Miss. Passes anti gay discrimination law.

Guess Mississippi was upset about other red states stealing their bigotry heritage .

What gets me, this has nothing to do wh "religious beliefs". Religion is just a bullshit cover for people to express their hatred. Bunch of fake Christians should be ashamed .

Mississippi governor signs law allowing refusal of service to same-sex couples and others

Mississippi's governor signed a law that allows public and private businesses to refuse service to gay couples and others based on the employers' religious beliefs.

What are Mississippi Republicans doing to move themselves out of the number one position of working class poor State? Nothing?

If you don't live in Mississippi, then it's really not your problem.

True . But I can still point out thier hypocratic n hateful actions.
Guess Mississippi was upset about other red states stealing their bigotry heritage .

What gets me, this has nothing to do wh "religious beliefs". Religion is just a bullshit cover for people to express their hatred. Bunch of fake Christians should be ashamed .

Mississippi governor signs law allowing refusal of service to same-sex couples and others

Mississippi's governor signed a law that allows public and private businesses to refuse service to gay couples and others based on the employers' religious beliefs.

What are Mississippi Republicans doing to move themselves out of the number one position of working class poor State? Nothing?

If you don't live in Mississippi, then it's really not your problem.

True . But I can still point out thier hypocratic n hateful actions.

We used to call meddling and gossiping old women "busybodies".
Only a bigot would say "religion is a bull shit cover" but the freakazoid and sodomites are so full of hatred that they don't even realize that they are bigots. You almost gotta laugh that sodomites punished the Boy Scouts for a Supreme Court decision that said they had the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to use the BSA as a hunting ground for pedophiles. Next they went after normal teenage girls and forced them to endure sharing a locker room and shower with a freakazoid boy who likes to wear panty hose. What's the next move for the sodomites and freakazoid bigots? Punish Mississippi with economic sanctions? How about this, it's the freaking law and learn to live with it just like religious people learned to live with the abortion holocaust.
Guess Mississippi was upset about other red states stealing their bigotry heritage .

What gets me, this has nothing to do wh "religious beliefs". Religion is just a bullshit cover for people to express their hatred. Bunch of fake Christians should be ashamed .

Mississippi governor signs law allowing refusal of service to same-sex couples and others

Mississippi's governor signed a law that allows public and private businesses to refuse service to gay couples and others based on the employers' religious beliefs.

What are Mississippi Republicans doing to move themselves out of the number one position of working class poor State? Nothing?

If you don't live in Mississippi, then it's really not your problem.

If you don't live in Mississippi, then it's really not your problem.

Wrong! Mississippi receives more than $3.00 for every dollar paid in federal tax. In other words, they're takers. Why don't Republicans fix their TAKING problem?
Only a bigot would say "religion is a bull shit cover" but the freakazoid and sodomites are so full of hatred that they don't even realize that they are bigots. You almost gotta laugh that sodomites punished the Boy Scouts for a Supreme Court decision that said they had the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to use the BSA as a hunting ground for pedophiles. Next they went after normal teenage girls and forced them to endure sharing a locker room and shower with a freakazoid boy who likes to wear panty hose. What's the next move for the sodomites and freakazoid bigots? Punish Mississippi with economic sanctions? How about this, it's the freaking law and learn to live with it just like religious people learned to live with the abortion holocaust.

God directed John Smith and L. Ron Hubbard to show you the insanity of religion. Your post cements the righteousness of God.
Guess Mississippi was upset about other red states stealing their bigotry heritage .

What gets me, this has nothing to do wh "religious beliefs". Religion is just a bullshit cover for people to express their hatred. Bunch of fake Christians should be ashamed .

Mississippi governor signs law allowing refusal of service to same-sex couples and others

Mississippi's governor signed a law that allows public and private businesses to refuse service to gay couples and others based on the employers' religious beliefs.

What are Mississippi Republicans doing to move themselves out of the number one position of working class poor State? Nothing?

If you don't live in Mississippi, then it's really not your problem.

If you don't live in Mississippi, then it's really not your problem.

Wrong! Mississippi receives more than $3.00 for every dollar paid in federal tax. In other words, they're takers. Why don't Republicans fix their TAKING problem?

So it's a Republican problem. Maybe they would if the people were not subsidizing for Obamacare.
Only a bigot would say "religion is a bull shit cover" but the freakazoid and sodomites are so full of hatred that they don't even realize that they are bigots. You almost gotta laugh that sodomites punished the Boy Scouts for a Supreme Court decision that said they had the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to use the BSA as a hunting ground for pedophiles. Next they went after normal teenage girls and forced them to endure sharing a locker room and shower with a freakazoid boy who likes to wear panty hose. What's the next move for the sodomites and freakazoid bigots? Punish Mississippi with economic sanctions? How about this, it's the freaking law and learn to live with it just like religious people learned to live with the abortion holocaust.

