off gay, methinks the doth protest too much.

Yes, it was NC...even better.

Of course I can support them being engineers of social change.

Then i assume you want them to pull our of Turkey, Russia, and most of the Middle East, right?
Mississippi already lost 400 jobs over their bigotry.

if you are referring to paypal, wasn't that North Carolina?

And considering paypal has offices in several countries that actually try to imprison or kill off gay, methinks the doth protest too much.

Yes, it was NC...even better.

Of course I can support them being engineers of social change.

Then i assume you want them to pull our of Turkey, Russia, and most of the Middle East, right?
There's today's talking point again....seen it by at least three other posters.

What offices has Pay Pal opened in those countries....how many locals have they hired?
The method of slaughter IS the religious ceremony. You can't separate one from the other.

So, can a health code override kosher and halal slaughter? Considering those buying the meat know exactly how it is done, and want it done that way, what right does the health department have in preventing that?

Sure you can. Religious ceremonies have been separated from Civil action before.

Take "marriage" for example. To some it is a "religious ceremony" only, to others it is a civil matter only, to others it is a mix of the two (meaning it has both a religious and civil component.).

Slaughtering animals for sale, which is ONLY what I'm talking about (not personal consumption), is a civil matter not a religious one. If the method used is found to be unsafe then it doesn't matter if it is a religious ceremony to some as there is a compelling government interest in the sale of safe food.

Religion is not a "get out of jail free" card for laws of general applicability.


If you restrict kosher or halal slaughter of animals, then religious Jews and Muslims would be forced to slaughter their own animals. Considering most live in urban areas, and most cities have rules about how and where animals can be slaughtered in general, you create an unwinnable situation.

The issue is really about animal rights activists using health codes to ban ritual slaughter. "Unsafe" is a big concept that can be misused easily.

To me, health codes could not ban Kosher or Halal Slaughter as they are religious activities. Any government interest is outweighed by the religious freedom involved.

I don't think that health codes should ban Kosher and Halal Slaughter either. If the slaughter is for commercial sale whether it's a religious matter or not is irrelevant - when it comes to health codes the ONLY factor for the legislature to consider is "does this method of slaughter in some way contaminate the meat sold to consumers".

Since it obviously doesn't, there is no compelling government reason to put such hypothetical restrictions in place.

It has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with no impact on food safety meaning there is no reason to restrict the religious ceremony part.


As usual, you are specific to the point of OCD when it comes to the letter of the law, its your greatest strength and your greatest weakness.

The issue will arise, again, when some animal rights activists get the health code to be changed to impart "animal suffering" clauses that makes Kosher or Halal Slaughter impossible.

What then?

When that happens let me know.

You asked an example in the here and now. I gave my response.

Mississippi already lost 400 jobs over their bigotry.

if you are referring to paypal, wasn't that North Carolina?

And considering paypal has offices in several countries that actually try to imprison or kill off gay, methinks the doth protest too much.

Yes, it was NC...even better.

Of course I can support them being engineers of social change.

Then i assume you want them to pull our of Turkey, Russia, and most of the Middle East, right?
There's today's talking point again....seen it by at least three other posters.

What offices has Pay Pal opened in those countries....how many locals have they hired?

Well here is the partnership in Dubai:

Network International and PayPal launch Middle East's first e-Merchant Portal for Payment Transfers - Zawya

So its OK to go in with a local company in a place where there is a death penalty for gay sex, but bathroom rights require never going to a State?

And here is paypal's office in Moscow:

PayPal Moscow - Марьина роща - 4 tips

And according to wikipedia, their international headquarters is in Singapore...

LGBT rights in Singapore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
remember the days where homosexuals only wanted to be LEFT ALONE and to stay out of their bedrooms. now we need to pass laws for USING a freaking bathroom
something wrong when a minority of people want to Squash the rights of the MAJORITY
Interesting point on animal slaughter, Marty

This law does not explicitly say anyone can discriminate or deny any service. (It's already legal to do that in Miss) What is says is that even if a law is religiously neutral on its face, a person may raise a religious objection to following it.

I'm not aware of any orthodox Jews here, and the Muslims seem frighteningly friendly and mainstream. but still........ We need some peyote smoking Native Americans down here! Come on. We don't bite! Honest Injun

It's a badly written law trying to reach some level of protection for people with religious objections to certain things.
As for the peyote smokers, i thought you ate peyote.
I've done both, but let's not go there. It was long ago. After doing a bit of googling, it appears they chew the buds and make some kind of tea.
Guess Mississippi was upset about other red states stealing their bigotry heritage .

