Miss. Passes anti gay discrimination law.

Where did the statement of hating anyone come from you reading my post.
My comment was the double standard by the" christian" right.

Just like no one is proposing to do anything to "christians" , yet they become the most persecuted group ever. Which leads to their unending whiny.
How pathetic is the fact they use the tactics they seem to despise.
The become, "christians", one of the largest hypocritical groups ever.

That's the point. The Hissing Possums have a First Amendment right to speak. That's what's really pissing off the gays. They are pissed because the folks in Mississippi are repulsed by them.
I doubt if they needed the Mississippi law to realize some people are repulsed by them. The Hissing Possums have a right to speak and a right to think what they wish. What they don't have the right to do is limit the equal rights of a group they don't like. We are ALL afforded the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of liberty and to be treated equally in public institutions. If you don't like them, think or say what you like, but you can't take action to treat them any differently than you would someone of like mind.

Yes, gays aren't an acceptable group to hate, like Christians or something ...

BTW, no one is proposing to do anything to gays. It's how pathetic and weak the left is. Most people in history would be glad to just be left alone to live their lives. But leftists are so dependent on government that not getting validation and perks to you makes life actually unlivable. You people would have just starved and died at any other point in history

Don't know, that wasn't the point I made. I just pointed out your double standard. You don't oppose discrimination, you just want to decide who can and can't be discriminated against. As here, when pointed out a group you hate, you call them "whiny" for expecting the same treatment you give gays

Your "double standard" made no sense.

They don't want to be discriminated by government

They don't want to be forced to do business with people who they consider immoral

There is no double standard there
Where did I make a comment about Islam?

Like the hyperbole the "christians" use about being persecuted about not being able to practice their religious beliefs.

Yes, gays aren't an acceptable group to hate, like Christians or something ...

BTW, no one is proposing to do anything to gays. It's how pathetic and weak the left is. Most people in history would be glad to just be left alone to live their lives. But leftists are so dependent on government that not getting validation and perks to you makes life actually unlivable. You people would have just starved and died at any other point in history
The Mississippi law DOES do plenty to hurt others. Denies them food, shelter, clothing, and even the right to go to the bathroom. That is totally against God. It is totally against the teachings of Jesus.

When your religion teaches you to hate others that are different than yourself, you are worshiping Satan. The KKK claims to be Christian, like ISIS claims to be Muslim.

"It denies them food, shelter, clothing and even the right to go to the bathroom."

Hyperbole is such a terrible argument

I'm not sure what you're talking about, but that wasn't the point I made. I talked about your hatred of them. For example, you think Islam should be unrestricted while Christians and Jews should be blocked from even posting the 10 commandments in schools

It's what you vote for
Title II of the CRA is not state law, it's Federal.
This is about the state of MS. But I could have been more clear.

Yes you could have since your statement was false on its face. Christians are protected from discrimination in all 50 states, gays in fewer than half.

If you had said PA laws that protect gays from discrimination (like passed in Charlotte) are local laws, you would have been correct.

So are you opposed to all PA laws or just the LOCAL ones that protect the LGBT community?
We have discussed this before. I oppose all of them. For anyone. Those people are no weaker than anyone else. They don't need the government to wipe their ass.
The proponents are either just emotional or they are the insecure minority that wants it.
I try to look at people equally :dunno:

So what are you doing to get rid of all of them? Do localities have the right to pass laws that don't violate the Constitution, yes or no?
Mississippi already lost 400 jobs over their bigotry.

The US has lost hundreds of thousands over Obamacare, at least.
you can't back that number up
the minimum wage has cost millions.
or that one
LOL, suddenly 400 are a standard to you ...
if what you said was true (it wasn't) it would make the case for not losing 400 jobs all the more important.

Not dealing with the millions of jobs the left cost makes focusing on saving 400 more important. Got it. I'm writing this down, thanks
This is about the state of MS. But I could have been more clear.

Yes you could have since your statement was false on its face. Christians are protected from discrimination in all 50 states, gays in fewer than half.

If you had said PA laws that protect gays from discrimination (like passed in Charlotte) are local laws, you would have been correct.

So are you opposed to all PA laws or just the LOCAL ones that protect the LGBT community?
We have discussed this before. I oppose all of them. For anyone. Those people are no weaker than anyone else. They don't need the government to wipe their ass.
The proponents are either just emotional or they are the insecure minority that wants it.
I try to look at people equally :dunno:

So what are you doing to get rid of all of them? Do localities have the right to pass laws that don't violate the Constitution, yes or no?

Yes, and States have the right to override them. The States are the Republics:

10th amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people themselves"

The localities don't have power over the State governments. Interestingly enough, they do have power over the Federal government, though that's ignored, and by no one more than you libbies
This is about the state of MS. But I could have been more clear.

Yes you could have since your statement was false on its face. Christians are protected from discrimination in all 50 states, gays in fewer than half.