Great . Add that to the list of 1000 things that are a sin.

Do they discriminate vs divorced people? People wh tattoos ? All sins . But noooo , it's the gay thing that gets them going . Fake Christians every one . Jesus would spit in thier faces .
No it is funded by the general fund and we have progressive taxes. Other people get their Obamacare fully or partially paid for. There is nothing "equally" about it.

And that wasn't my point. My point was the significant percent of us who oppose it got it rammed down our throats against our will
It is a tax. The power to tax is the broadest gummit power. The power to compel one person to contract with another is extremely limited. However, it a private person is performing a government service (or state action), the gummit's power to allow private discrimination is typically limited.

All people are taxed equally because all people in the same income level with the same eligibility for deductions and credits are treated the same.

And so, the standard changes again. You said we are all taxed equally, when I showed you we are not, you changed your position to "it is a tax" and defended that. And one tiny piece of Obamacare is a tax, the penalty. The exchanges, defining insurance coverage, those are not a tax.

Obamacare also forces private citizens to deal with private companies, government compels citizens what to do all the time, and there is no Constitutional authority to do that. Leftists actually turn limits on government into powers of government, it's pathetic

And "All people are taxed equally because all people in the same income level with the same eligibility for deductions and credits are treated the same," all I can say is :lmao: Now that's some spin.

This word "equally," you are using it in a way I hadn't previously heard before. Geez

You don't have to sign up with obamacare . Sure there's a tax hit for having NO insurance . There's also a tax hit for not having children and 100 other things .

Government charging you a tax is the same as government not giving you a deduction for something you didn't do


M'kay ...

Semantics . In the end you tax bill changes . Same difference .

No, actually it's not
Let me get this straight. If you let your 5 yr old go into a bathroom unattended.. You are an idiot.
There are restrooms all over the world where people of different sexes use the toilet.
SO, Yes. you are!

Choice does = freedom.
North Carolina's "bathroom bill" just cost the state 400 future jobs.
North Carolina loses 400 jobs as PayPal pulls facility!

And it could be more these jobs and counting.
Choice = Freedom

Choice = freedom

View attachment 70350
It is a tax. The power to tax is the broadest gummit power. The power to compel one person to contract with another is extremely limited. However, it a private person is performing a government service (or state action), the gummit's power to allow private discrimination is typically limited.

All people are taxed equally because all people in the same income level with the same eligibility for deductions and credits are treated the same.

And so, the standard changes again. You said we are all taxed equally, when I showed you we are not, you changed your position to "it is a tax" and defended that. And one tiny piece of Obamacare is a tax, the penalty. The exchanges, defining insurance coverage, those are not a tax.

Obamacare also forces private citizens to deal with private companies, government compels citizens what to do all the time, and there is no Constitutional authority to do that. Leftists actually turn limits on government into powers of government, it's pathetic

And "All people are taxed equally because all people in the same income level with the same eligibility for deductions and credits are treated the same," all I can say is :lmao: Now that's some spin.

This word "equally," you are using it in a way I hadn't previously heard before. Geez

You don't have to sign up with obamacare . Sure there's a tax hit for having NO insurance . There's also a tax hit for not having children and 100 other things .

Government charging you a tax is the same as government not giving you a deduction for something you didn't do


M'kay ...

Semantics . In the end you tax bill changes . Same difference .

No, actually it's not

Yes it is . Me n my neighbor make the same money . He has a child, I do not . He pays less taxes than me . I am penalized because I don't have a kid .
Only a bigot would say "religion is a bull shit cover" but the freakazoid and sodomites are so full of hatred that they don't even realize that they are bigots. You almost gotta laugh that sodomites punished the Boy Scouts for a Supreme Court decision that said they had the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to use the BSA as a hunting ground for pedophiles. Next they went after normal teenage girls and forced them to endure sharing a locker room and shower with a freakazoid boy who likes to wear panty hose. What's the next move for the sodomites and freakazoid bigots? Punish Mississippi with economic sanctions? How about this, it's the freaking law and learn to live with it just like religious people learned to live with the abortion holocaust.

God directed John Smith and L. Ron Hubbard to show you the insanity of religion. Your post cements the righteousness of God.
"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.
Guess Mississippi was upset about other red states stealing their bigotry heritage .

What gets me, this has nothing to do wh "religious beliefs". Religion is just a bullshit cover for people to express their hatred. Bunch of fake Christians should be ashamed .

