Mississippi pass most anti-LGBT bill to date

Mississippi pass most anti-LGBT bill to date

It claims that the law could see a woman fired from her job for wearing trousers, a counsellor on a suicide line refuse to speak to an LGBT teenager or even an adoption agency refuse to place a child with a family because the parents lived together before they were married.

This is lunacy on a majestic scale.Is the South so far behind the civilised world ?

This insanity is ridiculous. That Mississippi leads the way with the worst law is not a surprise.

This is an attempt to create a state theocracy.

You misspelled common decency.

Allowing women to be fired for wearing pants is "common decency"?
The state passing a bill stating that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that sexual relations should be reserved to such a marriage is "common decency" from the gov't? (btw, that means the state is advocating abstinence for all except married couples)
LOL. You neoQueers are running around in hysterics over nothing. Part of me wishes we can force you to pay tithes to the nearest local church in your town in you are already a member of a church already. Ha ha !

Nobody is going to be fired for wearing trousers or even a dress. But if you try to use the ladies restroom and you have a swinging dick, your ass is going into the pokey!

Let me ask you a simple question. How often have you seen the genitals of the other people in a public restroom?
This can easily bring back something t hat I had personal experience with.

In the 80s, there was a decision to add AIDS education to the Alabama public school curriculum. I applaud that. There was nothing pro or con about homosexuality. But, apparently, the powers that be foresaw a specific question being asked. A female student at the high school in Tuscaloosa asked "I heard you can't get AIDS from oral sex. Is that true"? The only answer the teacher was allowed to give when asked any question about oral sex was "Oral sex is illegal in the state of Alabama". So this naive young woman walked out thinking she was "safe" from HIV is she only performed oral sex.
Since it was against the law for her to give a BJ, why would she be in danger? Violating the sodomy laws and you risk AIDS.

BTW. Sodomy laws no longer apply in Alabame, so what's the problem? She will get the answer she seeks, if this was a true story in the first place. I doubt it was.

It is a true story. And when oral sex was against the law, it was almost never used against heterosexual couples.

You are correct that sodomy laws no longer apply in Alabama. But, since this girl would have graduated, the chance for her to ask that question in an HIV Awareness class was passed. The fact that the teachers were told that they were ot allowed to answer the question is the point.
Indeed it does. But nothing has restricted anyone's ability to worship as they choose. This bill forces the entire state to live under Judeo-Christian ideals. That is b
No, it forces the entire State to follow common sense rules. There are many common sense laws we abide by.

Common sense? Is it common sense that this person be required to use the Women's restroom?
No. The bill seeks to not punish those who don't agree that anything goes in terms of who can marry who. If bakers hadn't been punished for not wanting to bake cakes for same sex weddings and preachers not been called out for daring to quote scripture, this bill would not have been necessary.
They are trying to hide behind the Public Accommodation laws, but in reality it is cover for when they legally can have a private citizen fired from his.her job if they express opposition to pro-gay laws. It's coming, you can count on it. They will force everyone to accept perversion or face being fired or even losing the home.
Indeed it does. But nothing has restricted anyone's ability to worship as they choose. This bill forces the entire state to live under Judeo-Christian ideals. That is b
No, it forces the entire State to follow common sense rules. There are many common sense laws we abide by.

Common sense? Is it common sense that this person be required to use the Women's restroom?
If this persons body is trying to change it back into a female without hormone treatment, then yes. Btw, this photo proves nothing and could be anybody.
I rather think that many others might take your advice.Lets hope that it doesnt affect the prosperity of the state.

I rather think people will flock to.Mississippi. Remember how Chik fil A turned out....Chick-Fil-A Sales Soar In 2012 Despite Bad PR

Imagine...a fag free state. Ahhhhh :)
So don't go to Mississippi. See that was easy, no?

I have a better suggestion.

Why not Mississippi racist bigots go to mid east, where they will feel much comfortable with their gay hatred?
I heard land prices are very low in Syria, could be a good investment for future...
The mideast is coming here. And fags will be begging Christians for protection, and all this will be moot.

Who gives a shit about what bunch of "wanna be christian" ***** say

Pope has spoken; Be more accepting of divorced Catholics, gays and lesbians

Pope Francis to church: Accept gays, divorced Catholics - CNN.com
Mississippi pass most anti-LGBT bill to date

It claims that the law could see a woman fired from her job for wearing trousers, a counsellor on a suicide line refuse to speak to an LGBT teenager or even an adoption agency refuse to place a child with a family because the parents lived together before they were married.

This is lunacy on a majestic scale.Is the South so far behind the civilised world ?
Your characterization of the Bill is the real lunacy here. You can't debate the issue honestly so you mischaracterize it as Libturds do with everything.
I am not convinced taint is even american.