If you had said PA laws that protect gays from discrimination (like passed in Charlotte) are local laws, you would have been correct.

So are you opposed to all PA laws or just the LOCAL ones that protect the LGBT community?
We have discussed this before. I oppose all of them. For anyone. Those people are no weaker than anyone else. They don't need the government to wipe their ass.
The proponents are either just emotional or they are the insecure minority that wants it.
I try to look at people equally :dunno:

So what are you doing to get rid of all of them? Do localities have the right to pass laws that don't violate the Constitution, yes or no?
Nope. I wonder if San Fran knows they are ignoring federal law? Do you agree with that? Or the states that have passed pot laws? Wel, I guess pot law regulation isn't a constitutional duty either..
Im wondering if that is even "constitutional" though, really. I don't know where the Constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate private businesses(or individuals will for that matter) like that. Maybe I missed it?
Mississippi already lost 400 jobs over their bigotry.

The US has lost hundreds of thousands over Obamacare, at least.
you can't back that number up
the minimum wage has cost millions.
or that one
LOL, suddenly 400 are a standard to you ...
if what you said was true (it wasn't) it would make the case for not losing 400 jobs all the more important.

Not dealing with the millions of jobs the left cost makes focusing on saving 400 more important. Got it. I'm writing this down, thanks
i didn't realize i was going to have to break it down like this so you would understand (although i should have)

it's simple supply and demand. your claim amounts to a scarcity of jobs - if jobs are scarce they become more valuable. if they are more valuable the loss of 400 potential jobs is more important.

your claims are bullshit, but that doesn't make the jobs unimportant, just not as important as if all your doom and gloom was accurate.
Yes you could have since your statement was false on its face. Christians are protected from discrimination in all 50 states, gays in fewer than half.

If you had said PA laws that protect gays from discrimination (like passed in Charlotte) are local laws, you would have been correct.

So are you opposed to all PA laws or just the LOCAL ones that protect the LGBT community?
We have discussed this before. I oppose all of them. For anyone. Those people are no weaker than anyone else. They don't need the government to wipe their ass.
The proponents are either just emotional or they are the insecure minority that wants it.
I try to look at people equally :dunno:

So what are you doing to get rid of all of them? Do localities have the right to pass laws that don't violate the Constitution, yes or no?
Nope. I wonder if San Fran knows they are ignoring federal law? Do you agree with that? Or the states that have passed pot laws?
Im wondering if that is even "constitutional" though, really. I don't know where the Constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate private businesses(or individuals will for that matter) like that. Maybe I missed it?

Yes they do.

Why Kim Davis’s refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses is legally different from a ‘sanctuary city’s’ refusal to cooperate with federal immigration law

The Constitutionality of PA laws have been challenged many, many, many times over the last 50 years. Go ahead and try again.
Mississippi already lost 400 jobs over their bigotry.

The US has lost hundreds of thousands over Obamacare, at least.
you can't back that number up
the minimum wage has cost millions.
or that one
LOL, suddenly 400 are a standard to you ...
if what you said was true (it wasn't) it would make the case for not losing 400 jobs all the more important.

Not dealing with the millions of jobs the left cost makes focusing on saving 400 more important. Got it. I'm writing this down, thanks
i didn't realize i was going to have to break it down like this so you would understand (although i should have)

it's simple supply and demand. your claim amounts to a scarcity of jobs - if jobs are scarce they become more valuable. if they are more valuable the loss of 400 potential jobs is more important.

your claims are bullshit, but that doesn't make the jobs unimportant, just not as important as if all your doom and gloom was accurate.

Economists don't know anything about economics, lawyers are the experts in economics. Everyone knows that
Only a bigot would say "religion is a bull shit cover" but the freakazoid and sodomites are so full of hatred that they don't even realize that they are bigots. You almost gotta laugh that sodomites punished the Boy Scouts for a Supreme Court decision that said they had the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to use the BSA as a hunting ground for pedophiles. Next they went after normal teenage girls and forced them to endure sharing a locker room and shower with a freakazoid boy who likes to wear panty hose. What's the next move for the sodomites and freakazoid bigots? Punish Mississippi with economic sanctions? How about this, it's the freaking law and learn to live with it just like religious people learned to live with the abortion holocaust.

God directed John Smith and L. Ron Hubbard to show you the insanity of religion. Your post cements the righteousness of God.
"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

Pointing out the stupidity of religious beliefs is NOT bigotry.

But pointing out the stupidity over ruining a person over a baked cake is bigotry?

But pointing out the stupidity over ruining a person over a baked cake is bigotry?

The 'ruining' occurred by the owners own effort by not following law.
If you went into a Muslim Restaurant and demanded to be served Pork and Beer, is it the obligation of that restaurant to provide for you? Or does it go against the Muslims religion? Double standards, without them, liberals would have no standards at all.

It's not on the menu. Apples and oranges from not making a cake (on the menu) because of ones sexual orientation.
Yes you could have since your statement was false on its face. Christians are protected from discrimination in all 50 states, gays in fewer than half.