What gets me, this has nothing to do wh "religious beliefs". Religion is just a bullshit cover for people to express their hatred. Bunch of fake Christians should be ashamed .

Mississippi governor signs law allowing refusal of service to same-sex couples and others

Mississippi's governor signed a law that allows public and private businesses to refuse service to gay couples and others based on the employers' religious beliefs.

Mississippi is still living in the 1960's or 1860's.

Mississippi Division UDC
I honestly don't understand your metaphor. Can you reword? I know what individual liberty is. It gives me and you the right to go about our business so long as it does not interfere with the rights of others to go about theirs. It is that simple, as much as you seem to want to make yourself a victim because you have been told no, you can't interfere with the equal rights of others.
You know exactly what I mean by our constitutional rights, don't fuck around playing smart lawyer.
Good luck with your pizza, by the way.
It gives me and you the right to go about our business so long as it does not interfere with the rights of others to go about theirs.
Good, you know what it is. Now, just apply it correctly. You cant support cherry picked liberty. That is preposterous lol. Special rights aren't rights.
No, there isn't any constitutional rights for dealings with private businesses. If I am wrong, please show me. Because what I think you might be referring to, is referring to the government.. NOT an individual.
Now, just apply it correctly.
I already have. It would be nice if the world could work in the way you wish, where everyone was treated equally without government interference, but people aren't that fair, left to their own devices, it seems. I do know this: If blacks, gays, what-have-you, had all been treated fairly to begin with, had not had their equal rights to liberty messed with, the government wouldn't be involved.
I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I am repeating myself and so are you.
The government wouldn't be involved? They were LAWS made by THE GOVERNMENT.
I mean seriously, out of 30 million businesses, how many do you think sell their product to people based on personal prejudices? I mean, come on. Jim crow, slavery some states had laws banning gays from doing certain things etc.
Forcing people solves nothing and only causes rebellion. We are humans.
You might deny that, but I bet of lot of people that agree with you on this PA law issue, use that argument for drugs!
Forcing people solves nothing and only causes rebellion. We are humans.
From my perspective, which I realize isn't as informed as yours since I'm a far-Northerner, forcing people in the 60's to stop discriminating against blacks DID work. It has changed our country much more than you realize. I remember before anti-discrimination laws. I remember the first black kid who went to our school -- no other black family had ever been allowed to buy property in our white suburb before. And I didn't even live in the south. There weren't any black bosses or any black people on tv. It is true that forcing people causes a lot of kicking and screaming, but you'd be amazed how different things are, thanks to it.
Actually, the gay rights fight should be a lot easier, because most Americans have already voted to make it legal for them to marry, adopt children, etc.
Like how you ignored the part I am about to repeat..lol You mean Jim Crow laws that were enacted by the GOVERNMENT?
Jim Crow laws were state and local laws enacted by southern states to entirely disenfranchise blacks, and were finally knocked down by the fed government in 1965. How does this further your argument that discrimination should be permitted?
I doubt if they needed the Mississippi law to realize some people are repulsed by them. The Hissing Possums have a right to speak and a right to think what they wish. What they don't have the right to do is limit the equal rights of a group they don't like. We are ALL afforded the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of liberty and to be treated equally in public institutions. If you don't like them, think or say what you like, but you can't take action to treat them any differently than you would someone of like mind.

Yes, gays aren't an acceptable group to hate, like Christians or something ...

BTW, no one is proposing to do anything to gays. It's how pathetic and weak the left is. Most people in history would be glad to just be left alone to live their lives. But leftists are so dependent on government that not getting validation and perks to you makes life actually unlivable. You people would have just starved and died at any other point in history
I don't hate Christians. You have never heard me say any such thing. The people who actually value individual freedoms in this country were forced to enact laws because some intolerant people would not leave their pet hate group alone. The laws protect constitutional rights that no citizen has the right to interfere with. If the county clerk had gone to her boss and given her resignation, which would have been the appropriate thing to do, half these laws and backlash laws wouldn't have happened. Instead she decided to refuse to do her job as a government employee due to her personal religious beliefs that don't tolerate gay marriage.. That is not acceptable under our constitution, but it gave a lot of steam to people of her mindset. She should have been fired the first day she said she wouldn't do her job. Period.

The laws were enacted to stop massive government endorsed economic and political disenfranchisement, not hurt feelings.

That idiot clerk in Kentucky is an elected official, her "Boss" is the people of her district. She is not a government employee. You would have to impeach her, not fire her.

Get your facts right before you start pontificating.
The laws were enacted to stop massive government endorsed economic and political disenfranchisement, not hurt feelings.
I have no idea what that means.

