Miss. Passes anti gay discrimination law.

Only a bigot would say "religion is a bull shit cover" but the freakazoid and sodomites are so full of hatred that they don't even realize that they are bigots. You almost gotta laugh that sodomites punished the Boy Scouts for a Supreme Court decision that said they had the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to use the BSA as a hunting ground for pedophiles. Next they went after normal teenage girls and forced them to endure sharing a locker room and shower with a freakazoid boy who likes to wear panty hose. What's the next move for the sodomites and freakazoid bigots? Punish Mississippi with economic sanctions? How about this, it's the freaking law and learn to live with it just like religious people learned to live with the abortion holocaust.

God directed John Smith and L. Ron Hubbard to show you the insanity of religion. Your post cements the righteousness of God.
"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

Pointing out the stupidity of religious beliefs is NOT bigotry.

But pointing out the stupidity over ruining a person over a baked cake is bigotry?
Guess Mississippi was upset about other red states stealing their bigotry heritage .

What gets me, this has nothing to do wh "religious beliefs". Religion is just a bullshit cover for people to express their hatred. Bunch of fake Christians should be ashamed .

Mississippi governor signs law allowing refusal of service to same-sex couples and others

Mississippi's governor signed a law that allows public and private businesses to refuse service to gay couples and others based on the employers' religious beliefs.
that's incredible O_O
so from now on in Mississippi you can refuse service to people just because of your religious beliefs??
hope somebody could fix this problem: maybe the Mississippi Supreme Court or the US Supreme Court will declare this law unconstitutional
If you went into a Muslim Restaurant and demanded to be served Pork and Beer, is it the obligation of that restaurant to provide for you? Or does it go against the Muslims religion? Double standards, without them, liberals would have no standards at all.
Only a bigot would say "religion is a bull shit cover" but the freakazoid and sodomites are so full of hatred that they don't even realize that they are bigots. You almost gotta laugh that sodomites punished the Boy Scouts for a Supreme Court decision that said they had the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to use the BSA as a hunting ground for pedophiles. Next they went after normal teenage girls and forced them to endure sharing a locker room and shower with a freakazoid boy who likes to wear panty hose. What's the next move for the sodomites and freakazoid bigots? Punish Mississippi with economic sanctions? How about this, it's the freaking law and learn to live with it just like religious people learned to live with the abortion holocaust.

God directed John Smith and L. Ron Hubbard to show you the insanity of religion. Your post cements the righteousness of God.
"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

Pointing out the stupidity of religious beliefs is NOT bigotry.

But pointing out the stupidity over ruining a person over a baked cake is bigotry?

People get "ruined" over traffic tickets. Guess we have to stop handing out speeding tickets, right?
Just how odious is this bill? It allows people with "religious conviction" to fire someone who is gay or to deny them housing because they are gay.

When your site nit picks down to ruining people over not providing an easily replaceable service over nothing more than hurt feelings, you should expect an equal over-reaction from the other side.

This is a bad law, but you idiots brought it on yourself for trying to regulate morality.
Only a bigot would say "religion is a bull shit cover" but the freakazoid and sodomites are so full of hatred that they don't even realize that they are bigots. You almost gotta laugh that sodomites punished the Boy Scouts for a Supreme Court decision that said they had the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to use the BSA as a hunting ground for pedophiles. Next they went after normal teenage girls and forced them to endure sharing a locker room and shower with a freakazoid boy who likes to wear panty hose. What's the next move for the sodomites and freakazoid bigots? Punish Mississippi with economic sanctions? How about this, it's the freaking law and learn to live with it just like religious people learned to live with the abortion holocaust.

God directed John Smith and L. Ron Hubbard to show you the insanity of religion. Your post cements the righteousness of God.
"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

Pointing out the stupidity of religious beliefs is NOT bigotry.

But pointing out the stupidity over ruining a person over a baked cake is bigotry?

People get "ruined" over traffic tickets. Guess we have to stop handing out speeding tickets, right?

Speeding can cause actual harm.

And if you wanted to just fine these bakers $100, I would have far less of an issue with it.
Guess Mississippi was upset about other red states stealing their bigotry heritage .

What gets me, this has nothing to do wh "religious beliefs". Religion is just a bullshit cover for people to express their hatred. Bunch of fake Christians should be ashamed .

Mississippi governor signs law allowing refusal of service to same-sex couples and others

Mississippi's governor signed a law that allows public and private businesses to refuse service to gay couples and others based on the employers' religious beliefs.
that's incredible O_O
so from now on in Mississippi you can refuse service to people just because of your religious beliefs??
hope somebody could fix this problem: maybe the Mississippi Supreme Court or the US Supreme Court will declare this law unconstitutional

No, only gays. The law is VERY specific about it referring to "the gheys" only. Only anti gay bigots get protected in Old Miss these days. The racist bigots are prevented by Federal law from exercising their "deeply held religious beliefs".
God directed John Smith and L. Ron Hubbard to show you the insanity of religion. Your post cements the righteousness of God.
"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

Pointing out the stupidity of religious beliefs is NOT bigotry.

But pointing out the stupidity over ruining a person over a baked cake is bigotry?

People get "ruined" over traffic tickets. Guess we have to stop handing out speeding tickets, right?

Speeding can cause actual harm.

And if you wanted to just fine these bakers $100, I would have far less of an issue with it.

Make it closer to $500 and you have a deal. You have to make the penalty great enough to encourage the individual to stop the illegal behavior.
Just how odious is this bill? It allows people with "religious conviction" to fire someone who is gay or to deny them housing because they are gay.