He's not
If Mississippi wants to protect religious freedom as it relates to marriage, then protect my right as a Catholic to object to someone who is divorced and refuse to allow a divorced person to remarry
Can you show material harm? Like you losing your right to run a business?
Mississippi pass most anti-LGBT bill to date

It claims that the law could see a woman fired from her job for wearing trousers, a counsellor on a suicide line refuse to speak to an LGBT teenager or even an adoption agency refuse to place a child with a family because the parents lived together before they were married.

This is lunacy on a majestic scale.Is the South so far behind the civilised world ?

This insanity is ridiculous. That Mississippi leads the way with the worst law is not a surprise.

This is an attempt to create a state theocracy.

You misspelled common decency.

Allowing women to be fired for wearing pants is "common decency"?
The state passing a bill stating that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that sexual relations should be reserved to such a marriage is "common decency" from the gov't? (btw, that means the state is advocating abstinence for all except married couples)
LOL. You neoQueers are running around in hysterics over nothing. Part of me wishes we can force you to pay tithes to the nearest local church in your town in you are already a member of a church already. Ha ha !

Nobody is going to be fired for wearing trousers or even a dress. But if you try to use the ladies restroom and you have a swinging dick, your ass is going into the pokey!

Let me ask you a simple question. How often have you seen the genitals of the other people in a public restroom?
This can easily bring back something t hat I had personal experience with.

In the 80s, there was a decision to add AIDS education to the Alabama public school curriculum. I applaud that. There was nothing pro or con about homosexuality. But, apparently, the powers that be foresaw a specific question being asked. A female student at the high school in Tuscaloosa asked "I heard you can't get AIDS from oral sex. Is that true"? The only answer the teacher was allowed to give when asked any question about oral sex was "Oral sex is illegal in the state of Alabama". So this naive young woman walked out thinking she was "safe" from HIV is she only performed oral sex.
Since it was against the law for her to give a BJ, why would she be in danger? Violating the sodomy laws and you risk AIDS.

BTW. Sodomy laws no longer apply in Alabame, so what's the problem? She will get the answer she seeks, if this was a true story in the first place. I doubt it was.

It is a true story. And when oral sex was against the law, it was almost never used against heterosexual couples.

You are correct that sodomy laws no longer apply in Alabama. But, since this girl would have graduated, the chance for her to ask that question in an HIV Awareness class was passed. The fact that the teachers were told that they were ot allowed to answer the question is the point.
Right! Especially in a women's room
So don't go to Mississippi. See that was easy, no?

not so easy.

Mississippi is still a state and still can't give fewer constitutional protections than the federal government.

maybe the loons should stop :thup:
What about the constitutional protections of the religious? You can't take from one and give protection to another. It's not like we're are preventing transvestites the right to take a shit.
Mississippi pass most anti-LGBT bill to date

It claims that the law could see a woman fired from her job for wearing trousers, a counsellor on a suicide line refuse to speak to an LGBT teenager or even an adoption agency refuse to place a child with a family because the parents lived together before they were married.

This is lunacy on a majestic scale.Is the South so far behind the civilised world ?

This insanity is ridiculous. That Mississippi leads the way with the worst law is not a surprise.

This is an attempt to create a state theocracy.

You misspelled common decency.

Allowing women to be fired for wearing pants is "common decency"?
The state passing a bill stating that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that sexual relations should be reserved to such a marriage is "common decency" from the gov't? (btw, that means the state is advocating abstinence for all except married couples)
LOL. You neoQueers are running around in hysterics over nothing. Part of me wishes we can force you to pay tithes to the nearest local church in your town in you are already a member of a church already. Ha ha !

Nobody is going to be fired for wearing trousers or even a dress. But if you try to use the ladies restroom and you have a swinging dick, your ass is going into the pokey!

Let me ask you a simple question. How often have you seen the genitals of the other people in a public restroom?
This can easily bring back something t hat I had personal experience with.

In the 80s, there was a decision to add AIDS education to the Alabama public school curriculum. I applaud that. There was nothing pro or con about homosexuality. But, apparently, the powers that be foresaw a specific question being asked. A female student at the high school in Tuscaloosa asked "I heard you can't get AIDS from oral sex. Is that true"? The only answer the teacher was allowed to give when asked any question about oral sex was "Oral sex is illegal in the state of Alabama". So this naive young woman walked out thinking she was "safe" from HIV is she only performed oral sex.
Since it was against the law for her to give a BJ, why would she be in danger? Violating the sodomy laws and you risk AIDS.

BTW. Sodomy laws no longer apply in Alabame, so what's the problem? She will get the answer she seeks, if this was a true story in the first place. I doubt it was.