If you had said PA laws that protect gays from discrimination (like passed in Charlotte) are local laws, you would have been correct.

So are you opposed to all PA laws or just the LOCAL ones that protect the LGBT community?
We have discussed this before. I oppose all of them. For anyone. Those people are no weaker than anyone else. They don't need the government to wipe their ass.
The proponents are either just emotional or they are the insecure minority that wants it.
I try to look at people equally :dunno:

So what are you doing to get rid of all of them? Do localities have the right to pass laws that don't violate the Constitution, yes or no?
Nope. I wonder if San Fran knows they are ignoring federal law? Do you agree with that? Or the states that have passed pot laws? Wel, I guess pot law regulation isn't a constitutional duty either..
Im wondering if that is even "constitutional" though, really. I don't know where the Constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate private businesses(or individuals will for that matter) like that. Maybe I missed it?

Commerce clause .

[The Congress shall have Power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

So are you opposed to all PA laws or just the LOCAL ones that protect the LGBT community?
We have discussed this before. I oppose all of them. For anyone. Those people are no weaker than anyone else. They don't need the government to wipe their ass.
The proponents are either just emotional or they are the insecure minority that wants it.
I try to look at people equally :dunno:

So what are you doing to get rid of all of them? Do localities have the right to pass laws that don't violate the Constitution, yes or no?
Nope. I wonder if San Fran knows they are ignoring federal law? Do you agree with that? Or the states that have passed pot laws? Wel, I guess pot law regulation isn't a constitutional duty either..
Im wondering if that is even "constitutional" though, really. I don't know where the Constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate private businesses(or individuals will for that matter) like that. Maybe I missed it?

Commerce clause .
key words : "like that"
Do you understand what interstate commerce is? lol
So are you opposed to all PA laws or just the LOCAL ones that protect the LGBT community?
We have discussed this before. I oppose all of them. For anyone. Those people are no weaker than anyone else. They don't need the government to wipe their ass.
The proponents are either just emotional or they are the insecure minority that wants it.
I try to look at people equally :dunno:

So what are you doing to get rid of all of them? Do localities have the right to pass laws that don't violate the Constitution, yes or no?
Nope. I wonder if San Fran knows they are ignoring federal law? Do you agree with that? Or the states that have passed pot laws? Wel, I guess pot law regulation isn't a constitutional duty either..
Im wondering if that is even "constitutional" though, really. I don't know where the Constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate private businesses(or individuals will for that matter) like that. Maybe I missed it?

Commerce clause .
key words : "like that"
Do you understand what interstate commerce is? lol

Doesn't take much to get past the "interstate " part of the clause .

Example . B N B takes online reservations from other states . BAM !! Interstate commerce . Do you understand ??????
Last edited:
We have discussed this before. I oppose all of them. For anyone. Those people are no weaker than anyone else. They don't need the government to wipe their ass.
The proponents are either just emotional or they are the insecure minority that wants it.
I try to look at people equally :dunno:

So what are you doing to get rid of all of them? Do localities have the right to pass laws that don't violate the Constitution, yes or no?
Nope. I wonder if San Fran knows they are ignoring federal law? Do you agree with that? Or the states that have passed pot laws? Wel, I guess pot law regulation isn't a constitutional duty either..
Im wondering if that is even "constitutional" though, really. I don't know where the Constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate private businesses(or individuals will for that matter) like that. Maybe I missed it?

Commerce clause .
key words : "like that"
Do you understand what interstate commerce is? lol

Doesn't take much to get past the "interstate " part of the clause .

Example . B N B takes online reservations from other states . BAM !! Interstate commerce . Do you understand ??????
yea, that's the way the court ruled, but I am arguing their decision.. lol
How does who you hire or sell to effect interstate commerce?
I'd have a modicum of respect for these bigoted laws if just one of them would require the establishment to list, clearly, in their advertising or in their establishment, just who they will not serve...

So are you opposed to all PA laws or just the LOCAL ones that protect the LGBT community?
We have discussed this before. I oppose all of them. For anyone. Those people are no weaker than anyone else. They don't need the government to wipe their ass.
The proponents are either just emotional or they are the insecure minority that wants it.
I try to look at people equally :dunno:

So what are you doing to get rid of all of them? Do localities have the right to pass laws that don't violate the Constitution, yes or no?
Nope. I wonder if San Fran knows they are ignoring federal law? Do you agree with that? Or the states that have passed pot laws? Wel, I guess pot law regulation isn't a constitutional duty either..
Im wondering if that is even "constitutional" though, really. I don't know where the Constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate private businesses(or individuals will for that matter) like that. Maybe I missed it?

Commerce clause .

[The Congress shall have Power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
Congress could conceivably pass a law extending PA accommodation beyond race color religion or national origin. But without that, individuals are free to discriminate against anyone else, unless an individual state has such a PA law.

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