This is really going to come to bite the religious right in the ass, because they are going to have to backtrack on their standard rhetoric. If you can fire someone for being gay, then being gay is no longer a choice. It's the way people are born.
"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

Pointing out the stupidity of religious beliefs is NOT bigotry.

But pointing out the stupidity over ruining a person over a baked cake is bigotry?

People get "ruined" over traffic tickets. Guess we have to stop handing out speeding tickets, right?

Speeding can cause actual harm.

And if you wanted to just fine these bakers $100, I would have far less of an issue with it.

Make it closer to $500 and you have a deal. You have to make the penalty great enough to encourage the individual to stop the illegal behavior.

Nope. And I said I would have LESS of an issue with it.

Of course that would lead to people trolling said bakers, people with no intent of buying a cake just to collect their $100 or $500 or whatever dollars.

You do realize parking tickets have gone from discouraging behavior to a revenue stream, right?
If you went into a Muslim Restaurant and demanded to be served Pork and Beer, is it the obligation of that restaurant to provide for you? Or does it go against the Muslims religion? Double standards, without them, liberals would have no standards at all.

Over and over and over...this stupid talking point pops up.

No one was asked to provide goods or services they do not provide. A business that sells cakes was asked to bake a cake. A business that sells flowers was asked to sell flowers. A photographer was asked to take pictures.

If you advertise and sell a product or provide a service to Couple A you can not then deny that exact same service or product to Couple B because they are (insert protected class here)
Guess Mississippi was upset about other red states stealing their bigotry heritage .

What gets me, this has nothing to do wh "religious beliefs". Religion is just a bullshit cover for people to express their hatred. Bunch of fake Christians should be ashamed .

Mississippi governor signs law allowing refusal of service to same-sex couples and others

Mississippi's governor signed a law that allows public and private businesses to refuse service to gay couples and others based on the employers' religious beliefs.

Hey bigot - what's your problem with Christians?
You expect people of your ilk (cocksuckers) to be treated with compassion, yet you bash millions of Christians with your bigoted racism?
Go fuck yourself, faggot.
"The insanity of religion"? I rest my case about left wing bigotry.

Pointing out the stupidity of religious beliefs is NOT bigotry.

But pointing out the stupidity over ruining a person over a baked cake is bigotry?

People get "ruined" over traffic tickets. Guess we have to stop handing out speeding tickets, right?

Speeding can cause actual harm.

And if you wanted to just fine these bakers $100, I would have far less of an issue with it.

Make it closer to $500 and you have a deal. You have to make the penalty great enough to encourage the individual to stop the illegal behavior.

Nope. And I said I would have LESS of an issue with it.

Of course that would lead to people trolling said bakers, people with no intent of buying a cake just to collect their $100 or $500 or whatever dollars.

You do realize parking tickets have gone from discouraging behavior to a revenue stream, right?

If it's a fine, the people being denied service don't get the money.

So, let's make bigotry a revenue stream, that's cool. :lol:
But pointing out the stupidity over ruining a person over a baked cake is bigotry?

People get "ruined" over traffic tickets. Guess we have to stop handing out speeding tickets, right?

Speeding can cause actual harm.

And if you wanted to just fine these bakers $100, I would have far less of an issue with it.

Make it closer to $500 and you have a deal. You have to make the penalty great enough to encourage the individual to stop the illegal behavior.

Nope. And I said I would have LESS of an issue with it.

Of course that would lead to people trolling said bakers, people with no intent of buying a cake just to collect their $100 or $500 or whatever dollars.

You do realize parking tickets have gone from discouraging behavior to a revenue stream, right?

If it's a fine, the people being denied service don't get the money.

So, let's make bigotry a revenue stream, that's cool. :lol:

Figures you are in favor of more government.
People get "ruined" over traffic tickets. Guess we have to stop handing out speeding tickets, right?

Speeding can cause actual harm.

And if you wanted to just fine these bakers $100, I would have far less of an issue with it.

Make it closer to $500 and you have a deal. You have to make the penalty great enough to encourage the individual to stop the illegal behavior.

Nope. And I said I would have LESS of an issue with it.

Of course that would lead to people trolling said bakers, people with no intent of buying a cake just to collect their $100 or $500 or whatever dollars.

You do realize parking tickets have gone from discouraging behavior to a revenue stream, right?

If it's a fine, the people being denied service don't get the money.

So, let's make bigotry a revenue stream, that's cool. :lol:

Figures you are in favor of more government.

When dealing with states like Mississippi, Government is the only answer
We saw that during the Civil Rights era....asking nicely did not work
People get "ruined" over traffic tickets. Guess we have to stop handing out speeding tickets, right?

Speeding can cause actual harm.

And if you wanted to just fine these bakers $100, I would have far less of an issue with it.

Make it closer to $500 and you have a deal. You have to make the penalty great enough to encourage the individual to stop the illegal behavior.

Nope. And I said I would have LESS of an issue with it.

Of course that would lead to people trolling said bakers, people with no intent of buying a cake just to collect their $100 or $500 or whatever dollars.

You do realize parking tickets have gone from discouraging behavior to a revenue stream, right?

If it's a fine, the people being denied service don't get the money.

So, let's make bigotry a revenue stream, that's cool. :lol:

Figures you are in favor of more government.

Nope, just fewer bigots practicing their bigotry in public. :lol:

Lighten up, Francis, it was a joke.

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