It is a true story. And when oral sex was against the law, it was almost never used against heterosexual couples.

You are correct that sodomy laws no longer apply in Alabama. But, since this girl would have graduated, the chance for her to ask that question in an HIV Awareness class was passed. The fact that the teachers were told that they were ot allowed to answer the question is the point.
presumably avguy isn't a thirteen year old girl. We aren't concerned about upstanding citizens accidentally exposing themselves. we're concerned with perverts who will deliberately do so.

Last year I was working in a resource office that serves the poor..they have clothes, information about housing, applications and.assistance with applications....this one guy was in there. He just started vetting ssi, and he was trying to find housing he could afford.because he couldnt get on with the subsidized housing, because hes a pervert.

This office is on one side of a child care facility...we have an adjoining door which stays shut. You can hearnthe kids playing and crying, theres a little playvround out front.

so this guy came in twice to use the single bathroom....and both times he pissed in there with the.door wide.open. Deliberately. The bathroom was right next to the door to the kids place, and easily visible and just a few feet away from our desks.

Those are the freaks that take advantage of sexless bathrooms. And every one of these male fags screaming for trans bathrooms knows it.
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I would take someone highly skilled to teaching the mentally and intellectually challenged. I think that the only solution is to wait another generation until they die off or are institutionalized .

If your beloved space aliens ever show up with their anti-religion brainwashing potions, perhaps they'll have similar drugs to strip us of other vestiges of moral guidance and ethics as well—turning us all into the sort of obedient, mindless, amoral left-wrong-wing zombies by which you wish this world was populated.
…but in reality it is cover for when they legally can have a private citizen fired from his.her job if they express opposition to pro-gay laws. It's coming, you can count on it. They will force everyone to accept perversion or face being fired or even losing the home.

It's happened, already. See Brendan Eich and Frank Turek.
Mississippi pass most anti-LGBT bill to date

It claims that the law could see a woman fired from her job for wearing trousers, a counsellor on a suicide line refuse to speak to an LGBT teenager or even an adoption agency refuse to place a child with a family because the parents lived together before they were married.

This is lunacy on a majestic scale.Is the South so far behind the civilised world ?

This insanity is ridiculous. That Mississippi leads the way with the worst law is not a surprise.

This is an attempt to create a state theocracy.

You misspelled common decency.

Allowing women to be fired for wearing pants is "common decency"?
The state passing a bill stating that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that sexual relations should be reserved to such a marriage is "common decency" from the gov't? (btw, that means the state is advocating abstinence for all except married couples)
LOL. All you neoQueers are running around in hysterics over nothing. Part of me wishes we can force you to pay tithes to the nearest local church in your town if you're not a member of a church already. Ha ha !

Nobody is going to be fired for wearing trousers or even a dress. But if you try to use the ladies restroom and you have a swinging dick, your ass is going into the pokey!

That's common sense, not bigotry.
What the hell is a "neo Queer" bubba? You and a whole bunch of others here cant see beyond your narrow minded view of this -with your limited intellect-as being about bathrooms rather than seeing the much wider issue of equality, respect, and human rights. These are HUMAN BEINGS who we are talking about, although one would not know that from the level of moronic rhetoric being bandied about here.
So don't go to Mississippi. See that was easy, no?

not so easy.

Mississippi is still a state and still can't give fewer constitutional protections than the federal government.

maybe the loons should stop :thup:
What about the constitutional protections of the religious? You can't take from one and give protection to another. It's not like we're are preventing transvestites the right to take a shit.
The religious have their constitutional protections and always have. They are seeking to abuse those protections by claiming that they have the right to discriminate against others. THAT is taking take from one and give protection to another. Religious rights means the right to believe as you wish, to openly express those beliefs, to openly worship, and to not be coerced or intimidated by others who believe differently. The rest is all horseshit.
So don't go to Mississippi. See that was easy, no?

not so easy.

Mississippi is still a state and still can't give fewer constitutional protections than the federal government.

maybe the loons should stop :thup:
What about the constitutional protections of the religious? You can't take from one and give protection to another. It's not like we're are preventing transvestites the right to take a shit.
The religious have their constitutional protections and always have. They are seeking to abuse those protections by claiming that they have the right to discriminate against others. THAT is taking take from one and give protection to another. Religious rights means the right to believe as you wish, to openly express those beliefs, to openly worship, and to not be coerced or intimidated by others who believe differently. The rest is all horseshit.
No..quite the opposite. You are seeking to remove those rights.Refusing to bake a cake doesnt denyba single right.Nobody has a right to have christian-baked cake.
So don't go to Mississippi. See that was easy, no?

not so easy.