That idiot clerk in Kentucky is an elected official, her "Boss" is the people of her district. She is not a government employee. You would have to impeach her, not fire her.
Thanks for setting me straight. However, she was free to resign as she should have in the first place.

Those people you said supported individual freedoms did indeed support the first Civil rights laws during the 50's and 60's However those were not designed to ruin some random baker over hurt feelings, but to end deep and rooted government mandated systemic discrimination against a sizable group of people in each locality. The object of Jim Crow wasn't separate lunch counters or water fountains, these were merely symptoms. The real goal was to remove economic and more importantly political power from blacks. They were more concerned that they could not vote, or better themselves economically than where they had to sit on a train. That was just a "bonus".
Thanks for interpreting.
Miss. Passes anti gay discrimination law. was deleted. Reason: Stick to the subject.[/paste:font]
Today at 11:17 AM Fairness Doctrine
I honestly don't understand your metaphor. Can you reword? I know what individual liberty is. It gives me and you the right to go about our business so long as it does not interfere with the rights of others to go about theirs. It is that simple, as much as you seem to want to make yourself a victim because you have been told no, you can't interfere with the equal rights of others.
You know exactly what I mean by our constitutional rights, don't fuck around playing smart lawyer.
Good luck with your pizza, by the way.
It gives me and you the right to go about our business so long as it does not interfere with the rights of others to go about theirs.
Good, you know what it is. Now, just apply it correctly. You cant support cherry picked liberty. That is preposterous lol. Special rights aren't rights.
No, there isn't any constitutional rights for dealings with private businesses. If I am wrong, please show me. Because what I think you might be referring to, is referring to the government.. NOT an individual.
Now, just apply it correctly.
I already have. It would be nice if the world could work in the way you wish, where everyone was treated equally without government interference, but people aren't that fair, left to their own devices, it seems. I do know this: If blacks, gays, what-have-you, had all been treated fairly to begin with, had not had their equal rights to liberty messed with, the government wouldn't be involved.
I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I am repeating myself and so are you.
It isn't the way of liberals to leave people that are happy alone, since many liberals cannot find their own happiness. That is why the go out of their way to constantly interfere in the lives of others. The liberals say they are the champions of the colored people, yet today with a white black man in office, there is more poverty and murder in that sector of America today. They say they are for LBGTQWXYZ yet they are allowing ISIS terrorists into this country and these guys will thrown the alphabet people off the roof or stone them. Women too will be subjugated to these Fanatics, yet women and LBG's vote for the same people who want Muslims to come here. This is a self destructive process, and at one time, I would defend them. Today, I don't care because if this is what women and LBG's want then vote for liberals. Elections have consequences.
Jesum Crow! By ensuring blacks and gays equal rights which you cannot interfere with despite your racist views (not your personally, mind) I am about to be raped and put in a burka? Steady on, friend.
Germany: Muslim Turks march through Duisburg chanting, “With Allah’s help, we shall conquer You”
What seems contradictory to many is that nationalism is only allowed for immigrants, as their influence is seen as overall positive, no matter their motives. This explains the complete lack of media outrage.

During the protest they can be heard chanting “Allah is great” and, according to reports, “We rebuilt Germany” and “With God’s help we shall conquer”.
Well since you are an old lady, they might NOT try anything that is wrinkled like an elephant. Remember that Obama was telling everyone that it was Muslims that made America, he is allowing them in by the 10's of thousands, San Bernardino was an example of the murderous intent of them, but since it wasn't you, then who gives a damn. When it does happen to you, then it will be too late, I wont shed a tear.

