Mississippi pass most anti-LGBT bill to date

…but in reality it is cover for when they legally can have a private citizen fired from his.her job if they express opposition to pro-gay laws. It's coming, you can count on it. They will force everyone to accept perversion or face being fired or even losing the home.

It's happened, already. See Brendan Eich and Frank Turek.
The Mozilla CEO right? Yes, it is here now. Of course, these are high profile men, but it could easily happen to a guy working at Home Depot and an local chapter of GLAD pickets his store. The gays and neoQueers are determined to force acceptance and won't wait for people's minds to change. It could happen, but not with the current generations. Maybe future generations.
What the hell is a "neo Queer" bubba? You and a whole bunch of others here cant see beyond your narrow minded view of this -with your limited intellect-as being about bathrooms rather than seeing the much wider issue of equality, respect, and human rights. These are HUMAN BEINGS who we are talking about, although one would not know that from the level of moronic rhetoric being bandied about here.
You've heard of neoCon. It's a certain type of conservative with beliefs that differ from othe conservative and libertarians. Well, neoQueers are liberals who are obsessed with persecuting the religious who maintain moral standards that go against the pro-gay agenda. They are neoQueers because you can hardly tell them apart from LGBTQ gays.
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So don't go to Mississippi. See that was easy, no?

not so easy.

Mississippi is still a state and still can't give fewer constitutional protections than the federal government.

maybe the loons should stop :thup:
What about the constitutional protections of the religious? You can't take from one and give protection to another. It's not like we're are preventing transvestites the right to take a shit.
The religious have their constitutional protections and always have. They are seeking to abuse those protections by claiming that they have the right to discriminate against others. THAT is taking take from one and give protection to another. Religious rights means the right to believe as you wish, to openly express those beliefs, to openly worship, and to not be coerced or intimidated by others who believe differently. The rest is all horseshit.
No..quite the opposite. You are seeking to remove those rights.Refusing to bake a cake doesnt denyba single right.Nobody has a right to have christian-baked cake.

if only there was a single thing correct in your statement.

but as usual..........
And not allowing blacks to sit at the lunch counter works the same way. Nobody has a right to have a seat at a lunch counter.
OMG MLK Is spinning in his fucking grave. You are equating the Black struggle with the Transvestite "struggle" to share the ladies restroom with women and little girls.

Give it up. Gender fluidity or whatever it's called today is a mental illness and more likely a perverts scam.
It is already illegal for perverts to expose themselves to 13 year old girls.

Except that now, it's not illegal, in some places, if said pervert is a man who claims to “identify as female”, and he does in in a women's locker room. And yours is the side that is defending the right of such perverts to expose themselves in such a manner, as well as to observe those girls and women as they are undressing.
It is already illegal for perverts to expose themselves to 13 year old girls.

This man that was in your office and trying to expose himself, was he a trans? Was he gay? If not, you just provided eloquent proof of the insanity of what those who wrote the law claim it will do.
Not if you're the same sex, if gender fluidity is declared legal. Assuming you're male, chances are you've noticed another guys "junk" accidently in the men's room or showers. Nobody called the police; you just averted your eyes and went about your business. Well, how would a transvestite posing as a woman be declared to be committing a crime if the law says if he thinks he's a woman, then he's a woman.

I can't believe we have to convince all you neoQueers this isn't where Society should be going.
And not allowing blacks to sit at the lunch counter works the same way. Nobody has a right to have a seat at a lunch counter.
OMG MLK Is spinning in his fucking grave. You are equating the Black struggle with the Transvestite "struggle" to share the ladies restroom with women and little girls.

Give it up. Gender fluidity or whatever it's called today is a mental illness and more likely a perverts scam.

No. I compared her dismissal and trivialization, and made an analogy.
I'll admit I find this whole subject stupid from both sides.

Lets just tell the regulator's to repeal their stupid "must have x stalls for x number of people in the building" shit and have old fashioned shared single person bathrooms and be done with this argument...
Another state asking for trouble......and they will get it!


Today, HRC responded to Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery III’s warning that the state could lose millions of dollars in federal funding if lawmakers move forward with legislation restricting transgender students’ access to bathroom facilities consistent with their gender identity.

“We hope that Tennessee’s elected officials hear Attorney General Herbert Slatery’s clear message -- the state’s discriminatory, anti-transgender legislation will jeopardize crucial federal funding for the state’s public schools,” said HRC Senior Vice President of Policy and Political Affairs JoDee Winterhof. “Any compassionate person can see how cruel this legislation targeting transgender children is. But this warning from the state’s top lawyer also makes clear that the terrible bill puts millions of federal education dollars in peril, risking the quality of education received by every single student attending Tennessee’s public schools.”

In an opinion released earlier today, Slatery writes: “In sum, if a transgender student is required by a school district in Tennessee to use a restroom or locker room facility that is consistent with his or her anatomical gender rather than his or her gender expression or gender identity, and if that student files a complaint, [the U.S. Department of Education], applying its current interpretation of Title IX, will almost certainly require the school district to permit the student access to the facility consistent with his or her gender expression, and refusal to do so could very well result in loss of federal funding — at least until [Department of Education’s] interpretation is overruled by authoritative and binding judicial decision.”
No. I compared her dismissal and trivialization, and made an analogy.
So you wrongfully claim. Think Guno and Ascleps think the the black struggle makes them like gays?

You're correct that race is unlike sexual orientation...but the bigotry practiced on both by assholes is the same.
You're correct that race is unlike sexual orientation...but the bigotry practiced on both by assholes is the same.