Mississippi is still a state and still can't give fewer constitutional protections than the federal government.

maybe the loons should stop :thup:
What about the constitutional protections of the religious? You can't take from one and give protection to another. It's not like we're are preventing transvestites the right to take a shit.
The religious have their constitutional protections and always have. They are seeking to abuse those protections by claiming that they have the right to discriminate against others. THAT is taking take from one and give protection to another. Religious rights means the right to believe as you wish, to openly express those beliefs, to openly worship, and to not be coerced or intimidated by others who believe differently. The rest is all horseshit.
No..quite the opposite. You are seeking to remove those rights.
So don't go to Mississippi. See that was easy, no?

not so easy.

Mississippi is still a state and still can't give fewer constitutional protections than the federal government.

maybe the loons should stop :thup:
What about the constitutional protections of the religious? You can't take from one and give protection to another. It's not like we're are preventing transvestites the right to take a shit.
The religious have their constitutional protections and always have. They are seeking to abuse those protections by claiming that they have the right to discriminate against others. THAT is taking take from one and give protection to another. Religious rights means the right to believe as you wish, to openly express those beliefs, to openly worship, and to not be coerced or intimidated by others who believe differently. The rest is all horseshit.
No..quite the opposite. You are seeking to remove those rights.Refusing to bake a cake doesnt denyba single right.Nobody has a right to have christian-baked cake.

And not allowing blacks to sit at the lunch counter works the same way. Nobody has a right to have a seat at a lunch counter.

The fact is that anti-discrimination laws are good for everyone. What is wrong is that some people are so filled with hate or fear that they demand that they use their religious beliefs to justify their actions as bigots.

Who gives a shit who is in the next stall? If I am sitting on a toilet in a public restroom, my gender is completely irrelevant to everyone but me.
This insanity is ridiculous. That Mississippi leads the way with the worst law is not a surprise.

This is an attempt to create a state theocracy.

You misspelled common decency.

Allowing women to be fired for wearing pants is "common decency"?
The state passing a bill stating that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that sexual relations should be reserved to such a marriage is "common decency" from the gov't? (btw, that means the state is advocating abstinence for all except married couples)
LOL. You neoQueers are running around in hysterics over nothing. Part of me wishes we can force you to pay tithes to the nearest local church in your town in you are already a member of a church already. Ha ha !

Nobody is going to be fired for wearing trousers or even a dress. But if you try to use the ladies restroom and you have a swinging dick, your ass is going into the pokey!

Let me ask you a simple question. How often have you seen the genitals of the other people in a public restroom?
This can easily bring back something t hat I had personal experience with.

In the 80s, there was a decision to add AIDS education to the Alabama public school curriculum. I applaud that. There was nothing pro or con about homosexuality. But, apparently, the powers that be foresaw a specific question being asked. A female student at the high school in Tuscaloosa asked "I heard you can't get AIDS from oral sex. Is that true"? The only answer the teacher was allowed to give when asked any question about oral sex was "Oral sex is illegal in the state of Alabama". So this naive young woman walked out thinking she was "safe" from HIV is she only performed oral sex.
Since it was against the law for her to give a BJ, why would she be in danger? Violating the sodomy laws and you risk AIDS.

BTW. Sodomy laws no longer apply in Alabame, so what's the problem? She will get the answer she seeks, if this was a true story in the first place. I doubt it was.

It is a true story. And when oral sex was against the law, it was almost never used against heterosexual couples.

You are correct that sodomy laws no longer apply in Alabama. But, since this girl would have graduated, the chance for her to ask that question in an HIV Awareness class was passed. The fact that the teachers were told that they were ot allowed to answer the question is the point.
presumably avguy isn't a thirteen year old girl. We aren't concerned about upstanding citizens accidentally exposing themselves. we're concerned with perverts who will deliberately do so.

Last year I was working in a resource office that serves the poor..they have clothes, information about housing, applications and.assistance with applications....this one guy was in there. He just started vetting ssi, and he was trying to find housing he could afford.because he couldnt get on with the subsidized housing, because hes a pervert.

This office is on one side of a child care facility...we have an adjoining door which stays shut. You can hearnthe kids playing and crying, theres a little playvround out front.

so this guy came in twice to use the single bathroom....and both times he pissed in there with the.door wide.open. Deliberately. The bathroom was right next to the door to the kids place, and easily visible and just a few feet away from our desks.

Those are the freaks that take advantage of sexless bathrooms. And every one of these male fags screaming for trans bathrooms knows it.

It is already illegal for perverts to expose themselves to 13 year old girls.

This man that was in your office and trying to expose himself, was he a trans? Was he gay? If not, you just provided eloquent proof of the insanity of what those who wrote the law claim it will do.

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