Many of them were members of the “Turan e.V.” club, an organization that leans on “Rocker” culture, as demonstrated in one of my previous uploads.
Off topic.
It gives me and you the right to go about our business so long as it does not interfere with the rights of others to go about theirs.
Good, you know what it is. Now, just apply it correctly. You cant support cherry picked liberty. That is preposterous lol. Special rights aren't rights.
No, there isn't any constitutional rights for dealings with private businesses. If I am wrong, please show me. Because what I think you might be referring to, is referring to the government.. NOT an individual.
Now, just apply it correctly.
I already have. It would be nice if the world could work in the way you wish, where everyone was treated equally without government interference, but people aren't that fair, left to their own devices, it seems. I do know this: If blacks, gays, what-have-you, had all been treated fairly to begin with, had not had their equal rights to liberty messed with, the government wouldn't be involved.
I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I am repeating myself and so are you.
The government wouldn't be involved? They were LAWS made by THE GOVERNMENT.
I mean seriously, out of 30 million businesses, how many do you think sell their product to people based on personal prejudices? I mean, come on. Jim crow, slavery some states had laws banning gays from doing certain things etc.
Forcing people solves nothing and only causes rebellion. We are humans.
You might deny that, but I bet of lot of people that agree with you on this PA law issue, use that argument for drugs!
Forcing people solves nothing and only causes rebellion. We are humans.
From my perspective, which I realize isn't as informed as yours since I'm a far-Northerner, forcing people in the 60's to stop discriminating against blacks DID work. It has changed our country much more than you realize. I remember before anti-discrimination laws. I remember the first black kid who went to our school -- no other black family had ever been allowed to buy property in our white suburb before. And I didn't even live in the south. There weren't any black bosses or any black people on tv. It is true that forcing people causes a lot of kicking and screaming, but you'd be amazed how different things are, thanks to it.
Actually, the gay rights fight should be a lot easier, because most Americans have already voted to make it legal for them to marry, adopt children, etc.
Like how you ignored the part I am about to repeat..lol You mean Jim Crow laws that were enacted by the GOVERNMENT?
Jim Crow laws were state and local laws enacted by southern states to entirely disenfranchise blacks, and were finally knocked down by the fed government in 1965. How does this further your argument that discrimination should be permitted?
hey dork, PA laws are state laws..
Now, just apply it correctly.
I already have. It would be nice if the world could work in the way you wish, where everyone was treated equally without government interference, but people aren't that fair, left to their own devices, it seems. I do know this: If blacks, gays, what-have-you, had all been treated fairly to begin with, had not had their equal rights to liberty messed with, the government wouldn't be involved.
I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I am repeating myself and so are you.
The government wouldn't be involved? They were LAWS made by THE GOVERNMENT.
I mean seriously, out of 30 million businesses, how many do you think sell their product to people based on personal prejudices? I mean, come on. Jim crow, slavery some states had laws banning gays from doing certain things etc.
Forcing people solves nothing and only causes rebellion. We are humans.
You might deny that, but I bet of lot of people that agree with you on this PA law issue, use that argument for drugs!
Forcing people solves nothing and only causes rebellion. We are humans.
From my perspective, which I realize isn't as informed as yours since I'm a far-Northerner, forcing people in the 60's to stop discriminating against blacks DID work. It has changed our country much more than you realize. I remember before anti-discrimination laws. I remember the first black kid who went to our school -- no other black family had ever been allowed to buy property in our white suburb before. And I didn't even live in the south. There weren't any black bosses or any black people on tv. It is true that forcing people causes a lot of kicking and screaming, but you'd be amazed how different things are, thanks to it.
Actually, the gay rights fight should be a lot easier, because most Americans have already voted to make it legal for them to marry, adopt children, etc.
Like how you ignored the part I am about to repeat..lol You mean Jim Crow laws that were enacted by the GOVERNMENT?
Jim Crow laws were state and local laws enacted by southern states to entirely disenfranchise blacks, and were finally knocked down by the fed government in 1965. How does this further your argument that discrimination should be permitted?
hey dork, PA laws are state laws..

Title II of the CRA is not state law, it's Federal.
remember the days where homosexuals only wanted to be LEFT ALONE and to stay out of their bedrooms. now we need to pass laws for USING a freaking bathroom
something wrong when a minority of people want to Squash the rights of the MAJORITY

Quit telling trans men they can't use the men's room or trans women that they can't use the women's room and there wouldn't be laws protecting their right to pee in the bathroom of their gender identity.
Mississippi already lost 400 jobs over their bigotry.

if you are referring to paypal, wasn't that North Carolina?

And considering paypal has offices in several countries that actually try to imprison or kill off gay, methinks the doth protest too much.

Yes, it was NC...even better.

Of course I can support them being engineers of social change.

Then i assume you want them to pull our of Turkey, Russia, and most of the Middle East, right?