Mississippi governor signs law allowing refusal of service to same-sex couples and others

Mississippi's governor signed a law that allows public and private businesses to refuse service to gay couples and others based on the employers' religious beliefs.

What are Mississippi Republicans doing to move themselves out of the number one position of working class poor State? Nothing?

If you don't live in Mississippi, then it's really not your problem.

If you don't live in Mississippi, then it's really not your problem.

Wrong! Mississippi receives more than $3.00 for every dollar paid in federal tax. In other words, they're takers. Why don't Republicans fix their TAKING problem?

So it's a Republican problem. Maybe they would if the people were not subsidizing for Obamacare.

So it's a Republican problem. Maybe they would if the people were not subsidizing for Obamacare.

We should go back to subsidizing the uninsured?
Only a bigot would say "religion is a bull shit cover" but the freakazoid and sodomites are so full of hatred that they don't even realize that they are bigots. You almost gotta laugh that sodomites punished the Boy Scouts for a Supreme Court decision that said they had the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to use the BSA as a hunting ground for pedophiles. Next they went after normal teenage girls and forced them to endure sharing a locker room and shower with a freakazoid boy who likes to wear panty hose. What's the next move for the sodomites and freakazoid bigots? Punish Mississippi with economic sanctions? How about this, it's the freaking law and learn to live with it just like religious people learned to live with the abortion holocaust.

God directed John Smith and L. Ron Hubbard to show you the insanity of religion. Your post cements the righteousness of God.
"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

Pointing out the stupidity of religious beliefs is NOT bigotry.
Ignorant red states passing these pro-discrimination bills will soon be begging blue states for yet more subsidies as their tax bases are lowered with the withdrawal of major companies who refuse to operate in bigoted states. Pay Pal was just the last to announce they will not operate in North Caroline because of their recently passed law. Four Hundred jobs, gone from North Carolina.
Better look now dipshit, but California and Illinois both are billions of dollars in debt. Why? Because liberalism has chased out many "NORMAL" people who just wanted to live their lives in happiness. But as long as miserable liberals continue to push their bullshit agenda, more people will leave those states for more normal living spaces.
Mississippi will have more people flocking to that state, just to get away from the insane. Remember that Obama is allowing 20,000 Syrian Refugees into America(1 out of ever 100 is a ISIS recruit) and how do you think they will treat those fanatical hard left homo's of the LBGTQXWYZ? You liberals really are for those mentally challenged individuals who cant come to grips with nature.
Leading Psychiatrist Says Liberalism is a Psychological Disorder
“Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded,” says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.” “Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”

And so, the standard changes again. You said we are all taxed equally, when I showed you we are not, you changed your position to "it is a tax" and defended that. And one tiny piece of Obamacare is a tax, the penalty. The exchanges, defining insurance coverage, those are not a tax.

Obamacare also forces private citizens to deal with private companies, government compels citizens what to do all the time, and there is no Constitutional authority to do that. Leftists actually turn limits on government into powers of government, it's pathetic

And "All people are taxed equally because all people in the same income level with the same eligibility for deductions and credits are treated the same," all I can say is :lmao: Now that's some spin.

This word "equally," you are using it in a way I hadn't previously heard before. Geez

You don't have to sign up with obamacare . Sure there's a tax hit for having NO insurance . There's also a tax hit for not having children and 100 other things .

Government charging you a tax is the same as government not giving you a deduction for something you didn't do


M'kay ...

Semantics . In the end you tax bill changes . Same difference .

No, actually it's not

Yes it is . Me n my neighbor make the same money . He has a child, I do not . He pays less taxes than me . I am penalized because I don't have a kid .
IF you want "FAIRNESS" you can always go to CUBA, now that the door is open. Everyone except the Castro brothers get paid the same, own the same, and are liberally miserable the same. That is what liberalism is all about, FAIRNESS.
You people are SO DISHONEST but you have to be in order to stir up crap on the majority of the people.

now it's an: anti-homosexual (they should be that again, because Gay they aren't) and discrimination law.
the hell with you 99% of the people who aren't Homosexual. you need to bow and your rights and freedoms don't mean crap.
Better look now dipshit, but California and Illinois both are billions of dollars in debt. Why? Because liberalism has chased out many "NORMAL" people who just wanted to live their lives in happiness. But as long as miserable liberals continue to push their bullshit agenda, more people will leave those states for more normal living spaces.
Mississippi will have more people flocking to that state, just to get away from the insane.

Mississippi has a greater debt as a percentage of GSP than California and is only one state removed from Illinois.

Nobody is flocking to Mississippi.

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