Right. Because not wanting a young white girl to have to share restroom or dressing facilities with a creepy middle-aged man who claims to “identify as female” is exactly the same thing as not wanting her to have to share such facilities with a black girl.
You're correct that race is unlike sexual orientation...but the bigotry practiced on both by assholes is the same.

Right. Because not wanting a young white girl to have to share restroom or dressing facilities with a creepy middle-aged man who claims to “identify as female” is exactly the same thing as not wanting her to have to share such facilities with a black girl.
Hey Bob...here is some real moronic horseshit that I think you can relate to:

Bryan Fischer: Bryan Adams Is Racist For Opposing Mississippi's Anti-LGBT Law
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Wednesday, 4/13/2016 10:49 am
The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer is unjustifiably convinced of his own cleverness and enamored with trying to defend acts of bigotry by arguing that those who oppose such bigotry are the real bigots.

He has used this laughable tactic time and again, so it was no surprise to see him post a new column today arguing that singer Bryan Adams is racist for having canceled a concert in Mississippi in protest of the state's recently enacted anti-LGBT law.

As Fischer sees it, the new law prevents black Christians in the state from being bossed around by the "white man in government," which means that the law outlaws racial discrimination and therefore Mississippi is now "the leading civil rights state in the Union."

Anyone who opposes this law, Fischer states, is therefore racist and wants to "drag Mississippi blacks back to the civil rights Stone Age of the 1960s in which their religious principles and rights of conscience had no legal protection, an era in which black pastors could be thrown in jail for standing for principles of liberty and equality":

- See more at: Bryan Fischer: Bryan Adams Is Racist For Opposing Mississippi's Anti-LGBT Law
You're correct that race is unlike sexual orientation...but the bigotry practiced on both by assholes is the same.

Right. Because not wanting a young white girl to have to share restroom or dressing facilities with a creepy middle-aged man who claims to “identify as female” is exactly the same thing as not wanting her to have to share such facilities with a black girl.

You're confusing sexual orientation with gender identity. Do all blacks look alike to you too?
The difference between Republican bigots and progressive Democrats:

Louisiana’s Dem. Governor Steps Up, Signs Executive Action Barring LGBT Discrimination

John Bel Edwards, who was elected last November against serial adulterer David Vitter, signed a non-discrimination executive order which overrode an executive order put into place by Jindal that expanded provisions in a bill that allowed for a more rigorous approach to “religious freedom.” Edwards slammed Jindal as pandering to “a narrow political agenda

Although the anti-discrimination executive order doesn’t pertain to private businesses, it does ban discrimination against state employees and workers hired by state contractors.

Contrast John Bel Edwards to Governors Pat McCrory and Phil Bryant. If this isn’t enough evidence as to why it’s so important for Democrats to get out and vote, I don’t know what would be. As LGBT citizens across the South (and elsewhere) face intense attacks on their identity, Louisiana’s Democratic governor stepped up and did the right thing. In heavily conservative and unpredictable state, Edwards risks not just his own career, but those who support his actions risk theirs as well.
The Stupidity and Insanity Continues:

Gov. Phil Bryant: Christians Will Line Up For Crucifixion To Defend Anti-LGBT Discrimination

At least week's Watchmen on the Wall conference, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins presented Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant with the first ever "Samuel Adams Religious Freedom Award" for having signed a radical anti-LGBT bill into law earlier this year that will allow businesses to deny service to gay people. While introducing the governor, Perkins said that America’s elected leaders should be "ministers of God," while Bryant praised the hate group leader as something of a modern-day David. "I remember in Sunday school, reading one of my favorite stories," Bryant said."It was about a giant, a bad giant, who came into a valley one day and he called to the Israelites, 'Send down your champion and let me vanquish him.' We were in that valley, but Tony Perkins was there with us. He was there as surely as Our Lord and Savior, as surely as the God of all gods stood there with us. And I can tell you how fortunate we are in this nation and in this organization to have a man of faith and leadership in Tony. God bless you for what you do." - See more at: Gov. Phil Bryant: Christians Will Line Up For Crucifixion To Defend Anti-LGBT Discrimination
Mississippi pass most anti-LGBT bill to date

It claims that the law could see a woman fired from her job for wearing trousers, a counsellor on a suicide line refuse to speak to an LGBT teenager or even an adoption agency refuse to place a child with a family because the parents lived together before they were married.

This is lunacy on a majestic scale.Is the South so far behind the civilised world ?

Like you Liberals say, don't live there is you don't like the laws. That's what you tell the rest of us if we don't like something.
The Stupidity and Insanity Continues:

Gov. Phil Bryant: Christians Will Line Up For Crucifixion To Defend Anti-LGBT Discrimination

At least week's Watchmen on the Wall conference, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins presented Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant with the first ever "Samuel Adams Religious Freedom Award" for having signed a radical anti-LGBT bill into law earlier this year that will allow businesses to deny service to gay people. While introducing the governor, Perkins said that America’s elected leaders should be "ministers of God," while Bryant praised the hate group leader as something of a modern-day David. "I remember in Sunday school, reading one of my favorite stories," Bryant said."It was about a giant, a bad giant, who came into a valley one day and he called to the Israelites, 'Send down your champion and let me vanquish him.' We were in that valley, but Tony Perkins was there with us. He was there as surely as Our Lord and Savior, as surely as the God of all gods stood there with us. And I can tell you how fortunate we are in this nation and in this organization to have a man of faith and leadership in Tony. God bless you for what you do." - See more at: Gov. Phil Bryant: Christians Will Line Up For Crucifixion To Defend Anti-LGBT Discrimination

If you don't like the law a majority passed, don't live there.

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