Sure...if it will pressure those countries to change their laws.
The government wouldn't be involved? They were LAWS made by THE GOVERNMENT.
I mean seriously, out of 30 million businesses, how many do you think sell their product to people based on personal prejudices? I mean, come on. Jim crow, slavery some states had laws banning gays from doing certain things etc.
Forcing people solves nothing and only causes rebellion. We are humans.
You might deny that, but I bet of lot of people that agree with you on this PA law issue, use that argument for drugs!
Forcing people solves nothing and only causes rebellion. We are humans.
From my perspective, which I realize isn't as informed as yours since I'm a far-Northerner, forcing people in the 60's to stop discriminating against blacks DID work. It has changed our country much more than you realize. I remember before anti-discrimination laws. I remember the first black kid who went to our school -- no other black family had ever been allowed to buy property in our white suburb before. And I didn't even live in the south. There weren't any black bosses or any black people on tv. It is true that forcing people causes a lot of kicking and screaming, but you'd be amazed how different things are, thanks to it.
Actually, the gay rights fight should be a lot easier, because most Americans have already voted to make it legal for them to marry, adopt children, etc.
Like how you ignored the part I am about to repeat..lol You mean Jim Crow laws that were enacted by the GOVERNMENT?
Jim Crow laws were state and local laws enacted by southern states to entirely disenfranchise blacks, and were finally knocked down by the fed government in 1965. How does this further your argument that discrimination should be permitted?
hey dork, PA laws are state laws..

Title II of the CRA is not state law, it's Federal.
This is about the state of MS. But I could have been more clear.
Forcing people solves nothing and only causes rebellion. We are humans.
From my perspective, which I realize isn't as informed as yours since I'm a far-Northerner, forcing people in the 60's to stop discriminating against blacks DID work. It has changed our country much more than you realize. I remember before anti-discrimination laws. I remember the first black kid who went to our school -- no other black family had ever been allowed to buy property in our white suburb before. And I didn't even live in the south. There weren't any black bosses or any black people on tv. It is true that forcing people causes a lot of kicking and screaming, but you'd be amazed how different things are, thanks to it.
Actually, the gay rights fight should be a lot easier, because most Americans have already voted to make it legal for them to marry, adopt children, etc.
Like how you ignored the part I am about to repeat..lol You mean Jim Crow laws that were enacted by the GOVERNMENT?
Jim Crow laws were state and local laws enacted by southern states to entirely disenfranchise blacks, and were finally knocked down by the fed government in 1965. How does this further your argument that discrimination should be permitted?
hey dork, PA laws are state laws..

Title II of the CRA is not state law, it's Federal.
This is about the state of MS. But I could have been more clear.

Yes you could have since your statement was false on its face. Christians are protected from discrimination in all 50 states, gays in fewer than half.

If you had said PA laws that protect gays from discrimination (like passed in Charlotte) are local laws, you would have been correct.
Like how you ignored the part I am about to repeat..lol You mean Jim Crow laws that were enacted by the GOVERNMENT?
Jim Crow laws were state and local laws enacted by southern states to entirely disenfranchise blacks, and were finally knocked down by the fed government in 1965. How does this further your argument that discrimination should be permitted?
hey dork, PA laws are state laws..

Title II of the CRA is not state law, it's Federal.
This is about the state of MS. But I could have been more clear.

Yes you could have since your statement was false on its face. Christians are protected from discrimination in all 50 states, gays in fewer than half.

If you had said PA laws that protect gays from discrimination (like passed in Charlotte) are local laws, you would have been correct.
Jim Crow laws were state and local laws enacted by southern states to entirely disenfranchise blacks, and were finally knocked down by the fed government in 1965. How does this further your argument that discrimination should be permitted?
hey dork, PA laws are state laws..

Title II of the CRA is not state law, it's Federal.
This is about the state of MS. But I could have been more clear.

Yes you could have since your statement was false on its face. Christians are protected from discrimination in all 50 states, gays in fewer than half.

If you had said PA laws that protect gays from discrimination (like passed in Charlotte) are local laws, you would have been correct.

So are you opposed to all PA laws or just the LOCAL ones that protect the LGBT community?
Agreed. Though the Federal government has no Constitutional authority to make such restrictions

As long a the producer sells intrastate only, once products are sold across state lines then there are arguments to be made based on the commerce clause.


Interstate commerce is actually conducting interstate commerce. Once the transaction is completed, the commerce clause doesn't say the Feds own the product/service forever.

I am a car dealer and I buy a car from Michigan when I live in Maryland. That is Interstate commerce. When I turn around and sell it to a local Marylander, that is Intrastate commerce.
hey dork, PA laws are state laws..

Title II of the CRA is not state law, it's Federal.
This is about the state of MS. But I could have been more clear.

Yes you could have since your statement was false on its face. Christians are protected from discrimination in all 50 states, gays in fewer than half.

If you had said PA laws that protect gays from discrimination (like passed in Charlotte) are local laws, you would have been correct.

So are you opposed to all PA laws or just the LOCAL ones that protect the LGBT community?
We have discussed this before. I oppose all of them. For anyone. Those people are no weaker than anyone else. They don't need the government to wipe their ass.
The proponents are either just emotional or they are the insecure minority that wants it.
I try to look at people equally :dunno:

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